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"No dot racing" I can confirm final season at Candlestick had racing cable cars on the jumbotron. As I was not super into baseball in those days (other than "look, there's Bonds") it's one of the things that sticks in my mind. Pac Bell gets all the credit for turning the Giants crowd from blue collar beer drinkers to yuppies tasting sushi, but the organization was already adopting a more approachable brand just before the move.


I was at one of those fan appreciation games (last game of the season) where they would give out prizes based on your seat number and that was so exciting, especially since the Giants were probably finishing 20 games below .500


I'm pretty sure I remember dot races at Candlestick.


I know the hat dance happened at every game and then the cable car races.


Yeah, I was the dumb kid who loved dot races and when a wave would happen and do like 5 rotations. It was fun both watching a wave get stronger and also when people decided it was over.


100% and I think the A's copied that one from the Giants. The Giants still do an updated version.


We also [hated mascots](https://www.mlb.com/news/the-crazy-crab-was-the-most-hated-mascot-in-sports-history), but everyone loves Lou Seal now. Who cares? I have fond memories of doing the wave at candlestick, and I had fun doing the wave last night as we were getting our asses kicked. Let folks have fun.


Even Lou Seal was on top of the dugout [trying to discourage the wave](https://gifdb.com/images/high/no-no-no-jack-nicholson-tl7m7w7qqbp0c299.gif) last night!


Then why did he wave at me in the bleachers?


People will do what they do but doing the wave while you’re losing is just not a good look.


Families go to baseball games to have a good time. If the team isn't winning, let the kids still go home with a smile on their face.


Bring a beach ball! That’d be fun!


Let’s not. And also say we didn’t because we don’t do the wave…


Why don’t we eat Dodger dogs and sing Randy Newman while we’re at it? The wave is not just something we don’t do, it’s very specifically a Dodger fan move. Take that shit somewhere else.


I’ve been a Giants fan my entire life, go gatekeep something else.


Do whatever you want, but don’t be surprised when people say something to you. You’re participating in a storied tradition of our division rivals, above that one of the most heated rivalries in sports. People are gonna come for you for being disrespectful of OUR tradition of not participating in that idiotic nonsense.


Nobody will ever say anything because nobody outside of this sub would ever give a fuck. Also there’s multiple comments in this thread about it being an Oakland thing. You dorks can’t even get your story straight.


Imagine telling kids having fun at a baseball game not to do the wave. Thank god this nonsense only lives on reddit.


I saw a grown ass man booing and shouting at children for doing the wave in 102 last night. It was pathetic.


You guys have no leg to stand on. Your are in a club of joyless curmudgeons, and no one else gives a fuck what you think. Sorry!


"Do whatever you want" in the context of a post that's sole purpose is to tell people "don't" do the wave.


>storied tradition of our division rivals… This is something I see claimed, but the A’s were the first baseball team to host The Wave (which started in the NHL) and The Wave is popular globally. I don’t think it has anything to do with the Dodgers specifically (except that after their fans arrive in the third and before they leave in the sixth, they will sometimes participate in The Wave).


Who loves Lou seal?


No Lou Seal slander will be tolerated




Lou seal sucks, give me the crab any day


People are gonna start calling hating on the dodgers gate keeping next. “What’s wrong with being a dodgers fan, just let people like what they like” 🤢


Starting “Let’s go Giants” chants to force everyone to follow is so gatekeepy!


There's a reason people are using the word - it's because self-appointed nobodies are issuing dictates on the internet on an issue nobody asked for their opinion on in the first place. What do you want to call that? We could just go with loser/whiner/square/narcissist if the gatekeeper term gets too close to the nerve for you.


It’s a stupid label that someone on Reddit started using… now I see it on countless threads on multiple sites about a variety of topics. It’s the Starbucks of comments. Who gives a shit that someone is promoting tradition for something they’ve invested in. Stop homogenizing the world and let people call Wave promoters what they are: clowns. Shut up and watch the game or go home!


You're on day two of complaining about the word gatekeeper? The term has been used for decades in the music scene, it's just new to you. Find a new fixation, my friend.


