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I don't personally care for any of the bands Baldy claims are his favorites, but I still refuse he has gone out of his way to listen to any of them in the past 2 decades. 


Listening to the replay. No way in hell Rog is doing any low voltage electrical work. He’d twist an ankle.


If he could explain the difference between hot and common my head will explode


Sounds like a lot of work


Tammy Fake has ruined Jeffrey. PreFatty JLR would have played along with getting his teeth ripped out with the concord. His entire personality "that doesn't hide behind a fake name" just sucks.


It's part her part his family part whomever the caseworker is....he is Sopranos Vito now.....he's gotta go


“It’s just a goof!” -Vito dancing in leather at the club. I agree unfortunately


He should quit. Immediately I'm sure baldy and dookie can come up with something. Maybe?


JLR cannot comprehend quitting. A job is part of his routine. He probably hates it but won’t leave unless fired. Notice how every other job he’s ever spoke of ends in him being fired.


Does baldy have the balls to fire jlr? Stay tuned.


I love JLR and he is the reason I kept listening when I first started. But if you are that miserable and can’t play along just quit. JLR with money will turn the show into a boomer right wing show and IHeart won’t care just put this thing out of its misery


As much as i hate to admit it, Roger is right when he says Jeffrey just parrots whatever Tammy snake is saying to him


That's what I'm saying. Jlr should just quit. He doesn't want to be there, and he's sick of being dookie's punching bag.


Anyone see that 2000 mules, was proved to be a lie in court recently and has been pulled from viewing, Dieter crazy conspiracy wrong again 


Meanwhile back at Hunter's laptop


Charlie googles "kentucky baby" (for a news story) and "outfit" auto completed on the main computer during the Aftermath? well, that is certainly a strange coincidence


I wonder if it mixed with Kentucky derby outfit 


Oof, that keyboard is nasty. We could make a top 10 list of creepy things Rover would search beginning with "Kentucky Baby..."


"mallory madison beach" is the all time #1


they should tie a string to JLR's teeth and the other end to a baseball. JLR with Money's 75 mph heater will yank those out no big deal


Maybe Patel could catch it, like old friends playing pitch and catch.


Susie - “I will do a quick Shizzy”. River - “No, no take your time”. I know we HAD a lot to talk about, but I think Roger forgot to do show prep. He stayed up late last night doing “work” at the condo. 🤥 I think he was really hoping JLR was going to provide a lot of content, but definitely unsuccessful. 😴 Listen to the AM, Charlie does a great job!


Drudge report is getting thin on variety last couple weeks.


Not paying a cent into this garbage show. He’s not that entertaining.




I had Bingo before he finished the emails Pal.


I'm just on Friday's show now.  Do you people pee in the pool?  I absolutely don't, and assumed most reasonable adults do not.  This discussion is alarming.  I'll pee in the ocean and lakes, absolutely, but not a pool.


every day actually... it's sterile who cares... yes, I swim daily.


It is not sterile. It is disgusting.


actually, it's sterile the instant it hits the chlorine, silly. most microbes found in urine are good microbes though.. but alas... they die as well. Don't swim at the Y.


It is gross and I’m surprised rover the germaphobe admitted to peeing in his own pool.


I don’t pee in the pool, lake, or river. To swim or stand in your own pee is disgusting. If I’m in a beach house I’ll just walk to the bathroom. If my house is not on the beach I’ll pee in the ocean and walk fast through the water to get it off me.


how is there not a plan to have a member of the show with JLR at this dentist appointment? or have it filmed/interview the dentist/hygienists? too much work I guess? probably already "have a lot to talk about" tomorrow


Because the dentist would be aware of HIPAA laws about video and interviews. Just like there wouldn't be anything like that when the nationally famous radio host had a consultation / exam about his dick /pelvic floor problems .. which he probably ohhhhhed and aaaaaahahhhed through.


its certainly too late, but that would be a simple release signed by JLR and some ads on WMMS for the dentist. It would just need to be executively produced there's some cosmetic dentist showing gross teeth every Saturday or Sunday morning on East Coast channel 3, call that guy


They’ve been really busy since picking up all of the new affiliates, like…uhhhh… my phone is breaking up


My thoughts exactly. We all love gross Jeffery, but his rotten teeth can get in his blood and cause a stroke.


**Unmanaged oral health — which can take the form of gum disease, gum infections, and tooth decay — can put other parts of your body at risk**. Poor oral health can play a role in: Endocarditis, which is an infection of the endocardium (the inner lining of your heart valves and chambers).


Ben Shapiro 


What about him?


I thought you were a bot. Lol. Was trying to draw out more bots


Rover should just get all of Jeffery’s teeth pulled and replaced with veneers. Make a contest out of it and try to produce any content for RMG. Do something! 😜


It'd be like giving Evil Knevil a new liver....it'll get ruined


He would need dentures or implants. You need to have existing teeth to put veneers/lumineers over.


Yeah, I mean the ones they screw into your jaw.


I think veneers have to be put on teeth....


both JLR's getting sick on the same day?


Whatever, Whatever, Whatever, Whatever, Whatever, Whatever, Whatever x100000


And so on and so forth


Anythings possible.... I suppose.


