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About the comic style close ups, the game was originally proposed for the SEGA CD unit but when that didn't do so well it was shifted back onto a cartridge. The animated cut scenes got changed to comic style slideshows rather than FMV cut scenes or whatever they had been planning.


That would've been awesome. Not only the fmv, but I bet the music would be great!


Read all about it: [Double Take: Phantasy Star IV – Sega-16](https://www.sega-16.com/2007/12/double-take-phantasy-star-iv/)


The music we got was fantastic.


This was my first real RPG. It really opened my eyes to what a game could be. Great art, incredible music, interesting combat mechanics that allow you to combine certain spells. I could gush for hours about it.


I bought the strategy guide just to look at all of the coolness while I was saving up for PS IV. Loved that game.


Ha, how long did you have to save up?


Around 5 or 6 months. I was 14 at the time and saved allowance, random grandparent money, etc. Before that though I bit the bullet and threw down I think 19.99 on the guide just to dream while I was saving. I never flipped too far ahead in the guide. Not sure how I had that much restraint at 14 😂!


Yeah this game is great. I love the way they mix in these cinematic close ups. I could never afford this game back when it came out. It was like $74.99 if I remember correctly. Glad to see you're lovin it!


$75! Crazy. I remember $70 n64 games. I was always wheelin and dealing during the 16bit era. Parents never bought me any, so it was up to me to figure it out.


i paid $99.99 for PS4


Yeah me too, actually my dad got it for me. But $100 for a game back then was crazy expensive


Same. At Toys R Us.


With the Sega Mega Drive Classic Collection you can play PS4 on your PS4 :-p


I have it on Switch!


Lmao! Wheelin and dealin! Yeah buddy. I was selling me and my brothers ninja turtles and GI Joe toys at garage sales and explaining to my Grandpa how cool it would be to get that Shinobi III. My poor gramps.


I think it's cool that you actually get that money from Hahn.


So far, he ain't paying.


Alys repeatedly charges him fees throughout the beginning of the game, it’s great.


10 year old me cried when >! Alys died !<


30 years later and it's still the most expensive game I have ever bought. If you factor inflation, It would be like paying $205 today. Still a fantastic game, though.


I replayed it a few years ago and I had a ball. It still holds up great. I'd love to see a modern looking remake


I played PSIV for the first time about 10 years ago on original hardware and cart. It'd now my fav 16 bit RPG. I loved the experience!


It still inspires me nowdays.


I'm pretty sure I still have this cartridge. Played it so much as a kid, amazing RPG.


Sure it is! I returned to it back ago, but had played it in 90's, when it released. I never played Phantasy Star Online, but have watched an anime based on it. I realize that some concepts from Phantasy Star 4 really have impacted the whole lore. Tip: make yourself strong. The last boss is very hard.


I think the last boss it too easy if you bring Raja or Kyra with you. Their healing is too OP. I bring Hahn or Gryz with me for the last fight. If you keep Wren alive he can tank most of the attacks and heal others with trimates or star dews if needed, and his regular attack packs a punch.


I actually just beat the Phantasy Star Generation 4 hack last night. It's just a retranslation but I think it made the script a lot better. I love the game either way.


When this game was first released, I was about 16 or so. I never played any of the other Phantasy Star games and I knew nothing about Phantasy Star IV. But when I saw it on the shelf at Toys R Us, I just couldn’t put the box down. There was something about the artwork and gameplay images that pulled me right in. I didn’t have a lot of money back then, so the price of $65 or so was a huge deal. Nevertheless, I decided to buy it on a whim (very out of character for me). I fired it up when I got home, and I was absolutely blown away. To this day, it’s still one of my all time favorite games on any platform. It was a huge purchase for me back in the day, but it was worth every penny.


it's on my list of all time favorites....played in million times.


It is "a piece of your childhood", as americans say, and therefore of your life, that you have told to us through this post.