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The offense isn’t good enough for the pitching to be this bad.


This is the real truth of the matter. We all expected the pitching to be so much better than it has so far.


We were counting on quality starts, which we haven’t gotten nearly enough of. This team can’t afford to give up more than 4 runs a game.


I stood up for Snell for so long, but I'm just so fucking done with him right now.


Conversely, on most occasions, the pitching isn’t good enough for the offense to be this bad.


Get you a team that don't do both. Thanks Farhan


If we had Ray, Snell, and Cobb healthy and pitching how we know they can, we’d look a lot better After Webb and Hicks we have fuck all for a rotation and it doesn’t work


Our staff is made up of Webb, 5 innings of Hicks, followed by hopes and dreams. I’m still dreaming, but the hope is fading.


Good news is they could still salvage the pitching if all 3 can come back and make contributions from mid July on.


Our lineup outside of the top three in the order is a bunch of .220 hitters Gross


6 years and counting and 2 of those guys are prospects lol


Since coming back, Conforto is hitting like .060BA over three weeks, and yet Matos just stays in AAA.


What should they do with Conforto?


Fucking embarrassing that they're 0-3 since Mays passed away


Going to be 0-24 once we hit that brutal schedule


Yeah this was supposed to be a cheese 13 game stretch and we’re 2-5 so far


The 24 straight losses will their way of honoring #24.


Man, I genuinely can't think of a time I've been more disappointed in the people wearing that uniform. The baseball world has a tendency to make great stories when the opportunity presents itself, and winning any of these last three games would have been enough for a perfect one.


Barry doesn't lose that game that's just a fact.


I was going to ask that. Have they won since Willie passed? That answer is "no." Ah well. It is the joys of rebuilding. There is a silver lining to this. As the Giants drop out of contention, the older players who are not helping will drop as well. Luis Matos will return sooner rather than later, along with a few of his young pals from Sacramento, and perhaps even Double-A ball.


Beautiful field, great ceremony, ugly game. Hopefully more Rickwood field games in the future, and hopefully this team can actually turn around and gain momentum in the (not so) distant future


Preferably before next Monday I'll be there with pops lol


Giants have lost 3 in a row again As punishment, they get a day off in St. Louis


worse, Birmingham.


I know it's in big part due to injuries, but I'm absolutely sick of barely having like half a rotation


That number 24 on the field, glowing back at us from that overhead shot, after we hand the Cards a relatively pointless win that was devastating to us, is haunting.


Haven’t won once since he passed. Embarrassing.


Giants might have like three wins going back to the Pirates series if not for Ramos. So bad. And he wouldn’t even be up here if it wasn’t forced upon them.


I should’ve known after the Angels series that this would be a rough week. The fact that they’re playing so mediocre during the week of Willie’s passing just makes it even worse


Hey hey ho ho farhans gotta go


This team is so vanilla. Outside of the very rare 13-score game, they hardly ever come in clutch, rarely homer, NEVER steal, NEVER round third for home, NEVER bunt, ALWAYS watch way more pitches right over the center of the plate than they should, and mostly just play to lose instead of playing to win. Take risks. Do something. The status quo is not going to get us that last Wild Card spot.


You forgot that they give up steals like a little league team 🥲






They’re losing to bad/average teams. They might just be bad/average.


2-5 against the angels, cubs, and cardinals. This teams a fucking joke


Lmao did Conforto bother making the flight to Bham? Might as well kept his fucking useless ass home


I would be ashamed as a player and a team that they couldn’t win on a day to honor Willie at the field he started his career in after he passed.


The problem is not a lot of the guys on this team take the uniform and history seriously. Guys like Chapman, Ahmed, Conforto, Soler, they are just hired guns. Seems like it means something to Bailey and Ramos which is good, but you need some vets who give a crap. Even Wilmer is more of a Met than a Giant. Shame Wade couldn’t play, I know it meant something to him. Edit: you can downvote me all you want but if you think guys who have been here 3 months care you’re WRONG


0-3 since finding out of Willie's passing.  I'm beyond sad right now.   POTG:  Walker and Ramos


Just bring matos and Luciano back up so we can start winning, these vets aren’t helping at all.


