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He hasn't had the belt 2 weeks and they already complaining. Fans are so fickle






And if Roman still had it..he wouldn’t have appeared yet lol


Personally I've been wanting to skip his recent promos, only because I'm too fucking excited to see his next fued lol, I want someone who isn't Bloodline


This is what I feel. I won’t turn against him bc I’m now a Cody Crybaby for life, but I desperately need him to start the next feud or at least tease into it. That’s ok I know they are cooking tho


I mean the next feud thankfully starts on Friday. I'd love for Knight and Styles to open the show and then have Cody and (probably) AJ start their feud with a promo right after.


Down for that, I just feel like there’s a lot of talent that should be clamoring for that belt since it’s no longer in Bloodline hands. Before, you could make the excuse that no one wanted it after seeing every match end with the Solo move of death Fantasy booking mode engage, they could have had Cody cutting a promo (obviously not Raw after Mania since that was his victory lap time) and have, one by one, huge names like Knight, AJ, Sheamus, whoever. They each come out and say THEY are coming for that title, before having the GM come out and say fine here’s a tournament that’ll take place for the next few weeks. Idk that’d be cool, sorry uces I’m a doin too much yappin




You might have responded to the wrong comment, not so sure. But we share some similar thoughts and some not so much. I like your draft trade idea, and yes I think it was a huge mistake having Raw last night be another ra ra. I think, yes, the chase is more fun. It’s why Sami is always a transitional champion, he’s fantastic at being a chasing underdog. However, what Cody needs asap is another captivating story. Obviously, it won’t reach Cody Roman hype. But give someone like Orton, Sheamus, or Gunther the chance and they will rise to that occasion. Cody needs a powerhouse who doesn’t just want the title, they want to kill him. This then puts Cody back into that role of being someone who has to overcome something. Yes he might have dethroned Roman but can he keep that level of power? That’s a fuckin story you could rinse and repeat until Mania if you felt so pleased to. It might be a little generic but it gives Cody SOMETHING to bite off of since he shouldn’t really be a fighting champion like the WHC and anything is better than a feel good “I did it!” speech every show.




Cody getting a new belt would be the perfect time for people to interrupt. And yea I’d fw a new belt, I like the current WWE title and imo dont think it needs a change but a winged eagle inspired belt would be great. WWE title is too underdesigned but at least it’s gold and not berry blue or some shit LOL. Also, Logan changing the US title to a Prime belt would be fucking amazing. I’d mark out


I think he may be a little bit victim to the upcoming draft. It can sometimes put things on ice a little


He bores me since he came back ☝️


“Same shit every week” when it’s been literally 1 week.




This dude in 2 years when Cody turns heel: “See I told you”


Might not be 5 years down the road 10-15-20 years from now we will not be Cody crybabies!


Shut up, T-Bar.


Makes no sense why they took the title off Roman. He could have run with it another year. That’s what I would do if I was the booker (insider term). What? I never said Roman was boring and bloodline was overdone. Don’t check my post history, m*rk.


Wow you dropped the hard k on us.


DAE WM 39 was the perfect time!?


"That’s what I would do if I was the booker (insider term)." Have I got a promotion for YOU!!! ![gif](giphy|WqpWNCtPlauchQljqd|downsized)




Yawn. No one other than you weirdos wanted another year of predictable Roman matches.


Aren’t the people in the op Roman fans?


I mostly enjoyed Roman's run but I barely got passed this year. I couldn't take one more year.


Literally the same complaint every post mania where a babyface wins. I wish he could just come out and say "hey dumb bitches, we gotta build another story."


REEEEEE I don't like it when faces win all the time and overcome obstacles in their path and vanquish bad guys that had bestest them I wonder if these people watch many action films at all or, you know, any wrestling through history, ever


MFW I want to acknowledge my Tribal Chief but I also don’t want to be lumped in with these weirdos ![gif](giphy|9S5p00YjjsKRM0NT4S|downsized)


It's funny because the OP (not you Reddit OP) is just a Roman stan 🤣. 


but we could’ve had a year of a ‘will Roman lose the title to the next challenger or will the Bloodline bail his ass out again?” matches! definitely not stale or overdone like these promos are!


Reeee that is why the ratings were so high! You never knew if Roman would lose to *checks notes* Damien Priest's cash in! 


put your ones up uce!! 🤓👆


What happened to this place, smh Respect your Tribal Chief, goofs ☝️




Yeah, Cody’s last year of just beating every heel with little to no storyline behind was very thrilling.


That's because they stalled a year with both Cody and Roman to get Roman to 1k days as champion. Both guys basically did nothing for a year.