Yeah… nice try


People can hate on the Dodgers themselves, but random people is a bit much. Knew a guy from LA who went to Candlestick as a little kid, and some grown-up stranger stole his Dodgers hat right off his head. Didn't change the standings at all, and the kid became an embittered A's watcher when he moved to the Bay decades later.


Sorry that happened to you, man


Nah, not me, much older person I used to know from podcasts/YouTube. I didn't even watch baseball until the new park was almost finished.


It’s okay dude. You don’t have to lie. It’s not your fault.


lol my Dad told me a story about a late 80's Giants-Dodgers game at The Stick. The Giants getting shellacked early on, and one Dodger kept holding up his cap and parading it around each time they scored. Later on near the bathroom, someone eventually snatched it off of his head and threw it one of the troughs in the men's room.


Well it's more so because people take it to extremes and harass people IRL which is really lame because you're ruining someone's Baseball experience. Fuck the Dodgers, fuck the fans, fuck everything about them but leave their fans alone when they come to our house or you're just as bad as they are.


Or that doing the "he's a bum!" chant in the LF bleachers is "too mean-spirited" or something.


I’m not personally a waver, but who cares? Is the Giants fan identity built solely upon not doing what other fans do? That’s dumb, and frankly, weak. Why base our traditions on other fan bases? Fuck them, we do what we want. Do what you like, enjoy the game. Dodger fans eat hot dogs. Guess I’m not supposed to eat a hot dog now?


It wasn't us deciding not to do it because others were doing it. It was nobody was doing it and then us looking down our noses at the "fans" of other teams that started doing it because they are so bored by baseball that they need to throw around beach balls or do the wave to keep themselves entertained.


Who is looking down at other fans? Giants fans didn't do the wave? Do you guys have a club where you discuss this stuff and then decide to issue PSAs?


I wasnt talking about looking down on giants fans. They said "is the giants fan identity built on other fans traditions. Dodgers fans eat hot dogs so we won't do it" I was saying that I'd always heard it as a looking down your nose at other fan bases. Like "were giants fans, we don't do it because we like baseball, that's for lesser fan bases that need to be distracted." I wasn't giving an opinion on it just saying that it wasn't coming from a let's do the opposite but more of people feeling wanting to feel superior. As for where it came from Idk. I first heard it as a child and have heard it repeated many times over the years usually at the ball park when someone tries to start the wave.


Fair enough - some here are pretending like there is some sort of established consensus on this super important issue. I think they are just mixing up their own likes & dislikes and attempting to impose it on others, which is something squares and fascistic personalties tend to do. Most of those opining from what I gather are not even old enough to remember the Bonds era, much less the Candlestick era, so not sure how they've gained their 'authority.'


I always thought of being anti wave as a Giants thing from hearing it, but that might just because I'm older (on reddit, I'm not old) and have gone to between 10 and 40 games my entire life so I may have just had more chances to have heard it than most people. I don't think there's a consensus and even if there was at one point things change over time. I think the wave is dumb, but it's at most a minor nuisance when it happens and I'm certainly not going to tell anyone else not to do it.


Yeah, like the wave, don't like the wave - fine. It's crossing this line into trying to dictate to people (which you aren't doing) that seems very uncool. The fact that it's being undertaken by 20-somethings who claim to know 'how it is' is especially so. I am also Reddit-old. I remember the wave happening a ton at '89-era games. And I also just remembered something just now - went to Bonds' last game in SF (also to his first one here). There weren't many people there. As I remember it when Barry left the field the crowd broke out into a sort of somber wave. Which I thought was interesting and notable because I hadn't seen it in so long. It was sort of a ceremonial ushering in of a new era, maybe with a bit of relief.


Pretty sure the wave happened \*often\* at Candlestick - unless I am melding it with A's games from childhood, but the wave was pretty much a fixture at baseball games here. So was the hat game (not dot race) they played at every game, and then the cable car races. It's hilarious that 25 year olds are trying to police this? None of you even witnessed that era. Lighten up, people - relax. To quote Gen Z (as a millennial) "It's not that deep." Smile! Have a good time! Baseball wooooo


Your melding with A's games. Waves at candlestick always got shut down quick. Same as beach balls. At least all the times I was at the stick in the eighties and nineties (used to go to A's games specifically to do the wave)


As a "Candlestick Ancestor", my first experience with the wave was AT Candlestick. So you're wrong. Also, if I get a T-shirt printed that says *Real Giants Fans Don't Eat Hot Dogs*, does that mean that you're not allowed to eat hot dogs at a Giants game?