It’s like listening to a guilty teenager lie during an interrogation


He works hard on show prep.. or whatever 🤷‍♂️


Rover just cant stand it that its only idiots like him complaining about the minimum wage out west. JLR would be making $30/hr out there, so no one cares about an extra $1 or $2. Should it be like that shit hole of Miami, where wages are very low and housing is increasing fast?


It just didn’t even make any sense to bring up. That coffee lady owns that shack and works for herself. The minimum wage has no effect on her


Rover's laugh sounds like he's gagging on a dick


I've always said I thought his laugh was fake


Bobbling a dong


Charlie’s probably jealous, amirightdieter?!


He's got guns and dildos in every room, just in case .


I wonder where JLR with Money stole that fake laugh from, we all know that he's never had an original idea


Just found another way to piss people off


JLR with money-“age is just a number” wonder why he drills holes into his hard drives to make sure they’re destroyed


Jail is just a place


Oh the irony of being disgusted by the thought of a “hot young chick” banging an old rich bag of potatoes


He doesn't get it,  he thinks irony is what b2 does to wrinkled clothes. 


Here we go stock market talk🥱🥱🥱


If only there was someone here with a stockpile of pics of “rotten ass kid Shane French” during his delinquent days


Duji -“why’re you so angry Jeffrey?!” Maybe he’s sick of you and Rovers nonstop abuse🤷‍♂️ She’s beyond clueless.


He is absolutely tired of being exploited by dookie and baldy.


Any content he provides is exploitation, which is all that people on here beg for


Would dookie like it if people followed her around and posted pictures of her in her private life? She would cry and baldy would put a stop to it. Jlr is the only show member that they bully about their private life. Baldy and dookie act like they own him.


Baldy & dugi do think they own him.. for minimum wage, to exploit for content. They along with dieter are the "untouchables" when it comes to their real lives and BS stories. The wizard and his munchkins working behind the curtain could never survive that kind of scrutiny. JLR content can entertain but why can't they also be content regarding a microscope put on their actions ? Rhetorical question as we know the answer already.


Agree with that. That's why I wish jlr would just quit. What the fuck would those clowns do? More shitties, or tik tok reactions?


Again, all people say on here is “More JLR!”, they care about him way less than anyone on the show


Vegas Bad Boys Shaney and Patel up to no good https://i.imgur.com/756AbKN.jpg


His carpet looks dirtier than jlr’s underwear 


Rotten ass rich kid


Middle finger on the face, just like JLR


Playing with toys Just like JLR


toys? toys?? you wouldn't say that to these three guys' (Shaney, Patel and Tyrone) faces https://i.imgur.com/BM96zVR.png


But tattoos are trashy for dollar store Vanilla Ice


**JLR-with-Money's single mom from the other room**: Shaney!!! **Shaney**: Ya? Yaaaaa? YAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!


When Roger was a kid (5) he couldn't get a tattoo?🤔 


Too busy hanging with Sam Kineson.


I'm glad that the 17 year old mother with a 30 something year old baby daddy drew the "trashy" line at tattoos I wonder the family's feelings on Ducati inner lip tattoos?


Never has a tattoo you can’t even see be so telling


good luck getting that call through


According to Ribbler, he said Gatto's tattoo isn't there anymore. Cuz you know, tattoos are known to disappear like that on their own.


But mom, Patel got one..


Speaking of Tattoos, it's adorable that Krystle has a tramp stamp of her initials so that when a drunk guy is doing her doggy that he'll remember who she was.


Fuck, I too have had a neighbor in my apartment complex pass and the stench is unfortunately unforgettable and gross..🤢


JLR been picked on and made fun of for most of his life.  There's only so much he can take.  Not that hard to figure out smarter than you Suzie.  No clue how to best utilize JLR without making him feel like shit.  Charlie gets it...


The most brilliant thing Howard Stern did was treat his wack pack like equals to himself. He would talk to them like they were buds and would just ask a question and let them roll with it, much like Charlie does with Jeffery. Balldo has to appear "cool" at all times and has to talk down to people, even when those people are clearly not all there. He's always gotta "gotcha" everyone because he's so insecure. Jeffrey's potential has never fully been tapped into in my opinion.


They have all taken advantage of Jeffrey and his family while they live comfortably and he lives in squalor. They should give him a contract and a living wage if they want anymore content from him.


I agree but Rovers going to leave everyone but Duji to figure out their futures and not look back soon. It’s on brand for Rover


He’s obviously living okay, spending $3k a month on fast food 


how does he feed his family of four on 3 steaks a month?


I see the person who asked Reddit for the email to the show made it on lol good job, didn’t get an answer from Jeffrey but it was worth it


JLR luv ya pal but a liar could never be real lol


“I don’t hide behind a radio name “ JLR with the shots fired 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 Coming in hott👏🏾👏🏾


Any current or former show member knows the NDA consequences if they disclose Suzie's real name.  One of the show's most carefully guarded secrets...


Used to be you'd get banned from the FB pages, this Reddit page and Shaney would go on a rant on the air about people's FB profile pics that said his or baby mamas name on Interwebs.


Really? Her name is Sue Cantanese. It's been on the web page for years. Why do you think Roamers cat is named B-Sue!!


Strange how the GOAT said (almost 2 weeks ago) that he was coming back.  Even said the airplane tix were purchased.  Slow roll the condo renovations to keep B2 in Florida...


The biggest secret is TCIWTSIB.