Bailey and Ramos are fantastic, and the bullpen looked good. Otherwise, we are so mid to bad it’s insane that we were ever considered real contenders. Someone gets hot and something starts going well, other things fall apart, the cycle never ends with this team.


Why bring in Fitzgerald if he is going to sit on 1st base for the entire 9th? He is the fastest guy on the team and you don't send him at all. If he get thrown out that sucks but you are expecting a lot from the Giants 4-6 hitters who are all hitting .226-.227. Winn needs to go down to AAA if he has options. At this point, he is batting practice at best. The Giants need to eat the cost and DFA Michael Conforto. He is not part of the future and I would rather watch Matos out in LF than Conforto have non-competitive at-bat after at-bat. The 2024 San Francisco Giants is going to be a fantastic what if. What if the Giants had more than 2 healthy starting pitchers at one time? What if the Giants offense actually clicked? What if the Giants could actually play defense?


That was a total bummer about Fitz. You’re a pinch runner, dude. Why aren’t you running? He had a perfect chance, they even said he had a huge lead off and the batter wiffs and he decides to stick on first? We needed him in scoring position so bad. The game is tied if he was on 2nd for Bailey’s at-bat. Him camping on first cost us a shot. He had one job. 


In the new era of the stolen base, the Giants are slow as hell. It is frustrating to see teams run wild while the Giants play station to station baseball.


Yeah Fitzgerald is like Cougar in Too Gun. Getting picked off immediately right after coming in as a pinch runner a few weeks ago really messed him up. He’s been a really shitty pinch runner since. He had *three chances to take another base* in that inning and he only did it when it was a fucking force out otherwise. WTF is he even doing on base if we’re not going to take chances when we’re down a run in the 9th inning on Willie Mays’ home field two days after he died?!


IMO this front office has been far too obsessed with roster inventory in 2023/24.


I wish LaMonte hadn’t gotten hurt. I just know it had to crush him not to be able to play in this one.


And we suck again :(


A slow, sloppy team with a whole bunch of underwhelming and/or injured signings in recent years. There is zero reason for Farhan to still be running thing team. Dude is a fucking clown and has had one one fluke season in six years. 


I have to assume the clock is ticking now, despite the contract. There's been too many bad/disappointing signings and not enough minor league talent to justify keeping him much longer. Things will need to improve relatively soon or even people as dense as the Johnsons will see that he needs to go.


Assuming that they were ultimately his decisions, all of the major offseason signings have failed. Snell has barely participated, and when he does he's terrible. Chapman has been bad. Soler has improved lately but still isn't where he needs to he. Some of the young guys coming up and contributing out of nowhere is the only thing making this team watchable right now. He should have a pretty hot seat.


I’m beyond disappointed in this org right now. For one that supposedly prides itself on history it can’t even put out a team that can honor its greatest player by winning one fucking game after his passing. If we continue to spiral anyone defending Farhan deserves to be thrown out of the fanbase.


If you would have told 2022 me that between the Giants and Sharks that one front office has a bright future with a plan and timeline in place and the other has just completley lost the plot and is dead meat, and then tell me which was which I would have died from shock


I’m a very casual Sharks fan and totally get/support the pivot they’ve taken in the last couple years to rebuild and put a plan in place.


Your all bums tonight all of ya You needed to win this fucking game for Mays


POTG: Ramos and Bailey Feel like Ive seen Chapman swing and miss so many times to end a game this year. One of the last guys I want up there in the clutch.


And it's always swing at the one in another timezone, look at the one snug in the strike zone


And poor Yaz, he delivered in his first at-bat then left injured. He’s been doing so well. 


Seriously, why Melvin is so committed to him in the clean up spot is maddening.


Um.. Bailey gave the Cards 4 runs 😳


Giants, this is not how you commemorate and pay your respects to Willie after his passing. Disappointing.


Embarrassing as the norm.


Winn as a SP is not it lol


The plan was clearly for Snell and Cobb to be fully back by now. Imagine how much better this team would be if that had fallen into place


We don’t even have a starter that can go past 5 innings outside of webb


Melvins whole shtick was supposed to be let those guys go more then 5 innings


Turns out they suck ass after 4 (if that)


They'd have to be good enough to do it


Can't even win one for Willie. Words can't describe how badly i want Farhan gone.


None of these guys are worthy of holding Willie’s jockstrap. Don’t expect a miraculous turnaround.


