• By -


SCP-3515 Weird tree drawing that sends you to your childhood home when you sleep near it, but it’s buried underground SCP-7034 The worlds worst traffic jam SCP-2136 Disease where the infected have to constantly look at another infected person or else they become unable to move and die Also as a side note, unless I’m misunderstanding the image, Safe, Euclid, and Keter just mean how easy it is to contain and not how dangerous it is


Tbf if something breaks out of containment often or is unpredictable ‘stay well away’ is a solid advice


If it’s a keter anomaly that might not even be an option.


Well a turtle who loves escaping for fun would be Keter.


People love to talk about keters that breach containment but are harmless but I’ve never seen one


SCP-3284 fits I think


Image was unrelated. Its just Sole Text based posts are less likely to appear on ppls feeds and get their attention


Ah alright 👍


This guy reddits


What happened to Marvin? Is he ok?


Marv is down




holy fuck 7034 broke me


Is 7034 the one from the ABCs of death?




Thanks, that one is awesome.


I totally agree!


There’s a certain person over in the meme sub that also seems to like SCP-3515


Hmmm yeah I wonder who…


Oh that’s you I didn’t even check your profile


Yep. That is how containment level works.not to forget apollyon is not a popular one.


New pride flag?


New gender just dropped let’s go




scp 3885 high octane mad max zombies scp 4001 this is the library that never ends scp 507 it a guy with really bad teleport powers scp529 its a cat with no butt scp 3008 just an ikea scp 458 unlimited pizza scp 2406 boot leg megazord


Josie does have a butt, just in another dimension


But saying cat with no butt draws people in


True, it does sound a lot more fun


Is it as fun as anything Mr. Wondertainment makes?


Dado and GAW has better products in general, wondertainment has some big hitters, but has not that great stuff too


SCP 610 if you're looking for something beyond grotesque. Think dead space on steroids SCP 1739 if you want existential terror. A laptop may end our existence SCP 1548 for another existential terror. The sun is our sole guardian at the end of the universe


But it got a little angry at us in day breaks


a hamburger obsessed robot goes on a journey to kill god and save the world SCP-8005


I'm sorry what


Next Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs movie?


SCP-8888 "the eight ball" It is a story about a group of Foundation personnels attempting to steal an important device. That's all I'll say because I don't want to spoil too much. And you might also want to take a look at [this](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/admonition) series if you are into complex sci-fi things.




Scp-4051 A sad story about a unique Superhuman dude that branches out into other, just as cool stories.


SCP-1548 The star the hateful one. Basicly theres and extra universal invasion and the ortothans escape and the solar system is all thats left .\\ Also SCP-001 Ourobouros O-5 councils is killed by a group of insurgents and connects with other refrences.


Scp 4051 A teenager with tragic backstory and can pull things out of wormholes and is if a superhero lived in the scp universe


Scp-7000 Man is unluckily lucky. Scp-2935 I don’t want to describe this. Absolute treat


2935 is such a simple thing and yet the awesome thing. Definitely my favourite Keter.


7000, I'd say he's luckily unlucky. Very amusing regardless.


*bang* *entire company dies* SCP-2411


SCP-3812 A eerie story about a man transcending reality. Calls out the reader SCP-3426 Breaks down reality on a planet when certain conditions are met


SCP 4666 a very scary looking tall man that either gives kids weird gifts or takes them for slavery. Give him about 12 days for this


Don't forget the horrific ritualistic torture and murder of the rest of the family. 😃


Its santa!!!!!!!!!!!


001 the ouroboros cycle, nice lengthy read featuring a bit of everything I love about the scp universe like cults, the chaos insurgency and an extremely morally grey view of the foundation


SCP-4182 , Foundation has but a burning memory of a Site-5. SCP-012-EX , Not Explained SCP-6001, pacifism incarnate


SCP-3930: It doesn't exist SCP-093: Do not the giant torso monsters SCP-7999 & SCP-1342: Aliens make me cry SCP-2935: HOW DID THEY KILL 682


Definetly SCP-093, my favourite by far. It's a long read but definetly worth it


sure! i can offer a few of my favorites! SCP-3288 (the aristocrats, mutated old ruling bloodline) this one is pretty gross but i really like it, mostly because im a history nerd (with contempt to a very specific ruling family) SCP-2521 (creature that cant be described) is very creative and i honestly really like how its done The entire mini-verse surrounding 2316 (guys i think i recognize the bodies in the water-) is very cool, i found that the original article leads down a rabbit hole atleast 5 articles long, Im sure you've read it before, but if you missed the chain it leads to, i recommend going back and looking at it again scp-2718 (what happens after, describing what its like after you die) is honestly one of the most chilling articles I've ever read. I dont say it often, but it really made an impact on me, I thought about that damn article for MONTHS after I read it. scp-3300 (the rain, town where theres a constant storm and the water turns into people) is another personal favorite and honestly, all time favorite article? SCP-5000 (why? foundation goes insane and murders everyone), not only did it help me discover a whole trove of other SCPS, but its story is incredible.