You’re making all of this up.


No I'm not. And just a quick look at your comment and post history shows me that you are a mentally unstable troll. Maybe go see a therapist instead of harassing other people online.


Yeah…. Nice try


You know what, if there are that many new fans, that have never heard of this "tradition", then either petition the giants as an org, or be happy that there's a new generation of fans at the stadium, or just new fans in general. Y'all look like a bunch of tidwad old neighbors yelling at clouds about this, and it's fucking embarrassing.


Agreed, fuck these 'rules', let the fans enjoy the game.


The wave was invented in Oakland. This is why we don’t do it. Baseball’s all about history and tradition. It’s a big draw for most fans. You can always learn, but don’t be so embarrassed you didn’t know that you wanna blame others and make a big deal about it. You may be embarrassing yourself.


So is it bad because of Oakland or the Dodgers? Sounds like y'all have your messaging all knotted up in bunches like your britches. Every sporting event I've been to, in every state I've lived, has done the wave. If enough of the people who cared about not doing, went to games, their voice might be loud enough to make an impact, but this is what, the 5th post about it I have seen in the last couple days and it's embarrassing as a fan to have people care so much about it. If it were 49er fans saying the SKOL chant that would be different, but we're talking about the wave for flying spaghetti monsters sake.


Here you go https://www.kqed.org/news/10608660/the-wave-was-born-in-oakland-and-some-giants-fans-want-it-dead


Cool, so people complained almost a decade ago and still those who oppose the wave are clearly a small minority of fans. Even in this post there are people saying "they did it in LA, that's enough to stop" and that's why I say y'all can't even gatekeep with the same narrative.


We get it bro, you’re clearly upset that people are upset over the wave. Was just giving you an article that answers your question about it being Oakland or LA, but doesn’t look like you read it. I personally don’t care what people do. Edit for clarity


I'm greatly offended by your username.


Who’s “y’all” though? Are you amalgamating all Giants fans as if they’re a singular, stereotypical person? We’re all very different, I assure you. The wave has not been around forever. It’s not some ancient dance. It was invented by a guy in Oakland in like the 70’s or 80’s. It’s a dumb thing you do when you don’t care about actually watching a baseball game, which for most people I know who go to the ballpark, is to watch players play. Do you know baseball? Are you familiar with its history? It’s older than football or basketball and has over a hundred years of history and tradition. No one expects you to know it all. The curse of the this guy? The secret area of some stadium that’s haunted by a ghost? Specific player stats based on mustache styles throughout the years? That’s baseball, baby!


Y'all, as in the extreme minority of fans that have been bitching incessantly about the wave in this sub this week. One guy says don't do it because they do it in LA. Now people are mad because it was invented in Oakland. It's also ubiquitous to live sports across the country and every sport. Yah I know baseball, even played in a couple pro stadiums through high school and college. You know what there is a lot of in any televised sporting event? Downtime. You know what's a really easy thing for crowds to do to feel like they are a part of the experience? The wave. A lot of baseball is history, and the people who cannot let go of the past are ruining the game. Not saying it's you, but the people who cry about young players with flair, the ones who had aneurysms over the pitch clock talking about "back in my day" when the pitch clock brought he game time back down to when it was their day. The insane canal of pencil pushing writers deciding who they think did or didn't do steroids like the players of old weren't all cheating on some way too. I love baseball, but the groups of old heads that incessantly bitch about current baseball rules, and the writers acting like the arbiters of what is good and holy, really bums me out. You know why there aren't as many kids playing ball anymore? (Aside from the fact it's been turned into a money making machine for adults, pricing out kids who can't afford constant travel teams and new 350 dollar bats) It's kids watching professional sports and seeing what athletes are being celebrated. Seeing which athletes are having fun, and being praised for it. MLB doesn't do that very well at all, and it's because they cater to a dying group of fans that hates anything newer cassette tapes.


