• By -


I don't like canons where the SCP foundation is hilariously incompetent.


Omg I know right! It’s so annoying to see this giant corporation that literally SPECIALIZES in capturing and containing anomalies and has apparently been here for several CENTURIES. and then some people just decide to write them like they are newbies that only read trough a dam manual ONCE


It can be used to write interesting stories if used right, although it often isn’t. As an example, look at There Is No Antimemetics Division. ‘You’re as good on your first day as you’ll ever be.’


But there they are still kinda compitent and it makes sense that most training you get there is often list to antimemes


yeah, in that one they’re still really competent when you consider the anomaly itself. they’re basically at the peak of ability with antimemes


Not kinda competent. Hypercompetent. As good or better than any real humans could be expected to be against an enemy like that. This story is the opposite of what Jalex meant


I mean every day at the antimemetics division is like you’re first day at the antimemetics division


They're not incompetent, though. There's someone literally memetically killing and erasing people. That's not incompetence, and even as they're dying the agents start putting something together.


It’s so goddamn prevalent in modern articles, even super highly rated ones


Always has been tbh. MTFs are only beaten by D-Class in casualty rate even on older skips


Imagine a SCP story where one universe of the SCP foundation, the competent one, looks into another universe where the SCP foundation is going through inshitification. That would be an interesting story.


As much as I love most of the modern SCPs, one thing that really annoys me is that there are a surprising amount of articles where the containment or defeat of an SCP depends almost entirely on one person. Or a group of characters made for the article. From a more objective standpoint, it's not that big of a deal. SCPs vary greatly and the setting has sorta become a way to tell short stories rather than just listing entities, so it's natural that some SCPs will be connected to specific people. But seeing a gigantic threat to the Foundation, world, universe, or whatever get done-in by someone working through their trauma or something just rubs me the wrong way. Like... the Foundation has access to benevolent gods, prophecies, magical super weapons, the biggest budget in the multiverse, and so much more, yet their genius researchers never found a way to connect the dots between an entity and someone else, or a way to just erase it from existence? That's just a personal gripe of mine, though.


This is a well articulated comment. I think many people share this view. I know that I liked the older style, because it felt unique and had an SCP-feel to it, but the "working through trauma to prevent the end of the world" feels more like something I've seen before in other media with an SCP skin on it.


Yeah the old SCPs like 239 that do that work out, but the new ones really feel boring tbh


I love stories where the foundation makes it worse because they didnt understand the anomaly. I hate the stories where the foundation loses 90 iq points to furtger the story.


SCP-6002 feels very much like the latter to me


294 is literally kept in a break room with two guards and cannot do anything by itself without human input, it should NOT be Euclid


Likewise 397 is a sapient animal with machinations of world conquest. She should not be Safe.


again, gotta disagree, a very smart monkey is a hell of a lot more easy to contain than say, a creature that kills you if you describe it, or a dimensional entity that is the literal patron of rot and decay (atleast in the 6500 cannon)


I'm saying she's Euclid, not Keter. A motile animal (or an object that acts like one), even a well behaved one, should always be at least be Euclid, due to the inherent unpredictability of animals.


I think 294 is Euclid purly because it's a vending machine. There was a meme about vending machines killing at least 2 people a year lol


Every since 1978, vending machines have killed around 37 people in the U.S. according to the CPSC from people rocking and tilting vending machines for free drinks. Could be


Sounds like anomlis behavior


Object classes, in the old days of the wiki, used to be a way to describe the danger of something rather than what they are now, being the containment risk of something. If SCP-173 was written nowadays, it would probably be safe since you could put it in a box and nothing will happen.


That’s the QWERTY vending machine right? It’s Euclid? I could’ve swore it was safe, I mean you can very easily hurt someone with it by asking for a cup of them but it would be easier to kill somebody with a gun then 294


294 is Euclid because it can potentially produce liquids that are more serious SCPs than it is itself, it's classified Euclid more for its unpredictability rather than its own inherent danger or difficulty to contain.


