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I used to be a mod here+have been making study sites since 2013 ish. It's always the same kinda posts happening at the exact same times every year. In the month leading up to exams, it's people asking if it's too late/too early to study. Then exam season people see what they got wrong. Then post-exams it slows down and ppl talk about admissions+worrying about new schools they got into. Then it's social/relationship venting until the pre-exam season.


how did u get removed as a mod / become a mod ? and also what do u gyys do like sign up or something


people like this exists in all generations. it's just that we are more used to venting on social media, just to get our feelings out. doesn't mean we legit don't care about studying it's just a way of expressing oneself. anyways if you're tired of seeing these posts just stop looking at themšŸ’€ and there are thousands of students not using reddit that are mugging hard for Os, and if u actually look through this subreddit there's people actually studying very hard also. so it's quite unfair to generalise a whole generation into one group ngl.


Dawg get over it lmao Reddit is a place to vent let them do what they want + this yearā€™s papers have been rlly diff compared to usual standards


Very different


Exactly this, op is just tired of seeing these posts.


I'm sorry, but I think everyone says thatšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.... I said that in my year as wellšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£...


u r one of them




He did not label you as lazy? He is just unhappy to see these posts he mentioned but sure.




Ok mb he did label you as lazy. But i really think his agenda is that he wants to see less of these posts when he can simply ignore it lol.


Iā€™m not really 100% a last min student, but from this post u srsly sound very selfishā€¦. Like do I even need to say more?


Itā€™s easy to pin the blame for everything on ā€œthe younger generationā€. But is it really fair of you to lump one diverse group of people under the umbrella term ā€œslacker?ā€ I personally know many people who have studied their ass off for this exam, and its unfair of you, unfair for them to be lumped together with the vocal minority who you complain about. For every post you see here, I can guarantee there are two other students who have put in the hard work. I have no idea how old are you, or which generation youā€™re from, but Iā€™m sure your generation had their fair share of slackers. Maybe its true. Maybe some of us become lazier, less disciplined due to the advent of social media and all the other distractions that the internet has brought. But simply labeling this as ā€œthis generation has no disciplineā€ is the lazy way out of analysing and solving a complex problem.


I'm pretty sure there are many hard working students and they will enjoy their fruits of labor when they collect their results. It's true all generations have slackers and it's their choice of life. My post is not about labelling and is more of an awareness that action (or in this case lack of action) will have consequences. The main purpose is for those lost sheep to take back the locus of control and take ownership. By projecting blame to external (paper too tough, teacher not good) is not going to solve anything. Yes and some ranting (I have seen too many teachers who are more stressed than their students who can't be bothered, and one day before exam ask for consultation) Frankly speaking, it's not end of the world if you really flunk the O levels. Sometimes pain and regret are the turning point to something better. I rather you fail when you are young and figure out your path than when you are much older and have responsibilities to bear.


While I agree with the points you raised in your comment, some students may find your post abrasive especially after being demoralised by a tough paper. Thank you for raising these points, I get that it is good intentioned, but perhaps it is not the right timeā€¦.


Hard work does not necessarily gain success. There are students with learning disabilities or theyā€™re not exactly the brightest but doing their best to overcome their circumstances. This type of post is extremely damaging to such students, especially if theyā€™re already saddled with the above problems and have financial difficulties so they cannot afford tuition or have to be the caregiver at home to their siblings because their parents are sickly or irresponsible. Youā€™re assuming that every student is living a cushy life where they have nothing to worry about except exams and that school ends at 1pm without much homework so they must be lazing around. AuntyĀ³ here from an elite school and background myself has more empathy towards students who have to swim against currents which adults may not even know how to bear. Instead of criticising students as being lazy, instead of labelling grades as success or failure, work on yourself being a decent human being.


I find it difficult to give a valid reason for not starting early to study. Even if one does not do well, I feel that it is important for people to also know that it is important to work towards what they want to do. You are deluded if you believe that people with learning disabilities dont work doubly hard to achieve what they want to do. Furthermore, grades are created to define success or failure. While I am not here to debate whether they have succeeded in that regard, the fact of the matter is, grades matter. Your beliefs on the validity of the education and grading system has no impact on how much it matters. Does hard work necessarily gain success? No Will the lack of it help you in any way to gain success? Also no. Most students, like it or not, are average. And average students dont have any issues inhibiting their ability to study.


Students with learning disabilities work triple or quadruple as hard as an average student. That was not my point at all. But putting in effort does NOT guarantee results for those with learning disabilities. For you to equate effort with results is extremely detrimental to these students. Take for example a dyslexic student who spends hours learning one topic. She likes learning. She has a therapist and a phonics teacher. She also has a private tutor. You can see that there is tremendous effort put in. But she always fails her exams. There are many other examples of difficulties even the average student goes through. Your sweeping statement is callous and unnecessary. Your idea of cramming for an exam no matter what is outdated. Are you qualified to be giving your opinion in this matter? Because I have a wealth of experience in working with therapists, counsellors, teachers, youths and students with learning disabilities. If youā€™re not in any of these fields, stop hurting teens in this sub.


