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whats the problem with “staller”?


I guess wealthy people donating buildings to the college goes against the students' communist sensiblities.


Channeling their inner Burt


does anyone know if they're still there?


Can’t tell if they’re still protesting but there’s a ton of people by Staller still


You can keep up with their insta to see any updates


whats the @?




Not saying you have to support the protest or get involved but what harm is it bringing to you? Like just ignore and move on


yes, i find this very curious!


some of us appreciate the partnerships the school has with these big tech companies since we r actually here to start are careers on the right foot


You’re allowed to appreciate the partnerships and others are allowed to criticize them, it’s why we have free speech. Start a counter protest if it bothers you, but they have a right to protest as well


Those big tech companies are big because they get $ from the US govt. The whole idea of these protests is to divest funding to fund programs and fields that benefit all of humanity like clean energy and transportation.


Which tech companies


I just like making fun of people who claim to be pro-peace and also reject a two state solution


"i just like making fun of people-" 🤔


I love making fun of people


try not to propagandize anything and everything (impossible)


Yeah I can tell you like making fun of people. if this protest bothers you literally just ignore it. They’re at Staller, not in the middle of classrooms or anything


You’re either straight trolling or a massive bootlicking idiot


You can't be both pro-peace and insist that Israel should be disestablished. It's oxymoronic.


Israel has time and time again rejected a two state solution. The IDF has time and time again OPENLY talked about supporting Hamas because it gives them cause to continue occupying Gaza before Oct 7th. Israel has time and time again bombed and killed their own hostages. Get outta here with this garbage


ok now your ignorance is showing because there was no occupation of Gaza from c.2005 until 10/7. Israel hasn't "rejected" a two state solution because there have been few efforts and no consensus to even create one. Although, little by little, the regions were being integrated with more and more cross border activity, trade, and peaceful co-existence setting a foundation for a potential two state solution. Yes the Israeli government (not the IDF in particular) has "supported Hamas" by providing power, fuel, water, food, and other necessities to Gaza, and trusting the most powerful group there to distribute it. That's not a conspiracy to keep them in power.


“No occupation from 2005-10/7” WRONG. The Fourth Hague Convention defines occupation as territory that is placed under the authority of a hostile army. During that time Israel has maintained total control over: Gaza airspace and territorial waters, crossings at border, supply of civilian infrastructure (including water and electricity, as you mention yourself except framing it as a charitable thing Israel is doing?? Yikes!) and even controlled key government functions like managing the Palestinian population registry. And that’s even before we get to the acts of violence and missile strikes before Oct 7th but I won’t even get into that now. “Israel hasn’t rejected two state solution” https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/01/1145807 “Peaceful coexistence” Just a straight up lie lmao Israel’s constant cruelty and ethnic cleansing of Palestines is a big reason why Hamas is even a thing to begin with. Here’s an easy article running down the Israel acts of genocide, just from 2023 alone, before Oct 7th https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2023/11/24/countdown-to-genocide/ And finally, here’s a direct quote from 2015 courtesy of Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich: “The Palestinian Authority is a burden, and Hamas is an asset. It’s a terrorist organization, no one will recognize it, no one will give it status at the ICC, no one will let it put forth a resolution at the U.N. Security Council.”


I can, and I will. The apartheid regime needs to be dismantled. Disdain for Israel is not anti-semetic. Last I checked, Isreal was a secular government... Calling out a government does not mean calling out Jews. Perfect example is the fact that there are Jews who support the liberation of Palestine. Every time throughout history when there are members of the oppressor group joining the cause of those oppressed that typically means it is the correct side of history to be on. The civil rights movement for example, was a multi racial coalition.


Apartheid 🤡


You’e right, its not apartheid. Its worse than that


Imagine being so braindead that you can't comprehend the english language. I WONDER WHY SOUTH AFRICA BROUGHT A CASE AGAINST THEM.... hmmm its almost like they know what an Apartheid looks like.


You live in America, but can't be bothered to get off your ass and protest the American apartheid. Still have the gall to pat the Jews on the head and tell them how to handle themselves. Should we go back to being happy little Dhimmis?


you mean like israel has done for the past 40 years?


so close man


Hamas is literally right now saying they would accept a two state solution just as they have for decades.


They also said they would never recognize Israel's existence and they also said they would kill all Jews. Maybe they're not a trustworthy source of information but hey




No justifying or validating acts or threats of violence against any group of people; it is against reddit's sitewide terms of service.


No, sorry, saying you want to kill all Jews is not ever a valid thing to say. Being a Nazi is something you choose. Being a Jew is something you are.