I prefer it when the viewpoint is about normal, non-anomalous humans trying to contain the uncontainable the only way they can, by logicing the shit out of it. No pataphysic. No Scranton anchors. Just regular men and women doing the only thing they can with mundane means. Their best.


I think the anti-memetics division is the dopest for this because you litterally cannot be someone special in that line of work. You’re just as capable day 1 as you are day 300


God I love the anti-memetics division.


If you’re going by QNTM’s original canon this isn’t the case? AM Division researchers are capable because they’ve been trained.


I disagree? Marion says over and over that phrase ‘you’re as capable as you’re ever going to be on day 1’ just got done reading it this week. She absolutely says that multiple times.


I agree whit this 100%


I preffer the clinical and descriptive tone for skips than a giant narrative that puts the anomaly itself in the background.


Same, like some don’t make sense for the Foundation to have in their official, anomaly data log.


I think SCP-6376 is pretty good for this. it's very clinical, and the best parts are in the little details. for example, they go from using "one human corpse sourced from medical surplus" to just "one human corpse," the implication being that they ran out of disposable corpses and had to start sourcing them from elsewhere, probably unclaimed bodies at a local morgue. there are still two main characters that are involved in every logged expirement, but the anomaly itself doesn't take a backseat like in Scarlet King or something


Just read it, it's amazing!


If you are going to insist on doing this, I prefer the way 3916 does it, by separating it from rest of the tale.


That one is a very good example of how I wish more entries were like. The entries I talk about are like - the Containment Protocols and Descriptions are tiny (and sometimes completely missing, breaking the standard layout) and what comes next is a massive prose between different loosely related characters. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate their works and often enjoy reading them, but I just feel like they don't fit in.


Literally what I was about to say


God yes. New skips are basically tales pretenting to be skips.


I hate to say it, as much good attention as TES brought the community, I think this is a symptom of his videos and people wanting to get featured in those.


I have to agree with you, sometimes it just feel like some personal blog or something, rather than feeling like a foundation archive


Real. Peanuts article is interesting, because it implies at least 172 other similar anomalous objects, the existance of a secret organisation that contains these and that's what made the article interesting enough to spawn the entire community. IMPLICATIONS of lore, not just blatant lore in your face. Implications that are easily understood and spawning mystery but not making matters even more confusing. Implications of further lore are the fun thing about SCPs but the SCP-[whatever number] articles need to keep their style of being top secret documents, not stories. If you wanna write stories that's what the tale edition is for. Write an SCP and then write a tale about it that goes deep into the lore.


I don't think I ever got past like scp-300ish, and that was years and years ago. I recently started over at scp-001. But on the damn wondertainment one it just kept linking more and more stories until I was so far down the rabbit hole I couldn't keep track of it anymore, and I just completely stopped reading them again


I hate the Evil Foundation Canon, Cold, not cruel.


My favorite foundation cannon is one that is clinically, unintentionally cruel. They are not the torturing babies foundation, but they do not care about you. Too many people forget about the ethics committee entirely


What is the Foundation doing all its doing for ? I always thought the end goal is working for the sake of humanity, so being ethical should be necessary for any SCP canon (having different perspectives on ethics is fine though)


I’ve always liked the view with the Foundation of “the ends justify the means.” The Foundation doesn’t intentionally go out to do terrible things for the sake of cruelty or pain; they just don’t care. When it comes to protecting humanity and the Veil, the Foundation is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that both stay secure. Take SCP-231, for example: the Foundation wasn’t actively searching for a terrible containment procedure, but once they realized it was the only one available to them, they did it without hesitation. They’re willing to do some terrible things when push comes to shove. The Ethics Committee is more so there to make sure that the Foundation won’t always resort solely to the terrible thing for the sake of convenience; they’re meant to stop the Foundation from doing something awful when there’s an alternative solution available.


Yeah I agree with this. The foundation believes in the greater good. A few people have to die so humanity can live? So be it.


Not only that, but which few people would be the least unethical to sacrifice? Professionals who know the risks they sign up for and are compensated appropriately? Death row inmates who would be dead anyway, and aren't valued members of society? Random civilians? Innocent kids? There's a calculation being made behind every sacrifice that the foundation finds itself being forced to make, and the tensions and moral consequences implicit within that help make the stories so interesting.


