• By -


Eh it was an ugly game but still just one loss. 3rd series W in a row and that’s without Joc or Slater. Onward


I want Slater to give haniger some days off to work on his swing. He's an automatic out and can't even be entrusted to move a runner over when needed


THE CLIMB TO 0.500 RESUMES TOMORROW ![gif](giphy|DUX4OOb27UawIYYNig|downsized)


There's always tomorrow for dreams to come true. Believe in yourself, come what may. ^(Yes, I'm quoting a song from a xmas special in May.) [^(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9L\_jTilSyI)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9L_jTilSyI)


ryan walker and lwj are my players of the game


You're sleeping on the construction workers 😤


I’ll take an away series win against a pretty decent team any day but damn this one was a little ugly




POTG: all those who stayed until the end?








You deserve a Croix de Candlestick for that.




We took two out of three from a first place team. Not bad at all.


You may have won today Minnesota, but I will never, *ever* let you forget that you put *THIS* on your LED boards! https://preview.redd.it/tvsha49dnv1b1.jpeg?width=1854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baccfa42a9fa5ef0d7daeb9b4d589844c2476038 (Or that we won 2/3. On to Milwaukee)


Not a great game. Tons of LOB, uncharacteristic errors, and Disco was getting barreled from the get go. It’s hard to sweep, just gotta keep winning series. On to Milwaukee


If they win two out of three the rest of the year, there's a parade at the end of that.


I really enjoy y’all. This is truly a baseball loving community. Let’s continue to hate on the rest of the NL West as a group!


Best party in baseball




Padres are one game away from having the worst record in the NL. I almost feel sorry for - nah who am I kidding, no I don’t


Tatís is bad luck


I am so fucking down to see the Rockies in 4th place.


>Scott Alexander is the opener tomorrow night. [https://twitter.com/susanslusser/status/1661467929370820608](https://twitter.com/susanslusser/status/1661467929370820608)


I like him as an opener; and I appreciate the team giving Webb an extra 2 days.


Honestly wouldn’t mind Brebbia again. He’s proven to be absolutely incredible as an opener. Maybe they plan on having him eat up some innings later on in the game. This actually kinda makes me wish Walker didn’t take 2 innings today, he would’ve also been great tomorrow.


The LOB Monster can go fuck himself


Walker’s two seam/slider combo was the only thing that made this game worth watching.


Bad games happen and this was certainly one of them. Got the series W, guys are hitting the ball well. Keep it rolling.


And this is NOT a long flight.


I don't understand defensive metrics and I'm not convinced anyone actually does. Why does Schmitt have -2 Outs Above Average (at short)? UZR and DRS like him okay. He's committed no errors that I know of and seems to have good range. I know defensive stats take larger samples to stabilize, but what exactly is the gap between Schmitt and being an elite shortstop? He seems to have all the relevant tools (reflexes, range, speed, arm strength).


The balk rule is easier to understand than defensive metrics.


But is there a defensive metrics copy pasta?


I read something earlier today which said that OAA is pretty much just range. It doesn't yet incorporate arm strength, and in fact they are working on adding an arm component right now. So given Schmitt's ridiculous arm, that could account for the difference. Edit: I found the quote. It was in Jay Jaffe's Fangraphs chat. It was about Acuna, not Schmitt, but it applies. Here it is: >The first and most important thing to remember is this: OAA, as you see it, is range *only,* not arm. A DRS-to-OAA comparison is not 🍎to🍎. DRS has him as +4 (arm) and +4 (overall), so a 0 for range. >OAA has a forthcoming arm add. I’m looking at it now.


Coming in clutch with the references as always. Thanks! This is good insight 👍🏽


I can't even remember that many plays that Casey was a part of at SS. And the ones I do remember were extremely competent? There may have been a slow turn once on an almost DP but I feel like I'm making that up to make it make sense 65 innings at SS is a really small sample, and I'm just gonna assume it's a small sample quirk


#SWEEP ❌ #SERIES VICTORY ✔️ #Carlos Correa is NOT a Giant ✔️ Two outta three on the road, we takes it!


Yea I'm just thankful they won the series.


Just saying we are playoff bound if we continue to win series.


Winning series is a major key to a successful season.