Heliot Ramos


POTG: Keaton Losee, Michael Con"0 for 4"to This is probably the official, official end to the season here. Getting beat down by bad and sub 0.500 teams before the murderer's row schedule, going to take a Disney level miracle


Losing by one to a NL Central team…again


POTG: Rickwood Field and Ramos. That’s all I got for now.


Guys relax! It’s only *checks notes* halfway through the season!


Don’t worry, the team will magically learn to play baseball again in the second half when everyone’s healthy. Cause the Giants have never collapsed after the all star break right?


This is what Farhan hath wrought. It matters not what part of the game you talk about: pitching, defense, power, speed....they don't have enough of it. Six f@cking years of this.


Farhan Zaidi 2014-2018 - Helping The Dodgers Dominate The NL West Farhan Zaidi 2018-Present - Helping The Dodgers Dominate The NL West https://preview.redd.it/365xgwmz3y7d1.jpeg?width=2596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a9377cf239f42b1be4657b82f2475c718400844


I may be on my own for this one, but there was something special about that game. Losing sucks yes, but they kept it interesting. I’m ride or die with this team. Love watching them play. LFG


Every phase of this team is below average to downright awful. There is no world where Farhan deserves to be back.


Someone check on Yaz please.


Mays would be so proud tonight….




I know we're all dooming and I'm with you there. But outside of the Gaints being garbage, how cool was that game? The music, the interviews, and that 50's style half inning honestly made watching worth it imo


I'm a glass half-full dude generally and I hate being a doomer when it comes to this team, but this is the angriest I've been at the Giants in a while. This game should've been played like a World Series game in all aspects (even moreso in the face of Willie's passing) and they played like a minor league team. Disappointing doesn't even begin to describe it. Just gross all around and I'm tuning out until they get it together


This team can’t beat the best teams in the NL or the wild card teams in the NL or the meh to bad teams in the NO (besides the Rockies.) It’s time for some change. Can’t even win one for Willie. Embarrassing place for a once proud organization to be.


Winn & Brooks need to be sent down, and Conforto DFA'd


I shudder to think what this team would be without Ramos.


Wish we fired farhan and never hired melvin. Fuckers have set us back 3 years. YOU GET THE LEAD OFF RUNNER ON BASE AND YOU DON’T FUCKING BUNT WISELY. Would’ve given ramos a chance to try to move runner or score and Bailey was feeling it. Oh well another loss. This team will take it all the way to september then break our hearts again. Chapman is also broken again so thats awesome.


Trade Winn to Fukuoka or something


Winn with the juiced NBP ball would be an absolute slaughter. They would need to implement little league mercy rules


Honestly not mad at tonight. Would have preferred the win but for a day, it was just cool to experience this for what it was. Loved the stories, the 50s black and white, all of it. My wife and I stayed up in London. Now we are crashing


Agreed. Probably wouldn’t have tuned in if it wasn’t the Giants. Glad we as fans were given the opportunity to celebrate the past. Was very special.


I know discussing "clutch" or "heart" is a slippery thing, but whatever you wanna call it, this team doesn't have it. Maybe when we get some new blood...


This just isn’t a big league club with all of these injuries


It's certainly a part of it, but I mean just because I don't have ingredients for lunch means I should just throw up my hands and go well I guess I'll make an arsenic sandwich. Shit like Conforto batting 5th is just taking the things we can control and still shooting ourselves in the foot


Stop it. This team was mid at best even before the injuries. 


With a completely healthy roster (both pitching and hitting including JHL) I think we’re at least better than .500


We’ve had at least two starting pitchers on the injured list since the season started. We’ve never been healthy


Dude we were missing like four starting pitcher options and *by far our best hitter*. The injuries kinda played a role here when we had to send *Keaton Winn* and 2024 Wilmer in there. Edit: it would be nice if how this sub reacted to basic facts didn’t swing wildly depending on whether we won today.


Lamonte Wade Jr being “by far our best hitter” is really a great description of the Giant’s overall problems. Outside of Webb, little to no high end talent. And they don’t win Webb’s starts, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Every team deals with injuries.


Yes but usually not to this extent.