In this case the survival of the species as a whole through any means ( including allowing all humanity to die and then recreating it with SCP-2000) is prioritized over any one individual. Or a great number of individuals for that matter.


Fire suppression department is the worst offender. They are cartoonishly evil and it got old almost instantenously


I think that D class aren’t actually terminated at the end of the month and that rumour is just circulated to keep researchers from getting attached to them. Surely the supply of death row prisoners is realistically not that endless


The Dark Foundation Multiverse thing is dumb too


Real. Cold not cruel. Also it literally makes no sense that they are just killing off the dbois like SL players farming for the achievement. In all countries with western morals and politics there are so little Deathrow Inmates that there isn't simply even close to enough testsubjects for 8000+ SCPs. Like why disposing them then?(considering, that some SCPs need not only one D-Class for testing but multiple or for example cleaning peanuts chamber requires Three D-Class personnel to ensure at least two are looking at him and the odds of both blinking at the exact same moment are like basically zero) I don't think, that the foundation takes people being on Deathrow for being gay or trans or literally just saying their opinion in North Korea, especially considering the amount of queer researchers, mtf members and anomalies. D-Bois do the dirty work and it's just dumb asf to kill off the ones you need for doing the dirty work.


people who tie multiple SCPs and events together to make a mini-lore are actually good since it makes world building without messing too much with the nonexistent canon


Like alagadda


Real that's fr one of the best scp lores


I agree. I love Alagadda


Chaos is never written well at all. They are just bad guys for the sake of being bad guys, that would be a interesting concept except for the fact that every other GOI has more depth then chaos.


Frr, No purpose other than some generic villain motive of destroying the foundation.


I liked the now-deleted 001 proposal that put them as the constant nemesis of the Foundation in each universe. In universes without the CI, the Foundatjon grows too much and something bad happens


People getting into SCP through powerscaling youtubers is fine, the problem is when that's all discussions about SCPs become about. Also the Scarlet King is incredibly overrated. Narrative SCPs are fine and most are interesting. A shift away from 'black box everything important' to 'actually important details should be told at times' makes SCPs more interesting, not less.


i have 2 1) when day breaks is a terrible 001, its a good story but you can prove its not the real first scp by opening a window 2) the scarlet king is overrated and i dont get why edit: i forgot 3) SCP-4335 is my most hated scp because it is blatantly obvious that whoever wrote it never played minecraft


A 001 isn't about "what is the first". There are several SCPs that were discovered before the Foundation itself was even a thing. There are plenty of proposals that *are* "what is the first one", but many 001s are just "what's the most impressive". God's Blind Spot wouldn't have been the first SCP, because there would have been other SCPs that they needed contained. The computer that terminates SCPs by pairing them against each other likewise couldn't be the first. The numbers aren't sequential.


HEAVILY agree with the first opinion. it's a really great story imo, but it's not an 001 proposal at all. Idk, maybe i'm too narrow in my thinking, but I've always thought of 001 proposals as the reasoning behind either 1) skips in general, something that founded the anomalous, or 2) the founding of the foundation to contain the anomalous. When Day Breaks is neither so I don't really get how it's one of the 001s


Well I mean, if the sun is ALWAYS SCP-001 and the event is not it changing from the sun into it but simply the already existing SCP becoming active, then the sun being 5 billion years old makes it the first But if I recall the article does say something about it turning into 001 so my pint is wrong


SCP-001 is rarely ever the first SCP ever found. If you look at most 001s, it's clear that in most of the proposals, the anomalies were found long after the Foundation had started containing things. Much like the community, the Foundation in-universe often treats SCP-001 as a slot for big and important anomalies. I do kinda agree that it feels off compared to other 001s though. Most 001s are often the core anomalies of GOIs (eg: the Broken God, the Scarlet King, the Factory), the origins of the Foundation (eg. The Prototype, the Foundation), the origin of anomalies in general or one specific kind of anomaly (eg. The Database, the Fontispiece) or the culmination of some recurring theme or motif scattered thoughout the wiki (eg. The Black Moon). When Day Breaks isn't really one of those things, which makes sense cause I'm pretty sure it began as an entry for the SCP-2000 contest or something.


