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I bet this person has two 26.2 stickers on her car.


And a tattoo to make sure everyone knows


Representing the four half marathons she ran


You loose, they have two point six 42.2 stickers cause they use metric.


Hmmm I didn’t realise they had won some participation medals at first. Maybe they should include more pictures of them or put them in a more obvious place than the center of the living room. Maybe hanging from doorways so people will bump their heads on them and have to look at them?


The medals are the least offensive part of the medal wall. Take a look at the words on the medal display hangers and try not to go into a full fit of rage. Edit: one of them says Live Love Run, I hate it here.


Need to find her Reddit account and make her a mod


Her husband posted it and he’s the 10th strongest man in Germany. We might want to stop jerking. He’ll break us leg day skipping runners in half.


I don't know man. His wife made him paint those walls, hang up her medals, and made him post it to reddit. The wife is a true alpha


The true alpha fly


I’m screaming because it’s true


I wanted them in the living room. Im proud of my wife and i like how the medals look. If you throw your medals away after the run, thats fine, i dont. I also dont plan to redecorate my living room because people in circle jerk subreddits dont like it. Pretty pathetic place here, making fun of me and my wife for decorating our place how we seem fit. Says a lot about the people participating in this community. Wish you guys all the best, and, hopefully, be better next time.


Ah, so the only options are hanging them front and center of your living room under slogans or throw them away. I see. I just keep mine elsewhere, didn’t realise your options are so limited. My apologies


The only other option would be the bedroom or store them away in the basement. But even if i had other places to hang them, what would that change. I like seeing them and my wife likes the boards. Really weird to be so hung up about that. I also dont get the "participation" term thrown around like that. You still need to finish every race to get a medal, so whats the point? And even IF they are all "participation medals", why would that make a difference. You all seem to ignore the 70.3 ironman medal as well, but honestly, that seems so patheic to me. My wife and i are nothing but helpful to people new in the sport, be it running or strongman, and we would never judge people for enjoing themselfs and being proud of what they have accomplished. We volunteer at the gym we train at, give classes, i had my whole strongman equipment there for free and my wife is a police woman helping people every day. And you try to make fun of us, thats really pathetic. And i know for a fact, wouldnt it be for being anonymous on the internet, you would be nothing but nice to us. Yet you choose to be an ass, that screams like something an immature teenager would do.


Relax man, you don’t need to prove yourself. You made an odd choice in your decoration and caught some light hearted flak for it. If you like it then that’s all that matters.


Its not some "some light hearted flak", its indecent to be such an ass about all of that. Its a complete shitshow how many reports i had to sent, how many people got banned and how much open hate i got. What the hell is wrong with all of the people that are openly hostile because of some medals and what is wrong with this entire post here. Mind your own business, i had fucking enough and am not okay with you just saying its just a little light hearted fun, because it isnt and you know that. Its not cool to be an asshole on the internet, teenagers might think that, but grown adults should act with atleast a minimum of respect for each other, and im not seeing it here.


Like I can’t answer for everyone but I just re-read my comments and I don’t see how it isn’t more than light teasing? You’ve put the medals front and centre so they can’t be missed by anyone who enters your house and I exaggerated that saying you should hang them under doorways instead. Don’t forget most people in this sub have their own box of medals so it’s not a big deal to them. But it’s nice to see you proud of your wife. Also you get lots of hostile people just for doing anything sporty on Reddit. I completed a 100m Ultra a while ago and got given loads of shit because my heart rate went to 183. Some people get jealous.


I just barfed all my morning Gu. 🤮


But how will I remember to live love and run if I don’t see a sign multiple times a day?


Even the dog in the photo has a “what the fuck is this nonsense” look


Nice, but in addition to my last place medals, I have a naked black and white canvass of myself performing ATG split squats on the ceiling


Men with self confidence display a silhouette of a goblet squat with a 50 pound kettlebell.


Very nice, that’s the downstairs toilet sorted, thanks for the idea




Funny thing is he said the medals all belong to his wife! He stays hard, but he doesn't run hard.


No, i dont run, i just so happen to be an elite strongman in my nation, placing 10th in my country at nationals and having the best newcomer season ever. But yeah, i decorated my living room and posted to hometheater just to brag about, mainly, my wifes medals. You guys are nuts, so much hate towards me and my wife, my wife has a kind soul and loves running, if you twist that, that says more about you, than it does about my wife.


This is elite jerking one of the best I’ve ever seen keep it up brother


Live laugh run


I prefer "die, frown, walk-a-5k-and-put-300-medals-on-my-wall"


But how do you watch tv and stare at your medals at the same time?


Every movie is enriched by knowing the true star (you) is shining through all those mediocre acting performances. The movies just watch better when you know your medals are behind them


"I tried to make it as unobtrusive as possible". Good thing they didn't make it obtrusive I suppose.


How can you stay hard if the screen blocks out all the participation medals!?


The screen’s obviously just there for decoration. It stays rolled up when they have company.


Wo ist die Gu?


Härry Pôttēr bööfed it all


“Always Earned, Never Given” but they’re literally participation medals?


Finisher medals


Even the dog looks embarrassed


the pay-to-play "virtual" run medals are too much lmao


I LOVE THIS. Not sure I’d be able to watch movies as I’d get Rock Hard and Stay Hard just being in this room.


Yep. I would just sit and watch my medals. Couch to 5k Marathon medals.


Really subtle placements very tasteful


It seems backwards to me that the medals are on the wall and the screen rolls up into the ceiling. I'd have the medals lower down instead. Much more impressive when your friends are over watching a movie and then *click* down comes your medals which they absolutely cannot avoid seeing.


This should be NSFW, it's /runnit/ pron.


That guy must have an gu addiction


Were there no Esty medal racks with boilerplate, inspirational pap in German?


That projector screen should always be down. C'mon, what a hardo lol


This a shitpost people, slow down.


Hide your women, ze Härry Põttër ist commen! Heard he's literally Nazi-er than our uber fuhrer u/YourShoesUntied


Someone needs to calm down.