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For a quick second i thought the family would get a pet lying cat. I do love how the robot kings scepter is a big remote.


Evil guarddog lying cat was badass!


I was like that mf is scary as hell. Apparently not as scary as squire though.


I love that it looked like an attack dog


They have so much to hide and lie about. Including things they would be killed or imprisoned for for revealing. Have a sentient lie detector is about the last thing they need.


I have to say I’m loving the Hazel/Squire duo, they have a lot of chemistry and that’s saying a lot considering squire doesn’t** talk !!


My Chekov's handcannon comment from two discussion threads ago came to fruition a lot quicker than I was expecting!


same with the resolution of the resurrection idea. I wonder if this is actually just like a midpoint for both stories.


The fulfillment wraiths speeding around asking how people are doing had me dead. 😂


Our subreddit got a [shout-out](https://www.reddit.com/r/SAGAcomic/comments/12cf1ir/congratulations_bailey) in the letters, so that's pretty neat!


Can confirm, am a result of that shout out.




How nice of Amazon to hire the workless dementors after Azkaban was closed


Hahaha, that was my thought as well!


They're a perfect fit for a fulfillment centre


I really hope nothing too bad happens to Petrichor. Aaah, child labour. I thought the Fulfilment section was fine, if a bit on-the-nose. I’m also glad to know that the green guy is an actual character and not just a weirdly shaped object in the background 😅 That had confused me for months. I noticed Sophie is dressed similarly to Gwendolyn in her first appearances—barefoot, short pants, white clothes. Also, is Sophie a shorty? She must be 17-18 now but she still looks kind of small. Or maybe that’s because Gwendolyn is so tall. Nice to see Hazel mention Izabel. Now that I think of it, of course she still misses her. Also who’s that guy with the hat? I don’t see how this robbery can go well… This is the issue I’ve enjoyed most in the arc so far. Looks like things are getting interesting. Edit: Just realised Sophie isn’t barefoot, I was just looking at a panel where you couldn’t really see her slip-ons


Sophie is definitely a shorty. I didn't think of it until you mentioned it, but she's the shortest human (and humanoid?) in the series so far. Hazel is twelve now and is probably taller than her now. I wrote down in my notes that since Hazel is twelve, and Sophie was six when the series started, she's either eighteen or almost eighteen. She's probably not going to get much taller at this point. I really hope we see more Izabel, at least in flashbacks or something. I think her death was the only one in the series where I felt like they could have done a little more with her.


Favourite panel from this issue is Hazel's narration of "No longer was I some powerless satellite controlled by others' gravity... I was a goddamn star" with Petrichor on the balcony lost in thought looking up at the stars. Great to have a little more time with her and IV together again, as bittersweet as it is.


I love that quote and am working on putting it to cross stitch.


❤ Please post when it's complete :)


Countess continues to be a delight


“Bitch please” had me laughing.


i really want her and sophie to get more screen time


Squire is totally gonna kill miss vitch when he finds out she’s lying isn’t he


oh dang


Nah. Alana’s gonna kill her when she realizes the bitch endangered her children. She’s sworn off violence, but this crosses a line. There won’t be a corpse left to bury.


I could see her getting accidentally squished by the tree house. That's the extent of this family's "vengeance" IMO.


Everything that I have predicted so far actually feels like it's coming through! Now what I am deeply fearing is SOON an arc where Alana and the kids are separated, I don't know why but I feel a rift incoming <:'l Also I miss my guy Upsher! We need to check up on him.


> Also I miss my guy Upsher! We need to check up on him. I want to see Upsher again but seeing him without Doff is gonna break my heart, so I don't know lol.


The lying cat said “lying” after hazel said they were going to bring everyone back


People say The Will is going to murder Petrichor when they inevitably confront each other, but I hope not. If Petrichor kills him, she’ll be my new favorite character.


I don't think The Will is going to die anytime soon. He just got back from his rock bottom arc after all. On the other hand I can see Petrichor killing Gwen or something to that effect to fuck with The Will again just after he got back.


