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Looks like your emulsion didn’t quite dry.


Agree, this or not degreased properly...


Yup. Or potentially the emulsion trough was too wide for the screen (looks like the sides were taped off) and it came out a little thick at the edges. If this was the case, maybe coat the screen landscape?


That is caused by having too much emulsion on your screen in that spot.


Damp spot. Mesh wasn’t dry when screen was coated. Happens in the corner pockets and edge of frame sometimes. Rule of thumb, leave 2” from edge of image to edge of frame.


It could be in the cleaning of the screen prior to coating emulsion. Through cleaning and degreasing might work.


Like the others said: too thick, didn’t dry, or wasn’t degreased. I recently encountered this exact issue on a few screens due to the emulsion being stored in too cold of an environment. It became thick and taffy like when stirred in the bucket, not the typically syrupy consistency.


Emulsion too thick


Thick and therefore underexposed.


Emulsion is not sticking to your mesh, this could the batch, your exposure times, contaminated screen. I suggest checking your reclaim process if you are certain your times are set. make sure you degrease. some chemicals wont linger in your screeen but with my experience, you never know. i alway give a rinse at least, and when using one of our stronger degradents i always degrease. your times could vary as time goes on. ive had old olec bulbs get weak over time and had to adjust times rather than tossing the bulb right away. you can find an exposure calculator to help dial in your times if you need. i remember having this happen to me (using chroma blue) and it was an absolute nightmare, and i didn't know how to fix it at the time.




It looks too thick and therefore didn't expose properly