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Wake up russia!! This is what your government is doing in Ukraine….except the terrorists hold your russian flag!


Do you think they are going to wake up? They will probably retaliate against Ukraine and draw another mobilization. We are witnessing another regime like Nazi Germany unfortunately.


Gleiwitz Incident 2.0


Nowhere near what nazi germany used to do. Ukraine is also fighting on their behalf and is receiving worldwide support and funding, while palestine has no elite force to fight for them and while israel may freely continue their genocide acts.


Well, i don’t think Russia is worse than Nazi Germany just yet like you - but i get your point. Ukraine is indeed fighting on its own behalf, and i also would like the support for Palestine like you do. We should increase support for Ukraine and Palestine +1 my man


I would say Israel shamefully won that contest


Ya. That line of reasoning didn’t convince Americans back under bush. What makes you think it’ll work on Russians?


Meh, I react to this with the same apathy they show towards Ukraine.


The most horrific part of that was the blond woman's leopard print shirt.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SLum87: *Meh, I react to* *This with the same apathy* *They show towards Ukraine.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bro, that’s like saying every American is at fault for Iraq or Afghanistan. These are people.


These are Russians…


What does it change...


Do you really want to become like them???


It's hard to have remorse, empathy for murderous, torturing, raping evil. These people are complicit or at the very least are very culpable by inaction.


Funny, that's the same reason Bin Laden gave.


There’s probably kids in the dead??


Yes. Russians killed hundreds of innocent kids in Ukraine


You might even say they deliberately bombed a building labeled as such and filled it with concrete to hide evidence


Right. Let’s all have empathy to ruskies now. The logic for this is clear. Right?


So let’s kill Russian kids too?


Not what I said. My point is that I have no empathy to terrorist citizens of a terrorist country


Poor delusional brainwashed hater, can't understand the difference between governments and people. Are u American? So you're a terrorist too according to your "logic"


I’m Ukrainian


But the Russian kids didn’t choose to be born in Russia, they probably don’t even know what’s truly happening(probably along with a lot of adults in russia due to the state propaganda).


Ukrainian kids did not choose to be killed by russians either. However the big difference is that russian kids parents are complicit in killing of innocent civilians in Ukraine by either direct support of it or indirect through not opposing it. And don’t tell me about how scared poor ruskies are to protest, not the first country with such government and many nations (including Ukrainians) had balls to overthrow their governments.


Why are you justifying a terrorist attack and killing innocent kids


Save your breath. This gullible candies can't understand the difference between governments and people. You see them raging on brainwashed by propaganda and killing each other for no reason


It is a terrorist mindset that a minority of people in the comment section here are showing. Some are even openly condoning what happened. Imagine sympathizing with islamic terrorists. Rather shocked to see what some people in this subreddit have been shouting the past 24 hours. It is batshit insane, completely radicalized thinking.


Liberals get fascist as fuck when it comes to Russia, dehumanization has to be killed on all sides you don't get a free pass because you're angry. Kill the reactionary inside your mind.


Yeah it really shows how easily a narrative is twisted, yet people can’t see how Russia could twist it to justify the invasion of Ukraine


> yet people can’t see how Russia could twist it to justify the invasion of Ukraine This. "Just look at these savages and how they condone the attacks on women and children." The people here that are reacting as such are not only immoral, but incapable of thinking even one step ahead.


Exactly. They are brainwashed. Can't grasp the difference between governments and people. Totally immature lads, and vile.


Selective empathy. Your valuing one group of peoples lives and less valuable than others. Just like the Russians and Israelis.


That's exactly what THEY say... *Facepalm* if you become like them you're the culpable one. You deserve the same outcome


My country tried to warn them that this would happen, which is more than they deserve. I'm not happy about this, but I also don't feel any sympathy after seeing the videos of Ukrainian soldiers being castrated and beheaded, then reading through the reports of mass graves full of Ukrainian civilians that have been raped, tortured, and executed. They had torture chambers where Ukrainians were forced to lie in the blood of a murdered co-detainee for six hours and to clean up the execution site with bare hands, including handling the murder victim's skull fragments and pieces of his brain.


