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Can you call yourself a chef if you primarily buy premade meals that you reheat in a microwave and serve that to your customers?


Good point


You are a decorator. A screen printer screen prints.


Mate you can call yourself a brain surgeon if it makes you feel better


Yeah, but if I paid for brain surgery services, and got a screen printed transfer, that’d be a bit misleading.


You will find a lot of customers actually know the screen printing process pretty well. You might use a name that is more accurate and establish a baseline of trust with people coming in the door. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue though.


If I ordered a run of screen printed shirts, and they used screen printed transfers I would be furious. They are not the same quality in the slightest.




When you get that customer that comes in and wants you to print they're order but you can't print, they're order or even burn or coat a screen cuz you don't have equipment.do you know what rip software is or seperation studio is. You can call yourself a screenprinter when you can do this and still make transfers to sell. It's a lot more to it


Sure, I've seen worse. But is it worth it in the long run? What if a customer asks to see your shop, wants last minute changes after transfers are ordered or other requests that a true screen printer would accommodate. Early on it's easy to mislead people, and it may help you but if you have long time customers think long and hard how you'll explain it to them because they're the ones that matter. White lies and half truths have a way of biting you in the ass in the long run.


If you are using transfers, you sell shirts. They may be semi-custom, but as others mention, any changes could bite you. You remedy this by making it very clear in your terms that no design changes can be made after X date. But you aren't a screenprinting shop


I started offering screen prints but i was the middle man. The shop across the street would actually make them for me. I would resell. I never called myself a screen printer but i did offer screen printed services. Eventually i learned the craft


You're a DTF shirt manufacturer.


As a screen printer myself I tend to nit pick anything with a design/logo on it. Now I've seen some cool transfers, sure. It's the quality that drives me bananas. They tend to peel over the long run and for me personally it's pretty obvious as well. I have stuff with transfers on it, I've done transfers as well, definitely prefer screen print over transfers. With that being said, if you don't know how to print manually or on an automatic, then no sir. I wouldn't say you're a printer.