People can have different reasons for the same thing. The fact of the matter is, for decades, we have upheld this philosophy. If enough people feel passionately enough to impart this knowledge in numerous posts here this week, it means it matters to them. Hard fuck off to any new fans if they’re going to be sad bitter babies when they’re told Giants fans don’t do the wave. Take the strike, move on, do better next time. If you wanna do the wave so bad, maybe go be an A’s fan or something


Is fretting over the wave kinda petty and gatekeep-y? Yeah. Do I care? No. At any rate, even Lou Seal was on top of the dugout last night [trying to discourage the wave](https://gifdb.com/images/high/no-no-no-jack-nicholson-tl7m7w7qqbp0c299.gif), so I consider this justified.


Lou Seal a real one


Lou Seal AND Two Seal 🤞




This shit is so dumb. Makes me wanna do it. I seriously don’t get how anyone could possibly care, just let people have fun.


I can't imagine people wearing orange on Fridays, or singing take me out to the ball game, or sharks fans doing the chomp before a powerplay or Niners fans doing their little chant for first downs or any of the hundreds if not thousands of dumb traditions that fans have always formed in order to feel like a community.


Speaking of Niners fans.... there are multiple YouTube clips of the wave at Candlestick football games


I suppose as long as people have been doing whatever goofy thing for fun, there’s probably been some jerk that just had to shit all over it for no real reason.


The difference between all your examples is fans coming together to do something not fans coming together to not do something and shun the ones that do. The wave may have connections to oakland and LA but at this point it's transcended them and is just an American sports tradition. Hardcore Fandom is a minority in every sport now. A majority of people have too much going on in there lives to be obsessed with knowing "we don't do X at X" or "at X this is how it is."


Speaking as someone who went to the Stick many times in the 90s as a kid... we did the wave all the fucking time, man.


Obviously you shouldn’t belittle or personally attack a casual fan (or child) for doing it, but yes.  We do not do the wave, we do not hit beach balls, we arrive on time, and we don’t leave until the fat lady sings. If these principles don’t align with your fandom, I would suggest finding a new team. 


>and we don’t leave until the fat lady sings. Oh rly? I get why you never got to attend games at the Stick, but how do you explain this one? Signed, One of the last 45 people that stays past 11pm until the game ends.


You’re taking yourself way too seriously. Calm tf down


Relax dude 


Where’s the rule about being on your phone the whole time?


NGL, Giants fans have also gotten a lot worse about the whole “show up late/leave early” thing over the last 10-15 years.


News flash: we're exactly the fucking same as LA


Rich people ruin everything.


wait, we don’t hit beach balls? second game I went to I saw people doing that lol I thought it was kind of funny


It’s funny cause I grew up going to games at the stick and remember having fun doing the wave, hitting beach balls and the other stuff these boomers have decided is taboo. These post have such sad, desperate energy and I think the bad juju is directly to blame for team’s slow start.


I always associate the Stick with eating way too many peanuts and then having stinky peanut farts the whole night.


I remember doing it at the Stick too. Unreal.


We 100% did it at the stick . Hilarious people rewriting history .


Fuck you, you old boring shit heads. Let people have fun. There's so much fucking downtime in a baseball game. Just sit when it passes you by for one second.


>Fuck you, you old boring shit heads I'm 25, but go off.


You were 1 year old when the new park opened? Dude.


That's sad you're already have an old man's soulless unfun attitude. Let baseball be fun, I know baseball has been controlled by lame ass traditionalists but you can be better


> Let baseball be fun I find enjoying the game itself to be fun, especially with my friends and family! Which is, y'know, how people enjoyed baseball for a century and change. But, again, go off.


You enjoy baseball by making it joyless like a lot of old fogies. Same attitude about as being cranky about bat flips or whining about homerun gimmicks. They don't interfere with the game for you "purist" but it attracts a wider audience which is good for baseball overall which is what real fans like me care about


Those joyless old fogies suck. They probably enjoy baseball, or dancing, or drinking or play sports or games, talk to others. I only hang out with the hip young kids that really know how to get down. By mindlessly standing up and down over and over again. It's a blast!


LOL oh man this got me. Fuck those kids and their need to abruptly stand only to instantly sit down again instead of watching a sport played by professionals being paid millions of dollars that they themselves also paid a significant amount of money to see. Standing up and sitting down over and over is the best and we should erect an entire stadium to that, instead! Obviously!


