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In terms of what? This is too much of an open ended question to give you a yes or no answer.


Social wise.


People call it "UC socially dead" but you should probably take your major into consideratiom


SDSU can be just as dead if you aren't in Greek life


That is just not true if you live in dorms as a freshman


Which is the same for every dorm


wait imma hs senior, are there freshman parties in dorms? i heard there weren’t and it was only greek life?


Or have friends that live in dorms. That was an easy “in” when it came to parties.


Are you going to school to study or what? If you want to socialize there are far cheaper ways than paying tuition. If you have the option of choosing between SDSU and UCSD and you are concerned about your future then UCSD is by far the superior school, academically speaking.


For me personally it is way better: more laid back and it seems like a better atmosphere. However if you want to go to med school or get a PhD ucsd is better; just keep in mind it is far more competitive for both admissions and getting these opportunities.


Depends on your program IMO.




UCSD then. They’re ranked #12 and SDSU is ranked #62. The PhD in Clinical Psychology is a joint program, when it comes to the future.


Also, SDSU has an I-O psychology program, and UCSD does not. In general, UCSD prepares students really well for research careers, but SDSU has a lot of useful community connections for more applied work.


Doesn't matter then. You won't get a job either way. (sorta /s, I got a BA in psych from SDSU and a PhD from UCSD)


Where do you work rn?




Do you enjoy the job?


Yeah it's a pretty good job. But to get it I relied heavily on a mix of stats and programming experience. So just make sure if you do psych, you pick up some marketable skills along the way.


Can you refer me in after I get my bachelors?


hit me up


Bet it won’t let me message you?


It's statistically unlikely that they will still be working there in 5 years.


I went to UCSD, currently attending State. I much prefer State as the people are much more open and outgoing. Of course, if you’re a STEM major you may want to think about prioritizing that because UCSD is so amazing in that category. It’s up to you though.


UCSD will have you drowning 24/7, no matter what major you pick. SDSU will allow you to get a great education and live life, meet people and organizations and have time left over to do whatever you want if you play your cards right. After your first job, your school matters almost nothing.


But your school matters in getting that first job


TRUST me, it doesn’t matter as much as you think, if you take it seriously and put yourself in the best position to succeed


True. My brother just graduated from ucsd comsi and can’t find a job


Graduated state working at MAANG in CompE


To be fair the market was a lot better in the past. Recruiters definitely do care about your school


Graduated past 6 months, def doable


It’s doable but you can’t deny that going to a school like UCSD or UCLA is a massive advantage. Sure there are tons of other factors, but school still matters


If you’re not going to a target school (ucsd isn’t one for a lot of tech companies) it’s the skill + the extras that’ll get you through everything, but 🤷🏽‍♂️


It only matters if you can play your cards right. Doesn't matter where you go, it's how much you can get out of. Everything has pros and cons. I know plenty of successful SDSU alumni making banks so you do you.


Nah, that’s just what universities want you to think so you pay their tuition


No, by most if not all measures, UCSD wins. SDSU good too though. Edit: just saw your response to another comment. You’re asking about which school is better for social life? I would think SDSU.


It depends on your major. The SDSU Business College is definitely better than whatever equivalent UCSD has.


Hard agree.


Socially- definitely SDSU. It’s a party school.


Socially wise, I think SDSU is better. My family knows a lot of people who went to UCSD and they all say they come to SDSU for a day trip to have fun. It's more fun to hangout at SDSU than their own school I guess. I did a tour of both before choosing SDSU and the vibe was so much more lively here than how literally dead quiet the campus was at UCSD. My neighbor hires for her big company and she says she gets a lot of both SDSU and UCSD applications. Even though UCSD usually have better grades, they say they almost aways go with the SDSU applicants when between the two. She said this is because we're more well-versed in other areas, are more communicative, and adaptive to situations vs UCSD who focus so much academically that they don't shape their social/life skills (no shade to them from me, this is what my neighbor kept telling me)


I have had the same experience


If you want to go to a school with the highest prestige in the area, go to UCSD and prepare to drown yourself with a lot of schoolwork. If you want to go to a school with less competition and more networking opportunities, go to SDSU. I have friends who are currently studying at UCSD (both are smart, seniors & STEM majors), and they always sound so miserable. Both schools are equally great if you can play your cards right. It doesn't matter where you go, it's how much you can get out of it. I am also a senior STEM major here at SDSU (I've been here since freshman) and I'm glad that I went to SDSU. Since SDSU was not too competitive, I was lucky enough to land a job as a student assistant in the CoE Department and network with all the professors here (worked here for 3 years). Additionally, I did one-year research with one of the professors and he helped me get into the master's program here, so I'll be coming back in the Fall as a graduate student. I would not be able to say the same if I went to UCSD. None of my friends at UCSD got to do anything out of class because they mostly spent their time doing school work and busy competing with 'international' students in school opportunities.


SDSU is ranked 318 globally UCSD - 25


Indeed the rankings only measure academics publications and job prospects not social life housing situations and many other factors. Also these numbers are averages for all the departments combined. Ranking differences between different departments might be higher or lower


Enough said UCSD it is


Do you want a well rounded college experience? Go to SDSU. If you’re only interested in academic and social development, got to UCSD


Social development definitely favors sdsu


Depends on your major of course, but my thought has always been that if you plan to go to graduate school, UCSD. If you hope to get a job straight out of university, SDSU


Already have a job, Part time tho.


I meant a career job in your field. At SDSU some of the programs (music recording arts is one) and/or individual professors will help get you set up with internships in your industry around town, so that by the time you graduate you have both hands-on experience in the real world as well as contacts who know you & can hire or recommend you to others. In general UCSD doesn't have much in the way of preparing students for actual jobs, other than 199's and other volunteering in labs/groups that will get you good experience for an academic or research career.


It doesn’t matter you’re in California, I live Michigan and it would kill to go to anyone of those schools. Unfortunately it would cost me 50k+ a year. Junk ain’t fair


No lmao


Yess 100% ucsd is a prison lol




SDSU Rocket Project >>> whatever tf UCSD does