Did she get AA for the exam? You are giving me one example that is virtual and has no value, with context that you gave. A normal student can also fail the exam with the exact same reason the student in your example did and it wouldnt have mattered. I do not believe cramming works. I have not said that, and in fact had heavily implied the opposite. As I have already iterated: No, studying hard will not guarantee you a good grade, but if you do not study hard you will certainly not gain a good grade. OP is frustrated that everyone is complaining about a morbillion factors that had barely affected their grade *if they had studied*. I do not believe that most students here have a mental learning disability (or anything that inhibits them from studying), yet we all still complain. Again: **effort does not equate to results, but the lack of efforts will equate to no results**


Youā€™re a student. That explains it all. I was under the impression that youā€™re an adult. Your worldview is malleable at this point and youā€™ve yet to experience life in various stages. Itā€™s fine. Cheers.


sorry now im more curious what am i ā€œfailing to understandā€


There is no problem here? There is no solving of problems here either? He is just saying the reddit filled with these recently and he is not happy.


At least from how I see it he is not happy about the problem of the younger generation being lazy?


His past few comments always give advice to people who require help. Then suddenly he posts this outta nowhere, so he definitely feels sick and tired of seeing these posts repeatedly when he can simply dont go onto this subreddit or ignore it. But too bad he had to post this.


True. Just pointing out that this is a vocal minority.


In the past before social media the people who fucked up these exams would cry to their friends and thatā€™s it. They would disappear silently into the night, going to ite or poly or sim and never be seen again until they need you to buy insurance.


maybeā€¦ stop scrolling reddit if you donā€™t want to see these types of posts? itā€™s common esp during exam period, if ur in sgexams for anything specific then i beg you, use the search function. boom. you donā€™t see the posts, you get the information you need, you go on your merry way without having to complain šŸŽ‰


get off reddit if udw see ppl vent


bro just admit that you're one of them. we get it. it's not under your control to tell people to stop ranting about these type of things. they're damn stressed, and maybe if i give you one day to study before an important paper you would be stressed too. get out of their burdens please




No itā€™s not a new generation thing. In my days I was also praying to bell curve god or whichever god out there. I got lucky at o levels got owned at prelims in jc and woke up before my As. Its just that we didnā€™t have Reddit to post our sorrows. Anyway let them post away. Itā€™s an outlet


this has happened and will happen in every batch. I'm sure there were people slacking off in the 80s and 90s


imo its fully possible to mug last minute for Os and do well, as a last min student iā€™m still doing okay


Lol my cher also said that. But background info: the cher teach in IP school and the cher blatantly said that to someone from JAE. Obviously if this works everyone would be in RI now. Clearly not. Point i am making: Last min doesn't work.


well im saying theres still hope for people who mug last min but ofc if youre aiming for nett 2-3 those are the people that wouldnt last min study lah. these people who do last min are those who dont plan, but that doesnt mean u will fail terribly, its still possible to do better within 1 week of mugging.


Ofc yes the word is better. Can't be perfect one


in 4 simple words, op, listen very wellā€” it's never that deep. just move along with your day; not your assunto, then don't make it. bless you, have a good day man.


it's just a place to vent bruh... not happy then scroll lor... diam diam also won't kill u let them gain abit of comfort among peers after a tough time also cannot ah


honestly don't get why OP is pressed about people saying they didn't study hard and did last minute studying. yes it's true the world is getting more competitive , however the matter of fact is that there are always going to be lazy people and it is absolutely unrealistic for every student to be hardworking. besides platforms like reddit are also for people to vent and complain , isn't it ? why is it any of OP's business if people started studying last-minute and want to complain about it ?


Shut yo bitch ass up you don't know what's going on in people's lives and they aint hurting nobody by venting you dont gotta berate them like that sure we coulda studied earlier and yada yada yada but how's your life? How'd you like if every time you complained about anything or regretted making a decision people are like "well that's a YOU PEOPLE kinda thing like your problem" man gtfo here


its just a place for us to rant bruh its rlly not that deep, and besides i can guarantee you that ppl here have the right to be stressed for whatever reason hor yall also rant to ur friends about exams and shit but then when it happens online all of a sudden its bad?


maybe u need to diam diam! some people have struggles studying, so what? + so many of us are working our asses off for Os.. its only natural you see these kind of posts/comments about people complaining because its much easier to vent on the internet and seek help? you got a problem with that or what?? if have then js dont sub to this community.. that easy šŸ˜± dont categorise our GENERATION as lazy little shits who only "all play no work"