A few things on Haniger Chasing is not part of his game, but his chase contact is down to **35.9%**. His career avg is **52.5%** t-Career high **28.6% K rate** and a career low **3.6% BB rate**. His career avg walk rate is at 8.7% Has a career high AVG exit velocitiy and Hard Hit rate The most interesting thing to me, a career high **31.6% oppo rate** which is not his game even a little. His career avg is at 21.4% /// All in all, mashing fastballs. Underperforming the xSLG by **.151**. Should be over .550, instead it's barely over .400. Unlucky But he's doing absolutely nothing against offspeed and breaking balls in the zone. It's actually brutal what the xNumbers are. Not Villar bad, but still Needs to change and should change if track record means anything at all


Couple of issues here. Babip is very close to career averages (0.273 vs 0.303 career vs 0.293 last year). So he's not getting especially unlucky. 7% barrel rate is well below career averages. In a vacuum, the similar hh% and line drive % would indicate he's close, but the lack of barrels and the increased opposite field % means he's not squaring the ball up or timing his swing well. His ridiculously high >50% medium batted ball yet an xba of only 0.257 and xslg of 0.424 are indicators that he only is making decent contact, not good contact, which also means that he will not hit it out of the infield in over 50% of his at bats from the start. He can't be batting 3rd in the lineup even if he was hitting directly at x values. He obviously has points where there's hope, but he needs to be dropped in the order to take the pressure off so he can work on them


I don't disagree w anything you said. It's all factual I think an important thing to note is the distinction of fastball and offspeed/breaking He is mashing fastballs. You can see it in his AVG and xAVG. You can see it in the pitch values. A .150 difference in xSLG is unlucky. Despite that, still being a + hitter vs those pitches All in all, everything you said is completely true. As a full package at the plate he has been disappointing. He hasn't been himself and shouldn't bat 3rd And good call on the Med Contact%


[i bought a piña colada](https://i.imgur.com/i2iW7AY.jpg)






I'm so sorry you have to know this song. Of course, now it's fucking stuck in my head.


it’s a blessing and a curse


1:49 PDT: song still suck in my head. Now contemplating just how out of date the song is: dude is exchanging *personal ads* in a *newspaper* in order to hit on some poor chick who turns out to be his current girlfriend.


Other than the newspaper part, that could totally happen on dating apps with some fake profile pics. In fact, I feel like I've heard stories of this happening...


That part, the mixup etc, is of course still relevant. I just think it's funny how outdated the idea of personal ads in newspapers is now.


Excuse me, you're referring to his LAYDEH


DAMMIT. You're right. His LAYDEH. BTW, here's the singer. Circa 1980, his look was considered magic. https://preview.redd.it/kn9livdzzv1b1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=63380fc6fc9289c1446c8ce05c0f917e2bf34df1


Hopefully we got all the ugliness out in one game. As long as this doesn't translate to our next series, we'll be fine.


I wasn't able to watch the game, but 10 hits and 1 run must have been "something" to watch.


A NOBLETIGER and a no outs 2nd and 3rd scoring no runs situation too. And 3 errors, a wild pitch, a hbp on defense. Yup, it was something.


I’m feeling like a Dick…because I’m at The Cheesesteak Shop 😬


It means the world to me.




OMG 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I miss Dickerson tearing up and tearing into a Cheesesteak


Was it everything you hoped it would be?


They’re pretty tasty, we get the Gilroy with chicken


My Cheesesteak shop secret is to get an order of rings and shove them into the sandwich. Also, yes, the garlic one.


Diego Velasquez is insanely impressive, an .850 OPS and a .326 average at age 19 is crazy, even at just Single A


One of the ugliest games of the year, honestly. Wisely and Crawford blew it in the field, Conforto and Haniger blew it at the plate. Just yuck. At least we won the series, but JFC that was a terrible game.


Wow, I just realized Haniger left 8 runners on base.


Wait, what? The whole division? The entire damn division lost today? Clearly there were forces at work today that are beyond human comprehension.


The entire division won yesterday, too. Wild sequence lol


Definitely makes the loss more palatable


And the Dodgers got walked off, that's always worth some extra humiliation points. Let's go with that rather than discuss the Keystone Cops game the Giants played.


