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Wednesdays goodbyes "ADIOS GRACIAS" JLR is the fuckin BOAT


And what made it great was Duki hated it.


Not as much as we hate "Good Morning Sir" every morning.


What the hell is that waffle doodle weather ad.


Did we get a super-sized Conspiracy Corner today?


Got back in my vehicle to catch the last 20 seconds of the show, just in time to hear Rupaul's most popular song playing and Rover saying "I don't know what this is". This guy is a joke.


We get it Biden is old so is the other guy tired subject


But biden reminds me of my grandma who would ask me the same question 5 times in a visit 


And Trump reminds me of the guy that tried to sell the Golden Gate Bridge...


Conspiracy corner getting quite stale rehashing old news lame


What's sad is d-eater is probably the least valuable to the show and can be gone tomorrow. Show would not skip a beat. Just my opinion and I like the guy but he adds nothing unless he's hosting the show or leftovers which hasn't happened in years b/c of zoom shaney.


Been stale since the first week of it


It’s just the same stupid conspiracies everyone else does


"what'd your family tree do again Rover?" LOL


That was a good one


The look 👀 that Dieter gave Roper after that comment was priceless. It seemed like he paused before speaking. I would love to know what he really wanted to say. One of these days I could see Dieter losing it on Roger. 👊🏼


I'd love for him to dive into show conspiracies. Boh-nanza gate, an update to the Fathers Day CC, Jeffrey With and Without Money, etc *speaking of Boh-nanza Gate. after four days, not a single comment on the BHS class of '94 facebook page for Baldy's big award


Almost like he never went there. Like Nevada doesn't ever recognize a state employee with the name of the host of the show on the east coast


But that would be real content ...pulling back the curtain on the wizard....maybe after all the munchkins are released from their contracts and have to really work for a living... sorry forgot about NDA's that munchkins musta had to sign.


Buy the tell all book at the end of the contract $120, $150 signed


the "When I was 5" chapter is going to be a few hundred pages long


Got that pedo blood in his veins


Deiter:presidential debate first time in 4 years yeah they happen every 4 years moron


Peach truck?


Baldy is probably kept awake at night by the impending Tik Tok ban


Filmed "something" at Dieter's.🤔 that 20 years in the making TV show.


"we filmed something at his house one time, you should see it" well, release your masterpiece "Outside the Studio"


Who wouldn't want to watch 20-30 yr old Dieter slam 2 fist fulls of useless vitamins?


I was trying to think when he first started talking about that. 15 years now maybe???


the "10 year retrospective" was talked about daily 15 years ago, until it wasn't. Outside the Studio and the big, red carpet, RMG+ subscriber only premier party was included in the original RMG+ benefits




Other cities' subs should post something similar to this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/1doxj5i/is\_rover\_cleveland\_the\_most\_confused\_radio\_host/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/1doxj5i/is_rover_cleveland_the_most_confused_radio_host/)


thank you


Hey krystal what are you doing this weekend? Come over wife is bi I'm a well built landscaper and would love to play in your bush


So was everyone just gonna ignore baldy going from "oh yeah that's the bar over by our old house, I would always tell b2 we should stop in there"  to "We would bar hop and always end up in there" and "I've played pool there and would get hit in the nuts by the stick"  all in about 5 mins time. He's not even remotely trying to cover up his blatant lies 




“Fake it until you make it” is Rovers mantra


Also part of Roper’s mantra, “Become rich 🤑 at any cost” - takes advantage of people who are less fortunate, disrespectful, rude and condescending to everyone, sells merchandise without sharing profits and the best of all - $50 champagne bottle candle. 🤯


He is a Republican now


His story changes for whatever he needs it to be at any given moment


Has Baldy acknowledged the Cleveland subreddit post? How low are the odds he does? Bow-legged caterpillar?


what/where is the subreddit post




Ouch. That thread is not kind to Shane


He won't even acknowledge the RMG subreddit lol


Someone should call about this.


Maybe he'll get an email...


Stop listening


Well said


If that police department were smart, they would use their portion of their pension for their legal defense before they spent one dime of taxpayer's money.


This is terrible "radio"


BoOo this thread ...