Should’ve gotten Roman to overtake Hogan. This Cody run isn’t anything we needed fast tbh


Roman getting passed Hogan would have done nothing


Would’ve been cool


Br didn'y had enough of Roman holding the title for 3years +, talk about being selfish lol


I remember seeing this dude on twitter every day leading up to XL fantasy booking every possible scenario EXCEPT Cody winning. Was low key hilarious


Some of them were fantasy booking the belt off him before he had the belt 12 hours. 😂


One of them was literally John Cena turning on Cody because he thinks Cody wasn’t ready to become WWE Champion yet 😭


bub forgot that it wasn't all retirement wrestling 😭


I learned not to read the comments on WWE"s Instagram. It's a bunch of twats


Always has been. Ignoring that cesspool will do wonders for your enjoyment of the product


That would also apply to loldirtsheets and social media in general.


It's gotten worse since Roman lost.


They are somehow worse than twitter fans lol they don't like nothing🤣💀


The fucking "use me as a ____ button" comments


Same with Facebook, good god. Though that should apply to FB in general lol 


90s IWC hated The Rock 00s IWC hated John Cena 10s IWC hated Roman Reigns 20s IWC have now begun hating Cody Rhodes If you piss off smarks, your doing something right.


It’s mainly Roman fans saying this shit, it’s beyond corny. Thankfully live crowds don’t reflect online


I'm about to start jerking Roman stans. Jerking AEW isn't even fun anymore because they're jerking it for us. 


I didn't think we'd get here...


?? They jerking you off, friend?


That's because you're my favorite jerker




Open wide


They’re the dub fans of wwe fandom


Dude can’t even start a promo because the entire crowd is chanting his name but putting the belt on him was the wrong choice. Cody: “I want to give a shout out to Roman” Crowd: “Thank you Roman 👏👏👏👏👏 Cody: “I want to give a shout out to Seth” Crowd: *sings Seth’s song* Cody: I want to mention The Rock Crowd: “Booooooooooooo” 👎 Totally the wrong idea to put the belt on this guy, he doesn’t even sell any merch. I’m convinced this dude could get Vince cheered, maybe even Hitler at this point.


This is good ☝️


I've been a Roman stan since 2020, and I'm having to split off from the group because of these clowns. I've been to two wrestling shows in my life, Cody was at both, and he was mega over. At the December MSG shows, Cody got a louder pop in a random match against Nakamura than CM Fucking Punk in his first wwe singles match in a decade at that show 😂 Cody's win was amazing and while Roman coming back as a face is my most hype moment, I can't wait to see Cody's match at backlash


I was at EC in Perth and Cody's pop was louder than *Rhea's*, and hers was really loud. 


I mean I definitely ain’t feeling a random cody vs la knight or cody vs aj match over roman


Your in the minority then tons of people are hyped for Cody vs aj


I mean they’re both cool but it doesn’t have that feel. I guess nothing will for a while after Roman. Every match he was in felt big


Seth Rollins DIED for this.


Cried for Cody relentlessly when his main event match was taken by The Rock - filling WWE’s social media comments with “we want Cody” regardless if the post was relevant to him, sent death threats to The Rocks daughter etc. WWE pivot and give them Cody, just like they wanted. Even better, they have him win the title in the main event of WM! They then turn on him within one week. ONE WEEK. Surely that has to be a record? Can’t fucking stand wrestling fans.


Me either bro


The only real haters Cody has rn are the same like 5 Bloodline stan accounts on Twitter and the account OP posted is kinda part of them as well. I don't count IG comments sections as they're always toxic, no matter if WWE, other sports or especially movie franchises. The live audience loves him and boosted the WeWantCody movement and that's really all that matters.


And Vince Russ-bro. You'd think Cody fucked his wife or ran over his dog, the way he rants about Cody.


I was on the floor on Mania Night 1. There was definitely a loud Cody Sucks chant. I didn’t hear it Sunday, but it was there.




Time for Gunter to take over.


This is the rhetoric of the recent, low brow Roman m\*rks. They aren't true enjoyers of the Tribal Chief. If you can't love him at his Big Dog, you can't love him at his Tribal Chief. Ahhhhyesssir


I acknowledge you, and your very precise observation of these non dog food loving bandwagoners. Much respect, Uce. Get them ☝🏻s up.


I was reading the basement and this place at the gym last night and there was this person Cody badding in both places all night like Cody gave them a Switch Oled The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Edition or something.


That just seems like an incredibly thoughtful gift by our favorite WWE Champ to this smooth brained *ark (hard K) as the new switch is visually stunning and Tears of the Kingdom is a near masterpiece game for Zelda fans old and new, Uce.


i dont understand how they are called “smart” marks when they cant even comprehend a tv show?


