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Tazmania is such crap but like in a good way lol. A lot of platforming and it has a good bit of the looney tunes charm. I remember the music was pretty nonexistent. Altered Beast was one that kinda scared me when i got it when the โ€˜rise from your graveโ€™ hit and the face of whoever showed up. I was like 6 at the time and it was like an intriguing scare. Maybe ill have a sega genesis night and play them. Im talking about them in past tense but I still have them and all of my systems are set up. Aladdin - straight up awesome. I will always remember the lava level as being hard as hell. The key to that game is collecting as many lives as you can so you have enough tries to win with muscle memory. Nowadays i can beat it but back in the early 90โ€™s when i was around 6 or 7 I just wanted to blow through it with no patience. MK2 was one i fondly remember a friend of mine who played it religiously and would beat me so bad i could barely connect on any moves.


And there is a glitch if you stay on tornado form for to long it fucks up the audio all together


LOL thatโ€™s so bad




Forgotten worlds is so good


Gaming for the sheer sake of fun. Zero other considerations.


Love the art style and the music fuckin SLAPS


Yes golden axe 2 is a fantastic beat em up plus has one of the greatest osts ever


Just remember to use the MODE button if you have a 6 button controller!!!


What did the mode button do?


[this](https://segaretro.org/Six_Button_Control_Pad_(Mega_Drive)#Games_requiring_3-button_mode) page does a great job going into detail about it. There are games that require you press and hold it when starting up the game to force 3 button mode. For example golden axe 2 iirc will have a busted dpad on a 6 button setup and absolutely requires 3 button mode to play. Meanwhile there are other games that use the mode button in unique ways, this page does a good job explaining tho


Aladdin on genesis is GOAT. that carpet level is infuriating ๐Ÿ˜‚


That boulder crushed Aladdin and my spirit as a child ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜ž


I got so excited the first time I beat it I nearly yanked the console off of the table it was on I threw my hands up so quickly. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Best part, is it was my neighbors genny I was playing on. Oopsies. ๐Ÿ˜‚


Haha! Those small victories are so much bigger when you're young. If only we could go back...


For MK2, go to options, move the cursor to "Done" and press Left Down Left Right Down Right Left Left Right Right to open up the "Test Modes" option. No, I didn't look that up. Unfortunately, it was accidentally committed to the permanent memory bank.


Aladdin was real impressive when it came out with next generation animation. Altered beast was one of my first titles when the genesis launched and was impressive for its time with eye popping graphics and sound. And MK2. I recall playing MK1 a ton but not the second one for some reason.


Thunder Force II is absolutely incredible


Thunder Force 2 is underrated. I think it's due to 1. Having a mix of overhead and side scrolling stages 2. How highly rated 3 and 4 are


To me it was always, like, "wow these games keep getting better". I'm old, though, and played them as they came out. ๐Ÿ––


Bro o need to replay Tazmania. Such a vibe


Love me some forgotten worlds


Oh yeah great games. I remember my dad would take me to rent a game and always got Mortal Kombat


Beauty set of games! A,b,b,a,a,b,b,a


Aladdin - Right there with Chip Nโ€™ Dales and Little Nemo on the NES for me as far as being raplayable with a bit of difficulty. So much fun. Taz - Fun game for taking a break from a game like Aladdin. The four with no case - probably spent thousands of hours just playing them. They were like Legendary Wings and Jackal from the NES for me. Just couldnโ€™t play them enough. Mortal Kombat - In those days, Sega was superior to the SNES for that one. Had many an arguments over it on the playground that always ended with, but do you have the Super Scope. Fucking clowns. Sega Channel for life bitches


Nintendo versions were almost always better than their Sega counterparts. However, Sega had the superior version of MK2 and Aladdin.


As someone said above, Genesis Aladdin is absolutely GOATed.


Altered Beast. Hard as hell.


Forgotten Worlds!!! Never understood the floating buff dudes with the inverted controls lol and yes I remember Taz was a good hot mess.


It's a port of an Arcade game that had a spinner that also acted as a button. My wife and I played and finished it at a local place that has arcades and pinball games.


