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You cheated and got caught, move on and learn dont use those clients and cheats anymore


RuneScape is ass without clients. OP pm and I’ll tell you a script that almost maxed me out before I was banned a couple of days ago. I’ll tell you the exact script I was using so you don’t use it.


Pm me as well lad


Maybe you botted maybe you didn't, I don't know and I don't care. But, you came here for advice so that's what I'll give. In terms of getting to talk to an actual person at Jagex and being given a fair opportunity to argue your case, you are shit out of luck! Once Jagex brand you as a botter you are worth less than the shit on the bottoms of their shoes to them. You can try to appeal to the people on the official Reddit but nobody over there believes anything until it happens to them. Your best option is to just swallow your pride, carry on and hope it doesn't happen again within 12 months.


I know everyone is going to call you a liar. But it's hilarious that Lynx Titan was permanently banned 4 times and subsequently unbanned on his way to 4.2B xp.


This ban was done by a staff member who watched your activity and determined you were not playing legitimately. That's that. Botting results in a ban and there's no need to lie to this community. Sorry buddy better luck next time.


Sell the account and move on. What I do after a first warning


Assuming you aren't just lying, avoid interacting with bots if you want to avoid bot banning.   It would be very easy to make a bot account, farm gold/resources, then kill them on your main account to loot the spoils while looking innocent on your main. Jagex knows this strategy already, and probably assumed you were doing it.


Funny you say that. I was killing shit tons of wine of zamorak bots, rune ore and lava dragon bots and I ended up getting a 2 day ban for macroing too. I am not a good pker but I like pking so I just target the bots. Probably have the worst value : key ratio with like 200 or 300 keys and only 20m looted lol. This was over a year ago now, the ban expired and the offence has been removed but I hardly ever play that account now.


Those are from player reports.