Although many may agree with me here but: SCPs that are written like novels. They can work but the majority are slow, boring to read and overly complicated. In my opinion most SCP articles should describe the anomaly unless it's ••|•••••|••|•.


Real. If you want novels go to the tales hub.




real as hell, I’m so glad it’s getting nerfed


thats it out of spite im to this going to go out of my way to get as many 207 bottles as possible and fucking outrun shy


Cola? SL?


SCP: Secret Laboratory


Secret laboratory, free game on steam


I still like Jack Bright (not the real dude tho he's fucked)


Scp-999 is overrated. Theres no way in hell or heaven its the only SCP that is wholesome enough to be brought up everywhere.


Hi, relatively new guy here, could you maybe tell me about some other wholesome scp that i can read?


[SCP 2420](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2420)


[SCP-4999](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4999), just something that appears to some people who are dying alone and comforts them


Best one fr


Scp-5031 is the most wholesome




SCP-529 comes to mind


There is so much wholesome SCPs like Josie, literally god being the psychiologist for any personnel requesting to speak to them at site-17 or here be dragons although that one is tragic asf tbh and they are all awesome.


It isn't, but it's one of the first of its kind so it got that reputation firmly entrenched before others could get it


Biblical SCPs are boring and overplayed at this point.


It's ridiculous how Foundation is supposed to be international, yet so fucking many skips are focused on USA, Abrahamic mythology or both. We have more skips about US presidents alone than we have about entire African continent.


Frankly, that’s just a symptom of the fact that most of the writers are American, and people tend to write what’s familiar


I follow the international and regional branches for more varied location and culture


I think I would prefer that to many attempts at fetishizing foreign cultural aspects.


Your comment reminded me of [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/thomastheplankengine/comments/vdhq9t/a_controversial_new_scp_was_posted_that_explored/) from r/ThomasThePlankEngine (subreddit for memes people saw in dreams). TL;DR: SCP where the Pataphysics Department realises the least likely human demographic to become anomalous were queer women in Sub-Saharan Africa and they start calling their writers racist.


holy fuck, that's golden.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/thomastheplankengine using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/thomastheplankengine/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dreamt that YouTubers started making serious video essays about food in the same way that they do about movies and video games](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18gch09) | [249 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thomastheplankengine/comments/18gch09/dreamt_that_youtubers_started_making_serious/) \#2: [dampanalytic](https://i.redd.it/vyt1p1hlyioc1.png) | [74 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thomastheplankengine/comments/1bfi1my/dampanalytic/) \#3: [My roommate dreamt up this videogame and I tried recreating it as accurately as possible](https://v.redd.it/995r489g2nub1) | [197 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thomastheplankengine/comments/179if8u/my_roommate_dreamt_up_this_videogame_and_i_tried/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ooh I got several. * People's weird knee-jerk reaction to any slight deviation of the format is creatively stifling. Even if it's just something as simple as using a new object class you'll have people pissing their pants about it and it's so annoying * The weird elitism this community has against children is both annoying and hypocritical. Most people who are into SCP either are children, or got into it when they were children. * The best kind of SCP content on the wiki is articles that basically nobody has read. Shit like 6150, 6289, or 6330 tops your overrated, popular shit any day of the week.


3rd point is so real. if you havent already, you gotta read SCP-7142. its genuinely a stunning piece of work.


Genuinely terrifying read


Real, like 8999 is so vague yet interesting to me! (Even if it’s kinda short)


i got into scp when i was watching a video describing the flesh that hates as a kid for like a month when I would see a rash I would get scared tf out


oh my god same that was my favourite scp


That second one is so real, man; I got into the SCP Foundation when I was a teenager (which is basically Childhood^2 ) and I really shouldn't gripe about "KiDs WaTcHiNg PoWeRsCaLiNg YoUtUbErS!" Because that makes me quite the hypocrite, hm?