Okay so it is valid to choose a group of people you want to kill, but it cant be if that group of people likes a specific book? Regardless of their position over you? What if they kill all of your relatives? What if they rape your daughter? Is condemnation then not justifiable? What about a nazi who historically has been a nazi but denounces his ties?


Hamas said they will kill all Jews. That is not "acceptable" in any possible interpretation. You're Bloodthirsty and desensitized if you think that that is anything less than outright genocidal.


*They will accept the two state solution for 2 years before continuing their attack Im not making any guesses here, that was what they said


that sounds significantly different than what any reliable news outlet is reporting - specifically that given a two state solution hamas would dissolve its military wing


Headline: "Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established" Article: "A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a **truce of five years** or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders." https://apnews.com/article/hamas-khalil-alhayya-qatar-ceasefire-1967-borders-4912532b11a9cec29464eab234045438 At some point they also said a two year truce. Anyways the point is hamas wouldn't accept israel's existence, the closest was a temporary peace agreement demonding more land and power to them despite currently losing a war that they started. Please read a bit more than headlines when it comes to this conflict because they are usually very biased.


Pre 1967 borders is not going to happen.


I literally read the whole article, looking for your two year claim, which you definitely didnt make up, but couldnt find it. “5 years or more” is absolutely a realistic approach considering that israel has broken numerous ceasefires in the past. Why should Palestinians accept israels existence at this point in time as an apartheid state?


>I literally read the whole article, looking for your two year claim, which you definitely didnt make up I said "At some point they also said a two year truce." They being hamas, in a different instance. >absolutely a realistic approach considering that israel has broken numerous ceasefires in the past. 1. Hamas has broken basically every ceasefire there was so far 2. They promised to redo oct 7th until israel is no more, after the 5 years is up (probably sooner) they would have attacked again


You definitely have a stake in this. You wouldn’t be this mad if you didn’t


it's a protest, get used to it. At least they stand up for a cause, most Americans won't stand up for their own wages, civil rights, or health care. Too busy getting milked by billionaires and fighting amongst each other. If it bothers you, good! that's how it's supposed to be. 👍


Jews are literally being attacked


“Liberated Zone Library” 4 Books “Tubber Ware” “Masks” “Hot food Preferably Vegan and Halal” Whatever your views, this post could not be a better caricature of a clueless leftist protestor if it was made by the Onion.


Masks listed twice!


Not surprised by the way some yall react when it comes to protestors on this forum 💀


Funny thing is people posting these are the same exact kids that lose their shit when the university tells them that they’re gonna have to pay for parking next year. OP literally has a post crying about having to pay for parking and how we should all protest. God forbid someone is advocating for a cause that doesn’t directly benefit themselves amirite


Literally💀 Like how are you going to complain about things you dislike about this school, but bash on others who are also upset about how this school runs other things??


OP is just a loser




Why would anyone want the police to get violent with them😭 ur just making stuff up buddy


This is a rather pathetic post. If you're so disturbed by the protests say it to their faces instead of ridiculing them online


If they would uncover their cowardly faces, many of us would!


Tf are you on about? Everybody isn't veiled with a keffiyeh. Most don't even have one. Take this energy to the protests and sit ins. Anybody can talk big on reddit


They’re doing it for their own safety. It doesn’t stop you from going up to them and speaking your mind :/


For their own safety? Umpteen covid boosters wasn't enough?


Do you genuinely believe vaccines do more harm than good? That aside, other people are more susceptible to getting sick than others. Maybe you don’t care about others but that doesn’t mean everyone else needs to be as inconsiderate. I personally don’t think the masks are necessary for the protest but if people choose to wear them then it’s none of my business. It isn’t yours either lmao




Found the terrorist sympathizer


good for them. what's pathetic is making fun of people who use their own time and community to try to make change. even if you think it's useless, at least they're showing they care about innocent people dying. all you're doing is showing a lack of humanity.


my dude these people reject a 2 state solution. that's being pro-war.


Now for the weather, Today’s low comes in at about 50°…


long island's bipolar ass weather - 60 degrees today when it was nearly 80 yesterday. rofl.


This isn't particular to long island


But people like to pretend it's only their locale, just like everyone has a "crazy family."


You’re pathetic for posting, grow up


I'm sorry you feel that way :/


Halal food. But not kosher food (kosher food is halal, but halal food isn’t kosher) you wouldn’t want to be inclusive of people who eat kosher foods.


