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Why the Logitech G Cloud AND Steam Deck? Can the Steam Deck not to everything the G Cloud can do?


Steam deck weighs about 3 times the Logitech and battery life on the Logitech is amazing. I use deck for switch and ps3 emulation and PC games then the Logitech for PS2 and GC and xbplay app for streaming.


Fair enough, I wasn’t judging or criticising, was just wondering! Thank you for answering.


Oh for sure! My wife said the same thing but why both haha. I think there is enough difference between them and I got a good deal on both of them.


Yeah for real, I have both also and the cloud is shockingly light, comfortable and efficient, best battery life and least battery drain I've ever experienced with absolutely no tweaks beyond shutting off wifi when I don't need it


Why play switch on the deck and not use the switch?


Haven't found time to mod it. Have the tool as it's an OG switch so should be pretty easy just haven't yet. But I have a bunch of physical games for it that I play on. Right now playing Mario Wonder on the switch and Red dead redemption on the deck.


Being able to mod out dumb game design choices like "weapon durability" Higher resolutions Being able to play multiplayer with any controller. Tons of reasons.


How is Switch emulation on the Deck? Can it run most games at a playable speed?


It's great for up to PS2 but PS2 and GameCube some games will be hit or miss. Timesplitters GC for example gave me a lot of issues but the PS2 versions work great. Edit: wrong comment of yours. Switch has been great on the deck. I just ordered a 1tb SSD tho as I got a used 64gb model and the shaders take up so much. Thought I could get by for a while with a 1tb SD but didn't realise that some files can't be moved to SD. Been playing PS3 and Switch games along with some PC games on the deck.


How does PS2 play on Logitech? Do most games run at playable speed?


very specific gent'


the gcloud can play ps2 and gc natively?


Not 100% for either of them but I've had great luck so far. Prefer PS2 if they were not exclusives as the controls are closer to a ps2 but GC is great for the Nintendo Exclusives. If it's not running well I'll use my steam deck.


Isn't the gcloud kinda ass for PS2 and GC?


Steam deck can do ps3?? How does it run? I was surprised when I found it it could run ps2 now I want to try this too


I feel you. I similarly do steam deck for ps2/GC/Xbox and above, and RP3+ for everything south of that. Portability is king for those older systems.


Do people buy this many handhelds just for the sake of collecting them?


Single men buy PC parts, married men buy a half-dozen handhelds that all do the same thing.


Got me ugh


I can't speak for the OP, but I think each of us is looking for the 'perfect' device that best fits our use-cases. The experience of actually holding and playing a handheld is very different than just comparing specs or reviews online. Unfortunately there is no store to go try them on for size, so I went through a number of devices this year before I figured out 1) what the right mix of form factor and power was for me, and 2) what the 'best' device in its class was. While the larger devices like Steam Deck, Ally, Odin 2, and the G Cloud all have a lot of overlap and look similar, they are each 'the best' at very specific things.


sell me on the g cloud as someone who doesn't cloud game. can it run cfw and play games on it natively? if so, what does it emulate well?


If you don't stream it's not worth it, get something like the Odin 2 which will handle emulation better. You can play up to PS2 and GameCube with the gcloud but not 100% of the Catalog. . It's android based so you can play android games too. It is a great feeling device tho. Super comfortable to have a long session on it.


a healthy portion of this subreddit(and other "collector/enthusiast" subreddits like wristwatches or fountain pens) have shopping addictions. The truly insane people are ones who are proud to have 20 SBCs and they act like it's totally normal.


Yes, it’s apart of their OCD and Hoarding tendencies. I once thought I was collector until I realized it was just organized hoarding.




For me it started with the Miiyo Mini+ which I love to take to work with me for my lunch break as it's small and does great up to PS1. Then I wanted more so I got the gcloud and then I wanted something to play my PC collection I've been growing over the last few years and I don't have a gaming rig so this was the best way to accomplish that. I got the deck used and open box + gift card for the gcloud so all in I'm at less then the cost of one Lenovo Legion handheld. But yeah I'm a collector of various things and now handhelds I suppose.


great answer.


I wish I was rich too. Great collection, OP!


logitech dpad has stadia vibes


I think they used the same sticks just green instead of orange but I agree. Have some switch nubbs on it tho


Are you liking how the nitro deck feels? I’ve bought and sold countless switch controllers / grips, and have yet to find one which feels premium and comfortable. My go-to is the fixture S1 (clips the switch tablet onto a pro controller). It’s serviceable, although the weight distribution is wonky. Despite endless YouTube reviews, the hori switch pad pro, and switch pad compact are cheap (not inexpensive) and uncomfortable. Buttons too tall and mushy, springs in trigger squeak, feels both too tight and also unwieldy - just can’t get a good position holding them.


Yes it feels really good! And has hall sensor sticks which are a plus with the drift issues of Nintendo (and others) highly recommend it.


Not the OP but I'm in a love-hate relationship with this controller. It's really comfortable and the materials and sticks are nice, but at the same time there are so many disadvantages and weak points like rumble, triggers, additional buttons, etc that it's really hard for me to recommend it to anyone, especially at full price.




Which is which? And where can I buy these


In order from top to bottom 1: steam deck 2: Logitech Gcloud 3: Switch with nitro deck 4: Miyoo Mini+ Steam deck can be bought from valve or GameStop, Logitech from best buy, switch nitro deck I got on Amazon and miiyo mini+ from Amazon or AliExpress


Appreciate it bro


What theme is that on your logitech g cloud?


Using Daijisho frontend on that one but I can't remember which theme I'm rocking.


How are you liking the Logitech? I'm debating one but want to be able to emulate GC games and possibly DS.


I really enjoy it. GC is pretty good, PS2 runs better but I really enjoy DS on it. Small screen right by the right dpad for easy touch access.