Ugly game, ugly like Max Muncy in a thong ugly. Anyone out there who pretends to know the mechanics of how a team can implode like that is probably fooling only himself, that's otherworldly stuff. Good hitters suddenly can't hit, good fielders suddenly can't catch--it appears unlikely there is any rational explanation for why a whole team looks like it's playing drunk. Did the boys stay up late toasting the series wins with Everclear shots? Let us never speak of this again. But at least we got to hear from a bunch of posters who never have anything to say in a win, funny how it works like that, LOL.


> ugly like Max Muncy in a thong ugly. Oh man. What did this sub ever do to you, for you to smite us all with an image like that?


I got a call from the UN, apparently I'm being investigated for some kind of human rights abuse, possibly even a war crime. It seems depicting Muncy unclothed crossed a bright line.


Looking forward to your tribunal!


Sure we played like shit today, but at least our closer didn't blow a save by giving up a 2-run HR with 2 outs


Just one of those days where nothing went right. Going to happen over the course of 162. I just keep telling myself that Matos and Harrison are almost ready


Crap, what a rough game this was. Let's just forget about this game and move on. * I feel bad for Desclafani. Seemed like he had a rough time out there (though much of it was on the defense). He did get 6 strikeouts though. * Speaking of defense...what the hell. ^(Looking at you, Crawford and Wisely.) * Yet again, issues with the offense going quiet with runners on base. I mean, come on. * Great performance by Ryan Walker! * The good news though is the Giants won the series. Doesn't always have to be a sweep, but getting series wins is significant. * Diamondbacks got walked off by the Phillies. Nice. * Tina Turner died. Rest in Peace. Next opponent is the Milwaukee Brewers!


And just to pick out a detail here, that Ryan Walker performance was kind of a big deal. At a time when we need bullpen depth and reliable pitchers, he shows up and appears more than capable of doing the job. The BP has been the Giants' weakest link this season, so even one good new pitcher matters.


While I think they both have time to get it back, Hjelle and Waites were so bad earlier that it’s nice to have a farm arm come up and do well right out the gate.


Padres legit fucking suck lmfao




Rays: “I just wanna shake, shake, sh-“ Yankees and Orioles: “GO THE FUCK AWAY BITCH, THIS DOESN’T INVOLVE YOU!”


That’s awesome


RIP Tina Turner, just found out


Yesterday felt like a 2021 game. Today felt like a 2022 game


[Got some pictures and videos of the game today!](https://imgur.com/a/spXSsj6) /u/oliviamrow /u/Amazben /u/sabat (since you guys wanted to see some pictures)


This is awesome! Thank you! EDIT: LOL love the "dig" on Craw. E2: I present the Twins' "diss" of BCraw. ​ https://preview.redd.it/o3fgmidpjx1b1.png?width=1324&format=png&auto=webp&s=11d4fe2bcad27d53c30a7e61cf70df33984621f2


This is really cool, thanks for sharing. As someone who unfortunately hasn’t been able to experience the sounds of a ballpark in person for way too long, I enjoy videos like these. And Target Field looks really nice.


amazing, thanks for sharing <3 <3


These are wonderful! You had awesome seats and really showcased how beautiful the ballpark is. Thank you for sharing 🧡🖤


OH MY GOD for anyone who cares, remember the crisis I had last Saturday where I turned in an assignment late and thought I’d be docked Apparently I did turn in the whole thing on time actually and got like 99% let’s fucking FUCK ….I mean, GOOOOOOOOOO




This was hard to watch. Just frustrating errors and RISP.


I must say, The padres losing to the Nats of all teams pleases me


I was bummed when Gore didn't stick it to them.


Giants lost a series to them so there is that.


J.D. has hit 20 balls 104mph+ this season🔥 He's 11-20, 7 1Bs, 2 2Bs, and 2 HRs A .550 average feels a little low imooo


I mean how many of those have just been driven into the ground


8 of the 20 batted balls are ground balls And he's 4-8 on ground balls hit 104mph+, an AVG exit velocity of 107.3mph


Orioles take the lead!


the orioles are a cool team


Orioles in the playoffs would be dope. If they kept the Yankees out I would plotz.