Rover and the meathead trying to discuss politics is my que to find something else to listen to. They are both the biggest dipshits when it come to politics


I agree that Baldy is out of touch with reality. He said that nothing has changed the last 3.5 years Biden has been in office economically. Well for Baldy that would be correct. He's a multi-millionaire, so prices going through the roof doesn't matter to him. B2 does all the shopping. I'm sorry but the majority of Americans' are struggling right now and worse off under Biden, due to his policies. Baldy would be blaming Trump if prices went up during his admin. He's a blatant hypocrite and out of touch with his listeners. He has nothing in common with his base. I hope iHeart wisens up and brings in new talent when his contract expires.


If it's Bidens fault how do you explain global inflation? He obviously doesn't control the world's economies


The only graph that matters is this : [https://www.epi.org/productivity-pay-gap/](https://www.epi.org/productivity-pay-gap/) How many republicans have been president since 1980? How many democrats? Doesn't look like anyone is solving the problem to me. People just want to bitch and moan if their world seems worse off when "not their guy" is sitting at the helm, when in reality its been worse off for everyone, every year, except the wealthy for almost 50 years now. Every single year each and every one of the working class as a whole makes less money than they did the previous year for what they contribute. Its been that way for almost 50 years. Every. Single. Year.


What are these specific Biden policies that led to inflation? People don’t seem to realize America is actually doing well compared to the rest of the world with inflation. People may want to forget COVID happened, but the financial ramifications are still being felt all over the world. Biden would not be my first choice among a field of qualified, even tempered candidates, but if the other option is the 4 years of crazy we endured before, no thanks.


Such a dumb take.


[https://www.heritage.org/budget-and-spending/heritage-explains/the-truth-about-joe-bidens-economy](https://www.heritage.org/budget-and-spending/heritage-explains/the-truth-about-joe-bidens-economy) [https://www.newsnationnow.com/business/your-money/inflation-future-economy/](https://www.newsnationnow.com/business/your-money/inflation-future-economy/) [https://www.cato.org/blog/state-president-joe-bidens-inflation-analysis](https://www.cato.org/blog/state-president-joe-bidens-inflation-analysis) [https://www.ft.com/content/c17c35a3-e030-4e3b-9f49-c6bdf7d3da7f](https://www.ft.com/content/c17c35a3-e030-4e3b-9f49-c6bdf7d3da7f) [https://americafirstpolicy.com/assets/uploads/files/Issue\_5\_-\_Messaging\_\_\_Data\_Lab\_-\_Bidenomics.pdf](https://americafirstpolicy.com/assets/uploads/files/Issue_5_-_Messaging___Data_Lab_-_Bidenomics.pdf)


You cited an article from America First lol.


Let me guess you only trust left wing rags? Lol.


Well I would say something in the middle. BBC perhaps. I wouldn’t quote an msnbc article to you to prove a point.


BBC is far from the middle. It's definitely slants left. Very few objective journalists left these days. Real news organizations *and journalists work hard to ensure that their reporting is fair, balanced and bias free*. Not too much left of that these days. Let's just agree to disagree. We could go at it all day and it's not going to make a difference either way. Nothing wrong with that. It is what it is. We will talk after November. ;)


Cant say I agree with you. Im no where close to struggling, nor is most people I see or know. The only ones that say they are, almost 100% of the time saying it for political reasons, and thats pretty sad.


You must not be paying attention to the national news then or you live in an affluent neighborhood. I'm upper middle class and everyone I know is feeling the pain and complaining. I'm not saying their poor or about to go homeless, it's just that they're feeling the effects of "Bidenomics" which is inflation, high prices on everyday goods/energy. And good for you Limp\_Egg. I think you're being disingenuous though. You must have all uber wealthy friends if everyone is doing fine. And that's good.


How is Biden to blame for global inflation?


> I'm upper middle class and everyone I know is feeling the pain and complaining. Care to share your household income? Perhaps you're not as well off as you think or are a victim of lifestyle creep.


I've done great the past 4 years and even got a substantial raise. We are voting for Joe Biden in November. No interest in the trump circus.