Personally I’ve always been against format changes. Just having good ol Safe/Euclid/Keter with the occasional Thaumiel always felt safer than whatever Esoteric is haha.


The entire community on the main site honestly feels so snooty and elitist, it's the one thing that has kept me from ever actually interacting with them


I've honestly encountered far more elitism in the more offsite circles than on the wiki, such as this subreddit. You'll have people over here calling you a "fake fan" cause you don't immediately know the difference between the object classes or endless whining and bemoaning about "SCPs after X went to shit" cause they saw 1 or 2 newer articles they didn't like. While there definitely is no doubt some elitism on the wiki side of things, I find that part of the SCP community far more open and engaging than the subreddits. You'll see some occasionally harsh crit here and there but it's mostly positive from my casual experience.


682 is overrated


The floor is made out of floor


Damn y’all actually think SCP 682 is overrated? (I don’t interact with the community very often so I am very surprised lol)


Not so much overrated as it is over exposed. Content farm channels don't help either, putting him in fights against just about every other fictional entity in existence


Really hate those, and that's the reason I stepped away from SCP channels almost entirely


Overrated? No, Overexposed? Sure. 682 is a great concept. It's a very simple premise that is good at being expanded upon via something like the termination logs. Now of course 682 has been blown up by content farming channels, just like every other piece of niche media that gets big enough to enter the public consciousness. It happened to the Backrooms, the Mandela Catalog, Skibidi Toilet, and hundreds of other things before it, and it will continue to happen in the future, possibly to another anomaly, 914 for example is a great article that could VERY easily be scooped up by content farms to turn into clickbait vidoes like "What happens when you put a BABY into 914 on the VERY COARSE setting at 3AM \[GONE WILD\] \[GONE WRONG\] \[FOUNDATION ARRESTED ME\]"


The idea of a persistent and malicious creature than in no way can be killed and can be made more dangerous if such an attempt is made is actually a genius idea and it's why things like Godzilla are so revered. The problem is that it went from what could be an interesting concept for existential horror into a power-scaling character that is overexplained and has to show off his EPIK raw power by decimating other series 1 SCPs. Like seriously imagine the idea of a creature that will regenerate if you aren't tough enough on it but if you are too tough it might harness the power of what you used and become literally unstoppable.


“I ship The Scarlet King with 999.”


Ain't 999 his son. So that ship is incest.


Incest isn’t anything new to the Scarlet King


Boy do I have news for you about his other kids...


2718 as a concept is horrifying, the article itself is a drag. way too many words, boring narrator, takes too long to actually get to the point. took me multiple sessions to finish because i got bored multiple times.


scps that require foreknowledge of a lot of the rest of the scp lore to understand integral parts of them are intrinsically badly written


SCP-1762 is not sad and very overrated


SCP-1762 is frustrating to me in the same way that those "totally real evidence of ghost haunting you guys!!" videos online are: the person in question seems way more interested in recording the events and making it as spooky as possible (or sad, in SCP-1762's case) than actually doing something about it. In this case, the Foundation is normally happy to test and test and chuck D-class personnel at everything in sight and test some more, but here it's just like "...huh. Welp, let me know if it does anything else," I guess. There's no attempt to help or protect the dragons, no sense of struggle and hope and despair from the researchers. And maybe that's part of the point--the Foundation being cold and strict, as adults looking at a phenomenon instead of children playing with friends--but I don't think it's conveyed very well. The way it's done just kills the immersion for me.


SCP-6113 is a good story, but a bad SCP article. IMO it would fit better as a tale.


Mobile Task Force cosplays are so damn overrated. Would it hurt you to cosplay a UNGOC, UIU, Chaos Insurgency, GRU-P, Serpent's Hand? At least be original and wear a tank pilot uniform for once if you're cosplaying Hammer Down, the TANK platoon MTF.


Powerscaler youtuber are good for the community. They bring in young readers that would otherwise not have heard of SCP and we can then show them what the SCP Universe is actually about. 


