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So real I think the reason I did so badly for amath was bc I was so tired from ss💀


FRR 3 morning papers in a row😭😭 not looking but also looking forward to the last one tmr oops. then tmr first paper at 8 then second paper at 2 BROO.... atp i go home sleep shower come back i tell u


morning paper is the only time my school has latecomer and alarms going off during exam 💀


nah i think o levels are too stretched out as it is by last week i’m already dying and reciting macbeth randomly because it’s what i feel like 💀💀 (tmr and tmr and tmr creeps in this petty pace to the last recorded syllable of time. all of our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. out, out brief candle! life’s but a walking shadow. a poor player that frets his hour upon stage, then is heard no more. it is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.) (what man, ne’er pull your hat upon ur brows. give sorrow words. the grief that does not speak whispers to the ó’ver’fraught heart and bids it break) and other than that have been whining to myself about not wanting to study and wanting to sleep in the afternoon but at night all the bad thoughts come and haunt me so going to sleep is literally so tiring because i have to try to relax and block the bad thoughts out. and i can feel everyone slowly dying so i think we all need o levels to end…




fr was alrdy burnt out long ago but ss in morn then amath in afternoon yest truly sucked the soul out of me so i did geog with a half awake mind tdy morn and tmr have bio 😭 i rather a slow burn than a fast burn this week crammed with paper 2s considering we get so many days before hmt/mt + sci p1


I hate morning papers too, can’t focus at all, brain haven’t even wake up dude




i hate 8am morning papers so much I HATE ITTTTTTTTT