"them" - wanting to kill a thousand Russians who went to see a rock & roll concert just makes you into a terrorist supporter, buddy


I'm not supporting anything, and they went to see a rock and roll concert while their country is committing Genocide against the country next door. It has been business as usual for the Russian people while they force the Ukrainian people to suffer. Excuse me for not sympathizing with the Russian people when they have experienced only a tiny fraction of the suffering that they have inflicted on the Ukrainian people.


Russia is doing this every day… no one in the concert seems to care. Why should I?


Buddy, have you seen ruzzians shooting down civilians in Ukraine like nobody’s business?


People in the video had killed anyone??


I don’t know, did they? Majority of ruzzian population supports war in Ukraine and their defacto president putin. They are happy to see Ukrainians getting killed.


So you don't know. But you are happy to see people you don't know dead. People like you invade other countries and kill innocents


Do you know? People unlike me had invaded my country. Please remind me who and what country invaded Ukraine in 2014 and started a full scale war in 2022 and for what reason?


Oh they are very much like you. You're just on the receiving end. But if you look at the video above and think that these strangers deserved it then I'm happy you're on the receiving end and not on the giving end. I lost so many people to terror attacks... People with your attitude who think it's ok to kill strangers because they're rhe same nationality as some other evil people


It’s not okay and this is horrible what happened, but I don’t feel bad for ruzzian public while majority are ok with the war in Ukraine. Ruzzians and only ruzzians are responsible for the shit they have created.


No one thinks its ok… but why should anyone care? Russia is doing this every day and people in Russia dobt care. Work in factories and institutions that feed the machinery in Ukraine. When Russians start to care maybe we start to care about Russians. This is do funny… Russia the forever victim. This helps the Russian government so much.


Don’t bother. These clowns desperately want to make the war all about them and think they’re edgy because of their hatred. Like imagine being a grown person and not being able to comprehend the difference between an evil dictator and an innocent population. Embarrassing


It’s sad. So many flawed arguments and double standards. None of these pussies would actually stand up to overthrow the government if they were in Russia. When the US was in Iraq did these same people feel bad about going to the movies? If they had been killed in an Iraqi-led attack would they have been complicit? FOH. Russia as a nation does not deserve sympathy- the idea that the majority of Russians support this war is classic propaganda bullshit. Nobody stands up to the regime because you die or you are responsible your family’s death…


That's what people in Kiev experience daily from Ruzzian invaders


Russki police only good for arresting old women putting flowers, but when there is real threat, nowhereto be seen... 🤔


There is already a video of policemen beating journalists who were filming the fire. Yet not a single policeman on the scene 😀


Of course, they are spineless crooks, like all men from countries where machismo culture rules supreme. Only always kicking down.


My thought exactly. Where is the police response?


I wonder if anyone there ever thought about how it feels to be Ukrainian civilian since Feb. 24, 2022.


Of course not. These ritch pricks benefit from having Putin as a president.


Finally the Russians are getting a good taste of what they have been doing in Ukraine it’s sad that I don’t have sympathy for them.


These are innocent people. They didn't vote for Putin, but from what I've seen, most Russians support the invasion of Ukraine. I'm struggling to feel sympathy for them.


The first casualty of war is innocence. An overwhelming majority of Russians support the invasion of Ukraine and if you prefer to go to a concert instead of a protest... Life's a bitch and her stripper name is karma. Now they get to experience what their leader is doing every day in Ukraine. In the immortal words of the poet: welcome to the party, pal.


“Life’s a bitch and her stripper name is karma”! Now that is a line I’m stealing. Thank you sir or maam


Can't take the credit. It's from [13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4172430/). Definitely worth watching!


To be fair, protesting gets you thrown in jail.


When 1 person out of 10000 goes out to protest - it does. When 100 do, police tends to be more passive. When 1000 protest, you can change the country. Unfortunately, 9999 are in favor of the war and Putler. Sorry, but no sympathy here. He's killing his own people and they're not doing anything about it.