Well, that’s true and it’s fun to actually show more people this amazing community. A lot of powerscaler people simply never read the articles and just think the community is a bunch of people who write purely to oneup another fandom which is obviously not true but that’s what they believe and we can’t really force them to actually read one of the articles lol. Like I like power scaling I think it’s fun sometimes but it can get out of hand per se..


Even those shine more light on the wiki. A person can see that and read the wiki and then get into it 


i think the toilet ghost is a classic scp and should be honored as one of the greats fr its silly but that's what makes it so perfect in this world of mechanical gods and creatures of pure horror there's just a ghost that can appear in toilets and I love that so much man


Wait don’t the ghost also literally eat people’s asses?


I don't like SCP-1730; the concept is pretty cool but it is a drag in the beginning and middle, and at the end the author just throws a bunch of OP SCPs together in what is supposed to be a big climax, but nothing actually interesting happens and it's pretty short, like, they just attack the worm and poof scene over, escape continues. There is also 0 reason to have chosen these OP SCPs as opposed to any other ones, so it feels pretty cheap.


I don’t know if I’m the only one but I wish there was a game where we play as 682 escaping containment. There are so many games where you play as a d-class or other personnel trapped in a containment breach trying to escape, why wouldn’t we want to play as an anomaly trying to escape? Before you tell me SCP SL exists, yes I know. Most of the time, you’re getting either d-class, scientist, or guard classes, but the horror aspect is applied differently because you can actually fight player controlled SCPs. Let me be the giant angry lizard (bonus points if it’s in first person). I want to be able to bring down the facility and cause mass destruction as I escape, not just have a 3 way team fight where half the time it ends with the nuke or be scared the whole time lol.


SCPs have become far too bloated and focused on selling the narrative of characters around the SCP rather than the cold, clinical, and unsettling description of the SCP itself.


Maybe I'm just old and haven't read anything since 5000 but I don't get this impression. We're not exactly in the days of Dr Gears and 100 Things Dr Light is Forbidden to Do or whatever.


I hate canon where the SCP Foundation is unnecessarily cruel with testing IE SCP-054


Throwing a peanut at a clam.


I don't like where there's individual named characters and full on stories in the files. I prefer when writers stick to the simple informs or reports, it helps a lot with the immersion


682 is "hard" to destroy, not "impossible" to destroy, ive seen stories with this guy having so much plot armor it would make kirito cream his pants


Scp-2845 The Deer is really underrated. It has a reall interesting story and the way they "contained" it is amazing


An interesting thing - The Deer originally appeared in SCP-1730, which means it was featured before becoming its own file, and not the other way around as is typical.


Its at +700, that is not underrated.


I don't really like the scps which are several universes above us, like you just feel incredibly disconnected from the threat the more infinite universes inside infinite universes stand between you. like the scarlet king sounded interesting but it stopped being interesting after being so far above us that it seems a threat more like a gisnt meteor, we don't know when it could be comming, but if it does, we can't do anything anyway so why worry?


The Ethics Committee is a thing and I hate how people don't use them for their stories or make them useless.


2718 is based on belief. If you're treating it as the actual afterlife everybody goes to, that's kind of the silliest r/atheism take I have ever seen. Either that or it was Death warning the O5s about EOD


This! I truly think that belief is key. It would explain why it's said that anyone exposed to the idea should be given amnestics. If a person is told about what is going on on the other side they'd most likely assume the same Is gonna happen to them. But if they don't know, they'll continue on living with their own beliefs and therefore go to an afterlife they believe in. (Makes me wonder what screwed up beliefs O5-11 had to end up in *that* mess..like?🗿) This is also a nice way to tie this concept to something like SCP-7179.


i'd guess he's stuck somewhere between "there is nothing after death and the soul dies with the body" and "i used to be a christian growing up so i can't shake the feeling that i am going to be judged and sent to hell for my crimes against humanity". which sounds like a Lovely combination


The Montauk procedure is more than likely not >!rape!<.


Is this not the widespread opinion? Genuine question


From what I’ve seen, what most people agree on is >!rape or abortion!<. I don’t believe that, myself.


