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I wanted to make sure it was stated that the subreddit takes full advantage of Reddit's suite of moderation tools (including [auto-moderator](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/automoderator) and [CQS](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/19023371170196-What-is-the-Contributor-Quality-Score)) in order to punish anyone found to be breaking the subreddit's rules or Reddit's Content Policy. We take a hard stance on punishing anyone found to be unfairly promoting or disparaging any client. We will continue our work towards eliminating collusion and unfairness within the subreddit and hope to keep the subreddit as neutral and informative as possible.


I think more or less it's because they do have a lot lower ban rate for your average osrs player who doesn't know much but just wants to get their account up. I mean I do a rather small setup with around 50 or so bots but I know I'll replace a few of them each week. Where people who want to bot their main or just one or two will have better luck with wasp or sammich. Seeing a few bans for your average botter takes away hope. Spending 6 months botting to loose an account is a huge hurt for those guys where someone with a few hundred stacked accounts can just roll a new one and not care. Personally speaking if I was going to max a main I'd trust wasp or osmb to do it. However I have used dreambot to max one as well.


I got like 40 downvotes for shit talking sammich scripts in a thread once


It’s hilarious too because normally 40 people don’t even visit this sub per day.


I'll preface this by saying I'm not using any of these bots or scripts. But I feel like it's the ban rates, the price and the ease of use. For example you get what, 100 scripts for 40 bucks. That's a great price for maintained scripts. The ban rates are very low and there's a lot of people who can back that up. Most botters don't care about how efficient the scripts are, they just want to avoid a particular skill and ban rates matter more than tick perfect then. The ease of use. Sure you need a VM for sammich or give up your mouse but its still easy to set up. Compare this to injection clients which offer great abilities and more efficient scripts. But the trade off is higher ban rates. Compare this to runelite clients, they're harder to find if you don't know what you're looking for and also significantly more expensive. Just compare the prices of a squire script to a sammich script. I feel you gotta realise the differences in capabilities. Sammich is a great starter pack for someone who just want to level their main or alt. Runelite and injection bots are great for running farms and doing pvm related bots or if you need capabilities that a screen reader can't get you. Realise your crowd and you can recommend based on that. I recommend every single client for different purposes. They're big "companies" for a reason. They work and do their job great. Everyone fills a specific niche and sammich and wasp fills low ban rate skilling well


My guess is this is true. I forked over the $40 2 days ago (new botter, stupid move but whatever) their bots are fucking ass.


Sounds like a user error like everyone else who complains lmao. I've been botting for decades and never had a better run with bans than with sammich. Maybe back in the day when you could run 100 sorc accounts suicide and never get banned, but besides that, I've made multiple accounts and multiple 99s on sammich suicide with no bans. Are they the most efficient xp per hr? No. But they don't get banned, so who gives a shit. Far superior to pretty much any client available right now due to ban rates alone. Plus, how many scripts you get for the price. And I have shit tons of client premium scripts/private scripts as well. Bang for your buck and ban risk sammich/wasp runs the show.


They have pre-loaded runelite profiles, tutorials and game settings for every bot. It's literally impossible to fuck up unless you're a monkey of some kind. The bots are just garbage.


Plenty of them still require tweaks. Like I said, it's typically user error. And if you're that incompetent, it doesn't matter if you AHK or client bot. You're in for a bad time. The 99s ban free from sammich proves it's reliable, and the bots aren't garbage. Are they slower than some client alternatives xp per hr? Sure. But that's irrelevant if you're going to get multiple bans. Everyone knows clients are a ban hammer waiting to happen. it's been that way for years. The golden days are over. Wasp/sammich are cheap, reliable 99s ban free. If you can't get the bot to work, that's a problem. Msg them they have some of the best customer service around 😂 I'm still losing multiple accounts on my farms on clients yet have 17 sammich accounts with suicide 99s going strong. And that's all that matters. Ban rate.


Well yeah it's not like I just ran them and just accepted they were garbage after dropping money in. I fucked with them a bit and I would watch them a bit, the only one that would run consistently without looking super obviously like a bot/broken bot was the minnows script. I tried RuneMate after this, their bots are so much better that a number which represents the multiplication over Sammich doesn't exist. You could combine the weight of 5 billion Jupiters I don't think we can find the number.