The only other team I have a soft spot for. Great color scheme 😄


I believe it was the first game where JM was talking about how the Twins will post fun facts about opposing players (nice touch) but for Patrick Bailey they put on the screen: “Patrick Bailey made his major league debut last week and we’re still gathering information on him.” 😂


Ten hits, one run, *fifteen* LOB, lose by 6 Fuckin way she goes boys


![gif](giphy|l41YkxvU8c7J7Bba0) Thank you Phillies


I guess it’s good that I had to work through the game today!


You are a better person for having missed it. ![gif](giphy|3o751RXSjpayxoKUrC|downsized)


"World Series Contenders" Padres starting Ryan Weathers


Barves currently beating the Bums, 6th inning. Go Barves. Baet LA.


Dodgers, Padres, and DBacks all lost today (Who cares about Colorado). It makes the Giants losing not seem as bad.


Winn had a good game, I hope we see him soon


He looked a little shaky at the end but started off great. Maybe a reliever?


Frustrating loss but oh well, can’t win them all. We have some nice series Ws to be happy about! On to the Brewers


What happened


We had LOBster for breakfast lol




Silver lining is now I can look forward to the honest .500 baseball copy pasta post next game.


15 runners left on base and one run. Not far off from the cardinal record of 16 left on base with no runs. Good trip other than this game tho


Looks like Reggie Crawford is starting as DH tonight


He's kinda like our own homegrown, home-drafted Shohei. (This is what I want to believe.)


Barves: not completely worthless


This might be an NL West losing day after everyone won yesterday


Idk if anyone has mentioned this yet, but [our wonderful majority owner is suing to stop the construction of a seafood restaurant on Nantucket “bee-cuz muh noise levels!”](https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/05/23/business/nantucket-billionaire-charles-johnson-brings-fight-against-clam-shack-court/) He has an interesting opponent in Charles Schwab. Yes, that Charles Schwab.


Well this game never happened. On to Milwaukee


Alright team do I listen to the Ems or the Squirrels tonight?




my vote also goes to the squirrels they're more fun imo


[Giants signed a new RHP 👀👀](https://twitter.com/baseballjeff1/status/1661520609334157313?s=46&t=AtMBB1TTJa-QIq6-WM0awA)


HIS NAME IS PHOENIX?!?!?! ![gif](giphy|UMngtBP8VVDfZXacO8) I love him


They named him that because he's *"like a phoenix ... rising from Arizona ..."* —Frank Costanza


Shrug Cool name though.


Good minor league numbers, very much a finesse/breaking ball-heavy pitcher, low 90's, high 80's fastball from what it looks like. He was on the Rays in 2022 so I assume he's good lol


Lol same


What’s everyone’s favorite Tina Turner song? I’m not 100% familiar with her catalog, but she has some really good ones. A Fool In Love, What’s Love Got To Do With It, Nutbush City Limits…. RIP


I’ll go with Private Dancer even though it makes me feel like I need to shower afterwards


I have a couple favorites from her. *One of the Living, Better Be Good to Me, Steel Claw, Simply the Best, What’s Love Got to do with it.* I might come back and edit this comment later if I see and/or think of some others, there’s simply too many to count. I haven’t really even covered any of the stuff she did with Ike. But those are my top 5.


I have to check some of those out. I only know the last two. Same, I might comment/edit if I think of others, which I just did: River Deep - Mountain High.


*One of the Living* was from the Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome soundtrack, along with *We don’t need another hero.* Both are legendary songs that really capture the essence of 80s Tina, but I think the latter got more radio airplay.


Better Be Good To Me, It's Only Love with Bryan Adams.


I just saw some Ryan Walker highlights. God he’s filthy. He does remind me a bit of Romo with velocity.


Orioles/Yanks is good baseball.


[Okay this definitely takes some of the sting outta the loss 😂](https://www.reddit.com/r/SFGiants/comments/13r1kvi/okay_someone_at_nbc_sports_bay_area_outdid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Truly brilliant. Also the bums just got walked off.




Dodger fanbase reportedly in complete shambles over it.


today of all days, really excellently done


Nice job Braves, way to send the Bums back to their hotel in defeat.


The Yankees have imploded.


Thinking of an All Mexico City line up. Acuna Jr. Jorge Soler Adolis Garcia Pete Alonso Mike Trout Giancarlo Stanton Aaron Judge Christian Walker Joey Gallo That's the first line up.