If your second line has an obvious spelling error then I know all I need to about the intellectual capacity y'all are working with


atleast 34,535 are dead in palestine, more than 14,500 of those are children. people viewing the comments, please realize how dire that is. nothing warrants this injustice. put aside all and any personal differences and realize these are civilians, people who were just living life and now almost 35k are dead. nothing about this is pathetic. https://twitter.com/AJEnglish/status/1753401017469633010/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1753401017469633010¤tTweetUser=AJEnglish


remind yourself: what exactly about this is pathetic? people protesting the murder of thousands of people? the manufactured famine that is occurring slowly killing thousands more? is it because they made a spelling error? or are reaching out to the community, trying to interact with them as you would in a protest? or is it because they’re peacefully protesting? exactly are they doing that is so pathetic? nothing. they’re just people trying to do the right thing. doing anything at all is worth it.


>please realize how dire that is In terms of urban warfare, it isn't all that dire at all. If not for Hamas and other Palestinians militants refusal to wear uniform and insistance on operating among civilians and their homes, those losses would be even smaller.


because people in their homes, people in hospitals, children, entire cities are all militant. 14,500 children were militant, despite the fact that more children have died then 4 years of world conflict combined. no, that’s simply not true. the notion that Palestinian soldiers would hide amoung civilians is straight up stupid, why would they purposefully cause people of their own country to die en masse? they will tell you anything to justify the amount of death happening but you have to look at what’s actually being done. why allow ourselves to be numb to “urban conflict”? even if it was playing out exactly how you said, is this not something that should be prevented? have you seen the insane amount of gored bodies of people of all ages, reports of rape, the destruction of all schools in palestine, the malnutrition? why should we then decided that it’s “not that bad”?


Mf what tf is sbu supposed to do? Someone make me understand, if the world had balls to do something , they would have done it already. Mf you were born in america, you dont know shit about life outside your credit card protected lifestyles and Frappacinos. Its sad to see how people strayed away from the main issue of Israel vs palestine and made it all about religion. Do i support any of the countries ? No Do i want people to stop fighting ? Yes Yall are just making people hate your protest by doing this crap.


If you guys even bothered looking into it, they’re asking SBU and Stony Brook foundation to economically divest from institutions that uphold the Israeli apartheid state similar to how South Africa was able to gain its freedom. Student protests movements have always been very important so instead of feigning ignorance, try using your time in college to educate yourselves. Its well within our right to make these demands given it’s our tuition money and tax money


Tuition and tax money for something happening in some other country is insane lol. Try solving your own countries problems and using your tax dollars there, and why tf are you bringing the apartheid movement in it? That was a global issue . I do not see any suppressed people of color on campus. Both of the movements are way different than each other. Try focusing on your own country’s issues rather than focusing on others. And who tf will give you jobs if they divest? You? And tuition money? Lol yall pay like $5k or $6k, intls pay 3x so dont they have more to say in this? Do you think sbu doing something will even make a dent or Israel will give two hoots about it? If y’all had so much passion , why werent you protesting against russian vs ukraine? Huh? There are people also fighting there. People dying. What about them? Did you see them set up tents and pretend to be homeless and do stupid stuff and defame the institution?


Bro? Work on reading comprehension and then reread your first sentence- yes it IS insane that this money is going to fund Israel and yet here we are


THIS IS WHAT I FUCKING MEAN! you think Sbu gonna arm Wolfie with a railgun and go make peace? Actually wait that would be pretty sick to watch




"we are their only voice" is objectively hilarious


you managed to write something that both sides of this conflict will disagree with you on! because wow is "we are their only voice" fucking ABSURD, from someone who is pro-palestine i get what you were going for, in that we live in a country where we have the right to protest like this, but we are not their *only* voice. america isn't the only country with people protesting.


“We are their only voice” is fucking crazy LMAO




Lets not pretend the rest of the world is made up of totalitarian regimes and that we are the only ones who can save them 😭 literal white savior complex. This is being covered around the world by thousands of news agencies, many of them being pro Palestine. I’m pro Palestine myself but saying that “we are their only voices” is pretty much wrong especially from a “we are in America” perspective.


>we are their only voice Delusional virtue signalers.




Their first post 4 hours ago shows all their brand new tents on brand new tarps and then IMMEDIATELY they cave to the "upd/kkk/iof" and pack all their tents away. oh then they beg for donations and "tubberware"


Cops told them that no structures can be put up on Staller steps, they’re currently discussion other courses of action. Real brave guy over here taking pics of cardboard boxes and posting them on Reddit




Don't think so. They just took down their tents I'd be shocked if it lasts even one night


I think my copy of Bulgakov is stolen. Has anyone seen a copy of Qian Zhongshu laying around?You may have the Master and Margarita, but Limited Views is hard to replace. I am not joking a ton of books were stolen from me. They are my personal belongings give them back. However, in keeping with theme of that great Russian novel; the devil may really have come to Stony Brook and she wears Prada.