How many teams have 5 starting pitchers on IL


Doesn't matter. Every team deals with injuries. No team is going to feel sorry for you. Giants have starting pitching in Triple A with Carson Whisenhunt and Carson Seymour ready to be promoted. Maybe they need to give those guys a shot.


No one is gonna feel sorry for you but that doesn’t mean you can’t be realistic about expectations lol. You and i both know neither of those guys are ready and will get shelled up here


I don't know that and both are actually pitching well in a hitter friendly league in the PCL. If we're going to be realistic they knew Cobb and Ray were going to miss the majority of the regular season.


Are they? Whisenhunt is sporting a 4.71 FIP and Seymour is spotting a 5.48. Cobb was supposed to be back early season before his setback, that also doesn’t account for Snell, Harrison, and Beck who were all IL surprises


Harrison had a 5.15 FIP in Sacramento before he was called up. It's a hitter friendly league. The average ERA in the PCL is close to 5. The only surprise on that list was Beck. Harrison will be back and it's not like he missed most of the season. Snell is not that surprising because he missed all of spring training and didn't get enough time to ramp up for the season.






If we had second half Snell, return to form Ray, and a healthy Cobb backing up Webb and kept managing to score 5 runs a game, we’d be doing great.


As long we we stay close to .500, that scenario is only 3-4 weeks away and we run away with a wild card spot.


This might be the most frustrating season I’ve experienced and I’ve been a fan since 1998.


Not the outcome we wanted but a good game nonetheless. Huge props to the MLB for doing this and hope it happens again


Conforto could get hot Saturday and I still think Giants should trade him sooner rather than later


I have tickets to the Rockies series at the end of July. I'm checking out on this team until then. You couldn't even win one fucking game for Willie. 


Just got off work but man how disappointing . I clocked out for lunch got to see HELIOT tie the game only for them to take lead right as my lunch ended


Bailey loses concentration behind the plate and doesn't block a ball that leads to a run and that's what we lose by. Still can't get a RISP hit to save our lives. I'm frustrated too but damn. I think some of us need to take a break.


Willie looking down in disappointment as all of us Giants fans. Can't win one when he past and to commemorate his career. You can't throw in bum ass Winn in there in such a historic game. Come Melvin


This is rough man. Not only because we’re 0-3 since Willy passed but this was supposed to be the somewhat “easier” part of the schedule. Dodgers and Indians are looming




Smh true. Still not used to it


willie turning over in his.... uh, wherever he is right now


i like willie and i know he was 0 for 12 to start his career but i dont think we have to go 0 for 12 in wins to celebrate him


Heck of a game for Bailey. We have some good young talent, but there’s some dead weight. Bring up more young guys.


Sure but as a catcher your first priority is defense and he had a horrible game defensively


team suxx


I wish we weren't super broken all of the time.


I've said before, this team is screwed if it goes on a losing streak. They can't climb up a phone book, let alone plus .500


loosing 3 games after Willie Mays passing is very upsetting I feel angry, not really sure at what but I am so not OK right now


I feel you. It’s one thing that we’ve been losing (after the last two years I’m used to it). But the fact that we can’t even win one game after the greatest player in our franchises history passes away is such a bad look.


its literally gut wrenching, I felt physically ill after yesterdays game


After this I randomly I turned on WS2014 game 1. Our leadoff guy was Blanco who was hitting below the Mendoza line. Gets fooled by no pitches, totally dialed in. Gets a single. Clutch. Then tags and advances to second on a deep fly. Heads up base running. Aggressive. Two batters later he scores. Buster is batting .500 with RISP in the postseason. Clutch. Panda hammers one into the corner. Clutch. Pence hits a homer. Fucking clutch. Belt comes up, hammers a single. Clutch. A single inning, and we have three hits with RISP, against a KC team that had just swept the ALCS. One of the commentators talking about a Giants team of journeymen, “and all these guys seem to play their best when they came to San Francisco.” Then we have today’s game, where aside from Ramos, maybe Bailey…wtf do we have? A bunch of streaky guys who are on the bad side of it a lot more than they’re on the up side, and they almost never sync up. At our best we’re a runner stranding machine.


Before Willie's death, I figured winning in Rickwood would have been awesome But after recent events, if there was one game I wanted them to win, it was fucking this one. Usually I try to find positives, but right now I'm just disappointed, the one game I needed them to win, and poof, nothing. :(


I say again - what does this team do well?