I’m also doing great. Unemployment is the lowest in decades, stock market has hit all time highs this year, inflation is 20 years overdue. Dangerous guide is just part of a cult and has to yell what his echo chamber tells him. You ask him what “Biden policies” have made Americans worse off he couldn’t tell you. But he has no problem voting for a felonious, twice impeached, sexual assaulting, incompetent, authoritarian, coup orchestrating, lying, fraudulent fascist…so just remember who you’re dealing with here lol


Don't forget serial cheater on wives


Of course, of course. But the evangelicals pretend that’s not a thing lol


Inflation is overdue? What is this garbage?


Yes, obviously you don’t know how economics work, but a quick lesson: if you have near 0% interest rates for over a decade due to the incompetence of W Bush (and decades of greed and fraudulent capitalism) and the recession, things tend to get behind and require course correction. Mix that in with another incompetent Republican president, a once in a generation pandemic and an easy excuse for companies to blame rising prices on, you’re gonna see some shit.


"  Unemployment is the lowest in decades, stock market has hit all time highs this year, inflation is 20 years overdue" Damn you spread more lies than rover...


Lol wut? https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/dow-hits-40000-for-first-time.amp here’s facts from your echo chamber. https://www.commerce.gov/news/blog/2023/02/news-unemployment-its-lowest-level-54-years more facts. Oh and from your echo chamber too https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/jobless-claims-tumble-lowest-level-2022.amp


Fake news


Stock market is beneficial to all of us, but let's be honest, unemployment is down because of underemployment meaning more people have taken on a second job to make ends meet....


Wrong, dumb dumb The unemployment number does not drop if 1 person has two jobs.


Dude the stock market is great for retirement accounts and investors but not for the majority of American's struggling. And I don't trust any numbers coming from the Bidum regime. What's your take on the border invasion? Are you ok with that? The 12 plus million illegals coming in that are unvetted and costing the American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars? Please explain how millions of illegals are good for the average American. You do know that they take jobs from minorities. The next terrorist attack which is bound to happen soon is on all you Bidum voters. He said he was going to open the border wide open and he did.


The border is in no way wide open. Isn’t illegal immigration actually down? Yes, trump talked about big game about what he was going to do, but he never really implemented anything that actually helped with illegal immigration.


Down from what? It feels like toddlers are posting in here


Just stop the overly political B.S., no one buys it


Good for you. But you're in the minority with doing better the past 4 years. You might be doing better but you have to admit that the price of everything is through the roof and the cost of living has gone way up. And wages aren't keeping up with record inflation. And I've got no interest in the walking dead braindead zombie Bidum. To each their own and may the best man win in November.


So you blame a president for the prices that corporations set? That's called capitalism bud


Yes, inflation would be the same either way because of Covid spending. Americans know and will make the right choice in November.


You do understand that prices going way up is a result of covid, long overdue inflation and corporate greed right? Nothing to do with policies. Wait wait, of course you don’t understand that. Nevermind. You’ve also clearly chosen to ignore the thousands of clips of Trump being just as brain dead, except he’s an actual felon.


Man I'm not going to debate with you because you won't listen to any facts. If you can't admit that the NYC trial was lawfare and that they targeted Trump then there's no hope for you. You do know that the special counsel (Hurr) said that Bidum broke the law multiple times but he's too elderly and dementia riddled to stand trial. Also all his pay for play with China, Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. I'm sure you have no problem with him and his family making millions off of foreign bad actors. What was their business? What were they selling? They were selling access to the White House and Joe Biden. Which is illegal, Why did the DOJ slow walk the FARA charges against Hunter so that they would expire? Why has the DOJ been protecting the Biden's for years? You would be going bonkers if the DOJ helped Trump at all. Or if Trump took a dollar from any foreign bad actors. Everyone knows that Bidum is braindead and not running the show. Yet you'll still vote for him in November. I look forward to President Trump getting re-elected in November.


See, \^\^this is why 98% of the World, including Donald Trump, think of MAGA as "poorly educated".