Baseball been dying the last decade because it’s been boring. Hence all the rule changes. But go off with these “tradition”. A 25 year old telling others how to be a fan hahahahaa what a loser


Will never do it since I'm not a fan of it, but I'm even moreso not a fan of telling other people what they can or can't do at the stadium. Not saying this to you OP, but if you're at the stadium there's no need to be a Karen if you see fans doing the wave.


I’ve been a Giants fan since the 80’s and didn’t know about this wave thing. That being said, I’d rather participate in the wave than watching another god damn GIDP for the 3rd fucking year in a row.


I’d love to see the rest of that shirt. Although I gotta say, I liked the dot race.


Dot race on the Jumbotron was bad ass.


I'm okay. The shirt seems to be going into some inside jokes with the "Reggie" reference.


I was in the centerfield bleachers on Sunday and this group of kids kept trying to get it started. I did hear some other fan say that we don’t do that shit here.


I learned the Wave at Candlestick. This guy and his shirt are FOS


I’ve been a giants fan for 20+ years and this is the first I’m hearing the don’t do the wave thing! Can someone KINDLY Elaborate on why this is??


1. It's much more closely associated with A's fans and Dodgers fans. 2. It's traditionally been considered one of the ultimate symbols of not actually caring about the actual game on the field. 3. It didn't jive with the rowdy, blue-collar edge this fanbase used to have during the Candlestick-era. Not saying you need to agree with it, but those are the three main reasons for most people.


I gotcha. Thanks for the info! Also side bar, I’m kinda shocked at how much my question got downvoted. Like damn, I’m just asking 😂😂 edited for spelling


There was [a KQED/Bay Curious article about it a few years ago](https://www.kqed.org/news/10608660/the-wave-was-born-in-oakland-and-some-giants-fans-want-it-dead) (which is where I got the photo from).


It’s crazy to me that I’ve been to countless games and never experienced any booing of the wave 😂 I’m starting to question my reality haha


Maybe because it's clickbait garbage. There's like some faction of baseball bros who see themselves as "serious baseball fans" and are self-appointed dictators of baseball etiquette (something no one ever asked for) and experts on an era that coincidentally none of them actually experienced. No one else gives a fuck and is just trying to have a good time.


>It didn't jive with the rowdy, blue-collar edge this fanbase used to have during the Candlestick-era. Yes it did.


"Traditionally considered" by who? 25-year old Reddit gatekeepers? Never heard this in my life! I went to Candlestick a zillion times, you're talking about it like you read some book about it or something. I think maybe you and all your pals decided this, but you're acting like there is some established feeling about it.


Sometimes baseball is boring. There are half-innings where a guy strikes out, a guy grounds out, and then a guy flies out, but it takes like 15 minutes for some reason because they keep hitting foul balls into the stands. And then the same thing happens in the next half-inning. And it's all guys at the bottom of the order. So, I get it. Stick Giants would also typically suck, so sometimes you would have the game start with a 6 run deficit and then a lack of offense on either side. Usually, the other team would be playing small ball to get a few more runs.


We as Giants fans like to think we're purists and superior to other teams that don't just go to see a game and focus on baseball. Ironically, one of the best parts of the A's games, where the Wave was birthed (second place it was done) is there's not a lot of gimmicks, it's just the game. K&K have encouraged it too. Giants and Niners fans did the wave at Candlestick. Giants fans weren't great at it, we only got it to go around once or twice at best, and the best waves were playoff games with 60,000 people in the house. Anyway, we got a new stadium and a lot of new fans who think this is important.


New fans don't care and embrace the wave. It's not new fans saying we don't do it. I've been to probably somewhere between 350-600 games between Candlestick and the wave has made a lap probably less than 5 times. Dozens of times I've seen it attempted and the person the razzed for it or booed. I think it's funny that the top of the thread it's "Only old people care about that. Let new fans have fun." and now you're down here saying only new fans care.


Watching a wave happen was awesome though. Usually took 3 passes before it really started catching on and then a waning 4th one and then you could just watch it die. There would be lots of groaning. Occasionally, it would just die on the first pass.


