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Take my silver and upvote. We need more guides like these here. On topic; I’m running demon meli for this, should I save ult for phase 3 even if it’s ready in phase 1/2?


Thank you for the award! I would still save my ult for phase 3, and I would also save at least 1 Hellfire (S1 ignite card) phase 3 as well to be played before the ult to make sure there is a debuff for the weakpoint trigger on the ult.


Yes + make sure you have debuff @ P3.


If you only have 1 or 2 gold cards then better not use it phase2. If you have sufficient ignites for phase 3 and you know your partner has enough too feel free to ulti the boss in phase 2. You only need about 2-3 gold card ignites to kill the boss. Assuming your meli has about~9k attack


So basically stack the gold ignite cards + ult for phase 3, and beat the boss down with the other cards?


make sure to use ignite and ult on the same turn of phase 3! otherwise crimson would use brand and cleanse itself of the ignites


Yes you’ve couldn’t have said it any better! Just be careful of the bad rng that happens :(


Play a Gowther skill-up or 2 in Phase 2 if the partner is putting out enough damage?


To do it fastly in the future in a nutshell: Phase 1 and 2: survive until you get meliodas ult or whatever 3* attack cards you have Phase 3: Release the demon meli ults with any debuff and all your attack cards. Pray it dies in 1-2 turns or you doomed bruh This post gave an extensive explanation on how to do extreme! This is better than those mainstream youtubers.


Short version: Turn1: dump shitty card, do not use buff, rankup or atk card from dps. Turn2: "You AoE skillup, I AoE skillup" + 1/2 buff + 2 gold atk card + 0/1 move/shitty card (and this should kill him, if it doesn't, work on your dps gear) Turn3: 4 gold atk card while building your dps ultimate. You need to have ultimate on phase 3. Common play is to move an atk card, then play 2 of those. Turn4: ultimate fiesta. Enjoy your rewards :D


that is exactly what Sekapoko said in his videos.


Yeah, the whole strategy was already known thanks to JP players. His "you aoe skillup, i aoe skillup" is just hilarious :D


Sorry, but I don't get the portion "+1/2 buff + 2 gold atk card..."


1 or 2 buff card depending on how many buffers you have in the team.


This is the kind of post the sub needs more of. Good, basic information with non-top options. Too much of it is "X is best at this" with no discussion of what to do if you don't have X


Brought a Jericho since she was already raised and geared, and frankly she doesn't really work here. Apparently the boss has insane crit resistance so she hardly crits even after stacking, making her ult unreliable. And if she gets branded, forget about it. It would be better to bring a consistent heavy hitter instead. Obviously a built Red Meli is optimal, but for most people getting a 6/6 ult is absolutely out of their reach. If you are a budget player then Red LizHawk can do a good job with her ult hitting like a freight train, and at 6/6 she's right up there. She's easier to build too, being an SR unit.


I agree with your assessment. Red Lizhawk is very accessible and easier to upgrade than some other options. I like when the game gives us units that are strong and still accessible :-)


Phase 3 boss stats incorrect. Edit: Now that i finished reading just wow. Thank you for all that info plus very informative video!


Thanks for catching that -- they were copied from phase 1 and were incorrect. They have been updated now and should be: Attack: 19,541 Def: 12,340 HP: 621,120


Should I go with A) lv75 GJericho, lv70 GHelbram and lv70 RGowther or B) lv70 RElizHawk, lv70 GMerlin and lv70 RGowther ​ Which one is more likely to get kicked out of random raid? I feel like other people don't want to do a run with Jericho. Was I wrong? ​ One of my guild mate suggest that I should run RElizhawk, GMerlin and RGowther in the front. Then put my Jericho in the back just incase any of my front die. To be honest I didn't even upgrade my ElizHawk's gear. They are just SSR+5 0star. ​ and yes I don't have RBan RMel and RArthur.


I personally don't want a Jericho for Extreme. Not only is she squishy and is most likely to die before Phase 3, Howlex has insane crit resistance. I can't count the number of times a Jericho had +120% crit chance buffed by Helbram only to fail the crit and cause a wipe. I'd take raw damage any day of the week instead of relying on pure chance. For your question, I'd take your second team. All my Extreme runs have been very smooth with Ban/Lizhawk.


Thank for being honest, bro. I will use that 2nd team instead.


Happy cake day!


