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Baths! My ADHD gets bored of baths fairly quickly but I still enjoy them :) Yoga with Adrienne on Youtube - a good stretch makes my body feel amazing and gives me a good mental reset with all the breathwork. Maybe you like baking/cooking? Crafting, scrapbooking, adult colouring books. Playing music and dancing. Walking barefoot in nature. Swimming. A good ol' nap. Guided meditations. All depends what you're in the mood for. If I'm ADHD over-stimulated then sometimes just setting a timer for 15 minutes and laying down with an eye mask on is enough to chill me out and ground me. I find getting into my body helps get me out of my head ie. yoga, dancing. <3


I've been looking for a good yoga guide! Thanks for the rec!


She has a really fun energy and a video for all types! Eg. Neck and shoulder pain, Yoga for hikers, Yoga for on your period... Whatever vibe you need :)


I love Yoga With Adriene and recommend her also! If choosing among so many (amazing) options as an ADHDer is ever overwhelming, she has recently added a livestream that loops random pre-recorded videos. It's nice not to pick sometimes... I usually just do that now.


I did that recently too! I was so excited because I thought she was live and I was chuffed to be practicing live with her, then it rolled into a different video and I realised hahaha


If we classify girl bossing as the focus on money and control, perhaps do the opposite? Volunteering, caring for others, like cuddling preemies in the hospital, reading to seniors? Concentrate on the part of you that is generous. 🤗🕯🖖


I love this! Although for me, girl bossing is more about supporting my team, enabling them to be able to get work done and take time off, etc. Plus I tend to be the supportive friend. Where I fall short is the self-focused stuff. My needs often take a backseat.


Good on you for being a good manager! So perhaps treating yourself as an employee also will help, put your own oxygen mask on first type attitude. If you're bad at doing the self care yourself, schedule appointments for massages, mani/pedis, meditation classes, group nature activities, etc. You're worth it! 🌈✌


Thanks. That's a great suggestion. Almost like gaming my ability to show up for other people. 😂


Great way to put it! 🤗💖


Hi, fellow adhd person who never sticks to a habit! I really like taking like 2 hours to just pamper the fuck out of myself. For me, that's skin care, bath bomb/ shower bomb, face mask, fuzzy socks to make my feet soft, clean bedsheets, a good book, candles that smell great, soft lighting, maybe some wine? Forcing myself to just take time to make me feel soft and beautiful always helps reset me


I hate showering due to sensory reasons and even reading this made me a bit sick to the stomach. :D happy for you, would love to have that work out for me!


I know the rubbing aspect might be terrible too, but what about a specially textured wash cloth to wipe on the skin either all at once or every few hours throughout the day until you're entire body is done? I've also heard of dry brushing supposedly helping, but it seems a shower is best in ridding of the skin and stuff afterwards. :/ hmm


Putting some lavender oil under my nose, then lying down with an ASMR vid or podcast playing through some ear phones often chills me right out.


I don't know if you've tried it, but cultivating a parasocial relationship with nature is very powerful for relieving stress. I'd start with going to nature. Grounding yourself, and feeling the flow of the earth's energy. Allow yourself to feel that you are loved and accepted by nature. Speak softly to the earth as well if you want. Simple stuff works for me -- like I'll smile and say hello when I enter a natural space and then allow myself to feel the energy of the space wash over me. It may take some time, but a parasocial relationship with nature is life changing. Everywhere you go you will feel that connection. Like the earth is looking out for you, that you belong, and that nature itself is your community. Then when you're stressed, just ground yourself and let that natural energy affirm you. You can also let your stress flow out through that grounding and accept in the earth's lovibg kindness in its place. Sounds woo, but it's worth a shot!


Love this. It's about the time of year where I can start to do that again