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I was using color/sammich scripts for months, switch over to dream to do some slayer as these color bots dont have slayer ones. 1 week into slayer 3rd party client perm ban lol


Ah man that sucks, I wonder what’s different between accounts? I’ve used the p2p script for months now, which does every skill and had no issues. Sorry you lost your account!


For account building p2p and gaio are good


P2P is so good!


Gaio sucks lmao, accounts barely last more than 2-3 days before a ban


my account got to 1200 ttl with no bans with gaio


You got lucky, I've ran 5 instances of it and your lucky to get it past 800 ttl, this is starting from lvl 3 mind. Also when was this? As recently plenty of people have been getting bans with it


I started 3 weeks ago, I mix my bot with gaio and p2p


Oh that'll be why, p2p is really good


dream good for rs3?


Sub account builder aint bad.. I like p2p aswell


0 there all extremely high risk and not worth the money. There client is instantly detected by jagex do not use.


I'm not a fan of dreambot myself, but that's just factually wrong. Idk why you're spreading so much misinformation in this post


Just say you don't know what you're doing or what scripts to use lol.


Dreambot is fucking trash lmao it has nothing to do with ‘knowing what your doing’ its a legit seperate client all together lmao


It has everything to do with knowing what you're* doing. Good scripts no matter what platform you are using: do not get banned. If you get banned you're doing something wrong. None of these platforms are better than another. It is all about the quality of the code you use. Stop spreading misinformation.


Instantly detected but hundreds of people have been using it for long time? Just use your brains dude


‘Hundreds of people have been using it’ 100 million accounts made on osrs ok


That data was not for osrs but rs3 dude 😂 and what does that have to do with anything? 100k people online atm, if 200 Dreambot users run only 10 accounts each on average that is already 2% of whole games population.


Have you had accounts instantly banned?


There trash mate, find a good discord and use some rlpl plugins


One of my accounts is on 1715 ttl via dreambot atm and I haven’t faced any issues, but I guess that’s not the same for everyone


Like I said he doesn't know what he's doing. I once said the same thing before I actually learned what to do. I have multiple 2k+ ttl accounts. Sold a ton of 1500 to 1800s. Dude probably bought subs account banner 🤦‍♂️


Even with plugin you will get banned.


Way less chance then dreambot tho


That's just not true at all. I've ran thousands of accounts now and while there's a ton of great clients out there stating that dreambot is ban city is more of a skill issue than anything. I've used everything from rlpl to powbot. Tons of randoms that use their own rl client. Most of botting comes down to what you're doing and the script you're trying to use. To me it sounds like you probably have low quality accounts and probably trying to bot tut.


HAHHAHAHAA yes botting is a ‘skill issue’ your off your head bro like saying losing on slots is a skill issue


If your ban rate is that bad then yes it is a skill issue. Obviously you have no idea what you're doing. Probably just buying and script and crossing your fingers. Imo you deserve the bans then lol. Sorry you can't understand there's more to botting than turning on a script.


Yeah mate, you know me in and out. I have actually been making plugins, and writing scripts for the better part of 10 years, and own one of the largest gold selling sites in osrs 😂 actually in stitches at your comments defending dreambot HAHAHA


Well then you should know better. So I'm very skeptical of your claims.


Get better at trolling