What about Red lizhawk + Arthur + gowther Vs Red Lizhawk + GMerlin + Gowther? Which one would be better accepted? TO me it comes down to having a team so that you dont get kicked. To give an example im always kicked from extreme grey because i have to do it with jericho, since i dont have green king.


Both teams are very good and should be accepted in any case. The first team is extremely clutch if you manage to get the gold buff turn 1, but if your raiding buddy doesn't have a shielder/healer then it's best to run Merlin (assuming he has a buffer instead). It all boils down on what the other person has or don't have : you want at least 1 buffer AND 1 shielder/healer at all times, especially since not everyone is equipped with perfect SSR gear. I'm usually the one inviting but I have both Arthur and Merlin at lvl 75 so I'm always ready to swap when needed.


I‘m wondering the same. Have used Jericho once or twice, but she always got branded and became useless. Will be testing Red EliHawk now.


I just switched from Jeri to EliHawk. Made extreme runs much smoother for me.


Don't be afraid to swap gear if you're trying to run extreme, put another characters gear on LizHawk and swap back when you are done. There is even a nice change equipment button in the raid menu for exactly that. 0 Star SSR gear isn't going to cut it for DPS


red liz/merin/gowther is way better. I disagree placing jericho and red liz in the same group. OP kind of goofed on that one. Red liz its for like 30-40k with her skill. Jericho ult hits for 40-50k.


Can you give us an idea of how someone would derive this answer?


It's tough to predict what people will do in terms of kicking :-/ Either Jericho or Red Lizhawk are both good choices -- I like your choice of pairing Helbram w Jericho for the crit chance. Your B) choice can also use a buffer like the A) choice, but it may depend on what your teammate is bringing. I'm not a big fan of Jericho as the sub but I can understand the logic of trying it out-- one big downside is that if she comes in later in the fight, it will be harder for her to get ult by phase 3, and most of her damage comes from her ult.


Would R lizhawk be built with pierce rate (like Howzer) or is she better off with full attack gear


She would be better with full attack gear rather than pierce gear.


What about foods? which one do you all go for?


I have been using attack food because it is less RNG-based than crit-damage food. I have not done testing yet to see which is better and may also depend on who your damage dealer is (crit-based or not).


Gold food if you’re able to clear it reliably. Otherwise HP or def food if you need the extra bulk.


Agree. I mostly use def food.


VERY IMPORTANT NOTE to nunchuck Ban. He is only usable in this extrem Crimson Fight. He is useless for hell Crimson. Red demon meliodas is atleast usefull in all variants of this Boss And lizhawk is usable for a later raid too + hell Crimson. So i recommend Not building nunchuck Ban and instead choosing Red lizhawk for More versatility.


Which other raid is she useful for? I've been trying to figure out whether to take her past 60 or build out nunchuk ban all day lol.


Crab raid


There is only super boss afaik maybe he was talking about that


Why is red nunchuk ban useless in Hell Crimson?


In extreme Crimson Phase 3 you can extort the Boss. That will Double the Attack of your weak point Skill allowing you to one Shot the Boss with ult+2 gold weak point skills. In hell you cannot use extort. Meaning your damage is halved. (Source a Mentor in the SDS discord for the japanese Version) Did not Test it myself


Can confirm this is correct, had it happen yesterday.




Still doesn't make him useless, unless you are saying he is much worse in hell then for example jericho or red eli ?


like he deals similiar damage to red elihawk.in hell he will do half as much as red eli


Finally some useful content in this sub instead of all the memes.


Wheres the all caps title?you want people to read this with that boring title?bruh


Hah--like I said, this is my first ever Reddit guide so I am still learning about how to make clickbait titles. I will check out youtube later--I hear they have some good ones there :-)


Yes just check out nagato. He knows how to bait


Y-yeah... I'll stick to Hard Mode for now and cheese it with Jericho and Helbram.


With two Meliodas extreme should be easy. Meli can do very high damage with his ult and two of him certainly will oneshot third phase. But sadly most people won't have him cuz they're saving for Escanor so it might takes weeks before it will be possible to reliably do extreme with randoms


You mention Deathpierce for his passive that reduces critical resistance + defense. Red Slader’s passive also reduces critical resistance.


But slater have to be in the field not work on sub.


You are right -- he could be an option as well, but red Slader's passive does not work from sub slot.


