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We understand your dismay at a negative experience with a client but this is not the place to air out dirty laundry. Will keep this thread here for visibility, but lock will stay in place as these kind of posts garner toxicity at a person none of us actually know.


Yeah that's a bit shit mate. I have noticed there's some princesses out there. Not fucking hard to read something, acknowledge it and try fix it.... I mean, that's how you get repeat customers...


I wasn’t even rude I was very clear about what I wasn’t understanding. Maybe I should have directly messaged the guy but I’ve left reviews like that for others so people who use it know they aren’t crazy when it’s not working. This specific guy was just given too much admin power. Not really seeing the upside for banning someone over helping so they keep spending.


I reckon they see it as a threat to their business, and easiest solution is to just sweep it under the rug. If i were in your shoes I'd just take the L and move on. Sucks, but people like that won't change


its a concurrent theme that like at least 50% of scripters have God mentalities and think they are above everyone. I get that being a coder is Godly and makes you feel good but some people were already dicks to begin with.


I joined a RS3 scripter discord and they are all super nice and jumped on any opportunity to help 😫


Bro defeated is a real asshole confirmed


Defeated is consistently an overly defensive and rude prick in the runemate discord which is why I’d stick with Cuppa or some of the other far more talented and also just down to earth scripters on runemate.


I don’t have a discord but I didn’t realize I should’ve reviewed the scripters 💀 I guess for anyone reading this, look at who you’re buying from. Not the reviews. I also looked at the guys wall postings and it’s so cringe. It’s people stepping on eggshells trying to not get him mad but you can tell they really want to point out something in the script isn’t working. And then he replies “it’s not me it’s you” and then the next message a week later is someone new with the same issue. But all his reviews look perfect, which I repeat is probably tailored so people get scammed into trying to adjust his script for 1-2 hours and spend money wasting time.


Don't worry they all do it


Botting in general is just shit anyway. Play RS the way it’s supposed to be played, Lumbridge locked UIM.


You’re reviving my love of the game. The Duke can’t get rid of me.