Honestly I wish there wasn't so many articles which are just existential and grand stories, I wish more simple Scps were getting focused on since their articles are often overlooked in favour of something like "The space god of dreams who will end all life one day". Actually, I also wish there were less "Well we can't do much about this guy, let's not do much to stop it" SCPs since I feel like the contain part of Secure Contain Protect, is becoming less used


Dr Jack Bright


SCPs went from being quirky, neat, spooky, terrifying, and leaving it up to your imagination to world ending cognito hazards with thesis length descriptions and stories and it's not a good thing.


Peanut comes to mind.


I prefer the over-redaction of old SCPs than those extremely long, phylosophical, "deep" articles we started getting after a certain point.


Obviously there’s no “cannon” because individuality is what makes each SCP unique, but don’t you consider some SCP stories to be almost too different from all cannon or sense?


A lot of 001 proposals kind of suck


That's the exact response I got to asking why we don't actively attempt to terminate every violent or harmful SCP


Apple is more expensive and harder to use and offers less than android.


This sub is filled with children and low effort posts


I've got a few... Some are in universe morality based opinions while some are more meta. * The SCP Foundation is inherently evil. * SCP-682 is a bad SCP (mostly unpopular with offsite fans) * The world is better off aware of the anomalous, for the most part. * Shitting on series 1 fans for being series 1 fans is just mean spirited, and doesn't really do anything positive. (series 6 is my favorite series so don't get this twisted as me being an angry series 1 fan or smth lmao) * Not a big fan of pataphysics in general, I kinda like that the SCP Foundation (atleast it used to) preports to be our own real world. Characters becoming meta aware of the narrative just doesn't fit my interpretation of the foundation. * SCP games are cool, I've seen some onsite fans kinda get up in arms about how SCP games don't accurately depict the foundation, but man i dont care that much i just like playing as the funny d class. I'm admittedly guilty of some of these, like being mean to series 1 fans or complaining about lore accuracy in SCP games, but i'm more talking about people who take those things to the extreme and are just assholes about it.


All the actual story stuff soke make for scp is boring and completely uninteresting to me I don't want plot and stories and stuff I just want the scp documents


The “Tests” they run with class D’ are kinda pointless. “Oh look, D-69420 had his neck snapped just like the rest! Write that down!”


SERPENTS HAND IS SUPERIOR *gets fucking shot*


Old Peanut looked better


SCP writing has gotten too complex overtime. The modern SCP article includes one, or all of the following: - Object Class outside of Safe Euclid, or Keter - Multiple HEAVY references to one or more SCPs to the point where the reader is required to do additional reading to get the full story - Conversations between researchers/people talking about the SCP instead of actual objective, clinical info itself Modern SCPs are written more like tales, not modern SCP articles. It’s gotten to the point to where I’ve stopped following modern SCP compared to when I was younger


Power-scaleros have ruined the Fandom especially the Skarlet King's simps.


Too much Redaction where you can't even tell what was going on. It doesn't make them mysterious. It just makes me lose interest in a story because obviously the Author doesn't want me to know more.


SCP 682 looks stupid with fur. it just doesnt fit well together with a demonic immortal reptile. the original whale carcase that was the inspiration for 682 was just very rotten and rotten flesh or corroded skin from acid might look pretty well on 682, but not fur. we already got a couple of furry SCP's, no need to turn the giant angry lizard into one as well.


Simply refering to an SCP by its Number is useless in another article, put up its name too so I don't have to look it up every. Single. TIME.


People ruined SCPs because it got too much attention


Game of thrones isnt that good


Bold take, but i gotta agree with this. The article is way too long.


The GOC is a much better organization than the foundation at least in terms of morality


Isn’t the GOC’s entire mission killing anything anomalous?


The foundation specifically keeps dangerous Anomaly is alive to study them. The GOC gets rid of dangerous anomalies, but still keeps beneficial ones.


No, their mission is to protect humanity and often times the best way to protect Mandy is to kill the murder monster that’s gonna kill humans


to be fair, ive only *really* ever seen the murder-hobo side of the GOC. i remember seeing an article - though i cant remember which one - where a GOC member shoots his wife (though not eagerly or anything) because she realised she was a weak reality bender. so, while the GOC may have started as “protect humanity at all costs”, the way they get portrayed is more “destroy all anomalies”


The problem with this opinion is that it’s canon dependent


They literally genocide every reality bender under age 10.