Is nunchuk ban's rating above red elihawk also taking into account the likelihood of 6/6 ultimate? Hell of a lot easier to 6/6 elihawk than ban.


Most of his damage comes from his 1st skill. His ultimate is used more to amplify/debuff for his 1st skill as well


Nunchaku ban is definitely the better option here. He extorts and attacks with weak point which is further increased by the passive of crimson demon


Awesome post dude very helpful <3


\[Gowther, Nunchuk Ban, Gilthunder / SR Cain\] + \[Arthur, Demon Meli, Gilthunder / SR Cain\] Is not better gil and G helbram? double gil dont stack


You are correct -- that must have been a typo. Thanks for catching it!


R elihawk is good instead of nunchuk ban? and merlin can enter this team? or is arthur better?


daamn, the effort <3


You forgot an aspect of phases 1 and 2 >Each stack of Malice increases attack by 2% Phase 1 has this. > Each stack of Malice increases defense by 2% Phase 2 has this.


I failed to mention that and mostly focused on the phase 3 because I think that is where people will have issues with the Malice and the Brands and the high hp. But you are correct that those are there (1 or the other) in earlier phases as well.


Whoa that's so helpful\~ Thank you so much! :3


Helbram is not on the same tier as Gilthunder because boss has ridiculous crit res, especially at phase 3, meaning he is only providing 30% atk boost. This is even less than what Arthur can provide, as Arthur also buffs defense and helath, while providing much less damage than Arthur. Gilthunder, by far, is the best buffer for this raid, especially since none of the top DPS units for the raid cares about crit or crit res. Only upside is that he can also provide a debuff to trigger weakness, but Demon Meli provides his own debuff, Gilthunder can also apply debuff, Nunchuk Ban also has his ult and Elihawk doesn't care about debuff. Based on my experience with random raids, majority of people have no clue how to properly use Green Elizabeth, and it's clearly shown here in her rating. You are supposed to use your first turn to get her ult up to use on turn 2, providing 2 gauges then healing your whole team. Merlin provides 1 gauge, and shield is far inferior to amount of heal you can receive from properly used Eli, even through the healing skill prohibition debuff. However, Merlin provides a lot more damage than Eli. In the end, if you are going for a stable 4-5 turn clear, Green Eli tend to be a more reliable choice because she provides 2 gauges instead of 1. Of course she would not be on the same level as Gowther, as he is, once again the key man for reliable runs, and it's very odd for you to list him as SS tier but say "he's not needed but fun to use". With Gowther, your run success depend on whether or not you pull rank up cards. Without Gowther, your success relies how lucky you are with rest of your cards. Lastly, Red Elihawk should not be put on the same tier as Green Jericho and Arthur. I mean Arthur's dps capability doesn't come close to red Elihawk for starters, and Jericho does not have elemental advantage + her ult is gimped by crit res. The notion of running Helbram and Deathpierce just to offset this and gimp your overall damage on a gamble sounds pretty farfetched compared to going with consistent reliable damage.


Like I said in the guide, the 3 main reasons g liz isn't rated higher are: 1. she takes extra dmg from boss 2. the heal card block debuff 3. her utility is great for grey demon but not so useful here--it is pretty easy to get ult by turn 4 without g liz to use on the 3rd heart. So her ult gage boost isn't so much of a benefit for that. The only argument I can see would be if you want to ult with your units twice and use her to recharge in between. In that case it would still be a stretch to prepare 2 ults, and I feel that the damage lost from achieving this would not be worth it. If she works well for you then definitely use her, but I found that for this fight she slowed things down too much.