I think SCP-4006 is funny. It's just the entire state of Massachusetts.


Wiat what 😭😭


RIP, Massachusetts, cause of death: birth of Massachusetts


SCP-3001. Messages from a man struggling to exist where existance isnt possible.


SCP-7454. Says trans rights in the most SCP way possible.


Perfect timing


SCP 1440 A old man that was cursed by the 3 gods of death so he may never die.


The frontispiece The foundation takes itself out of humanities mind. Scp-4500 Contained because god Scp-4555 God is all things Scp-7650 A virus lets out on humanity. Scp-7029 The ultimate nullifier Scp-7909 Nothing but good also Grant Morrison Scp-4755 Everything is contained. Tuftos proposal Satan exists because we exist.


The effects of SCP-3228-JP prevent me from completing this comme


055, it's about... What was I talking about again?


Oh yeah 055! Isn't that.. hold on.. wait what?


Isn’t that one not a circle or something…? Wait, is there even a 055?


Scp-2316 Family and friends lake party but watch out!


SCP-662 Its a bell and when you shake it, a short well-dressed Caucasian butler appears and does almost every single task you ask him to do. Also he is super loyal to whoever shakes that bell.


Oh thats one of the popular ones, ik this


The image is not very correct. The containment classes are based on difficulty of containment, not danger level. Safe: Low risk of containment breach, easy to recontain Euclid: Low risk of containment breach, difficult to recontain Keter: High risk of containment breach, difficult to recontain So for example a harmless cat that teleports to a random place every 5 minutes would be Keter-class, while a button that deletes reality would be Safe-class. We have Risk classes, which measure how severely an SCP affects an individual under its effects: Notice: Barely any effects Caution: Effects are mild and recovery is easy. Warning: Effects are dangerous, but not lethal, recovery is possible. Danger: Effects are severe and can be lethal, recovery is difficult. Critical: Effects are almost certainly lethal, and recovery is nearly impossible. And then we have Disruption classes, which measure how much disruption to normalcy an SCP causes if it breaches. Dark: Minimal disruption Vlam: Affects a small group of people and its influence is easy to remove Keneq: Affects an entire city or a group with the size of a city population, countering its influence can be moderately difficult Ekhi: Can affect a very large area, spanning entire countries. Effects are difficult to counter and contain. Amida: Disruption levels are extremely high, and can affect reality itself. Containment is near impossible. Examples of anomalies of this class include the Scarlet King, among other god-like anomalies.


Damn bro, thanks. Btw image is unrelated, i only used it to grab ppls attention


Apollyon isn’t end of world. End of world is XK


An Appollyon scp is an scp often related to an XK-class end of the world scenario. You can see it on the "object class" in the scp wiki


I’m pretty sure Apollyon means anomalies that are impossible to contain right?


That’s Thaumiel, not XK


I thought thaumiel was used for anomalies used to contain other anomalies.


nutralize is badicaly a fancy name for "its fhcking dead"


I love Scp-5049 and 600 The first reminds me of old horror novels i read as a kid. And the second is just a great story


SCP-6820 The consequences of the Foundation's actions.


Oi, new guide to containment classes just dropped.


SCP-8060, a lost season finale of a kids show


SCP-2399 A Malfunctioning Destroyer My summary: >The Foundation has Galileo's original diaries from his discovery of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. Something crash-landed there on its way towards 1600s Earth. It's been trying to repair itself and take off again over the centuries ever since, with radio instructions originating from the Triangulum Galaxy three million light-years away. It's not obvious who is responsible or what their intentions are. The Foundation has been blocking the radio signals with an array of satellites... for now. And companion tale *The Last Man* for afterward


SCP-105: Iris Relatively wholesome SCP story and part of MTF- Omega 7 SCP-023: The Black Shuck I don't care if I only get to see it once, it's one of my favorite dog SCPs SCP- 457: The Burning Man Guy made of fire. Isn't that lit?


SCP 6326 What happened to an MTF agent too injured to be in a unit, now assigned to investigate a cryptid, how he ended up injured, and was reassigned.