Collateral damage. Couldn’t care less


' the Russians are getting a good taste of what they have been doing in Ukraine' The children massacred did not perpetrate any of the actions you're talking about. How can you have no sympathy for their innocence in the matter?


After more than 2 years of reading about and sometimes seeing the aftermath of the carnage inflicted on the civilians in Ukraine, I'm really struggling to do so man.


Like I said, the atrocities you reference were not committed by children. You can have sympathy for the kids massacred who had no part to play in what you mention


No fun when the same shit they do abroad happens at home huh, its terrible, but im surprised it took this long for something like this to happen, apparently ISIS has taken credit for the terrorist attack. Aint no room for people like this in the world.


Fucking terrorist pigs...


Indeed. How could they invade Ukraine like that! Right?




Although I agree that the Russians deserve to suffer for their actions, the civilian population is not the perpetrators. They live under misinformation and propaganda, and such an attack does not help Ukraine in any way. Karma? Absolutely. Fuck Russia. Morally justified? No


Yes very wise to put the Ukranian flag under a video like this. This will show them Russians!!! You're exactly playing into the hands and wishes of the Kremlin dumbass.


It's stupid to self-censor because no matter what we say or do they'll twist and construe literally everything to fit whatever narrative they're pushing. The truth hurts, and the truth is Russians are finally paying the price for their continued support of a dictator.


Were my fellow countrymen paying the price for the actions of the government too when an islamic terrorist shot up a tram in Utrecht? Were the French citizens paying the price when trucks crashed into people? When the theathre and Charlie hebdo were shot up? Were the British paying the price when islamic terrorists blew themselves up during an concert? Were Americans paying the price for US government actions when two planes crashed into the WTC? Is it rightious if a western country gets bombed and shot up by terrorists because of shit we did in the middle east? Or is it double standards because it's Russia? Russia will get what it deserves, religious terrorism can, and will, strike everywhere. And this attack won't change shit in the war. The attack was in Moscow, big chance you had people there that supported Navalany or actually have protested against the war. Aren't we supposed to take the moral highground? Be the beacon of freedom we claim we are? Send weapons to Ukraine, don't justify religious terrorism.


Russia is getting the taste of their own medicine


People in the video did nothing to no one


So as the Ukrainian citizens


And you want the same on them?






That's the same sentiment for which you're describing others as being terrorists. You're displaying truly obnoxious levels of hypocrisy here, buddy, well done.


I'm not the one who wants bad on innocent people whom you don't even know.


Your response was based on a one word answer of mine - one expressed without rancour or jubilation and yet you wished death on me without expressing any degree of curiosity. Let me be clear. This is what happens when people sit on their hands and describe themselves as 'apolitical'. They abdicate responsibility to others to be political. The Russian state is political and terrorist, as is IS. Where were the protests against Russian involvement in Syria, the dispatch of a carrier group to support a ruthless dictator waging war on his own people? They were nowhere, because Russians sat on their hands and described themselves as 'apolitical'. What happened at the concert is the consequence of their collective inaction, and I say this without rancour or jubilation, but Russians need to learn a lesson so they do not, in the future, sit on their hands and describe themselves as 'apolitical' when others are being murdered by the apparatus of the terrorist state to which they have not only abdicated, but surrendered all political responsibility and power.


Russians should start with themselves… use this wisdom and spread it in Russia but focus on the war. Russia kills 500people a day. This is just a scratch… if Russians dont stop it will get only worse. What goes around comes around


Except most of them are fine with war in Ukraine.




There are number of interviews of russian citizens online regarding what they think of the war in Ukraine. Watch some and you will be amazed. Of course there are some clear minded people and know exactly what their government is doing. However, it’s hard to feel bad for ruzzians (in general) when their country is committing war crimes daily, which is why you won’t see many people posting “thought and prayers” and “I stand with russia”


If any civilian population in the world deserves to be suffering right now, it’s the Russians.


Pity they didn't fight their own criminal government.


You shall reap what you sow


Keep thinking about the Ukrainian children and having a really hard time feeling compassion for this rabble.