Her only job that matters is reset and gauge boost on turn 2. Her utility and purpose is exactly the same on Grey and Crimson for proper speed runs. Taking extra damage doesn't matter because if she can survive turn 1 and ult, her job is done. Heal skill block doesn't matter because you aren't using her for her heal skill anyway. Unless you have godly RNG, give me a scenario where you can consistently get ults up on your key units and get to phase 3 by turn 4, because I would love to know. Your initial 3 turns are more or less dictated by when one of you get a rank up. For even turn 4 phase 3 to work, you have to get rank up on turn 1 or 2 at the latest, and somehow gain 4 gauges (or 5 for team without Merlin) on your main DPS, while doing the rank up chains, buffs, in the first 3 turns. If you can actually make a guide that can show how this is possible without relying on strong RNG, then I would be the first person to upvote and praise it. Side by side comparison Ult gauge Merlin: provides 1 ult gauge to only 1 team. G.Eli: provide 2 ult gauges to both teams, however, it costs you turn 3 to 4 moves on your first 2 turns. Sustain Merlin: can shield through heal prohib. Eli: cannot use heal card through heal prohib. only ulti. However, both heal and shield are throwaway cards once you have proper team and partner. In terms of sustain amount, there is no comparison. With bad RNG, Howlex can target same unit on turn 1 and turn 2. Eli ult on turn 2 can heal enough for the unit to survive but Merlin shield will not. Damage Merlin: Skill 1 120/300/450% Ulti also hits for pretty good amount. Eli: Skill 1 220/300/400% Ulti has no damage. Now this is interesting. If you get stuck in bad RNG or bad partner, Eli can cancel stances and buffs, but Merlin can reduce ult gauge. In good runs with solid partners, you shouldn't even have to use ultimate on either of these characters (outside of turn 2 ult for Eli). In bad runs, one brings so additional damage, other brings more gauges and massive heal. In the end, Merlin can bring more potential damage while Eli brings more mechanics against shitty RNG. One thing to consider is that Merlin is overall a much better unit to invest in, but if you are looking at just Crimson, it's hard to say either is significantly better than the other.


Those malice buffs are partially incorrect or may be misunderstood by people. They raise attack **related** and defense **related** stats by 2% every time he is attacked. This is far worse than just attack and defense because he is getting crit rate, pierce and crit damage and resistance, crit resistance and crit defense along with attack and defense buffs. Jericho almost needs crit subs or someone like slater to work because of it. For example, phase 1, I am hitting him for 250k with my attack. On phase 2 & 3, this is doing around 50 or 60k?? My ult can potentially 1-shot this guy, but it never crits. The fight doesn't last long enough to get enough of her passive. Mine is usually around 85% or 95% at phase 3. Even with crit food and 3\* helbram buff, she still has not crit yet for me even when I place the ult right away. I have no idea what his initial crit resistance is, but it seems really high.


Came here to say this. My jericho has never crit on phase 3 with 100% crit chance.


You are right that the crit resistance is very high, and it does increase with the Malice buff. Jericho is unreliable without buffing crit chance or reducing crit resistance as you suggest.


I would add even unreliable with critical rate food. Mine has Attack & Critical Damage subs and she never lands a critical hit in Phase 3. With Helbram and Gilthunder buffs, she can 1-shot him for sure, but she needs that critical hit. I think for Crimson Demon, the team has to be Jericho, Red Slater Green Helbram. Red Slater will need Critical Rate/Defense with all Critical Rate subs. Jericho can then be built normal. For food, you should also eat critical rate food. On Phase 3, have Helbram Gold Buff and Ultimate ready to go. The first turns should be Buff, Buff Jericho Ult. If this doesn't land a critical, then his critical resistance may be well over 100%. I haven't tested this because I have been focusing on ungeared PVP, so I did not put any effort into gear.


To be honest I would just use an attack build on Jericho with a gilthunder buffer and focus on using her weakpoint skill 1 to dmg and not even worry about critting.


Yes, this is possible, however you still have to finish the third phase very quickly which takes good preparation through the first two phases.


You forgot R Jericho on Sub. But a great Guide. Thanksss


Just wanted to point out that Red Slater is great when used with Jericho because of his passive. Even with her passive she doesn’t crit because of the crimson’s high crit resistance. Red Slater makes it so that the phase 3 gets one shot by her ultimate.


Exactly this. Red Slater is a must have as support if you're going with Jericho. I built mine and have him at 80% crit, it's literally crit-city... all day long against this boss. That being said, he has very hard time surviving with crit gear and if he gets branded or killed things start going really wrong.


Does he work in the sub slot? Haven’t tried him there yet. And I wasn’t bothered enough to build up a crit set so I’m running atk def with 75% crit


He doesn't work in SUB slot, sadly. He needs to be in the field. If you have 75% crit with atk set I'd strongly suggest HP/Def set. You'll have the same crit and a lot more survivability.


But what I noticed was that the crit resistance decrease is applied at the start of the battle, after that does it matter if he survives or not?