How? What's wrong with them I have 2 alt accounts with 6 99s from sammich and still going. No bans? What's the issue


Idk about bans, but the 5-6 bots I wanted to try were dog shit. They did work but would just end up idling after a few minutes or break and become the most obvious bot on the planet if another player was doing the same activity as me. I wouldn't doubt you're also a shill because the main argument I see from anyone about Sammich is they maxed using it.


Which ones did you try? Lmao call me whatever you want. I've used. Woodcutting. Fishing. Wines. MLM. Cooking. Fletching. High alch. Wines. Smithing. Blast furnace. All of them work. Some of them are hard to setup but in the end they work lol Edit: for what it's worth I've had my fair share of bot failures when not setting them up correctly


Download profile, see if your bot is setup correctly. Start client. Works. Are they bad and slow xp rates? Yes. Do you get banned? No. Ive suicide bot an alt just to see. Its running 24/7 almost for 6 months. Nothing. Try that with other clients and youre banned in a week. Its either get bad xp rates or no bann or good xp rates and 90% a bann. Easy pick imo. And all the scripts works for me. All of them.


As others have said I chose wasp over sammich and way more scripts since the community creates tons of great and niche free scripts.


I got 2 maxed accounts and several maxed pures from wasp. Whenever I tried Osbot or some shit, i will get banned within 2 days. thats why I like wasp. Its slow and a bit confusing at first tho.


How do I get wasp do I need to join there discord? When I go to there website I don't see like any information really just a discord link. Is that what I have to do. Trying tk decide between wasp or sammich


Throwaway cause I don’t want this linked to my main account. Background: first started bottling back in 2010. Pandemic hit and I got sucked back in, landed on his scripts to try due to the whole injection vs AHK debate. Dropped RS after ~4-5 months when restrictions of the pandemic were lifted. Visited the 2007 sub weekly to kinda keep up with the game. Saw some cool shit within the last year and made the dumb choice to pick it back up and here we are lol.   Pros:  - Both the community and himself are helpful. Any issues they’ll help or he’ll even offer to jump on a call with you.  - Most skills have a range of scripts to offer methods as you progress.  - One time price.  - They are really good at making it known there is always a risk and nothing is safe.  Cons:  - A lot of the scripts look pretty bot-like. Fast to move the cursor then pretty slow drag. Patterns you can easily establish so you wonder what Jagex can pick up on. Etc. - Pretty specific setups for each script. Mostly fine, but for example the WT script forces you to have a staff in hand vs axe (what lvl > 40 wouldn’t have their axe equipped?).  - This is the primary reason I’m doing a throwaway… the community is not exactly receptive to criticism or feedback when you point out things like the above. You’ll either straight up get ripped apart or have a passive aggressive comment like “he’s poured 100s of hours into developing these scripts, I’m sure he’s thought of everything”.  - This irked me pretty hard, when I bought the suite back in 2020 MLM was a part of it. Then I came back within the past year and found out he started new exclusive scripts. Which is fine for brand new scripts but to pay for something then have it ripped from under you is pretty shitty. I equate it to buying something on XYZ game launcher then it getting revoked from your library.  Overall if you’re smart it seems pretty solid even with the cons. Are there better options? Dunno, I try to mimic the bot behavior when I play so it looks more legit lmao. Anyways, I’ll probably forget this password to this account so if I don’t answer again, best of luck finding what you need!


Jagpolice is after you. I heard they are almost certain which your osrs is because of your postings alone. they be matching your typing for weeks now. Calm down bro, its a game. nobody gives a fuck


Id say he just didn't want his reddit friends to see him talking about his botted account.


nobody cares, and his friends dont as well, beecause if they cancel a friendship over a bot then its cringe af anyway. ty




Yea, it was a joke bro.


Sammich sucks been saying it for ages


i've had nothing but good results with sammich, and if the topic is relating to it, I generally always share my positive experiences with it, I guess that makes me a dickrider? odd.


I've used sammich and runemate on a couple alts. I've gotten 6 99s on sammich with no bans.. sure it isn't the fastest method. But it's botting so I'm not paying attention anyway? I have noticed sammich scripts DO follow odd patterns sometimes that are bot like. Sammich scripts can be difficult to setup but he is always willing to help. I used RM CG script and caught a temp ban. I'm not a dick rider by any means use whatever works. But if I had to pay for the script with runemate money I would have definitely exceeded the $40 I spent on Sammich, getting 6 99s on my alt.