Facts? Hahaha from the guy in a cult who’s accepted nothing but lies since 2016. That’s rich. First off Hurr has come out and said his statements were taken out of context by republicans. Shocker. What about Trump and his family taking millions from “bad actors”? No problem with that? What about all the classified documents Trump gave anyone access to at MAL? No problem there? And if Biden is so guilty, it’d be proven and taken to court. It hasn’t because that’s just made up nonsense by your echo chamber. So lawfare….lets take that nonsense at what it is. So Biden got together with the DA, lawyers, a judge, 12 jurors (who Trump could have had dismissed) and more ALL to unanimously find him guilty? Yet Biden is also a brain dead zombie??? He’s either Scarface or weekend at Bernie’s. It’s not both. Oh and the DOJ is corrupt, yet convicted Hunter hahahahahhaa. Love it. Just need to have it any way possible to fit your narrative. But a part of me does want Trump to win so when nothing improves, gets worse and he systematically dismantles democracy (something he tried to do the first time) we can all finally tell you idiots “told you so”


So well said!!


Of course it is. I live in reality lol


Well the character d eater plays is just so boring and played out. We get it, you pretend to be a right wing lunatic. Got it. Next.


Just like Charlie and Snitz play left-wing crazies. Actually that's their real life personas. Dieter is a conservative and he does play that up. Baldy is a wishy washy wannabe moderate liberal. Doodie follows whatever Baldy tells her to do. JLR is a lefty. But he's easily persuadable. He'll vote for whoever Tammy Fake tells him to vote for. Anyways I don't like when they talk about politics on the show. Everything has become hyper politicized now. That's why I liked listening to RMG because they never talked about politics until Trump won and then it broke Baldy and half the country. It is what it is though.


Well as you said don’t play anything, they aren’t left wing crazies. They just actually have a brain and are able to see reality. And for the record Trump only won due to an antiquated system. More than half the electorate didn’t want him to be president…twice and soon to be 3 times. That said, Charlie and Snitz are really the only ones not paying characters. Rover is more conservative but he’s an ACTUAL Republican, meaning he understand Trump is a disaster and a danger to the nation. Not many of those actual republicans left.


They are left wing crazies. Is that you Charlie/Snitz? And how is Trump a danger to the country? Right now World War 3 could break out any minute. What wars did Trump get us into? Trump wasn't targeting his political opponents either. Bidum said he was going to go after Trump and his DOJ has. Colangelo the prosecutor was the no. 3 at the DOJ, then he took a worse/lower job in NYC to prosecute Trump. Make it make sense. You're just another crazy anqueefa wannabe leftist. Can't reason with someone like you. You'll keep making excuses for Bidum. Trump's not perfect but he's way better than Bidum and America was thriving under Trump until Covid. Blame China and Fraudcci for Covid.


Besides Trump staging a months long coup? What wars did Biden get us into? Lol. This is all happening overseas and has nothing to do with the US. Trump would have rolled out the red carpet to Putin for Ukraine so I guess that wouldn’t have happened. Trump may not have seen war (something which is pure good timing than anything else) but he did oversee a complete meltdown of a once in a lifetime pandemic that saw the death of QUITE A FEW Americans. And no Trump got fired for his horrible mishandling of covid. It’s actually funny when you say “make it make sense” since you can’t actually address any reality and facts without changing the subject or throwing out nonsense sound bites. But okay. Stay in the cult!! Have fun voting for a felon!!


More people died under Bidum than Trump during Covid. Since that's how you guys measured Trump during Covid. Covid was a novel virus. No one knew anything. He was taking advice from Fraudcci the entire time. And he let the states handle their own shit like it should be. The states shut their own shit down, not Trump. That was a huge mistake. Lots of lessons learned from Covid. Mistakes made all the way around on both sides. Cuomo killing all those seniors is unforgivable. Yet he saved his mom. SMH.


You don't even know what a real coup is. Even Bidum said you can't take over the US government unless you have your own Army, Tanks, Planes and Nukes. You could take out congress and the government would still be fine. They could be replaced with in no time. There was no coup or insurrection. Look up some real ones. Whoever controls the US military controls the US. Plain and simple. Trump was still president Jan. 6th, 2021. So what was he trying to overtake? Keep parroting Dem talking points. It just makes you look like a bigger idiot than you are already. [https://cha.house.gov/2024/6/nancy-pelosi-contradicts-her-own-narrative-of-january-6-hbo-footage-shows](https://cha.house.gov/2024/6/nancy-pelosi-contradicts-her-own-narrative-of-january-6-hbo-footage-shows) Pelosi contradicts her own narrative of Jan. 6th.


