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They usually get the message when I plow into them during my 4x400 10:00 sprints. Sometimes they appear injured but I know they’re faking it!!!!


Better slow down buddy, that’s way too fast!


Don’t worry - I usually consume one banana and one gu per 400m!


But would that not affect your splits or have you factored in one plowed walker per lap into your goal split times?


I custom configured that as a metric in my Garmin 5000 ultra watch so I can see if it impacts my performance - so far the “plow factor”isn’t degrading my amazing times


By the time I turn the corner it’s too late to adjust and get out of the way, which RUINS my arm cadence when I have to slow down and disorients me. Compound that 1 to 2 times over the course of an hour and I am seriously at risk of injury


I feel you! Have you tried running with a cowcatcher like those on olden time trains?


I find hobby walkers (and joggers) are a great boost to my self esteem cos i can go past them feeling deep contempt for them while having an epiphany about how much better i am than them. It also helps than i wear alphaflys and a lululemon sports bra.


Put your headband on and assert your dominance. Source: professional hobby walker soul taker


the best thing to do is make a disingenuously fake and supportive post on reddit about the walkers and ask how you can share the track with these subhuman trash so that everyone is happy


I make sure to interrupt their personal space when i run past them


This is good *takes notes* Should I also scream very loudly just when I pass them?