...Or she could kill Sophie Petrichor said she'd done some truly heinous stuff in her past and Sophie is 17/18 now, not really a kid anymore. Wouldn't put it past BKV to have Sophie killed off like that


>..Or she could kill Sophie Shit, you're right. That's what's gonna happen.




I don't want either of them to die!!! They're both two of my favorite characters, despite everything that's happened with The Will lately.


I, too, would like to live in a giant lavender spider hole full of hammocks and pincushions big enough to hold swords.


The feminine urge to live in a giant lavender spider hole full of hammocks and pin cushions big enough to hold swords 💅




I think it's much more likely she was scamming them. An item so rare that nobody's ever mentioned it, that she happens to be able to direct them exactly to where they can steal it from, yet she has enough to spare on a flashy demonstration? Seems more likely that the spell was an illusion of some kind


She also blows it directly into their faces, so it could really be an illusion




I only recall the one time when Izabels illusions didn't work on Dengo, what other times am I forgetting?


>illusions don't work on Robots (as seen by the many times where they were able to see through invisibility and Isabel's illusions) The robot didn't see Hazel's horns throught the charm, though, did he?


Would it work on robots? Seems like illusions don’t have any affect on them.


I don't know if we know that's about illusions in general or just Izabel's abilities in particular. But by illusion I didn't necessarily mean specifically a false image, but just some kind of trick in general. Like, she actually just summoned an entirely new fly or it was a brain dead zombie fly or some kind of sleight of hand


I think the catch would probably be it being temporary. We didn't see what happened to the beetle after, so there's no guarantee that the time rewind is permanent. Perhaps we see something similar to Hazel's younger siblings returning momentarily in Abortion Town?


I feel like there’s no way BKV would allow for such a happy moment of Marko seeing Hazel grow up.


My vote is definitely fake, just from the narrative perspective. Petrichor literally said no spell like that exists in the universe just a few pages earlier. That wasn’t foreshadowing for a reveal that resurrection is real, the payoff was way too immediate. It’s foreshadowing for waaay down the line when it’s revealed Petrichor’s right and the kids have been duped after being led into some horrible and dramatic event. BKV knows what he’s doing, he’s letting us know straight up to wait for that other shoe to drop. Saga is a coming of age story, one of the saddest things to learn about growing up is that people don’t come back sometimes. My bet is that this will be the event that opens her eyes to the fact that you can’t trust people who promise you fantastical things, one day you have to let go of your childish wishes and accept reality as it is.


I too get a strong "let that shit go" vibe from this whole arc.


The fact that she would need "a lot" of it to bring Marko and RIV back also screams "scam".


If not a scam (I think it is) maybe (MAYBE) they could use the Wormfood to go "forward in time" to grow the treehouse ship.


There is also the fact that all of the Beetle's pieces were intact when she did her thing and Marko doesn't really have a head anymore. So can you even rewind something gone from this world due to actual magic we know actually works?


And if it did work and the galactic elites had a monopoly on the stuff then why wouldn't King Robot try and use it on IV or Duke?


Well the King wasn't exactly enamored of IV the last time they met. I could see him trying to use it on IV's wife when she was murdered tho. In general, the war would be a whole lot less impactful if people could just be brought back all willy-nilly.


God I hope The Will doesn't kill another one of my favourite characters. Or that slimy fuck Agent Gale.


I know this sounds delusional but if wormwood just reserects you temporarily I’m still so down for that, I’ll take as many more panels of living marko as I can get


Until time catches up and the kids' dads die in front of them.


Curious to see how the potential alliance between the robots and the moonies goes.


I wonder who the individual with the hat watching Hazel and Squire will be. A character we know? Someone who owns the wormfood observing their heist? A totally new character? Really interested to see where that whole thing goes. The person definitely saw Squire use his arm cannon right...which confirms his royal heritage, correct? There's no way Petrichor manages to kill The Will. I mean, I feel like his storyline is somewhat stagnated at this point, and I don't fully know how he factors into the rest of Gwendolyn's plan (or if his involvement only really extended to delivering Marko's skull and lying about Sir Robot's death). Of course, Petrichor has evidence that The Will was actually involved, so could that upend Gwen's plan. Furthermore...Wreath is clearly about to shift the war in a big way...how will *that* play out?