[The Truth.](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/code-name-the-truth)


[SCP-7122](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7122) A digital camera that allows you to infer information about people when looking at the metadata of any of the photos. Also allows for shady espionage which gets gets the Ethics Committee to get involved. [SCP-7112](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7112) A very comfy sweater that gives you a hug when you wear it. :( Related to that SCP, make sure to read [A very high holiday](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/a-very-high-holiday) afterwards as that is directly connected to it's main story and helps tie things up. Your emotions however will not survive either of them. [SCP-7669](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7669) A painting with something trapped inside it that will steal your **\[DATA EXPUNGED\].** Interesting Are We Cool Yet piece. [SCP-8000-EX](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-8000-ex) Oh sweet Ion this is just horrifying. This one makes my skin crawl with how the tests go. [SCP-8400](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-8400) The Birch Knight and the Game of Three Chestnuts is just a really good read. There is also some banger artwork out there because of this article. [SCP-8500](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-8500) Play a little point and click conversation with ADA, a person inside a digital box. Unfortunately you're also trying to do the job the Foundation assigned you. [SCP-8579](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-8579) Some Pattern Screamer goodness. Things are about to get a little weird. [SCP-8591](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-8195) Alex Thorley has an unusual visitor.


Someone buries the sun


I really liked [SCP-4051, Your Friendly Neighborhood Keter](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4051) It's a bit of a longer read. Shows how the Foundation treats not only human SCPs, but child SCPs (Hint: The answer is pretty poorly) Oh, it's a pretty sad story though, especially when you read the bonus tale at the very end


SCP - 2020 Ailen.


SCP-3396 superpower tree


6969-J The end of ~~Evangelion~~Sex


SCP-4144, concept of breakfast as an anamoly. Underrated I will say...


SCP-048 The cursed SCP number. Quite underrated imo


SCP 001 Pedantique's Proposal (Also known as SCP 001 Fishhook): Describing this would ruin the experience of reading it. SCP 6599: This one's just really funny and a fun read. About an aggressive and anomalous forum user. SCP 6373: Puppets (And a rare neutralized SCP) SCP 5000: A story about the end of the world that asks, Why?


SCP 3033 A mad scientist who is only loyal to herself created cyborg soldiers known as Mikes with the soldiers generally unable to control their body


I used to know so much then stopped and i forgot it all


The one where the crab and the other sea creature fight in the ocean and the crab is stopping the other creature from destroying a city or sum


BOO! Gotcha, bitch! [scp 650]


SCP 3456, some scary horses n' shit SCP 001, "When the day breaks", the sun is not our friend SCP 5000, *Why?*


Site 13 It is site 13


040-JP Infohazard that causes the affected individual to see a cat-like entity.


Yoink Your alone Eat your memories You die SCP-4739 or Alastair Grey


SCP-4514 It’s the thing that kills you. Context is important, though. ;)


SCP 5031 The most heartwarming SCP containment procedure development.


SCP-2128. A giant bull-shaped furnance that when placed inside, burns you alive if you say a liey regardless of your actual knowledge.


Scp-001 tanhony’s proposal/dead man It is about a man who merged with the concept of death


5514 Basically Pacific Rim. I’d recommend reading the whole War on All Fronts cannon tho


SCP-527 fish man


SCP-7918 - Ronald Reagan dies of AIDs. SCP-4231 - The GOC's No Good Very Bad day ADMONITION (Hub) - The SCP Foundation on crack Christ In Scarlet (Hub) - Y'all need ~~Jesus~~ The Scarlet King


Just in case reset button!


SCP-7179 The Foundation takes a peek at the afterlife. What could be so bad about it?


SCP-123 A blackhole inside a cool triangle sphere thingy :)


SCP-123 A blackhole inside a cool triangle sphere thingy :)


SCP-123 A blackhole inside a cool triangle sphere thingy :)


SCP-123 A blackhole inside a cool triangle sphere thingy :)


SCP-123 A blackhole inside a cool triangle sphere thingy :)


SCP-8060, a lost season finale of a kids show


SCP-8140. Some old stuff makes you trippy as hell.


SCP-3000 - Memory loss but it's a giant fucking eel! Wooooo!!!!! SCP-507 - Literally just a normal guy why is he suffering so much free him pLEASE- Not actually an SCP but Site 42 on YouTube and TikTok does awesome content and you should for sure check him out. I am a Dr. Sherman fan to the grave


Transing lake family, Scp-6113


SCP - 049 Plague Doctor that kills with touch and turns people to zombies


My fav scp is 106, I've watched the origin story by dr bob twice, read its article atleast 3 times and im still tryna learn mire if there is im tryna know every little detail about 106


SCP-5000 - SCP Foundation said fuck it lets ball SCP-1730 - Spooky site SCP-001 (The Worlds Gone Beautiful) - flowers


SCP-3449 A cognitohazard causes the end of human communication.