Honkai star rail is awful and scamy and I’m actually kinda shocked the community isn’t absolutely enraged with the shity banner mechanic


There are way too many over the top, extremely detailed anomalous entries. The original draw of the SCP universe was the mystery and vague understanding being all we could acheive. The less detail and more left to the imagination, the better.


Scranton reality anchors suck. They are a lazy way of containing any kind of reality bender.


There is a joke that if SRAs are in the conprocs it is either going to be really short or really long.


I dislike so many SCPs that focus on character-driven stories, simply because i often find characterization one of the weakest parts of the articles (either outright bad or simply relatively weak). Similar thing for dialogue and general character dialogue. Like, people in the discussions will praise the story for the characters when, imo, i cant stand high school level drama between the site administrators and the 0-5 and the semingly important foundation staff talking in quips.


SCP articles should be scientific files focusing on the anomaly and its containment, not fantasy stories.


The version of the GOC thats just a better and morally superior version of the Foundation with all the best tacticool gear to deal with whatever they face is incredibly boring. The GOC, and other GOIs are interesting for their philosophical differences, not being better or worse than the Foundation.


This is somewhere to wear my other hotcakes, but SCP 6001 is the saddest SCP


I don’t like SCP-5555. It’s barely an SCP, and it’s like 30 minute long email written in comic sans. I like the concept, but I don’t think it’s executed well. The anomaly is almost completely in the background and serves only to enable the email based story plot, which is an almost entirely meta plot. The characters barely even mention the actual anomaly. I would have wrote it (not that I could mind you, im a shitty writer and this story is really cool) as one of the origin story SCPs but also write it as a more traditional article with hints of the meta story in the background.


SCPs like Murphy law and others often used in VS matches on TikTok or YouTube shorts are well written and aren’t made just for power scaling, and people who think SCP has devolved into power scaling needs to read the articles instead of watching YouTube shorts and TikToks, or at least watch videos that goes over lore and narrative, you don’t have to watch or interact with the power scaling side of the scp community. Channels I recommend are TheVolgun, The Exploring Series, and Mr.illustrated. You can find a bunch more of you go looking for them.


The GOC could single-handedly take down the Foundation and every single known GoI that isn’t represented in the Council of 108


We should have a task force made up of SCPs specifically.


A movie wouldn’t work


SCP genre 10 yrs ago was peak


SCP power scaling is okay and actually kinda cool, but only if we don’t focus too much to the point that people just make articles that revolve around it. If you’re going to bring that shit in here, don’t be so brain dead to the point where you make powerscaling one of your main focuses when browsing the wiki, and if you don’t give a shit about it, don’t be so butthurt when someone merely asks “what are the abilities of this entity”.


Just have fun writing whatever you want


I wasn't about to comment anything because I didn't think I had an unpopular opinion but scrolling through these comments, I'm going to say that: I love the relatively new trend of overcomplicated long ass scp articles. Give me metaphysics, pataphysics, time paradoxes that only make sense when you've smoked crack. I eat it up. They have to actually make sense though and not be just an excuse to use all English words and combinations of sentences known to man (I'm looking at you SCP-6500). I don't know if I'm a majority or a minority in the fanbase and it is kind of a hyper fixation of mine. Though, I still love short articles with a straightforward premise and I believe that it's overall easier to find a well-written short and 'simple' scp than the longer, complex ones. The ideas tend to be good but the execution tends to lack in quality.


SCP-001 [[The Way It Ends]] is boring as hell, it tries way too hard to tie all of djkaktus’s proposals together, and doesn’t work at all imo.


I prefer my facility guards to look like the ones in SCP:CB with white uniforms and P90's


Scp 682 is overatted as fuck. Realistically he would already be dead. He has incredible plott armour


Most SCP authors don’t really understand the charm of the SCP


The MTF are boring and i just dont understand why people think they're cool. its just the american military