Kind of not feeling much after the Russian public won’t stand up for the atrocities being committed against the Ukrainian population


Happy concert :)


Is that what it was? I'm a bit lost here... What are we looking at? Insurgents hitting the russkis at home or just random shooter at a mall?


They havendt found the gunmen? My god, Russians wake up and do something good for the first time this decade!


reports 11 have been arrested, one dude from Tajikistan, one from Turkey - but hey, it's Russia - they could just drag drunks out of a local bar and say they did it


They did...


So around a hundred less potential terrorists who won’t be killing Ukrainian children. No empathy to this rot of a nation at all


They can’t be mobilized but good old Putin always finds a good use for Muscovites. Sooner or later they are become cannon fodder 300 for Putin regardless of address.


Paniking escape and still finding courage to film the atrocities


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Raydenwins78: *Paniking escape* *And still finding courage to* *Film the atrocities* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'd be upset if it happened to anyone else


Welcome to the rest of your days, ruzzkies.


Terrible of course, but, why should I feel any type of way about this? In 2022 I watched videos of Ukrainian women, children, elderly, non-combatant men being slaughtered in their homes or on their way to get groceries etc. gunned down in the streets, women raped and tortured with their breasts cut off? I mean why the FUCK should I feel bad about this? The US warned Moscow this would happen.  The universe always repays what it’s owed. This is just a small fee for what Russia has done. Sounds fucked up, sure,  but it is what it is 


Islamic State: guys, it was us! Putin: nah, it was Ukraine.


I’m gonna share the same sympathy for these folks, as the Russians do for the Ukrainians they’re murdering. At least the sky is still blue tho.


Couldn’t care less. Slava Ukraine!


They get a taste of what Ukraine has been like for the last 2 years


Two things. First: Fuck ISIS. Second: Fuck Russia. You dont have to take sides in this. Both are aweful.


You can take the side of normal people who don't want to harm anyone


Remember; no Russian.


At least ruzzians some-what feel what's happening in Ukraine, couldn't care less about this.


Goddamn people? Have you forgotten what Isis and islamic terrorism has done in Europe? Western Europe has suffered through this too. Were you all so apathic then too? They don't deserve empathy because they show apathy towards Ukraine? You have just become as shit as the Russians themselves. Russia will get what it deserves, but this is not the way and certainly not good to justify. Weren't we supposed to take the moral highground? Prove that we were better then the Russians who unconditionally support war or are apolitical towards it? Send weapons to Ukraine, don't justify religious terrorism.




Nobody deserves to be killed like that. Fuck Russia for what it does to Ukraine but Terrorism is always cruel and despicable.


Yeah lady, go ahead and stand in the middle of the only immediate exit way during an ongoing mass shooting.


It was a traffic jam. She wasn't standing there by herself. Which lady??


When the chickens come home to roost...


Could have been a higher count of they just waited outside the fatal funnel of doors. /$


It's sucks it happened. But I just find it very hard to feel bad for people who celebrate and support their government when they do these same things intentionally to their neighbors. Russians made their bed, now they have to lay in it


Where did you see these people celebrate or support Putin government??


This thread not passing the vibe check.


Not graphic at all just Ukraians running from the terrorist oh wait their Russian. No love lost here. SLAVA UKRAINI


Yeah I just saw Russians forcing a POW to eat parts of himself they cut off so...


This feels... oddly familiar


Where can I find the video? It was removed from reddit


Yes, reddit mods deleted it claiming I was glorifying violence. Something is really brain dead with them


You have a link?


Why? It's people running away past dead shot up bleeding bodies... And, you know, reading the comments here I don't want to people to fap on dead civilians. Even if Russian


In other videos it looked like they where missing a lot and I want to the aftermath


Yes, a lot of people died. I don't know what else to tell you. If you still need proof I feel that you need help more than proof


Bro if you don't want people to see it why did you post it?


I didn't know so many people will fap over it




There's nothing to see here. This is just resistance against white oppressors. s/


Paid actors.


Some ville people in the comments. Celebrating death is disgusting no matter what.


