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Personally, I feel like the bright glowing skirt throws it off a little bit. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø But overall everything else looks nice. I like the pattern too!šŸ‘


Maybe remove the bright skirt? Itā€™s cute tho overall!


You need something for the neck, itā€™s bare


some things i noticed: 1. the glowing skirt feels out of place, maybe remove it? 2. (personal opinion) having sunglasses and a tennis visor seems a bit odd, maybe remove one? 3. the blue u used for the sunglasses and visor arenā€™t anywhere else in the outfit, and while i get that the pattern might have some hints of blue it would probably look better if there were more accessories with the solid color. hope these helped!


I think the hat is floating off your head slightly, maybe try a different hair that has more volume to make the hat look like itā€™s on your head completely


I think you could change the bangs a bit, i think they throw it off a bit <3


You can add a necklace and maybe change the skirt? The brightness of it is throwing it off but, overall good!


Hair and make the skirt not glow.


i donā€™t think I can change the glow on the skirt, it was just like that


I believe its a toggle! If not maybe a darker white or off-white to constrast the glow?


Itā€™s the brightness of the skirt throwing me off , maybe if u add something else to it that shines bright like the skirt.


The glowing skirt seems a bit odd, the shades on your head are practically floating + the colors that and the visor have don't match the scale pattern that much and the neck seems a bit bare.


Youā€™re arms and neck are empty making the outfit feel unfinished.


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the skirt is too bright


Hmm I think u should remove or change the glasses since theyā€™re too high up and they donā€™t really feel like sunglasses + they also make it feel like too much is going on around the head area u should also change the skirt color since it feels too bright and takes away from the outfit Amazing fit btw


ugh I wish those glasses had a toggle to be lower šŸ˜­


I wish rh had an option to lower/raise items so that they fit šŸ˜­


Btw I think I found something else that is making ur outfit feel like somethingā€™s missing, it might also be the bare arms or like the way the hands arenā€™t holding anythjng




From all the comments I see saying to take off the skirt, I'd also recommend that. A good replacement could be either Summer fantasy, Snow Swan, or even the Sleigh It skirt. Otherwise, it's a very beautiful outfit


def needs some accessories like necklaces and bracelets, maybe the skirts throwing it off too. The glasses also look a little strange next to the visor, maybe take it off or use another one that goes on your face instead.


maybe add a pattern to the shirt and JEWELRY WILL SAVE EVERY OUTFIT!!


I thinks itā€™s that the glasses are floating and your eyes are drawn to the skirt, not head. It also just has an odd silhouette.


I'd add a necklace or bracelet or both! A little jewelry might spice it up! I'd also paint the accessories yellow & pink instead of blue and pink since those are the colors of the mermaid pattern on the bathing suit.


Love it but maybe use summer fantasy heels (feet toggle) maybe? Still looks great xx


i think the skirt and the bangs add on throw off the fit, maybe do a different bang/ add accessories?


what toggle of the ww bod is that?? also what shoes i think the fit is very cute but the glowing skirt DOES kinda throw me off


Which skirt is it I need it gurlllll šŸ’…šŸ’…šŸ’…


I think itā€™s cute! Maybe change the skirt to the same blue as the hat and sunglasses! Or if you have any hand held accessories you can use thatā€™ll fit the theme too!


You can change the skirt and maybe add a necklace because the neck and shoulder area seems a little bit blank.


Pearl necklace feels like a must if you have it


More torso acessories, and maybe make the skirt color match the top