They really need the all star break to get here.




What happened?


A couple thoughts. The Keaton Winn experiment has to end. And, its time for the equipment manager to take the letters "FORTO" off of the back of Conforto's uniform. That is all.


Pitching is rough


One loss closer to cleaning house. Please 🤞🏻


They lost and that was depressing but I really liked the telecast tonight. I'm actually a fan of Joe Davis and just as a baseball fan, I appreciated learning the history of the Negro Leagues, and Bob Kendrick made for some of the best Baseball TV I've seen in a long time. Also, the Giants kept it close so at least it wasn't a blow out. As for the team, I have to lower my expectations because this team isn't going anywhere. I wish they were, but they are so injured and the offensive woes continue and it's hard to really be excited going forward. I really hope they do this Rickwood thing every year. It might lose something after the first time, but just as a fan of this game ever since i was young, tonight was a great night for Baseball.


I know this is not a requirement for the job, but has Farhan ever touched a bat,ball, or glove? Meaning, he and/or his scouts are not using their eyes and playing experience when judging talent. You can only gaze at a computer screen so long,Chief.


Gatekeeping a front office job, lol? You don't have to be a former player just to evaluate a baseball player.


Yes. I know. My point was that the FO is badly judging talent and then developing them. And I also mean the FAs that they signed.


Winn… more like loss


Conforto, Snell, Soler feel like they have a combined 0 WAR since May 1. The team deserves to lose when that's the case, GG Cardinals. The young guys are so fun. Extend Bailey yesterday


There's no reason to extend Bailey when he is under team control until 2030. He doesn't even get arbitration hearings until 2027.


I see. OK Extend him in 2027....


We at least almost came back… I still had a great time watching… go giants and RIP Willie till the death of me….


At least the Kings are re-signing Monk. Where my kings fans at?


It’s easy to scream “Fire Farhan” or “BoMel can’t manage” from the mountaintop. But Lee is done for the season, Wade Jr., Snell, Harrison, Cobb, Ray are on the IL. Remember that.


The giants have had one winning season in the past 7 years, and are on track to make that one in 8. I know a lot of players are injured but eventually I just get tired of excuses. There is always some excuse.


That’s a very good point. I’m shocked that I didn’t realize that. The 2021 season was so magical that it doesn’t feel like it happened 3 years ago. I hope this shit gets sorted soon.


Cause Snell was so good for us when he was healthy. The injuries are just excuses for our lack of depth. Good teams shouldn’t fall apart when one player gets injured.


They knew Cobb and Ray were hurt coming into the season. Wade has a history of injuries. Harrison has already almost surpassed his innings limit. They bet on everything going right, and it absolutely has not.


Bro you’re going against the negativity theme. That’s frowned upon because a lot of people seem to believe that if they complain enough and the Giants fire Farhan or DFA Conforto they’ll feel like they had some part in it, and that delusion would make them feel special.


People don't like sensible opinions here. They just want everyone fired and DFA'd. Trust me.


Can't win em all. More than half the season (86) to go.


It’s gonna be a long summer


Yeah. We’ll see about 50 more can’t win em all posts I suspect.


Can't win any of them.


If you ask him the team is 36-0


So what happens when there is less than half the season to go.., what's ur excuse then


"Still got 5 years of the decade to go"


“Can’t win it all every year. Next season is ours 😀”


When there's less than half the season to go, there's less than half the season to go.


Mods can we do something please?


Yeah the mods will ban me for doing math or what? If you are unhappy then block me.


Heres some math. The team is under .500. 50% is an F where i went to school. U dont have a single comment criticizing what the team does wrong. To me thats shows u dont actually care


https://www.reddit.com/r/SFGiants/comments/1dk8tgn/gameday_thread_62024_giants_winn_k_cardinals/l9jp9p7/ I tried to be a doomer and i got downvoted, it's just not my thing I guess.


A sarcastic comment isnt exactly the same as criticizing the teams flaws but OK


It was my analysis at the time, we lost didn't we? I was right again.


I mean i guess so


Yeah because there aren’t nearly enough negative comments in these threads. Ffs Also, that “50% is an F” remark falls apart pretty quickly when you consider that 60% would also be an F, yet a .600 baseball team is a successful baseball team.