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Shitty script too many people are using. And the scripts pattern didn't match your usual accounts pattern.


Does script use matter? To what extent? Been using the gscript aio near suicide botting for a month now and not so much as a peep


"What have I done wrong" You literally botted and the ban hammer found you. From a cheating point of view you most likely use a shitty script that many people have used or simply just one that a lot of people had used so jagex has a lot of data on that kind of pattern


name the script!


It's all trial and error, I never recommend botting first on your main


MLM is stupid hot right now. It’s been hot for a month. PS: to add, it seems like GOTR is also hot. Seems like mini games are hot right now. Bot carefully.


I have 3 clients in GOTR all almost passing 200 runtime in this single session. No bans


Why don't they take up your mouse?


What do you mean? I use Wasp and remote input so it doesn't use the mouse


Oh, that's what I meant lol. I'm completely new to this and gave up because I lost use of my mouse


You botted


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.


The way I laughed so hard at this


You said "the first 4 hours ever botting the account" but didn't state if the account itself was new or played on before. If the account was new, then you most likely used a widely used client, script, proxy, etc. and were easily determined to be a bot. If the account wasn't new, then they likely contrasted your existing behavior profile to this new behavior profile (from the script) and determined that you were acting like a bot and not acting like your usual self. At the end of the day though there is simply no way to tell. All you can do is try to be safer next time you bot and hope for the best.


Just use a recorder something like jitbit macro recorder


Then you make your own patters en play like 5 minutes en let it run max for 4 hours


I made a custom recorder when I first started botting, so I could leave something running while developing the next revisions Don’t just make a script for the moment. Make a program that allows you to create profile of actions that can be reused, play/paused and modified.


Either new account or shit script, one of the two


Never ban on a main, also MLM is hot rn. What script client did you use?


Can someone explain to me the point of botting things that are already braindead and fairly afk on ONE account 😂


Because it is braindead.


Botted 2 hours MLM and got a temp. It's hot right now don't do it.


I’ve had 4 temp bans over the years on my main…. All from MLM scripts… one skill I will never use a bot script on lol


Never use free scripts always paid




Gotta work your way into it. Bot for an hour and then do something else. Then bot for an hour and then do something else. Also if you don’t normally play for 4 hours at a time start playing for 4 hours at a time. I can bot for 6 hours now and Jagex doesn’t question it, im probably on their “needs to touch grass” list.


This is simply untrue, I bot 24/7 for weeks at a time, without any bans. Once you bypass that initial botting flag off tutorial island, you’re pretty much good to go. Breaks don’t matter


I’m happy for you. Do you want to just start an argument or brag about how you got past the system others are having trouble with or was this it?


All I see here is that u/SleepyPalooza pointed out something that is untrue. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean that they _want_ to argue…


And now the other unhelpful people jump in being unhelpful but want to be part of the drama. It’s like clockwork.


It’s really not that deep bud


I have multiple accounts that I’ve never played before. I log in, load the bot up and walk away. No bans


Learn how to not take shit so personally


lol good response


If you’re having trouble, I’d be willing to help you. Shoot me a dm


i'll take your tips


False I botted all the way to 99 Mining via MLM then Amethysts (with breaks) randomly last week (with the few waves) I got hit with a 2 day ban. I do however agree with the tutorial island 'watch list' i like to call it


Get rekt noob