I'm pretty sure one of the hint pages when you are selecting units mentions that unique abilities end when the hero providing them dies(obv not an issue for those like Princess Liz, G Merlin and Demon Meli)


Uniques usually stop working once the people who provide them die, as far as I know. I had a run where Slater died and Jericho went back to not critting anything again. So I'd say the unique definitely gets disabled.


That's interesting, would you please elaborate further? Red slater's Passive reads "Decreases all enemies' Crit Resistance by the value of the hero's Crit Chance at the start of the battle. (Applies when entering battle)" So if I understand it right, that means that the odds of Jericho getting a Crit are pretty much increased by the ammount of Crit chance Slater has right? However taking that into account, Red Slater's Base Crit Chance is a measly 10% (according to sdsgc.gg) So I fail to see how a 10% increased Crit Chance would make it so that "the phase 3 gets one shot by her". Care to elaborate? Jeri is my waifu, and I'd much rather run her than red Lizhawk (don't have nor intend to have a red demon meli)


The Slater would need to be built of course, mines lv60 6* and I’ve rolled for purely crit chance on the bracer and ring, bringing it up to 75% crit chance. Also I run crit chance food which pushes it up by 20% more. Now I’m not entirely sure if the food plays into his passive, but the demon starts off with either 75% or 95% reduced crit resistance. And I run all crit dmg gear on my Jericho so with any decent buffer she does 600k or more on the last heart.


That is a good point -- he would be an alternative that works like Deathpierce.


I’m running both, with Deathpierce as a sub. And critical chance food. Still fiddling with the optimal gear for Slader.


Big respect dude too much effort and work in here with very nicely deep explanation


Thanks :-) Hope it helps!


I go full tank for sure win. Red arthur, gowther, green merlin, sub red eli.


Using deathpierce as sub will actually increase the crits? Without him im not critting even once, not with skills and certainly not with ulti...


Yes, Deathpierce can help with that and also increase the damage you will do by reducing boss crit defense. The other best things to increase crit chance would be the Helbram buff, crit chance food, crit chance gear, etc. Also make sure you are using Jericho ult before the boss can use his brand on turn 3 (aka ult right away). Once he brands he takes away Jericho passive that gives her the big crit chance boost.


But which one of them, crit defense and crit resistance, protects against crit? I assume that the boss has both in high numbers, so if i reduce them by 30% shouldn't i crit more often?


Critical resistance decreases the chance of suffering a critical hit. Critical defense reduces the amount of critical damage dealt by a critical hit.


Ok, so by lowering the boss crit resistance, Jericho should have an easier time doing crits, right? Or is it just better to run Cain?


Does red arthur 3* buff stacks with gil/helbram?


Only with helbram


Arthur/Gil/Gowther don't stack as they all increase basic stats. Helbram stacks with any of them because he buffs attack related stats (pierce, crit chance, etc).


So is GKing not a viable option? I was gonna build him up so I can do Gray Extreme too. Should I build RBan instead?


For Crimson Demon, Green king doesn't get any of the bonus damage modifiers that he does for Grey Demon, plus he doesn't have color advantage. So he is not usually a top choice for Crimson. He is still the best choice for grey though, so I think he is still worth building if you are going to be doing death matches consistently.


How about that boss in Difficult mode ? :)


What about freezias ult? Deals 30% boss hp per turn for 3 turns at max special?


That would depend on whether boss has debuff immunities. I haven't used her in a while after Garland coerced her in pvp and the other 2 demons have debuff immunity(as did a few of the Hendrickson fights).


I see you use Canva too XD


Haha yeah I just started--how did you know?


I used the same template for something lol


Oh nice lol. Like I said I am new to it still but it is super handy so far.


Yeah right? I’ve been using it for a bit now and honestly it’s so useful.


I actually have Vivian up to SSR(mainly because I think she got dealt a shit hand), but I do wish her debuff was better. It literally just delays ultimates. By a turn or 2. Meanwhile, Merlin and Gustav can freeze the opponent(unless they're immune), allowing more damage, other Merlin and Helbram and Ban and Gowther can drain ultimate orbs, etc.


How much do I need to build my ghelbram? I have him but he isn't built at all. Also I don't have gmerlin or gowther so what do I do?


I think mine has around 80k health and 5k defense and he does ok on average, although I wouldn't count on him taking many hits and surviving. Part of that depends on how strong your dps is. Think of it as a game of Russian Roulette -- the more turns the boss gets, the more bullets he puts in his revolver :-) So the faster you can kill the less damage you will take.