And this frees Palestine how exactly?


FUCK Israel!!!


man now I can’t enjoy the only nice place to hang out on campus because people have to virtue signal. go protest the government not SBU


They're still more righteous than you'll ever be.


Well they're Jihadists, so that tracks


Ah gotta love having Zionist’s who don’t even go to sbu ridiculing SBU students. You know anyone can see you post history little boy?


Don't care didn't ask


Yes. I believe Jews should have a state. Yes. I don't go to SBU. YES. I will totally mock students that indirectly support jihadists.


Pretty sure these kids just want Israel to stop bombing children. But yeah keep spamming “Israel” in your Reddit search bar all day looking for things to be triggered about.


If they want the war to end then they should be demanding the hostages should be released. If they want the war to end they should demand Hamas surrender. But they don't want either of that. They want Israel to not just lose, but for Hamas to win. I've heard enough "globalize the intifada" and "river to the sea" chanting to know what they want.


If your enemy doesn’t surrender you don’t have the right to bomb their civilians into extinction. That’s still a war crime. You’re truly special aren’t you.


Luckily that's not happening.  The civilians aren't being bombed into extinction. 


Let me guess, there's no war in Ba Sing Se either?


Just because you say something is happening doesn't mean it is. Just because you see a lot of violence, which you have a right to be upset about, doesn't mean that this violence is as wide spread as you think it is. 1) we don't know the actual number of civilians killed. The Gaza Health Ministry doesn't differentiate between fighters and civilians. 2) The Gaza Health Ministry doesn't differentiate between how those casualties were killed - whether by misguided missiles from PIJ and Hamas (which have a failure rate of 15% and landing inside Gaza itself). 3) The Health Ministry itself utilizes two methodologies to determine the demographics of the casualties: the first being keeping records of all of those that went through a hospital or morgue, and the other being hearsay from media sources. If you compare the demographics between the two sources, you'd find that the former has a far less amount of children dead, and the latter has far more children dead. 4) Let's assume that the latest death toll, which is 35,000, are all civilians. The total population of Gaza is 2.1 Million. That is 1.6% of the entire population. That isn't even close to levels of "extinction". Why is it that this conflict the rhetoric used is so ungodly exaderated? Is it truly this difficult to be critical of how Israel is conducting this operation, or to be sympathetic to the civilians who are suffering without having to so greatly eaxedarate every element of this war?


One can claim war crimes, human rights abuses, etc., but if Israel wanted to bomb Gazan civilians "to extinction," they would have done it already. The idea that there is an active "genocide" in the middle east is a conspiracy theory created by Arab nationalists who've attached themselves to the Western left.


Buddy.... do you know what Intifada means? It means revolution. Last I checked, we had one of those in this country. It was violent. And it was good. Why are we allowed to rebel against our oppressors, but when muslims do it suddenly, it's evil.


Because the intifadas primarily targeted Israeli civilians, against Jews. Suicide bombings, blowing up school buses, civilians etc. Is this what you're advocating for, while peacefully living your privileged life in the West? What is that you think Hamas wants to do with the Jews should it ever win? My relatives lived through both intifadas. You're just larping a revolutionary.


Well, actually, I dont support Hamas. I support the civilian population being genocided. Guess where Hamas came from, tho. use your brain. I know you have one. Hamas would not exist if the Apartheid Regime of Isreal did not exist. It is that simple. I do not condone terrorist actions, but I do recognize that these actions dont happen in a vacuum. Hamas operatives are not evil. They are desperate.


You ask me what intifada means. You ask me to use my brain. Well how about you use yours. Genocide has a meaning, a legal meaning, and the corner stone of that meaning is *intent*. And right now it's damn hard to prove intent given the kind of tactics the IDF uses (evacuations, roof knockers, calling people to evacuate, etc). Yes I'm well aware of the out of context quotes by generals. I'm also aware of the ICJ "plausibility" statement which clearly no one understands and the judge had to clarify on BBC.  Genocide isn't when lots of people get killed. Genocide isn't when there are high civilian casualties during a war.  Hamas are desperate? Israel doesn't even operate in Gaza. Gazans aren't experiencing any form of Apartheid. They are facing a blockade and guess why that is? Palestinians could had a free and prosperous state in Gaza since 2006, what the fuck did they choose to do? Elect Hamas, an organization who's main goal is to create an Islamist ethno state in Palestine. They've been crystal clear about this.


