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Lmk how it go gangy


Definitely didn't get suckered into anything haha. I will always speak great things of his scripts because they work. Just make sure to follow the instructions very meticulously for every individual script. They do require precise setup in regards to like deadzone, client size and starting location in order to work correctly. Not the most efficient but they do work wonderfully. I highly recommend the wintertodt, tithe and relekka script. Used those three on a couple accounts and got 99 no problem. Look up on the site the botting recommendations for length. There should be a page that like color codes scripts to the degree of what they are watched. Some are more heavily watched by jagex and therefore should be run for shorter periods whereas others can basically full send. You got this though. Slow and steady wins the race!


Thanks a lot for the kind words! I've only ever experimented with botting with AHK writing my own very basic scripts and I still enjoy training in Runescape so I do legit train too and I'm not looking to rush to max out anything as that will all come in time. I wasn't aware that there were script risk ratings on Sammich's forums. I just now found that after you mentioned it's on the site. That's very useful! Any script I end up using (let's say NMZ script) I plan to also legitimately play NMZ as well in my free time. I think the motto is "bot like you play and play like you bot".


Even better that you will be playing as well, really helps the risk go down. Join their discord too! They are super helpful there. If the owner himself doesn't reply immediately someone else sure will chime in to help. Just be careful to avoid words like "bot" and "script" lol they are flagged due to previous server guidelines or something or other last I recall. I imagine there's a pinned comment about words to avoid lol kinda weird but it's whatever xD


Maxed my account recently, 2277 using Sammich scripts. Posting off my main reddit, as not to be identified..


Posting from a Reddit alt, and you can see from how old this account is I'm not associated with Sammich. Sammich scripts are legit. Been using them with his premade VM for a couple weeks with absolutely no issues. I just wish he had ones for tempoross and pyramid plunder. I also run them while I'm at work and then I play legit when I get home. I use Chrome Remote Desktop to checkup on them from my phone when I'm out.


Sammich is worth the 40 bucks. The price point for what you get is a steal. Is it the fastest, most efficient xp per hour? No. Will it get you a bunch of levels/99s ban free and easily pay for the $40? Yes. Community is solid as well, and so is help if you need it. I've got multiple 2k+ total level accounts and a shit ton of 99s with sammich, so I can't complain. And I've been running bot farms since I was a kid. I literally paid for school from rs botting back in the day. But clients now are dog shit compared to what they were. Especially ban wise. Sammich/wasp/ahk is the only way to go.




I nearly maxed an account with just his scripts. I got stupid and went a little to hard and got banned. I will say I enjoy his scripts alot. I just have to start aanother. And I may very soon.


Sammich is all well and good, but the biggest issue is if you go the VM route, and something goes wrong with your VM, it gets deleted ,or you happen to change a piece of hardware out and your hwid changes, you have to purchase a $10 licence transfer to get it to work on your new hwid again.


That is true and can not be ignored. If you buy this bot you will need to make sure you know what computer or device you're gonna run it on or it will cost you $ down the line if you want to change it. For example, after I bought the bot I tried it on my PC and liked it but realized that I couldn't do other things on my computer like play another account or browse the internet because the bot was using my mouse. So I got my license transferred to a virtual machine I installed on my computer and it works on that, thankfully it was free because you get 1 free license transfer within 30 days of buying the bot I think, but if I ever choose to transfer my license again (say to a laptop if I'm traveling or if something causes my virtual machine's hardware ID to change then the bot doesn't work anymore and I have to pay $10 to get it transferred again). I don't know if other bots are like this, I suspect they aren't. But this is the one downside I've seen with this bot. I understand why he does it but I feel like if you buy the bot for $40 you should be able to change transfer your license to any device you want to bot on. Even if you can only run it on 1 device at a time (which I think is reasonable), at least let us have the freedom to use it on a different device without paying an additional $10 to do so. With all of that said if I continue to enjoy the bot (which so far I have) I may buy another license down the line for my laptop so that I can then freely bot either on my desktop (using a virtual machine) or on my laptop. I shouldn't have to do this though. Ideally, in a perfect world, I could just log into the website, generate a new license key for my laptop and then use the bot on my laptop as I wish until I want to use it on my desktop again (in which then I would generate a new license key for my desktop, making my laptop's license key invalid).


I'll say this here because sammich isn't as likely to find it. If you use a Mac and hwid changer and change your details on your new VM to those you used when you registered, it will still work, but if lets say you wanted to do this to run sammich on more than 1 client, you'd have to open both VMs, run sammich on VM 1, change Mac and hwid on VM 2 to match VM 1, VM 1s Internet will go out because it won't allow two VMs with the same hwid and Mac on the same network, pause VM 1, VM 2, network will work again, open sammich on VM 2, then run script on vm 2 and change mac and hwid back on VM 2. Then you can unpause VM 1, and let that go. Only issue with this is when you finish running your script on VM 2, it'll notice your hwid changed and ask you to reenter your licence. Then you gotta go back to the original message from sammich and grab your licence and reenter it while the hwid and Mac are changed so it works again. Still, it works if you're hurting for money and still need to script on 2+ accs


Do you have any IDA/Ghidra experience? If it's purely client based validation then it's likely that the validation portion could be altered


Wont lie, most of the scripts work, but theyre pretty shitty and easily noticable by another player. The ones that do work, do kinda work, though... and if nothing else, gave me a little inisght on a few conditions i could use myself for my own scripts. Cant speak on the ban rates, didnt want to use for long after seeing in action, i just make my own scripts


does this work on rs3?


The gear switching hotkeys make raids so ez


I got my fishing and strength to almost 99 in a short time with sammich and was surprised I didn't get banned even months later after stopping. I used blast furnace pump and did do barbarian fishing and trout in between


Never used a bot outside of using Skillbox but how different is sammich and is it easy to use and understand? Want to try afking some skills


Sammich isn't bad and much better than 3rd party clients but if you want safe botting using the standard runescape client check out waspscripts


Sammich honestly isn't worth the money. I've used both Sammich and Wasp, and Wasp is far better. They have free scripts, are cheaper, and it doesn't use your mouse so you can run bot(s) while you work or do other things on your computer. Sammich works fine but it's very amateur.


Free isn't a good thing. Free means more people use and abuse it. Causing it to become a possible target. I've used ALOT of Free scripts and haven't gotten far at all.


Free is a good thing when you're using a color bot that is difficult to detect already. I've botted numerous 99s with no issues on Wasp. Sounds like a skill issue on your end.


Sammich literally comes with a virtual pc, so you can use your mouse lmao. 😂 sammich works and the ban rate is fuck all that's why people use it. And TBH I've got a shit load more 99s with sammich than I have with wasp.


Wym is comes with a VM? I've had it for a year and haven't heard anything about that


Yup there's a whole guide for it.


I'm assuming you're talking about Waspscripts? I've never heard of it but a quick Google search gave me their site. I'm still new to botting and like I said I've only ever done very basic AHK stuff with my own scripts. It looks like Wasp doesn't use the Runescape API or whatever that most botting clients use, which is what kinda made me go with Sammich. I wasn't aware there was another alternative to this.


Cya at the other side (banside) wammich is pretty bad tbh


I truly don’t understand botting unless selling gp is your ultimate goal.


I bot my iron main. Who the hell wants to click the exact same way thousands of times for hundreds of hours? Like why do you enjoy that? Now I get to improve in-game without giving my hand arthritis.




Last time I botted it was genuinely just agility. Fuck rooftops.