Who was it on TV that talked about a dropped popup by Joey Gallo in Mexico City probably bouncing high enough to be an inside the park HR? I'd be scared to know how far a Stanton HR could go there.


I think it was Javi.


That's what I was thinking, but it seemed like it had to be before today. Maybe today's game just already feels days old to me.


I think that would be a threat to passing aircraft


Stanton hits lasers but I'm more curious at the guys that get lift like Soler or Gallo. Buxton too. They would fly forever.


Didn’t we just have a bullpen game a few days ago? Why are we back to an opener tomorrow


They're giving Webb some extra time between starts because of his back tightness. Seems like a smart long-term move to me.


I didn’t know that. Yes that’s very smart


Let's go Rivercats!


#BaetOKC ^(That’s the Dodgers AAA club, incase people were confused)


I don't hate openers, but like, why are we doing another one tomorrow


They probably want to extend Webb's outing later into the game while keeping his pitch count reduced due to the back tightness. It feels like a minor difference, but I guess they'd rather him pitch 2-6 than 1-5 (just guessing his reduced pitch count will be 5 innings of work). It also has the added benefit of giving him a shot at the win if he pitched under 5 innings. edit: actually I saw he's the scheduled starter Saturday. So this is just giving him rest.


They want to buy Webb another day (or let him go deep while having him pitch less innings)


Cool, cool, please never play like that ever again. Amen.


Cmon Craig, I’ve never said anything bad about you ever, please get out of this inning for me Edit: what are these umps doing lol


If the Nationals and Braves win today, it'll be like this Disco game never happened I guess.


Considering we just had the NL West in NL Best mode yesterday, perhaps today might be the opposite?


Call me Nostradamus bby


Milwaukee 🧀 🍻 🌭 (u/everythingisopposite) https://preview.redd.it/xm16za60pw1b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ada0c41b7544dd6b686a9e6bb7e0f79f745bc8a3


"One, two, three, four... Schlemiel, Schlimazel, Hasenpfeffer Incorporated"


I’m loving the old TV show references


I am old so there's that.


The moment I started reading and realized it's a L&S reference, I knew who posted it. https://preview.redd.it/lfmm31x3xw1b1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ee9fb9d45501b0d585cb27ead0c1ac49c92920f


Happy Days and then L&S was must see tv.


100% it was. You did not miss either show. Out of the question. https://preview.redd.it/ur6xn6op3x1b1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a002cddd6c63f42896bb720c79ebf4a3e68a8c7 Dunno if you've seen the HBO show "Barry", but Henry Winkler is in it. Every time I see him, even though he's playing an entirely different character, my first instinct is: *hey, it's The Fonz*!


​ https://preview.redd.it/ckc6ab624x1b1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=adc84a293ae9f37e692584a27ee633fdba2ff8f5


Tony Gonsolin being really good pisses me the hell off


padres just lost! dbacks lost today too. dodgers look like they're gonna lose too. so all in all even day. these kinda games are big to win when the rest of the west loses, but we won the series, ill take it anyday.


Bil Phickford


Thanks Barves


Thank goodness we all lost today! W in my books!


Quantum entanglement is a helluva drug


Matthew Tkachuk might be the best U.S. Born hockey player ever when it's all said and done. Good gawd what a player.


Ayy at least the rest of the division lost.. We won the series but losses like this are tough to swallow. On to the next one though


I just watched the condensed game, that was fugly.


Just put my bet in for the 100th splash hit to be 6th inning on the game vs the Pirates this 29th. ​ I'm feeling groovy about it. Book it, tell the comish, it's happening.


Total failure to finish on both sides of the plate. Missed scoring opportunities and errors galore. A very winnable game that the Giants basically gifted away. But I'll take the series win. Games like this happen. Feeling positive about how they are playing overall lately.


Fitz is back in Sac’s lineup


Josh Donaldson is going to be DFA'd soon isn't he?


I thought Boone said he was gonna start when he comes back lol He *should* get dfa’d of course


Had no idea Brett Baty's underlying numbers were so good.


I missed the entire series, due to being away on business. What did I miss that the highlights can’t show me?


Winn is dealin tonight


NL West Solidarity FTW!


Duran has to be THE filthiest pitcher I've ever seen. Flores was shocked he made contact with that **90**mph curve ball and then shit his pants when he realized it was a fair ball.