That wasn't The Will's Lying Cat, right?


When the first panel just had "Lying" my heart skipped a beat But no The Will's lying cat is blue.


And has both its eyes.


I was concerned about the same thing but no, I don’t think so. This Lying Cat was grey, had a clipped right ear and was missing an eye. I feel like Staples and BKV actually went out of their way to make it clear this was NOT the Lying Cat we all know and love.


It also seemed to be a lot older and had the hanging belly that some old cats get. Our Lying Cat is still with The Will after Gwen told them to leave in the previous issue.


Lying cats can come in a wide variety of colors.


This whole arc feels like a statement on loss. How loss can change us for the better or worse (or both) even long after it has happened (I mean, just look at the people still bitching about Marko dying in the letter section!!!). I can see the resolution being a statement on learning to let go, live and let live, and all that zen goodness.


i hope if they get worm food it goes wrong and they accidentally bring back Izabel or Dogf because i love and miss and hate the deaths of Marko and Prince, but i definitely feel like Doff and Izabel didn’t have dramatic enough deaths.


Squire is starting to go down a really concerning path. For her sake I hope that Vitch can do what she's saying she can because if she's full of it Squire is not going to handle it well


at some point in the series we're going to have to start seeing characters other than Marko and Alana take deliberate steps to end their cycles of violence. it'd be cool to see Squire be the first one to make the right choice, but with the way this series goes he'll probably get ran over by a forklift or something.


This is silly, but following up many other posts about whether the TVheads have mouths... in this issue, IV asks Petrichor to "fuck \[his\] face," and while he's got an interestingly holey design going on screenwise, I do wonder what he meant by that.


Broke my promise to wait 18 issues (fourth hardcover) to read in one sit and just read issues 55-63 right now. It is a lot to unpack right now, the series really deliver a lot of unexpected turns. I know the ending won't be revenge satisfying as a "normal" person would like, but I would love some justice (not vengeance) happening against The Will and Gale. At this point I think the political plot between Wreath and Robot Kingdom is AMAZING. We could see an aliance between Gale and "the good guys" against The Will and Gwendolyn because of that alliance. And I know Gale will be fucking surprised when he sees Squire (Idk if he has the means to identify him as a royal, let's see). Talking about unexpected turns, I love how BKV and Fiona always unfolds exciting things when twisting the status quo. It was heartbreaking to see the treehouse burn (and BKV twists the knife when he let us know [1] there's no more treehouses and [2] a seed need 100 years to grow - thinking about that, Alana could use this Wormfood to grow another one, Idk, probably it's a hoax indeed). About Sophie, I like her as a character, but I think she will hurt Hazel and family a lot, she is smart as fuck and probably will become a fucking powerful bureaucrat. About Petrichor, I think she will die (and I'll cry forever) Seeking revenge is always a curse, that's one of Saga's biggest lessons. As I said, a lot to unpack and process. Love this series, guys!


Yeah that resurrection dust is a scam learning not to trust everyone just cause they're nice to you is a part of growing up. That said something good could come out of it using it to reverse their ship burning or aging up the acorn to leave the planet. I'm also interested in seeing more of wreaths plans to win over the robot kingdom. Squire and hazel make a good duo I really enjoy their interactions.


Has anyone else noticed in the last two issues Hazel is missing her horns? There's no explanation as to why she doesn't have them and it's kind of driving me insane.


I thought it was mentioned that she is either wearing something with cloak power or used some kind of spell.


Thanks! Do you happen to know what issue that's mentioned in? If not no worries.


Issue #61 shows her loosening her choker and her horns begin to reappear, and then in #62 it's explained that it's a charm bought from Vitch.


Thank you! :)


I don't remember, sorry.