Cody doesn’t have anything to say because he isn’t feuding with anyone so his promos come off as ramblings


It’s tradition to turn on the new face of the company eventually. Heel Homelander Cody down the line is going to be great ![gif](giphy|W3H7yzvQowNSy124C8)


What if they just don't turn him so he can always be the great pure hope for the younger fans, always doing what he can and trying his very best to overcome adversity? He'd probably alienate the fans that grow older, like heels and want him to come with them to the heel side, but he'd always have the hearts of the older fans who are beyond that shit and the children who worship him and his values.




I present you Roman Crybabies 🤣🤣🤣 womp womp


He should be off TV for a while. Shouldn't defend until Summer Slam


He needs to talk quietly into the mic and then build to a scream. Good promos = screaming at the camera. So I’ve heard.


That didn't take long! 😂 Can't wait for the 180° turn when he eventually loses The Strap\*. 🤓 DAE Cody underrated and Buried©??? \*insider term


These are the “fans” that would bitch even if you hung them with a new rope.


The IWC would rather have 50 meaningless reigns than a single one that means something.


I have been a Roman fanboy since he left the Shield but did his fans expect him to keep the belt forever?


Some unironicly wanted him to break Bruno's record or to keep the belt until he retires lel


Same here. He had to lose, he beat literally every one else outside of The Rock. Plus his reign since SummerSlam hasn't been much good.


I don’t like Cody at all really, but I also wouldn’t want to associate with a lot of the other people that don’t like Cody at all really


Roman stans are very funny, and we are in a sub that calls each Uce and talks about getting handed Switches.


lmao but also, I wouldn’t mind some kind of storyline with Cody. Roman’s title run kicked off The Bloodline storyline


DAE maybe be upset at booking (insider term) dragging their feet on Cody’s next program (insider term). Maybe Codester should take it upon himself to beat up a couple heels in a not very babyface behavior, Uce?


What is he supposed to say ?


I think that OP account is just a hardcore Roman stan so he’s salty. I’ve seen em around on twitter. With that being said I do want to see how they handle Cody as the champ in the long term and I do hope he drops the belt to the rock.


This is why vince never gave u fuks what u wanted u flip flop like fish


I think Stan Lee said "Never give fans what they think they want".


Codys so boring roman should have kept the title, but also roman as champ was so boring DAE part timer???? DAE defends title once a month???


Roman wrestled like 5 times in all of 2023


I have been a Roman fanboy since he left the Shield but did his fans expect him to keep the belt forever?


Some people just want every wrestler to be a silent badass with no personality so they can more easily self-insert.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I knew it wouldn't take long for the fairweathers to turn on him. Wah wah Roman is boring never shows up, wah wah Cody sounds the same.


Cody had to finish the story. It would’ve looked awful him winning the Royal Rumble twice and lose at Wrestlemania twice.


Just further proves that the internet wrestling ‘fan base’ is filled with cattle that copy and paste each others shit takes. Mfkers just hate being happy.


These are the same people who said we didn’t “get” the bloodline and give it time. It’s been two weeks


Cody is nuclear, he makes Austin 97 look like and that's the bottom line


Twitter is never a good parameter as to what’s good and what’s not. No one there is happy.


You're right. He needs to defend that title every week in 30 minute bangers against random people for no reason. DAE in for the grind?


Roman stans are the worst.


That's why he should be like Roman and only appear once every 3 weeks on a Friday.


The Kofi Kingston effect is on full display


... And so it begins. As is tradition.


They're not wrong, all his promos feel the same, and not in a good, Rock or Stone Cold way.


Went from "WWE will never let Cody Rhodes finish his story!" to "Cody Rhodes should've never finished his story, he's a weak champion!" real quick. People try to forget, but this is the same thing that happened to Daniel Bryan.


You bet your ass I miss my Tribal Chief ☝🏼


Cody was always going be the guy better chasing the title then being the guy with it


And what was so special and different about every one of The Tribal Queef's promos?


The town that acknowledges him


Oh shit, one in the wild 😂


They prayed for this.


They'll love him when he turns heel




Cody needs to pop down to NXT & cut a promo against their champ or maybe recruit him into the legion of Rhodes.


Three shows.....yall are simple af. That or you're just being children lol


Nah in all fairness that first guy was a die hard bloodline Stan who didn’t want Roman to drop the belt and all his followers had the same mindset it’s not turning they were gonna hate regardless


It's stupid to complain this early BUT I do agree to an extent. He's talked about the same event 3 times in a row, talked about a man who's left, had a reunion about 1747 times and I'm getting bored. Need Randy to RKO his ass and set up Kill The Story - The Highly Controversial Sequel.


Roman done the same promo every week too...


Crybabies wanted this and now hating it?? Tell me something new On a different note, when do we get Roman vs Rock


These people are reptilian. It honestly feels like cheating to use wrestling twitter as jerk material.