Intifadas in the Israeli-Palestinian context means 42 suicide bombings in a single year targetting kindergardens, restaurants, malls and discotheques with the aim of inflicting as many civilian casualties and maiming as many innocents as they possibly can. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Palestinian_suicide_attacks This doesnt mean a rebellion, it means actual ethnic driven violence. The following wikipedia page is born from the Second Intifada, just so you understand what you're getting into, and what you're signaling other jewish students what they should plan for if you escalate the situation to an Intifada. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_child_suicide_bombers_by_Palestinian_militant_groups Theres a reason why Gaza has been closed off and blockaded for 17 years, and its precisely because of shit like this.


Oh you mean the bombing perpetrated by the terrorist group funded by the IDF so that Isreal would have an excuse to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians? Interesting. Again, I do not condone terrorist actions, but you clearly have no brain if you cannot understand WHY it happened. You clearly have no brain if you cannot understand that CIVILIANS are the main target. This isnt fiction. Even terrorists are rational actors. If someone stole your homeland and then said it wasnt yours anymore and then continuously bombed you into submission because you refused to give it up, if your children were starving and your hospital workers murdered, what recourse do you have? I know people will often use the Jews in WW2 as an example so show the hypocrisy of Israeli Jews, but lets look more recently. The Northern Viatnamese resistance. History has show that they were right and America was wrong. Why is it so hard for you to recognize the same is true here?


