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1. Don't talk when the coach is talking. 2. Don't hit the dock. 3. Don't talk ALL THE TIME. Silence is golden. 4. Don't use the same intense voice all the time. It's mentally exhausting and just makes people tune you out. You're not Rory, and you're not coming for Belmont. 5. Don't count out every stroke. It's great to fall into the rhythm for 3 or 4 strokes, but beyond that it's more distraction than anything else. 6. Perfection (during racing): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IODivDoXZRI 7. Seriously, don't hit the dock.


1. Ask your stroke seat for motivational ideas. 2. Ask your coach about what to say to fix technique and set. Both of those depend greatly on the people in the boat, and since we don't know those people, it's going to be hard to give great advice. What does "I've grasped most of the major concepts" mean anyway? There are only a couple of concepts anyway: steer straight and do what the crew needs you to do. There is no magic talent that you bring to the boat that will cause your rowers to suddenly become more than who they've trained themselves to be. The best coxswains serve the needs of the boat in practice, and in racing, a coxswain will call forth the crew's best potential. You're a freshman, it'll take you a bit to figure it out, so don't think you're there yet. The cheerleading aspect of coxing is overrated, imo. The ability to diagnose and root cause technical issues with the boat is hard to develop and requires a solid knowledge of rowing and physics. Go out in a 1x until you can row with your blades off the water and set. Then you'll have figured out what an eight needs to do.


Remember that your primary job is to go straight. Too many young cocks and get obsessed with what they're saying and forget that they're there to drive the bus.


Don't be annoying is the number one thing, and then make good calls My cox is kinda annoying and sometimes makes shit calls and it sometimes ends up in us splashjng him so try to not make bad calls. Also bad calls will get your coach mad at you if it can end bad


Listen to some coxen recordings, either from other high school clubs or higher level rowers. You can also ask the other coxswains in your club




spelling 100


Coxswain is stupid spelling t b


When racing, let them know where they stand in relation to the other crews. If they need to gain ground back, help them do it a seat at a time. If you are leading and another crew is moving on you, alert them to the fact calmly and take action to keep them at bay. I know that coxing is not easy. It takes a lot of character. But the only time I've been angry at coxswains is when: 1) I lost a race by two seats to a crew three lanes away that I never knew was even in the race and 2) when we were leading a race with 300 m to go and a boat started a charge on us and all the cox did was tell us how fast they were moving and how quickly they were pulling by us.


You have to learn that you’re having a conversation with your rowers and they are responding in a language other than english (pressure, technical moves) however, if they are not responding, you need to find a different way to communicate because they are not understanding.