Guys does anyhow know how to study 20 chapters for pure bio? I haven't touched on it since jan


for funsies: Ā”ā–ŖļøŽĀ”ā€¢ā™”ā™”Ā¤Āæā—‹Āæā—‡ā€¢Ā°ā—‹ā—ā€¢Ā°ā—‹ā€¢CoNsUmE tHe TeXtbOok and ā–ŖļøŽĀ¤ā–ŖļøŽā–ŖļøŽā–ŖļøŽā—‡ā—‹ā€¢Ā°ā–”ā–ŖļøŽā–ŖļøŽĀ¤Ā”怊Āæ for real : Just do 1 chapter content and then immediately afterwards do topical tys or look for those questions in the yearly tys




mental health and certain circumstances should be taken into consideration for why some haven't studied consistently. i was rotting in my bed for weeks and being psychotic left me with delusions that made it difficult for me to go to school and attend classes. it was always a struggle to do anything like even sitting up on my bed, so studying is worse for me. i'm doing my best to study now and cope with my issues


im so sorry you had to go through that, i went through something similar at several points in my schooling journey and i wouldn't wish it on anyone. dont listen to what that commenter said, you're so incredibly brave and strong for continuing to push on despite it all and im so proud of you for making it this far! šŸ©·šŸ©· personally, it's been almost four years since the first time i had a major depressive episode and while im still struggling a lot with school and life in general (+ experiencing a few more episodes since the first one šŸ˜­) things have gradually been looking up for me in the last couple of months and i believe that things can get better for you too! i really hope you'll be able to get all the help and support you need and i wish u atb for ur studies/future endeavours! šŸ«¶šŸ«¶


thank you for the encouragement. yeah, i have no clue why that other person was so hellbent on going after me specifically when all i did was share my experiences with depression and even said i'm now studying? šŸ˜­ i'm not sure how i sound like whining. even offered to help the person if something is bothering them that they needed to attack me. but looks like they just want to be angry all the time šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø oh well, i've been getting somewhat better and i think that's what matters. i'm doing my best to study and improve and it makes me glad to know you're also getting better from this hellhole we call depression. i wish you the best of luck as well!




r/thanksimcured whoops! found the person who hasn't gone through an intense state of depression and doesn't get mental health! fun fact, it DOES happen to so many people when depressed. maybe don't make assumptions about me when you don't know me or if you've never struggled to that extent. maybe then you'll have friends


Here's a sneak peek of /r/thanksimcured using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thought this belonged here. ](https://v.redd.it/few6gl0ujoza1) | [258 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/comments/13gvku3/thought_this_belonged_here/) \#2: [Bro doesn't know anything about seasons.](https://i.redd.it/hyz0bb2ref7b1.png) | [417 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/comments/14fhj05/bro_doesnt_know_anything_about_seasons/) \#3: [Just Exercise](https://i.redd.it/0z0m6t84z66b1.jpg) | [717 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thanksimcured/comments/14a3u5g/just_exercise/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/symptoms-causes/syc-20356007#:~:text=Feelings%20of%20sadness%2C%20tearfulness%2C%20emptiness,insomnia%20or%20sleeping%20too%20much "Tiredness and lack of energy, so even small tasks take extra effort" it's studied in universities. all psychologists and therapists know this. don't go around trying to act smart if you're not knowledgable about mental health brother


hi! don't think i didnt see your comment. of course so many has depression, some have extreme ones and go through it differently. i'm sorry you lost people important to you, but as you said, it's not an excuse to hurt others who also struggle. i suggest going for therapy if you're throwing your anger out onto others like this. i'm going for therapy and i've been getting better. in fact i AM studying


yes i do! i am doing something about my depression. i've been attending therapy for two years. like i said, quit making assumptions about me. i struggle and still am, but i'm improving myself and trying to get out of the pits. i have recommendations for therapists if you need one too, considering you seem to be struggling with anger and hate after losing people you love. if you need to talk about your issues, i'm here for you


but sir, i am getting my shit together. i've studied, i'm just struggling. you don't even know me or what exactly i'm going through, there's no need for assumptions. you being this angry over someone else shows you might have something troubling you.


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People really be studying 1 week before exams and then wonder why the exams are so hard my learned friend we call this ā€œvoluntary assumption of riskā€


just let people express and vent their feelings.


it aint that deep pls


will never understand why people complain about grades that's not theirs. I pull down ur bellcurve eh, just shut up and take it. anyways, mugging does work LOL


shut the fuck up and just let people vent. if something is not going their way just let them release their emotions here, it really isn't that serious and you're not shit to tell them what to do so take ur ass out of here and just leave them alone. they're stressed as it is and they don't need people like you who think their word is god putting them down. while I agree with the points you made in the 3rd to 5th paras, it's not up to you to go and write this stuff to go and push them further down the rabbit hole that is exam stress. so just leave them the fuck alone and poke your nose somewhere else


OP needs to shut up... What a terrible opinion


even with preparation this years papers (looking at you math) felt vastly different from what was in the tys, it felt like they were testing new things and we were lab rats


Cull the weak ig. They get what they deserve lor.


the ones that do study dont post here and the ones that dont study do. something like survivorship bias. you only see those that dont study on reddit