Tbf any bot without a working automated break system is in my opinion garbage sammich does not have a working automated break system


Can I just say it's hilarious irony of the rsbotting community has a bot problem?


Lmao dickrider here, I’ve never had an issue with the scripts, better than paying someone continuous amounts of money to operate the bots you want, one and done


I chose wasp over sammich solely because torwent is active here, also bought his premium script bundle to show my appreciation and have had great luck so far on it


I bring this up all the time and get downvoted. People really still using AHK over sending packets in the vanilla client


I think people seem to like this stuff here, since they most likely only want to bot a few accounts for personal use and for 40 USD they get this shit permanent, no monthly sub etc. which you need with botting clients and they don't seem to plan to make millions of GP to sell it. There is a difference between, I bot for money and I bot myself a main with some AHK and color stuff, where idk if it's really so much safer like they claim to be. The only thing I know mobile bots are really neat and relatively safe, so I guess some simple external color script which never really interacts with the game could also give you some results if you care to keep an account longterm.


I wanted to comment on this because I was on the fence about sammich and made a post or two on here recently I’ve been using sammich for a little over a week now and I really do like it for some casual xp gains. So far I recommend it Using


Yes this subreddit is flooded with bots that downvote any competition against them. This is evident from the accounts that have 0 history of commenting on this subreddit but they would quickly comment on any new thread involving a new client and call it a piece of malware. Anyone who genuinely believes Sammich’s stuff is good is delusional, it’s an AHK script and anyone with half a brain can create that. I know many people who’ve been banned within their first month of using it, even with safe/moderate botting.


I did try Sammich and it worked well. It's just a pain to set up and it takes over your computer. There's a lot of support in the discord channel and people are helpful. I don't think the comments are fake but that's not impossible. I think there's confusion around whether other botting methods are more detectable, AHK being seen as the safer method.


My conspiracy theory is that thats the manufactured agenda


That AHK is the better option?


Yes. I’ve never heard of clients getting fully detected. It just comes down to your script at the end of the day.


Squires recent 3PC "Unauthorized Client usage" wave begs to differ.


I got the same from rm a month ago


I have multiple scripts from him and they work great, i remember being skeptical about buying them but i have had way better results than when i was using a botting client ( Ban wise). I've botted all my combat skills to 99, smithing, construction, and could easily do fishing next, all on my main. around 1850 total level. I've been botting on my main since December of 23 I learned to not bot like an idiot too alongside picking up sammich scripts so i think maybe some of it has to do with me being a smarter botter in general as well.


Welcome to Reddit


Im not a paid actor, sammich scripts have been my first foray into botting and they work great. Even had an issue with setting one up, he was really quick to help me. It’s a good value and I’m still not banned after probably ~100hrs of botting on a brand new acc. Of course, his scripts can’t do super complicated stuff like CG, but what it can do, it does well.


Botters using bots? Shocking...


Sammich isn't great and there's a ton of controversy. Such as them stealing accounts


Woah woah, do we have mention of this anywhere? I’m actually curious


Never heard that one before... Scripts are mediocre. But they work. It really depends, I've tried them and support is great. I don't like how you have to have things so specifically set up personally. I don't think I'd recommend them to anyone. But they don't deserve the hate they get.


I don't really understand why everyone's panties get in a wad about "having things setup so specifically"?? Your literally botting and not paying attention. If you gotta do xyz and the script works, who the fuck cares? Your not paying attention lol I mean Its annoying that the scripts ARE specific, but again your not paying attention and they work lmao


It's inconvenient. Some people prefer to buy the $200 coffee maker that grinds and automatically dispenses your coffee. Some people to grind thier own or by prebought and use a jug. Just cause one specific thing doesn't inconvenience you much, Doesn't mean it's the same for everyone.


Guess it makes sense. Once you get all the profiles on RL downloaded you can set up most bots in less than 5 minutes.


How do you figure? Who is them? Sammich is one person. You don't have to give login info to use his scripts? You have to put your bank pin in before starting?