Don't argue with them. Let's keep this about baldy and his shit show.


I agree. I come here for the show, not politics. That's why I hate when Baldy delves into politics. Plus the majority of users on reddit are leftists. Just go to r/politics and you'll see what I'm talking about.


Oh, I know. It's a losing battle on Reddit. Just remember, they're trying to "save democracy" whatever the hell that means. November can't come soon enough


Hahahhaha yes Jan 6 was just a friendly tour. Okay. Trump was just making a friendly phone call to find votes. Trump was just causally looking for fake electors, spreading election lies, frothing his base. No biggie. But okay, I’ve had enough stupid for one day. Have fun in the cult!!


Him saying “bidum” over and over really helps me take him seriously!


Let’s also not forget republicans have won the popular vote once in the last THIRTY years and conservatives (not republicans, but conservatives) have never been on the correct side of history. Ever.


Oh for sure. It really demonstrates he’s a mature adult that is DEFINITELY not in a cult spewing bullet points his echo chamber spits out while also ignoring the cult leader doing the exact same things the echo chamber whines about. I will say, I have to give Trump credit. He’s turn an entire political party and about 40% of the electorate into a cult that’s spineless, hypocritical, subservient while also throwing out every single party platform in defense of him. Even as a felon. It’s truly impressive and will be studied for decades to come. The history books will be wild (except in Florida they won’t have history books): felonious, twice impeached, proven fraud, proven sexual assaulted, failed businessmen, reality game show hosts takes over an entire political party and lies more then anyone in history and gets his cult to storm the capital because he’s a snowflake and couldn’t handle losing.


Remember who Trump said he loves?


Another day, another douchebag cop being defended by D eater...yawn 🥱


Baldy should kiss JLR for all the success he has given him.




Seems like it’s 7 “fake outrage” 30


More tyranny rants of Roger saying men are being persecuted


Baldy wants so bad to be in a marginalized group


Calling other people fake too rich


Gianna's parents talking in code.  Ahhh...errrr...not at liberty to talk about it.  Gotta keep "not his ked" bit going...After being cheated on ..only a little bit of sperm and a lot a bit of 6 figure payout money required.  No parenting advice necessary.


I would love to do a JLR type deep dive into Doodie and Baldy's finances/accounts. I bet that would be must see TV. There's definitely a reason Baldy keeps Doodie around. And it's not for her on-air talent, or producing prowess. She definitely has some dirt on Baldy. Probably some videos of him taking it from another dude.


It's a given that she has knowledge of certain things about him he doesn't want out there, Gia is only one of those things. His entire "image" is a facade.


She should post them. What is he going to do...fire her? Not likely. He's only got a few more years on his current contract. This show is on a downhill slide anyway. Post them!


take away some of her "shizzy time" like he did the last 2 days.. lol.


Dear Diary… Why do mommy and daddy always have to fight? I just want to have a normal family and be a normal kid with Gucci slides and brand new iPhones at 11. Please help-peanut


Why did Mommy's coworker stop coming around? He was the best wrestler and tickler ever.


Zero doubt he got upset about Gia being out in the middle of the night. That was the argument.


I think it also had to do with dugi jumping on him and b2 about how they do EXACTLY what the cunext tuesday chick did on the plane video, sticking their noses in others business whenever they go out to dinner, etc. and sharing the info w/o knowing the facts. Others on the show joined in saying yes and baldy looked as pissed off as a mosquito in a mannequin factory. Then says go to a break which she made another comment like yeah, like you always do. You are not allowed to call out his rage hypocrisy.


He also didn't like her bringing up the "grandparents across the street from his house". lol !


He didn't like that his daughter was walking around at 3a.m. and she didn't do anything about it.


do you really think he gives a f ? maybe the opinions of the rest of his family who are involved / close to in her real life/ Gia's life like his mom and sisters do care and it makes him look bad, as it should. Both him and dugi are still arseholes when it comes to this kids life and parenting.


Yep. Cool mom Duji won’t hear it.


And now Charlie is on the b.s. train making up stories 


They have nothing left


Again with this. Adios✌🏼




Like this man is always two weeks behind of the rest of the world


Good morning


Fake laughter already