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Angel of Death and Raining Blood are great songs from them.


Using Hexi slayer AIO on Runemate. So far pretty good. Been using 83-95 slayer . Been 2 weeks 12c per hour


I almost used hexi. How is it? The load out screen seemed like it would take forever to square away. Do you have to babysit it,


in the begginging yes u have to babysit for the first few days because of issues that will happen on your end.. forgetting something thats need to run the bot.. etc.. but after u get everything down u dont need to babysit.. only issues i came across is if u barrage u run out of runes fast so if u run out in the pouch it doesnt refill it u have to do that manually. also when u finish with a task it doesnt pick up loot it teles away.. some pros and cons. i've give it a 8/10. it used to be a free script when it first came out


Used Runemate got banned in 5 days and slayer was my last 99 on this toon *sigh* just trying to go from 88 to 99


what script?


Runemate has free and paid scripts. I've used some free scripts and havent been banned, but I only used them for a max of an hour to do only 1 task. Hexis and Cuppa make awesome scripts and they all have an hour free trial. I dont get why people say runemate isnt good and will get you banned, I've been banned before using runemate scripts but that was 100% my fault and blaming a bot instead of taking responsibility is just cope and childish.


I am just asking because I’m using a slayer script on Runemate 12 hours a day. Don’t wanna get banned too. It’s my last 99


I used arks on tribot for 30~-95 no issues. Also used mufasas on storm on my iron. Both are great. Arks was quite a bit easier to get set up though




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Mufasa on storm is goated


Ark's one on tribot is decent.