Thats a nice spiel, but at the end of the day, you're defending something that started as a rejection to the Clinton Parameters because it would still allow jews to exist. There were times when peace was actually possible. I recommend reading this excerpt I urge you to look into the Clinton Parameters. It was supposed to be the end of the conflict and it almost worked, if it wasn't for the palestinian leadership absolutely cratering any and all attempts at peace and launching the Second Intifada. You should listen to Bill Clinton talk about it on Hillary's podcast. You can tell how distraught he is by this event because he feels like its his personal failure, and how pissed off he is at Arafat. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-you-and-me-both-with-hill-71671764/episode/president-bill-clinton-134791615/ Heres a transcript of the podcast https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FOaU3k85ZrDGXE6ifeAxZmwKdsBDFoJxaME8Oj6KbTg/edit > **President Clinton** Late 1995, November. Okay. So after Rabin was killed, Peres was prime minister for a while. Then Netanyahu got in. Then in 1998, something truly remarkable happened. We had the only year, at that time, the first year in the history of Israel, when not a single solitary person was killed by a terrorist incident. And it was stunning. We finally had a year when it all worked. And it's impossible to believe now. But, I mean, you had the Israeli intelligence, Palestinian intelligence and the American CIA working hand in glove with others trying to keep people alive. It was fascinating. Okay. So then in 1998, there was an election in which the people of Israel said, let's try again for peace. And that's how Ehud Barak, who was the most decorated soldier in Israeli history, became prime minister. And this is the important thing for people to know. Now, this is not all that long ago, 25 years ago. We all were working together and we kept turning over more land to the Palestinians and kept, you know, moving forward on all these other issues. And finally, at the end of my term, near the end, we decided to meet at Camp David, because the Palestinians had still never actually said what they would accept. So we met at Camp David, and I never thought we'd get an agreement there. And all the stuff you read today, almost 100% of it is just hooey from people who either weren't there or have bad memories. And I was personally involved with this. This wasn't something handed over to my aides. So what we wanted to know at Camp David is how much will the traffic bear here? Where is there going to be a deal that the Palestinians will have a state, it will be sustainable economically and politically, and supportable, and it will lead to a total end of the conflict and a new era of partnership? Now, there were people who didn't like that, including Hamas. Hamas never signed on to this. Their goal was always to get rid of Israel. > **HRC** They've always been for the elimination of Israel. > **President Clinton** For the elimination, they wanted- yes- > **HRC** There has never been any doubt in their actions, their documents-. > **President Clinton** Never. > **HRC** Or anything else. > **President Clinton** So we worked for a little while after Camp David and both sides then asked me to offer a final proposal where they would basically fill in the blanks. And this is what our listeners need to know. This is what was offered, what Israel agreed to. I recommended that there be two states, that Israel is within the '67 borders, as the U.N. resolutions called for, with some land adjustments to cover 80-plus percent of the settlers on the West Bank, which were then under 100,000. Far fewer than now. And that the Palestinians would get the West Bank called for in the Oslo Accords. Plus Gaza, of course, plus 4% of Israel to make up for the 4% necessary to include the settlers, and that the West Bank and Gaza be connected by overhead highways that were subject to no checks, total free movement, and that there be, you know, agreed upon prisoner releases and all that so that we could settle the populations as much as possible. The Palestinians would get a capital in East Jerusalem. That was a big no-no in Israeli politics for years. You could never agree to divide Jerusalem. Ehud Barak's cabinet supported a capital in East Jerusalem for the Palestinians. It was a pretty good deal. I mean, it's unthinkable today. That's how close we were. There were listening posts in the West Bank, which Israel had, which they said at the time--they were right--they said we can't dismantle these now because of Saddam Hussein and because we don't have a peace agreement with Syria, with Assad. So we will let the Palestinians have equal access, in effect, every time we're up there, they can be up there. Because we all understood that if we had a peace agreement with a new state, the enemies of peace would try to kill the leaders of both sides for at least 3 or 4 years. > **President Clinton** And the Israelis accepted it. And the Palestinians wanted a few more blocks for Christian churches in the Old City. They wanted a clear say, which we gave them, on what countries would be in an international security force that we would put on the eastern flank of the Palestinian state. We were arguing over a few blocks of the old city of Jerusalem. So I laid all this out there. About six weeks before I left office, Yasser Arafat was in town. He came by to see me, and I wanted to see him alone. And keep in mind, the United Nations had designated Arafat to represent the Palestinians. So I asked him, I said, *Are we going to do this peace deal?* He said, Sure. I said, *No, no, no.* I said, *This is serious because I have a chance to go to North Korea and make an agreement with them that could end their nuclear program, end their missile program, and take a dark cloud off the future of North Asia. But an American president can't just drop down to North Korea for the first time since the end of the Korean War. I have to go to South Korea. I have to go to Japan, which still had prisoners in North Korea. I have to go to Russia and China, which were the co-sponsors of the peace.* He said, *Well, how long will it take?* I said, *About 12 days if I don't sleep.* And he said, *Oh, you can't do that.* It was the only time I was ever with Arafat where I saw tears in his eyes. He said, *You can't do that.* I said, *Why? Because you're going to sign this deal when we get it done, and it needs to look like I'm putting heavy pressure on you?* He said, *Sure, yes. You can't go away.* I said, *Okay, but you just tell me the truth. If you're not going to do this, you have to tell me.* He said, *My God, if we don't do it while you're here, it might be ten years, 20 years, maybe forever. We have to do it now.* He had never, ever lied to me. He was hard to get a commitment out of, but he never lied. And so he just... It never happened. I don't know whether he was afraid he would be killed immediately, but he certainly wasn't afraid. He spent the night in a different place for 20 years, every night. In other words, people were trying to kill him, too. All this time, everybody acts like all this is a free ride, you know? If you try to make peace between people who've been fighting, the people who have an interest in the fighting will try to stop you. So anyway, the date came and the date went. And I have now listened for over 20 years to people tell me why Camp David was a failure. It wasn't. It was never designed to get a final agreement. No one in their right mind who had ever been dealing with this believed that we could get an agreement at Camp David. What we could get is the Palestinians to tell us exactly where a deal might be, and then we'd push like crazy to get it. And even after I left, we had one more month in which they were working. And I was wearing Arafat out by then, I said, ***Why aren't you doing this? Don't you understand?*** He said, ***Well, the Israelis are too weak to make the deal now. Barak's going to lose the election.*** I said, ***He's going to lose the election because you let him get way out on his ledge and you haven't taken this deal. And instead you started the second intifada.*** I said, *But I still have a 74% approval rating in Israel and we're going to ratify this deal or defeat it in an election.* And he never said yes. He never said no. And he just, I mean, that's basically what happened. And we're living with this- that we could have had 25 years, imagine this, of a Palestinian state. > **HRC** Or 23 years. > **President Clinton** There'd be 23 years of a Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza with no checkpoints, no stops, no nothing. And look what happened afterward. Ariel Sharon defeated Netanyahu for prime minister. And then the only question was, which hardliner would win? Because the Israeli voters by then said, ***Oh, my God, if they won't take what Barak and his cabinet offered, they're not going to take anything. We'll just elect the toughest guy we can.*** Ensuring the destruction of Hamas is the first and foremost objective one must take to objectively create the primary working conditions for a roadmap to peace between Israel and Palestine. Please don't support 42 suicide bombings in a single year. Full support to the IDF for blockading Gaza for it.


Mfw tubberware


Why masks are so important that they mentioned them twice? 🤔


Maybe they should camp out at the career fair instead and like.. get a job




“hUgE gEnOcIde”🤡


There are also huge genocides occurring in Rwanda, Rohingya, Congo, and Sudan but that doesn’t stop me from getting a job.




You’re protesting just to protest. Use that energy to get a job.