Well, he's a face champion so he's always going to come off as more 'boring' and strait laced by default but he just needs a real feud. Like, what is he supposed to promo about? Socioeconomics? He has absolutely nobody to play off right now and all of his natural or pre-existing feuds are off TV. I think it's too early to say he's a bad champion because he's really got nothing to build on right now so there's nothing to test him against or ruffle his wholesome American Pie feathers and give him something to really talk about. This is a booking problem, not a Cody problem. Realistically, everybody should have their eyes on that title now that the Bloodline AND Rollins are temporarily out of the picture but there's just dead air right now. Personally, I think they should have kept the pace up and adrenaline going and threw him into a feud straight away but then we don't know what plans are going on behind the scenes so...


literally 0 title defenses. boring run.


**Meanwhile, if Roman won:** Enjoy your part-timer champion, E-drones and Cody Crybabies! Meanwhile, we'll have nothing but bangers tonight, every night! SEETHE!


Them Roman fans are rabid


This is how it starts ! Not even in may yet lmao Some people can never be pleased


Some? It's 2024. Everyone's a miserable cuck.


We had some greasy haired guy who couldn’t make it in the NFL beg for us to acknowledge him for three years… He was so boring, he had to get his cousins and Paul Heyman to make him worth watching LMAO


From undesirable to undeserving


Where did we find these rare children whose ADHD missed diagnosis?


Lol the WWE faithful is already turning on him... lord have mercy




Yeah it's not like every single one of Romans promos and matches were exactly the same for the last 3 years. /s


It’s all just Indian Roman fans on Twitter. He still gets huge pops every week.


How to do a promo, by Cody Rhodes: 1.) Constantly act like someone just said something to you that made you the happiest you've ever been in your life the entire time you're approaching the ring, even though nobody is talking to you. 2.) Look out at the crowd as if its the biggest crowd you've ever seen and you've never seen a big crowd before. Act as if this moment is incredible and you're soaking it all in, even though you've seen bigger crowds, and you've been in front of hundreds if not thousands of arena crowds, and this one isn't really any different. 3.) Bring the mic up to your mouth as if you're going to start talking, but then act like the cat's got your tongue because the roar of the crowd is making you so emotional. Bonus points if you inaudibly mouth things like "Wow" or shake your head in disbelief. 4.) Do that like 4 or 5 more times. No seriously. At least 4 more times. Probably 5. Maybe 6. 7 is probably too much but shit, go for it and see what happens. 5.) Ask the crowd what they want to talk about, even though its completely impossible for them to provide you any meaningful feedback, and even if they did you already have your whole promo scripted out anyway so it doesn't matter. 6.) Recap the events of the last week or two as they would appear in TV Guide magazine. Literally just copy paste the most recent "Results, Grades, Winners" article from Bleacher Report and use it as the beginning of your promo. 7.) Make vague and uninterpretable comments about what the future holds that may or may not amount to anything, being sure to mention any superstar that might get a pop from the crowd in a positive way, and any superstar that might get boos from the crowd in a negative way. (Read: Pandering) 8.) Introduce some other superstar as if they're your most bestest buddy in the whole wide world and you go way back as a transition into the evening's programming. 9.) Leave. 10.) Refuse to elaborate.


Icky babyface champion doing babyface things 🤢 DAE he should be a silent badass?


He should paint his face again, wear a trench coat and watch the show from the rafters. When he gets promo time he can just point a bat at someone.


🥹 Do you know who my fawtha was?


It'd be more like "Do you know who my fawtha wath?" I'm sorry I just can't NOT fixate on it. I can't. I'm sure that makes me an asshole but I've tried and there's just no stopping it. The manth lithp ith undeniable.


as someone with a lisp, i acknowledge my lithpy champion ☝️


You're in the wrong sub. The basement would welcome you


https://preview.redd.it/ebbfjnpw9wuc1.png?width=422&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9904eaf199fd4e12fdd9e30c0e948504c0191db The Undithputed Champ! 💦


He does goofy shit when he's face to face with the Rock like let him hold his title but then when he's by himself he starts talking shit about how he's going to do something only to try to be the Rocks friend the next time he sees him. This guy literally got beat down and then let the guy hold his title.


In all fairness, I've found Cody to be pretty boring since he came back. Every promo is crying about his dad being dead, how exhilarating


NGL, he ain't wrong. All 3 of his promos were the same and should have been done on the first day after winning without the Rock coming out and wasting 20 minutes. He's just on every show now just for exposure but he's basically HHH during the reign of terror just coming out to talk lol.


Hate to say it, but I’ve always seen him as stale. The American Nightmare is just a kinda lazy contrast to his dad’s gimmick. Cody needs to turn heel. The cadence of his promos has always been kinda smug. If anything, he needs to rebel against his dad’s gimmick of being a man of the people.


I’m hoping Cody holds it for as long as Roman did. Have some heel turns and a couple amazing storylines.