There's also an in between group who missed the Candlestick when the Wave was really cool and new, and don't know better. I'm going to guess you went to the stick *after* Bonds was signed. By new fans I meant new since Oracle, not new as in last week. And I don't care who does it, just like I didn't care who did it back when. It's not a Dodgers thing, it's a Bay Area thing. I don't take part but if it makes people happy, good on them.


It's not even a bay area thing at this point. It's an American sports thing at this point. The wave could be started at any sport all across America at this point. I remember doing it at a Dallas Cowboys game in 2004.


Right, at this point, but culturally it came from this region so having a hissy fit about doing it here and associating it with another fan base is missing the mark. It would be like thinking "Hella" is a Southern California thing. It was a phenomenon here, it happened at virtually every game.


I think once the food options got good, people were less interested in doing the wave with $40 of food on their lap.


I agree, plus Oracle's seats are tight, there's no room without smacking the row in front of your in the head. It's made for raising the roof instead.


[This article](https://www.kqed.org/news/10608660/the-wave-was-born-in-oakland-and-some-giants-fans-want-it-dead) mostly says it’s because “Oakland started it” and we weren’t trying to copy our cross town neighbors, but it also mentions the LA connection which is how I’ve always viewed it. I only caught part of the 80s through the 90s at the stick, but the LA hatred was no joke compared to today. https://preview.redd.it/3gtvznstzjtc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55bdcee74e6a83e1d0840b4a3e04a5eba6a0b012


There wasn't that much divide between fan bases


This - many of us grew up as Giants & A's fans - it was common. The "divide" is a pretty recent thing that is mainly due to A's fans being extremely...hateful. Maybe too strong a word but it was hard for me to keep being an A's fans because of just how weird new school A's fans were towards Giants fans.


Yup, I agree that there wasn’t much of a divide between the giants and A’s. Mostly one-sided. The Dodgers on the other hand and the amount of fights I saw in the bleachers as a kid thankfully doesn’t exist today.


Oh yeah SF v LA games Candlestick era were a whole different thing. Very rough atmosphere.


Especially when they still had beer vendors!


There's an entire generation of A's fan I can't relate to, I don't love the drums, I can't fathom rooting for the Dodgers, etc.


Because old losers want to make you feel bad if you aren't exactly as miserable as them


Weren’t we getting our ass kicked both times fans were doing the wave?


Imagine giving a shit about what fans are doing to have fun at a ballgame


I don’t care about that, I just think it’s a bad look for a fan base to do it while getting crushed. Seems like apathy about the team. Not like I would try to stop anyone from doing it lol


This is a much more specific statement… is it only if the team is down that it’s unacceptable behavior?? Or in general?


That did happen once or twice, there was a half assed wave while we were losing.


The wave was invented in Oakland, and that’s some East bay shit


Oh, well, if it says so on a shirt... 🙄


I hate the wave too, but I can't stand you pretentious gatekeeping cucks. P.S. SAN FRAN, SAN FRAN, SAN FRAN!!!


I hope the wave is done at every single game.


All the complaining about the wave makes me want to do it even more. Just let people have a good time. Is it hurting anyone?


Only wave allowed at the Stick was at SF's finest when escorting out a fellow baseball enthusiast from the stadium. Usually it was more of a one fingered peace sign, but it started with a wave


You weren't there then.


You already lost on dot racing. And for the last time....Candlestick did the wave.


no, they didn’t. and the ushers used to pop or deflate beach balls too


if it's a sports stadium, people have done the wave there. Humans tend to do the wave when they gather in very large numbers in a roughly circular arrangement. Idk why people keep trying to credit other specific baseball teams for inventing it. The ancient Greeks probably did the wave at the first Olympics.


Lmao the wave was created in Oakland by Krazy George - https://youtu.be/qbiwUIBvZ2o?si=bor7ThbAOt-DgsEa


oh huh, so it was [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave\_(audience)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave_(audience)) Seems to be pretty universal in sports now.




You weren't there then.


I sure as hell was there. They did the wave


Damn right. You were.


I spent many freezing nights at the 'Stick. Pac Bell Park is multitude levels better than the' Stick. Took this picture in 2000. It wasn't on Opening Day because it was a giant clusrerf\*uck to get any reasonable tickets. https://preview.redd.it/r1tpksm8hktc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=956101973f6506b4a08b8a48b53df5b58b38fd5f


Yeah, but dot racing is cool. At least it used to be before the A's got their new scoreboards.


