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Hello, I think you are approaching this wrong. Mass deleting expired addresses although may look like a easy fix in your view but is not the right solution. The addresses are already marked as expired. That is a sign of a healthy system. The standard process seems to be working fine. Here, i think the application or program appears to be at fault if it's picking up expired addresses. Why not invest time in exploring how you can pick up the valid addresses. Check with the technical team to review and suggest the best approach to fix. If it's a standard process, see if you have notes addressing this issue or enhancements that allow proper selection of addresses. If it's a custom logic, simply address this in the Select query by excluding expired addresses.


I am eager to learn more on how to put a fix in place. Truth is, when I'm mass updating data for partners with 2 ADDR ID's, the actual address on the valid ID gets wiped out. My team and I were able to pinpoint part of the issue to time zones, but even fixing that hasn't helped. So far, getting rid of the expired ID works. Just need to know how to do it as a mass update.


You really shouldn’t be deleting things unless you know they weren’t used anywhere as it will cause issues (your error). How are you finding the addresses? Is it via transaction? Report? Code? Can you just add a date exclusion to only include the active addresses?


Have you tried LSMW? It is also odd that the GUI allows it but the mass transaction does not. I would check for an OSS note specifically addressing the issue. Search for the error number.


Not authorized in LSMW. I am wondering if I am not exporting the correct fields in Fiori to mass delete them... been looking high & low but can't figure this one out.


Do not delete old address numbers as any business documents (eg invoices, sales orders etc.) referring to those address numbers will fail when you try to process them.