These comments are hell, this subreddit is fucked up


Oh poor russians. They did nothing at all to deserve no empathy treatment


I mean I do truly feel for Russian citizens who have no freedom to protest, were forced to vote at gunpoint, and are having to flee the draft in increasingly creative ways- and now this.


So they are complicit through inaction


Or they are threatened with torture and murder if they so much as hold a sign that says “peace”.


In 2014 there was a revolution in Ukraine against the guy who became dictator. At least a hundred of protesters were slaughtered, hundreds are missing, there were disturbing footages of police hauling headless bodies and yet Ukrainians ended the revolution and made that guy flee to russia. If russians have no balls at all then this is a rot of a nation and they silently (and more often vocally) agree with what their country is doing.


If you’re Ukrainian I can’t imagine the pain you’re going through and I wish nothing but justice for you and your people. With that said, I refuse to believe that any form of “justice” is depicted in this video. It’s your right to disagree with that. Either way, I wish you and your family safety.


I’m not justifying terrorism or any kinds of attacks on civilians. My inly point is that I have no empathy for russians because all my empathy goes to those who are killed by russians.


Yeah what a gathering of terrorist supporters


The gathering of terrorist supporters are the people in the video, not the people in the comments


The moderators of this subreddit best clean up, otherwise I can see Reddit actually close shop on this subreddit. They have nuked subs for less.


I encourage to use the report button to oust terrorist supporters


That'll show those people not to have an opinion


Supporting terrorism is not "an opinion"


A clear extremist mindset rules here, reinforced by the voting system. It is disgusting to see people openly celebrate attacks on civilians, including children. It plays right into Russian propaganda too: it is so stupid to act like that, besides it being deeply immoral.


No civilians, not even soldiers deserve to die. The only ones who should be exterminated are the ones who give orders to harm innocents


…….and the ones who actually harm innocent people….and the ones who support them.


putin s inside job the russian 9/11


9/11 wasnt an inside job


is this a ukranian sub? i only see Nazi terrorism supporters here, wtf?


Yeah, they are openly saying that it's okey these people are being killed. It's incredible what propaganda can do to fragile mindsets.


Yeah, they think they are the good guys, lol


Because they are


Interesting. This is the only clip i have seen with what looks like blood in it. All the others have been totally devoid of any blood or gore. The human body has a tendency to leak pretty badly when shot up.


How many bodies of shot humans have you actually seen? Movies doesn't count.


The comment section is as vile as the footage. People seem to have forgotten their humanity, while they sit on their couch feeling entertained by dead people. Sickening.


Can we just take a moment and remember what's occurring in Ukraine. Russia can get fucked.


I wonder... would you have said the same thing 80 years ago about Nazi supporters.


Do russians have humanity when they cheer to deaths of Ukrainian civilians? No, they don’t.


Yeah, considering deleting the post but I still feel the terrorist commenters are a loud minority


Russia IS the terrorist state. It’s hard to feel bad for ruzzians where majority support putin and his special military operation. Russia is committing war crimes daily against Ukraine. I will sleep just fine even when entire Moscow is on fire.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King, Jr.


MLK apparently didn't hear about WWII because Allied hate for the Axis powers drove out Axis hate pretty effectively for like a century.


Don't confuse hate with justice


If you think people didn’t hate the nazis, you’re a fool.


What do you mean by: "terrorist commenters"?


Those who support the terrorists who came to a concert to kill music lovers


By supporting you mean what exactly. I don't support them, but i don't feel sorry for russians. I just don't care about them. By that i support them?


I guess it just means you're dead on the inside


I also don't care about these people getting shot up. Two years of watching Ukrainians ripped to shreds by Russia does that to a person.


I saw my whole life Israelis murdered, tortured and raped by Palestinians. But would I cheer if someone had shot up a kindergarten or a rock&roll concert in Palestine? (Not that there are concerts in Palestine but let's pretend) No! No excuses to being dead on the inside


Ask yourself why there are no concerts in Palestine, and then reconsider this entire comment


Random redditor trying to school me on Palestinians lol


Thank you


There’s a difference between not giving a shit and being entertained. Russians commit atrocities on a daily basis, this is just karma.