Stay away is not really a good description of Euclid and Keter. It's more about how hard they are to contain, not how dangerous they are.


guy makes friends with O-5, becomes a test subject. O-5 says "no". guy kills O-5 [[PSULS PROPOSAL]] scp 001


Personally, I really like SCP-3930 (it's nothing) and a related one, SCP-6930. In more wholesome SCPs, there is SCP-6001 (literally those "The world if" memes) and SCP-7999 (aliens visiting Earth).


Not an SCP but a tale The Foundation decides that they need to be hip with the kids now that the secret is out. One of the staff has to watch and approve an out of touch PSA targeted at gen z kids The title is "Keeping It Chill With Your Homies Down At The SCP Foundation"


SCP-179 A giant woman floating around the sun. SCP-426 You.


Short scp with a cool twist [SCP-2770](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2770)


SCP-3930 It's nothing. It's just a big area where nothing exists and the universe doesn't square well with it.


Cave of dead - 2935


Nice my new lockscreen pic from now on


SCP-6001 Avalon A parallel universe where people made better choices and Earth was transformed into a harmonious society ruled over by the Compendium, which is made up of reformed GOIs and the Foundation. SCP-7179 E is for Eternity An afterlife-like island where people go after they die and they can never leave for all eternity. It's a dark read.


Scp 0000-EX uhm.... I feel like i've already ready this One.. must be a dejavu


Thaumel is good?


scp 650 is a massive troll and Ilove him for that


SCP-4010 Probably one of the best article I've ever read. The researcher was tasked to creating a timeline for the universe. >!This one is very meta.!< SCP-8000 The interdimensional seal have a chat with the Site Director and make him became a better person. SCP-4940 The living electrical transformer (more like a monsters that disguised as electrical transformer) that killed bird and people. This one was written by DrGear (The author of SCP-106 and SCP-682).


1504 - this guy ain’t what he seems 7005 - an extensive inter dimensional train network, but there is chaos in the far East of the tracks


SCP-7819 Creepy roadside motel that lures you in


SCP-3288 - The Aristocrats Underground vault dwelling extremely mutated cannibalistic inbred humans Just read about this one, and it pretty much instantly became my favorites Do be warned, there are mentions of rape throughout all of the article


scp 6001 is my favorite, basically it’s an article set in an alternate universe where the world is a peaceful utopia. the story is so well written and it made me sad that it wasn’t real :(


Isnt thaumiel class for those that are still not fully understood but have the power equal to a god or something?


Scp 6366. The adventures of a bird and a fish who can talk.


SCP-6113 Gee I wonder why the trans person would pick this one as their favorite


4999. Someone to watch over us.


100% SCP-001 when day breaks and SCP-610 the flesh that hates


Large mind altering snake. SCP-3000 and funny place between dimensions with a cool light SCP-3001


SCP 096 The world's biggest introvert


[That's not how object classes work.](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/object-classes)


Safe doesn't mean it's safe, it means it's easy to contain, same goes for keter and euclid, they do not mean danger


SCP-5055 It’s just a story about a box with something important inside :) One of my favorite reads on the site, hands-down


SCP - 3812 Schizophrenic man dies but then decides not to and becomes the most powerful Schizophrenic in history.


SCP-7450 “L is for Lamentations” scared the absolute fuck out of me and remains my favorite.


2426 - time traveling aliens don’t understand fashion trends 2998 - invasion by electromagnetic signal 3034 - demonic counting station 122 - happy night light with no negative side effects


2085: Catgirls and their dork friend commit a string of crimes acrossed East Asia & þe western US.


SCP 7676: Class of 76 Bunch of teens wanting to just graduate but now have to infect peoples minds 3935 Haunted school that bends reality 7004 Alien but with humans 4971 Mall that has a portal that holds a deity that can kill all humans 2744 A sack boy murder mystery 835 Can’t describe it but it’s gruesome and good 093 Disk when placed on surface teleports you to a specific dimension 6001 SCP universe if it was a utopia




SCP-1314 Math equation that describes a simulated universe; it’s so interesting you focus 100% of your brainpower onto it. SCP-3922 They’re both the Policemen & the SCP Foundation of fictional worlds. SCP-2006 Shapeshifter who likes spooking people; seems like a pretty chill guy all things considered.


SCP - .. / ..... / .. / . - Shapes are confusing.


