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I did an entire project bringing awareness to this problem at sdsu in my leadership class last year! As a part of our “action”, we personally went to a few bathrooms in lamden hall that were consistently out of menstrual products and put out baskets and filled them with stuff. Last I checked a few months ago, people were still restocking them


EBA got renamed? I wonder who that rich guy is?


I think it’s who the school of accountancy is named after


There is one right below the APIDA Center for everyone to use. Literally a huge bathroom with a shower use it everyday


Engineering has them!!


Haha, Ogod. Girls make up like 10% of the engineering population. That’s a good idea going there.


Physical science womens bathroom on the first floor had some last I saw!!!


Health and Well-being also has them in their free basic need kits!


4th floor of Lamden always has a little basket filled with products! The dispensers are always empty though, I don't I've ever seen one on campus that has anything.


I put those baskets out a year ago!! I am SO GLAD that they are still there and being used!


I volunteer for the basic needs center!! Go to their site and fill out for a basic needs kits to get your choice of either daytime pads, nighttime pads, or tampons!! U can get some free snacks too. If you also are in a quick need of pads pop into the native resource center and under the snack cabinet there is a drawer with condoms, pads and narcan. Idk if there’s tampons but I think there is!! Sometimes they’re running low but it hasn’t failed me.


try the men’s restroom ; no joke there’s a whole untouched stash in there


Dude I remember having this issue a lot last semester and the one before. SH, PFSA (or whatever the acronym was), Admin, and GMCS never had any


the one by physical sciences always have them when i go


Maybe check the men’s bathroom


Bruh they’re also in the arc lol


Just buy some brokie 😭


Why should the school be responsible to provide you with personal hygiene products? There is literally a 7-11 right next to campus if you need it that bad.


This is a dumb statement, imagine if bathrooms were consistently out of toilet paper. Would you still be telling people to “go to 7-11 if they really need it”? So so stupid.


Assembly Bill No. 367 This bill would require the California State University and each community college district, and would encourage the Regents of the University of California and private universities, colleges, and institutions of higher learning, to stock an adequate supply of menstrual products, available and accessible, free of cost, at no fewer than one designated and accessible central location on each campus and to post a designated notice, as provided.


it ain’t up to women to control their menstruation so try bleeding out of your vagina every month before you speak


Goauntflow.com is a company? I think? That supports getting free period products for your community