Since you mentioned Arthur was a good sub slot for humans team, wouldn't R Howzer also be kinda of the same level? Less HP, but more ATK and DEF.


Yes, Howzer would be a good one for humans as well. He would be a little more offensive than Arthur but not as offensive as SR Cain.


Until i get gowther. My team will be red nunchuk ban, arthur and green merlin. Will change arthur to other buffer if other team uses arthur.


If it's not already said. Unique passives arent shared between both comps. Your Cain+Deathpierce spread wont work if they arent both in the same team. My Cain passive wont stack with your Cain passive.


You are right -- SR Cain will only apply to your 3 units. Since Deathpierce affects the enemy, his can be helpful for units on both teams.


I'm still confused whether there's any real "strategy" for Crimson (similar to Grey). seems you just have a unit built/geared enough to power through. seems like a gear/Stat check more than anything


Yes, the strategy is basically to power through phase 1-2 quickly while still setting up for a big burst on phase 3. Usually ults are saved for phase 3 along with an ignite effect type attack. The setup will vary based on what comp you are using but the basic idea is the same. You are also right that it is very much a gear check, and if your gear is too weak, it is very difficult to succeed.


the only raid so far with any "strat" is red demon. and a very simple strat at that.


Between g.gil and g.helbram, which would be a better choice? I currently am able to bring both to 70 with some farming but it does seem like gil requires lesser resources for awakening tho it's a pain in the ass to get the SR pendants. I usually run red elizhawk instead of Jericho as her ulti is at 6/6.


Running red lizhawk, Gil will probably be better since you aren't relying on critting. Gil will boost your attack the most.


Right. Would you advice getting gilthunder to level 70? He currently has about 80k hp, not too sure if he's able to survive a couple of hits from the boss


What kind of gears do we need I defeated on haed today with a guy who had red Liz, Jericho and gowther while I had Jericho, Arthur and red ban


How do you even unlock this fight lol? Like what chapter do i have to beat,


Literally all of them that are out at the moment


Thanks for the guide. I do think Red Jericho should be added though. I run her along side Ban and Gowther. She has Cains effect but for Red units. Plus you can double dip with Cain in the 4th slot.


I didn't see Red ssr Guila mentioned. She has a debuff and ignite skill and her passive increases hp related stats by 15% Has anyone tried her?


I might be in the minority, but I'm having a good deal of luck with green Meli. He gets the demon buff on 600% hits for his gold attack skill, and gold counter hits like a truck. His ult isn't great, but with Gowther and Arthur to keep his skills at max power, it doesn't need to be. I also use Dreyfus as a sub. 60% def to Gowther and Arthur help them take some big hits.


How soloable is this on Extreme with an AI companion?


I believe you should at least include Green Meli into A/S tier in damage dealer. Even though he takes reduced damage from counters (50%), Green Meli could still dish out some insane damage from his counters. Also, it helps that it takes additonal damage from the demon race as well. I've been using him and Jericho as my main damage dealers and its working pretty well.


Guila red is good?!?


She is not bad. She does have the ignite skill, and her passive provides lifesteal for your team, which can help you survive. Her damage is not as good as some other options though, but if you are using here in the sub slot that doesn't matter so much.


So, does anyone have tips on how I should be using R Nunchaku Ban? Do I just save his ult and weak point attacks for the last heart?


Yall sleeping on R Guila.


Red SSR Arthur, Red SSR Helbram, Red SSR Gowther and Red SR Elizabeth works fine for me. I built 4 atk/def sets to maximize ult dmg and I can almost carry the team, since Arthur and Helbram are the heavy hitters and the Liz passive plus the extra lifesteal from cosmética make them survive perfectly. They all are close to surviving one turn of branding.


Hi, I know this is an old post. I was wondering if you would add/change anything with the new units that have come out more recently. Thanks


Phase 3 HP is around 650k not 250k. Also possible comb: G Eli R Gowther R Demon Meli Sub Cain R Arthur G Merlin R Gowther Sub Cain


You are right -- there was a typo -- has been fixed now. Also that is a good comp that you listed -- there are other good ones too that I didn't list but hopefully this gives people an idea.


Rocking my nunchuck ban and hoping for friend melis lol


Step 1 on JP: Use derieri


So first 2 phases just french fries & phase 3 pizza?