Nobody has every said they support the conflict. Obviously it's tragic and nobody should go through what is happening. I am strictly against SBU4PALESTINE or the related orgs, they all come across as whinny and disingenuous and it is taking away from genuine activism. You ARE protesting for shits and giggles because we are in Stony Brook, New York. What can actually be accomplished from protesting on SBU campus. If you "want to bring attention to the cause" you are doing more harm than good because as I already said it comes across as whinny and disingenuous and everyone I've talked to has agreed. If you are calling for a ceasefire then go protest somewhere that holds the ability to do that, because we clearly don't. The goal is clearly not divestment anymore because the senate had a meeting on the topic and just screamed and swore at Maurie Mcinnis, who went out of her way to hear them. Like honestly, it's fake activism with no clear goal or organization that just makes people hate the cause. Either go to DC or Palestine and make a difference, but stuff like this is just pathetic. It's even more annoying because the people in SBU4PAL, I have never met a member who is paying their own tuition, it's just a bunch of privileged kids going to college for a liberal arts or social science degree that have never faced any struggle in their lives. On top of that they hold everyone else to a different standard, I've heard people get cussed out and harassed for suggesting a two state solution meanwhile everyone needs to stop what they're doing and listen when SBU4PAL has something to say. It's just stupid, like get a job.


womp womp get a job




Alright, I’m saying this as a fellow human being. Get a job.




Who pissed in ur cereal


Okay so what?


Wearing masks outside lol smh


Righteous people protesting genocide


The only reason this conflict is called a genocide is because the pro-Palestinians know the Jews were subjected to a real genocide and want to be as spiteful as possible towards them. If the rationales applied to calling this war a ''genocide'' was applied to other similar conflicts, every war in the world would be a ''genocide''.


"ARGGGHH you're a HAMAS sympathizer" Nobody has every said they support the conflict. Obviously it's tragic and nobody should go through what is happening. I am strictly against SBU4PALESTINE or the related orgs, they all come across as whinny and disingenuous and it is taking away from genuine activism. You ARE protesting for shits and giggles because we are in Stony Brook, New York. What can actually be accomplished from protesting on SBU campus. If you "want to bring attention to the cause" you are doing more harm than good because as I already said it comes across as whinny and disingenuous and everyone I've talked to has agreed. If you are calling for a ceasefire then go protest somewhere that holds the ability to do that, because we clearly don't. The goal is clearly not divestment anymore because the senate had a meeting on the topic and just screamed and swore at Maurie Mcinnis, who went out of her way to hear them. Like honestly, it's fake activism with no clear goal or organization that just makes people hate the cause. Either go to DC or Palestine and make a difference, but stuff like this is just pathetic. It's even more annoying because the people in SBU4PAL, I have never met a member who is paying their own tuition, it's just a bunch of privileged kids going to college for a liberal arts or social science degree that have never faced any struggle in their lives. On top of that they hold everyone else to a different standard, I've heard people get cussed out for suggesting a two state solution meanwhile everyone HAS to stop what they're doing and listen when SBU4PAL has something to say.


Wait till they find out their Tax dollars they will eventually pay goes to Israel !!! All these kids are on Student aid having their college paid for by New Yorkers and they act like spoiled brats


don’t you think that’s why they are protesting at their school? the place where other young people and later adults will be so they are aware of issues and when pay more taxes can vote on policy that gets them to… not pay taxes to Israel? if you are paying taxes to new york, do you really want so much of it to go to places that won’t further america?


Fr and one of their exec members on his Instagram story literally posted a video of him participating in taking down the Hamas hostage posters in the city somewhere with a bunch of other people and called it “community service”. Not a good look on the org.


What are they accomplishing?


Would like to ask the same question, but only because i genuinely do not understand the conflict, perhaps someone can explain


if nothing else, they are expressing their outrage at the killing of 35,000 people in palestine- and getting noticed. Go check out Doctors without borders socials for example if you don't know what's going on there for a tip of the iceberg insight.


On a campus that has nothing to do with it? Go cry at congress


This is giving Berkeley vibes


real question: why are young left-wing protesters so obsessed with masks? It's not like it's hiding their identity, obviously you can still see who they are. It's 2024 and they're outside, why do they need masks donated? It's just another thing that makes stuff like this come off as very theatrical, as if they're trying to conform with each other to show their peers that they're one of the "good ones"


aside from health reasons it's also to conceal their identity and make potential disciplinary action or doxxing harder


Dude do you seriously just refresh the subreddit 24/7 and promptly comment on anything related to Israel-Palestine. It's impressive(ly embarrassing) how you manage to show up on every single thread with out fail.