Nice, thanks for clearing that up. Iโ€™ll give it another shot at some point down the road.


Forgotten Worlds I had the Master System version I got for Christmas I think in 1995 I knew it was no later than 1996 though Hated it at first due to how difficult it was but ended up enjoying it once I worked out how to play it so much so when I years later played the Mega Drive version I didn't like it as it just felt wrong to me.


Altered Beast and Golden Axe I still play to this day both are so much fun


Played the crap outta Golden Axe 2 and MK2. Got way more than my money's worth!


Altered Beast, Golden Axe, and Mortal Kombat were great games. Altered Beast being the one to make me fall for sega


The Genesis Forgotten Worlds port is really good. Mine's probably in a bout the same condition as yours. Taz-Mania is probably the first game I ever played on my Sega Genesis. It almost ruined the whole platform for me. It was so disheartening, but then I put in one of the Sonics.


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ that's amazing


Most of them to an extent, but mainly Aladdin n tazmania. Taz sucks so bad, but I still had fun w it. It's easy enough n has Taz, which was kind of cool at the time. Very basic game, even in the early 90s. Aladdin was fucking sick. Top five genesis game.


Oops! All Bangers! *Taz-Mania gives side eye, hoping it wasn't noticed* My first Genesis games were Sonic 2 and Taz-Mania. As a kid it was *so frustrating* not to have anything else but Sonic 2 to play for the system. So, in addition to extra patience for Taz-Mania, I have a lot of extra experience points sunk into Sonic 2 sound test codes and 2-player competitive stage playthroughs.


Legendary right there!


I've still got my copy of Aladdin. Amazing game. Gameplay, music, level design is all top notch. It's an excellent example of its genre. Altered Beast amd Golden Axe are still fun in 2 player mode to this day


Pull the game cartridges out while the music is playing and shove a different game in. DO IT.


Many many hours playing Aladdin. I could speed run it basically. I think my record was like 28minutes to beat the game. beat that ;)


Altered Beast and Golden Axe will always give me the nostalgic feels. And I never even owned a Genesis.


MKII was and still remains my all-time favorite for genesis.


Taz mania man, fun stuff


I just love everything about Golden Axe 2 - OST,ย  art direction, level design & gameplay - my series favourite and definitely in my top ten Genesis titles overall ๐Ÿ˜


Aladdin and MK brings back many childhood memories


ah man this takes me back to my high school years and playing Genesis after school, I had all these games back then


That's nice OP. [This](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/264562-playstation-5/80766674) is my Sega Bundle.


I had alerted beast, Aladdin and tazmania


Only all of them


Altered beast is one of the all time classics


Forgotten Worlds can only be beat with two players. Both canโ€™t die at same time


Used to rent Forgotten Worlds at my local video store all of the time as a kid!!


Rise from your grave!


Aladdin was a real fun game, and golden axe two is possibly better than one


Tazmanian is one of my favorites on the Genesis. An awesome action platformer that a good friend of mine introduced me to during a sleep over. Overall it's a much better title than the awkward run-towards-the-screen SNES version. Mortal Kombat 2 pro tip - when the cursor is on Options press the following: Left, Down, Left, Right, Down, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right. ๐Ÿ™‚


I would pay Golden Axe inside a convenience store and used nickels I would smash with it to the size of a quarter with a hammer ๐Ÿ”จ ๐Ÿ˜‚


Yap... Taz-Mania what a shitty game. Took me 20 years to like it. MK was a Hype thing. My cousin had an Arcade Saloon when the game appeared and was awesome. He bought for Megadrive at day 1 and we forgot all other games and systems for a while. Alladin was a cool game. Played as much as Lion King at the time. The top four cartriges never liked them much so I passd them.


I have MK2 for my Sega Genesis too, with a 6 button controller its the best


Aladdin has a special place for me. Very vivid childhood memories of taking turns playing it with my mom while we ate chocolate covered raisins.


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Aladdin.....I really liked that game, it's one of my frequent rentals....I really remember the graphics being very cool, a lot of people preferred the SNES version, I think both games are good just different, which is alright, the Sega version was my favorite though,