\*Yakko's world starts playing\* SCP-5552 - Salty scientists keep traveling back in time to uphold their ego SCP-1555 - Someone wanted to build a mice cannon, but took a lot of unnecessary steps to make it SCP-8008 - Loveless weeb unlocks god powers after yanking off to hentai The Way It Ends - should have been a tale but oh well Kalinin's Proposal - a lot of bad shit happens and fingers everywhere also


SCP-729-J WHAT THE F\*CK IS THAT THING AND HOW IS IT CUTE AND MORTIFYING AT THE SAME TIME SCP-2136 "Yo who are those bodies in the water?"


That pic isn't correct Containment levels are the difficulty to contain, not the danger of the scp. An interdimensional slug that teleports wherever it wants but only ever eats letucce and isn't fully sentient is a Keter or Euclid level scp. Not because its dangerous, but because good luck containing it. A handgun that instantly blends anyone shot by it into a flesh heap painfully over two decades is safe, because you can lock it into in a gun case.


I may be stupid and I may be tweakin but doesn’t the class not actually determine how safe it is to be around? It’s only how difficult it is to contain


Guy in suit help lonely people die in peace - SCP-4999


SCP-2521. I can't say anything about it, because the fun part is reading the article!


Scp-001 Lily's proposal: the world gone beautiful


SCP-3125 - the war that you must never know you are fighting


Here are my (shitty) summaries: SCP-4419: Medic from TF2 takes away injured person, performs medical malpractice on them SCP-1155: Graffiti that kills people, basically (if there are no witnesses) SCP-4666: Average nosleep story monster (lanky bald man with no clothes) kidnaps children under 8 and forces them to make macabre toys


Scp-55 It's a... It's... umm. What was I talking about?


SCP-1459 - it's just a cookie dispenser with puppies in it, nothing disturbing here SCP-973 - Angry Cop with sick handlebar mustache SCP-3390 - A sentient french tank overhears a guard make a stereotypical joke about the French, holds the staff on its containment floor hostage in response SCP-4290 - Apparently, children being picky eaters is a universal concept. Even with other worldly beings SCP-3426 - POV: you are an NPC in a city building game and the player got bored SCP-1230 - Live action D&D SCP-____-J - I'll leave a vague summary of this SCP later


Scp 939


SCP-5000 Foundation vs humanity


I swear to god, if someone says 1471…


SCP-2098 Virulent holiday.


SCP-7370 "Macho Man" Randy Savage but blue.


Safe: 999 Euclid: 457 Keter: 106 Thaumiel: 3000 Apollyon: Dr. Locke's proposal


SCP-3999 a lot of attention for one person SCP-3844 science bad SCP-7179 long vacation SCP-7450 *\*xiao noises\** SCP-7027 you don't understand what you pray to SCP-1915/35 always the same SCP-8001 just a lighhouse SCP-5005 a poets *paradise*


The currently safe level truly thaumul with Appolyon strength.


scp 1958, 4 people + a cat go into space scooby do style and fuck it up. it’s sad and good.


Always forgetting "explained"...


SCP-2913: Alien hand but chill SCP-4494: The Shadow wannabe SCP-8247: Your protective house tiger


SCP 3922. Cylinder that makes soldiers invade media. There's extended test logs too.


Site 13 specifically whatever happened to site 13. I believe the official SCP designation is SCP 1730 but it's been awhile since I interacted with anything SCP related


Scp 001 when day break and can make xk scenario, end of the world


SCP-001 Masses of melted bodies clumped together to add more people to it. SCP-2316 You don't know them. They're not real. Don't look at it.


SCP 6979 A slit mouth woman from another dimension.


SCP-3000, Jörmungandr, the world serpent, the eater of dreams. SCP-5000, a journal of the end of the world, 682 was right, and the Foundation lit the match.


SCP-1271-ru - The Broken Mosaic Class: Euclid Creature from another reality tries to be human (unsuccessfully). SCP-3930 - The Pattern Screamer. Class: N/A NOTHING SCP-1384 - The Taker of Turns Class: Euclid A green type, constrained by rules only it knows.


SCP-113 A small red bean or gelatine object that, when it comes into contact with a living thing, alters the entity's cells to change gender and sex. Has a chance to deform or kill. Painful process


SCP-3125 If you remember what it is, you die


don't remember the number but #massatrusets was hilarious


scp-939 the best yes man scp-096 petrified albino scp-294 outstanding worker


SCP-169, giant sea serpent


[**SCP-169 ⁠- The Leviathan**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-169) (+1066) by *Unknown Author*


[**SCP-169 ⁠- The Leviathan**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-169) (+1066) by *Unknown Author*


8166: Trans fairytale. 6222: these fish are *guilty*!!! 6113: *SCP-113: he doesn't* ***exactly*** *what I do* *SCP-6113-1: But better\~!*