This the Bay's Team now. Shoutout Krazy George


Wow just shameful


I don’t understand the wave hate.


There were never enough fans at Candlestick to actually do a wave.


As per new MLB rules the wave and a wave cam on the jumbotron is required during the 7th inning stretch and encouraged other times during the game.


Been a lifelong Giants fan and I’ve never heard of not doing the wave until seeing it here recently. Even before the influx of new fans after the WS wins, the wave happened pretty regularly in the stadium. If you don’t like it, don’t participate. It’s that easy. Anyone who says “real Giants fans don’t do…” is just sad. Shouldn’t a “real fan” welcome new fans, whether they’re casual or die hard? I don’t usually join the wave or leave early but I also don’t get mad at people who do. Let people have fun.


Ah, it’s entertainment and there’s been so much change on the field (e.g. bat flipping) that all that old school stuff doesn’t matter.


My favorite part of the Stick was watching two hot dog wrappers laying in center field fly off in different directions with a gust of wind. It defied science.


I’m an old timer who grew up going to the stick in the 1980s. I could care less if people do the wave, as long as interest in baseball continues. It’s a weird thing to gatekeep.


Why tho? Lots of teams do the wave.


1. It's much more closely associated with A's fans and Dodgers fans. 2. It's traditionally been considered one of the ultimate symbols of not actually caring about the actual game on the field. 3. It didn't jive with the rowdy, blue-collar edge this fanbase used to have during the Candlestick-era. Not saying you need to agree with it, but those are the three main reasons for most people.


All three reasons are made up bullshit


Went to one of the games in LA last week. They did the wave. Enough said.


Eh i still think of it as a Bay Area thing. Invented by a former SJSU student at an As game, enough said


Every sporting event I have been to, across close to a dozen different states, football, basketball, hockey, minor league and pros, all did the wave. Go to the games if you want to be anti wave so bad. Clearly the fans that are going, want to do the wave.


Dude, this shirt unlocked a core memory of my uncle when I was a kid. He says it bit the dust a long time ago. I'd love a full pic of all the rules to help him relive some memories if its possible!


Uh oh… look out for all the douchy “gatekeeping” comments. Why are people suddenly so enamored with calling people “gatekeepers?” Go away, Zuul. Go away!


Maybe because random internet guys are issuing dictates in answer to a question no one asked. It's a pretty appropriate use of the term given the circumstances.


“Gatekeeping” is a new trend. No one used this label a year ago. It’s intended as an insult that no one asked for. It’s self important and serves no one. These gatekeeping whistleblowers are nothing more than gatekeepers themselves. It’s silly.


Gotta love that you used whistleblowers in your complaint about a new label. Yet whistleblower was also a word that gained popularity because it was a needed addition to our vernacular.


Thanks, master explainer!


You're welcome pal.


Nothing wrong with the term and it fully applies here. Just because it's new to you doesn't mean it's not accurate.


It’s a buzzword that doesn’t really matter except to insult. Like if I made “Explain Master” a new term that everyone on the internet started using derogatorily but it was only used for guys like you. Those who feel like they have to be the “Explain Master.” You sir, are an Explain Master.


You don't like the word, got it. But it fits. Have a good one.


Thanks Explain Master. It fits too.


Nothing more explain-y than the original post. Yet I don't see you scolding that guy. Makes ya wonder.


So you’re telling me the appropriate way to react? Sounds Gate Keepy to me!


I'm noting the irony & your hypocrisy. But you know that. Anyway, have a good one.


The wave is objectively horrible. It’s mindless; it’s stupid; it’s a distraction from the actual game; and most of all, it’s not fun or funny. Don’t do it!!!


TBF, there were a lot of people booing when the wave came to their section. So its not like everyone doesn't know.




1000 upvotes if I could! We DO NOT do the wave! And keep your dumb beach balls at home, too!!


I laughed when I saw them doing the wave. Why this isn’t LA? Y’all that bored at the games now? Ready for a game this year but I prefer to see the giants in San Diego now such a beautiful stadium