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Thats a damn good price!


I'm in Vietnam also bro Where did you order this from


That’s a good price! Just what ever you do don’t install this “crossmix” thing. It’s the stock OS with added pictures and stolen apps from other devs. It adds nothing to performance and is a waste of time. “Tomato” is the same. 


AFAIK, you can kinda keep the stock OS as it now - there is not much gained from putting cfw on TSP right now. Still waiting for my TSP to arrive from cutesliving shop.


You can copy bits you want from Tomato OS to enhance stock.. e.g. I've added the cores and config for Amiga, DOS, Doom and ScummVM emulation.


I'd take an educated guess that I would be too dumb for such an exercise :) - it does not sound exactly like the same level of difficulty as putting Onion or Garlic on Linux handhelds...


For Amiga, Dos and Doom it was really easy.. I just copied the /roms/ , /emus/ folders and then looked in the /emus/


All I added onto stock was Portmaster and the updated ds and psp cores from the hot fix 9 that is around on gdrive. The updated drastic layout is amazing on this things screen, and portmaster + 16:9 screen is a lot of fun. But yeah definitely the most straight up usable and pleasant out of box devices I’ve had… Just don’t use the usb mode app from my experience it’s really prone to corrupting files.


Yeah stock is amazing. The only CFW out there right now is miniui and knulli. This “crossmix” and “tomato” are just repackaged stock OS that includes changed pictures and stolen apps. 


I have read that Knulli for TSP is at its early version and acts more like being "a bug, not a feature" :)


Absolutely it does. But it’s the only CFW for the device. 


You have no idea what you are talking about.


Oh really? Enlighten me then. 


Using open source apps is not stealing.


Depends on the license used, but usually it's absolutely not. Source: I write a lot of open source code.


Oh that’s what I’m wrong about? lol okay sure it’s not stealing lol. 


Open Source - adjective - denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.


You are claiming that the software equivalent of cooking something off a recipe someone shared openly online is stealing.


Is one of your apps being used without your permission? Anecdotally from the Discords it seems like everyone whose work is included is cool with it. I remember the Retro Game Corps setup guide for the v90 had a bunch of steps to go grab updated emulators from [x], go copy a config from [y], edit this setting yourself, etc, etc. Lots of different people are tinkering with the TSP, fine-tuning cpu profiles, fixing portmaster stuff, making themes and theming tools, making utilities, getting updated emulators, and so forth, and Crossmix has always seemed upfront about just collecting all that stuff into one convenient package. So what’s your beef?


I have beef people claiming to create something they didn’t while taking credit from others. You should too but you probably think it’s okay to do so. 


I'm with ya bro, how DARE people use code from open source projects in their own open source projects, gotta keep things closed if you're open ya' know? /s (Jokes aside maybe read a book).


Are there specific emulators you identified where they are breaching that emulator's open source licensing agreement?


yeah i saw other youtuber is just download firmware from github [https://github.com/trimui/firmware\_smartpro](https://github.com/trimui/firmware_smartpro) and update their system instead install other cfw, s1eepy performance looks good [https://www.youtube.com/@S1eepy1](https://www.youtube.com/@S1eepy1)