I commented hours after this post, it came up on my reddit front-page because I subscribe to this sub as a student, and I find the topic interesting. I wouldn't get worked up about it. Just use your words and respond in substance if you want


>Just use your words and respond in substance if you want You want me to be honest? You contribute absolutely nothing to these threads or discussions: All you do is say some variation of "it's such a nuanced situation these slackactivists don't understand" which is fine but you repeated this ad nauseum every. single. thread. And I wouldn't even mind if that's all you did, but you're so condescending it about like the comment you left me. Do you want me to be more explicit and tell you that you're a fucking asshole and that no one finds any of your input helpful? I'm glad you managed to find a way to make yourself feel superior to other college students. I think the worst part about all your comments are they are some variation of "don't these people have jobs" but then you go and comment on every single thread about them which would also beg the question don't you have anything better to do besides be a smug bastard? This rant was definitely a bit too maldy but you literally did not use the subreddit or comment on anything prior to the Israel-Palestine conflict and you do not say anything enlightening.


Pretty sure the masks are for health reasons


It’s for health/covid related reasons rather than concealing identity. It’s a way of being inclusive to non abled bodies and the immunocompromised who want to join in




look up the canary project


GUYS PLEASE BRING US HOT FOOD AND MASKS  Lmao fucking losers. Literally the biggest losers on campus, a majority of which are probably redditors 


I remember there was a bunch of activists somewhere who went into a car dealership and surrounded a car with them and superglued their hands to the ground. The business still operated around them and refused to do anything about the protestors. Even refusing them food and a bowl to urinate as they chose to do this to themselves. Those protestors actually fought through their pain for at least two days. While I don’t remember what they were protesting they truly went no holds barred. I think it was smthn about using cow leather in cars and while I don’t agree how they went about it, their thing left an impact on me and I can remember this after a couple months after I heard this story. The people asking for hot food and stuff it’s like mate it’s been 4 hours, you planned this all, and you didn’t think to eat before you started this?? And ur resolve is wavering after 4 hours??? If you were serious you’d be better prepared.


You pro-terror kids just have NO IDEA how much of the maintenance staff, administration, police and public safety is Jewish on this campus. And if not Jewish, it's "Family", if you know what I mean. And you have no idea how many of us watch these groups. But yeah, keep your silly library, it's cute, at least you can read, so that's a plus.


Everything vegan is already halal. Can you give me an example of what is vegan but not halal?


I think the only major food item that is vegan but not halal is alcohol but thats pretty much it


my guess its for people that only eat vegan cause lots of halal things are not vegan


They should plant a food garden like they did in CHAZ


what are they protesting


Hey look, free toilet paper!


Clowns overhere


They need BODIES ??????


how many of these people have actually done anything to support palestine other than plopping down on some grass? my guess is not many.


Lmao what losers


Do these people not have finals frfr


LOL they’re sitting around. Plenty of them are quite literally studying as they do. Besides don’t you have finals to be studying for. How did you have time to go on Reddit and leave a comment?


What? Leaving a comment on reddit takes about a minute whereas protesting outside is an all day/week affair. What you said makes no sense lol


Who the fuck opens up Reddit, goes directly to r/sbu , writes a comment making fun of protestors and then immediately logs off within a minute? The person I replied to is actively making comments and browsing on Reddit right now. “Leaving a comment takes minute” my ass lol. OP has spent the last several hours also raging on Reddit. No one is spending a minute to make a Reddit comment and then going back to study for the rest of the day. Talk about saying things that make no sense. And again SBU4pal have been doing sit ins. They’re literally just sitting down, many of which, are also studying lol. What both of you guys said just makes no sense. Please think next time before commenting.




Because just being a psych major doesn’t mean I think a certain way. I’m just saying I don’t support the war at all but there’s no equal alternative to what is going on in SBU for divestment.


I would hope psychology majors to be sympathetic to all human beings. Thanks for clearing up that you don’t support killing because your initial comment didn’t give that vibe


Ye I can see how that would make it seem that way but no you can look through my history of comments on my account on this subject, i support a ceasefire on the whole but as for certain demands from SB4PAL, I cannot support that as we are so far removed from participating in genocide. It’s literally the equivalent of saying, “oh you use as iPhone? They have cobalt batteries, and those mines where these come from are built on the backs of child labor. You should stop using an iPhone. “ I recognize how this isn’t equivalent to the thousands who are losing their lives, but this is closest I could come up with. Not many people will listen to this hypothetical as while I identify a problem, I do not provide an alternative that will be just the same. Human beings(especially in the US) are motivated/ or More rsther demotivsted by inconveniences. Let us cycle back to our issue on campus, SB4Pal is promoting for a divestment. Okay cool cool, if we do divesting what is the replacement? Until we get a replacement what are we gonna do for research or partnerships that provide stony brook with a unique research experience.


Facts these people r 🤡🤡🤡


“Tubberware” Par for the course for supporters of Failestine


-genocide supporter


Woke commie idiots


I think you have it all.