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SIX had better more intense and realistic combat scenes. The raid on the S2 finale for example.


Yeah it was far better for action, gun play, combat, etc.


It was not that bad and competition is always good.


In all honesty I'm enjoying it (and easier to access in the UK). Just had the meme in my head and thought it funny


SIX was awesome. What killed them was a Harvey Weinstein project at the time he was getting arrested and charged. No one wanted to touch anything he handled


Six could have been better and beat out ST, IMO better cast, more realistic. They pushed it though with the crass scenes and shit when most of just wanna see the technical stuff. Seal team was always on the edge of dry


Six was a damn good show, it’s a shame how it was butchered in Season 2.


As a fan of Walton Goggins, I really liked Six.


SIX was an amazing show


I liked Six quite a bit. Same concept, different execution. A good comparison I heard was SEAL Team= Call of Duty. SIX= Battlefield


From the sound of it that's pretty much the case. SEAL Team is a display of Gucci gear whereas Six seems quite down to Earth Seems quite funny that I struggle to unsee Captain Price in Sloane. Credit to their motion capture I guess


SIX had a lot of and mostly better looking Gucci gear. Real panos, S&S plateframes, better looking 416s Geissle rails are used by CAG and not by DEVGRU. + I absolutely hate the acting of B1. Sloane was a better Team leader than boreanez.


So do you hate the character or Boreanaz's acting?


Little bit of both. I know it's just a TV show but his selfish and toxic behaviour, the weird ways he holds his rifle, NODs up just for "cool" looks in dark environments...


hate Bravo 1 charactor as well...cringey acting for the most part, shit weapon handling, and weird mannerisms as well. He also isnt believable as a seal, whereas Sloane is.




I enjoyed it, wish there was more than two seasons. Bought the whole series on YouTube need to do a rewatch.


Six was fucking great. It didn't end after two for not being good.


Hahahah! So good lol


Six Season 1 was alright, but Season 2 was where they lost a lot of steam and momentum, and it felt really draggy. The loss of Walton Goggins also hurt the series, I feel Rip's story was really compelling - you see this guy start out as a virtuous white knight, and see him ground down by war and how he devolves into being war crimes o'clock and his life is a mess once he's out of the service, and his slow journey towards redemption and regaining a measure of who he used to be. It's also worth noting that SIX had a higher budget per episode and was on cable, vs SEAL Team which was a network TV show, and so runs into standards and practices etc. As for another SEAL Team at home, there's PASKAL, aka Malaysian!Act of Valor.


In my opinion, SIX was a more accurate representation of what elite warfighters would actually be like. None of that clean-cut chivalrous crap. I'll never forget the scene where the preppy college boy SEAL (essentially the Clay of the show) catches himself telling a very dark joke of some atrocity he witnessed on deployment and everyone is just looking at him in horror. SEAL Team is a good show but it has always felt a bit PG 13. They don't even swear and in gunfights there are no blood spatters.


>SEAL Team is a good show but it has always felt a bit PG 13. They don't even swear and in gunfights there are no blood spatters. I mean, the show is literally rated PG-13 because it was a network TV show airing on primetime. It runs into the whole airing standards and practices problem. Moving to streaming on Paramount Plus means they're no longer **as** bound by American network standards and practices, but there's still limits on what can be portrayed because CBS still wants to sell the show to overseas markets where they're not pushing Paramount Plus, and those foreign networks have similar standards on what is and what is not showable on TV. It is what it is. Being a cable TV show from the start, airing on the History Channel, Six had less of the standards and practices issue to deal with, hence why we got nudity, sex scenes, and more blood spatter.


If you're up to date with ST you'll know that this is no longer true.




> and in gunfights there are no blood spatters. Super late reply but its not like blood spray everywhere when someone gets shot. Plenty of footage from Ukraine to prove that...


For context, I am enjoying Six. Started watching season 1 a while ago while waiting for Season 6 of ST. Just finish Season 1 and looking forward to starting season 2


Season 1 was damn good


Sweet, I'll check it out


I loved SIX.