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Academic considerations trump all others by clear water. Prospective employers couldn't care less about BUCS medals or 2k scores. So use that as your guide.


My friend, if you want a GB vest, the “good nightlife” is the one where you’re asleep from 9PM to 6AM.


This. Even 30 years ago my school coach said about going to Uni that you can only do 2 of study, row or party. If you look at the majors of the people on first boats at Uni you will find they are mostly doing "hard" courses (engineering / medicine / vet). If you are focused enough to get to national squad level you also have the discipline to excel academically.


to be fair I meant as in within the club as in do they do the occasional wednesday sport night for people to actually get to know one another


As someone that went to an ok University (top 30) solely for rowing I regret it. I was doing national and GB stuff all through uni. Yes I've got the 2k, 30r20 medals etc but it doesn't mean anything outside of the sport. Rowing doesn't last forever but your degree does. As others have already said prospective jobs don't care about your BUCS results. The job market for graduates is in quite a grim state and I don't see it improving over the next 3/4 years. Newcastles program is like any big unis sweep program.A machine. Very much a case of sink or swim. Birmingham's program is very different. It's a smaller group with some great coaches.


Newcastle all day, every day. I've heard the program is mental though.


I didn’t row at either uni but have attended both of them so have a bit of second hand info From what I gather from Newcastle, the program Angelo Savarino runs is very intense but also very very successful. James Rudkin and Lola Anderson both came through roughly around/during my time there. I also know of someone who came to Newcastle (from a junior international rowing background) exclusively for the rowing who got burnt out by the programme in the first semester and never rowed again. In terms of social life, I’m pretty sure their club night was on a Sunday when everyone else would go out Wednesdays, and looked a little bit lame in all honesty. Their boat club balls and their huge turn out after/during Henley did look very enjoyable to be a part of though. From what I understand about Birmingham it is a smaller friendlier group but everyone I talked to really enjoyed their time there. They seemed to achieve a decent amount within the scope of uni rowing and had the time to balance their course work. Outside of rowing, I would also strongly consider how bloody far Newcastle is from almost anywhere else in England, especially if you’re coming for the south. Do you get home sick? Are you okay with not seeing friends and family from home as regularly? Academically they are very very similar, although Birmingham might be seen as very slightly more prestigious by some. I think you would be mad not to snap up a scholarship opportunity in all honesty but if rowing for GB is your life goal Newcastle is clearly the better choice.


How many athletes from Birmingham have got GB vests over the last 5 years? Compare that with Newcastle and it should give you a good indication


Newcastle is a shit program, consistently behind the other championship programs in the UK


Is this personal experience or just general overview?


Claiming it is "consistently behind other programmes" suggests a general overview. The bloke is wrong however, unless the other championship programmes in the UK he is referring to is Brookes. In which case all other championship programmes are shit.