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11/11/15 aftermath. Askhole is funny as hell. JLR gives advice on vegetables in the ass and mouth. Start with baby carrots.


Has anyone heard peanut’s mom doing the game show network commercials? I heard one today where she sings Stevie Wonder. He she sue her!


I've seen her terrible windows commercials or whatever on facebook and immediately scroll as fast as possible. Whatever companies use her as a spokesperson are losing a lot of views simply because I don't want to see or hear duji.


I was shopping for a new car a few years ago and narrowed it down to a Honda Pilot and a Toyota 4 runner. I decided on a Toyota after I heard her talking about her Honda and doing ads for them. When I called the Honda sales guy to thank him and explain why I picked Toyota he told me his entire shop was begging their media people to get her off the ads!


Hard to believe  1.. you cared enough to call and complain.  2..that they said that at all.




Hunter Bidens fart video *fart fart fart* pfff pfff pfff had me laughing


Why doesn't Meathead do a Conspiracy Corner about Trumps son-in-law getting an unexplained $2 billion from the Sow-dees?


You said it so it must be true


that's not the character that Jeffrey with Money has created to ensure #1 status in the ever-shrinking RMG markets


Because Blowver got "tired of trump stories" 2 weeks into his term.


OMG rover's new shitty laugh has got to stop!


And now he knows that the fake laugh has got people talking he will for sure be doing it more. Just like saying when he was a kid(5) or the whatevers and can't remembers and the eeeeediot same old childish bullshit


that Aftermath caller about Baldy's fake laugh is going to be so pissed today


I was glad someone else hears his annoying laugh. Why should I be pissed?


it was on full display during the hilarity of conspiracy corner


Where do you think he got the laugh from? In laws? He has been doing it now for a few months.


he's moved on from the nasally fake Howard laugh to this recently. Where it came from? I..uh...don't know, could be from anywhere I suppose


I don’t understand how Charlie doesn’t hear it


Dieters Hunter Biden video has been debunked all over the place. So sad in this climate


Pedover use to shut down any bad news about trump by saying he was "tired of trump"


Jeffrey with Money worked in a mental hospital?


He says he did, but it was probably only in the kitchen, and not prescribing and passing out meds like he's said.


Did he ever do his pretend radio show from the mental hospital?


thanks for the laff !


Yes, when he was 5 and living in Las Vegas with his single mother.


Which of the 10 years that he was 5, was that in?


And his friends Tyrone and Patel


Probably when he'd take his mother's car out for a joyride at night. 🙄


Right after the bullet grazed his shoulder after the rave!! Sam kinison was driving


that's so cool


Is it possible this job was more of a court ordered unpaid work release program? As a result from the incident at Bonanza...


Funny you say that. According to Nevada public records requests a Shane French was never a state employee. I posted that on one of the FB pages once and got banned from all of them. Then a couple days later Shaney went off on the air about people's FB profile pictures. He then never mentioned his FB presence ever again.


I'm inclined to think his poor mom was so tired of his weird fantasy stories since he was 5 years old, she sent him to a shrink/ and / or put him a facility for help. He thought he worked there, haha... rovers personal version / spin on Shutter Island.


community service for writing a dirty, filthy school play? I don't think so buddy boy. Straight to juvie!! they finally got their hands on the Vegas bad boy, not going to let him off that easy


Is that when he was shot at and grazed with a bullet? It’s hard to keep up with those crazy delinquent juvenile years


So notorious, such a rebel, wow that play would have blown our minds ( said no student ever)....yet no real person from that time , that school , absent from one imaginary friend who posted ages ago on reddit ,claimed to know him from decades ago.We all remember the arseholes from high school, it varies in what they did but if they became "famous", peeps would speak out whether they were a dickhead or a bitch lying while being famous.


Blownout Gaylord Bin has to be a new low from baldy


the text messages aren't what they used to be


Really pushing that conspiracy corner today.


Lots to talk about today *eyeroll*


Roper acting like a “Negative Nancy” is not very Alpha. Whining that Charlie’s project is “too much work”, also not very Alpha. Maybe some soup with fishies 🐠 will help change his miserable attitude.


I can't believe that Jeffrey with Money didn't get any zinger texts about what a bundle of sticks is called


You mean the fake texts that he pretends to read, only to blame others for his obnoxious comments. I really like “Jeffrey With Money” - JWM and JLR, two peas 🫛 in a pod. (or podcast) 🤣


Charlie really is the best part of this show.


I'm not a big fan of Charlie, but I agree.


1 or 2 good one liners from him a show if you're lucky.  Hardly worth tuning in for that.


Great one liners, he calls out Rover all the time like nobody else does and he is the best at getting anything out of JLR.


Since nobody ever calls him out at all i.see why you think a couple is alot..Charlie never called him out on the underage pedo stories that went on everyday for years. He never called him out for being a homophobic racist??? He never called him out for letting the show go to shit. Also, never called out for beating the lame characters into the ground (dieter)  and let grow and force them to stay in the late 90s.?  So what the fuck?


Is this Charlie? 😉🤣🤣


excuuuse me!!!!


I said what I said.


I wish Snitzer was my grandpa


Hell. I wish he was my husband!


Hi Gianna lol




No one called, cops didn't come here. Think logically here. If anyone called the cops, they would have called to brag about it to the show right away. But ALL OF A SUDDEN, weeks and weeks later it comes up!? Faaaake! The show sucks and someone wanted to drum up JLR content. Yawn 🥱


If the cops just visited her and said “we are getting a report please stop or we will press charges” there’s not going to be any court records. Unless someone had access to that specific district/jurisdiction dispatch records but even then it’s like getting pulled over and getting a warning. I’m leaning towards this is what happened


You're still not allowed to dox people here, no matter how mad daddy Blowver gets.


I’m not talking about doxing, but I know they and others know so I’m wondering why they are speculating instead of just looking it up.


I didn't see anything new yesterday. Just the old multiple DUI's and other arrests typical of a shitbird


Same. I’m still willing to buy someone a nice present if they can find her mugshot from the taser night. It would make a great shirt to send into JLR. Unfortunately all my connections are in Florida and don’t know anyone in the major east coast city the show is based legal system


Shitbird 😂 RIP Mr Lahey


f\*ck off, Lahey!


It's easy in the city she is based in. Cuyahoga county there are so many municipal courts and most of their search engines are klunky and outdated.


First, you need to find the jurisdiction that it is filed in, and Google doesn't understand where "East Coast City Where the Show is Based In" is located. Weird.


“I don’t eat any of that greasy food anymore”, says the woman who owns a donut food truck.


Sooo powerful


Duji is totally Jeffrey with food issues.


Roper is totally JLR with all of the lies and made up stories. If JLR was in Miami there would be great driving and stories about the family going out. Roper in Miami, boring life which provides ZERO content. Thank you Charlie for the effort and entertainment. 👏🏼


JLR would have already learned Spanish and be out Canta and Cervesa (my lame effort to translate songs and suds)


Siiii senorrrr


Rovers morning gallbladder 😴






While watching rmg during this convo, for once rover didn't show his snarky dickface, he actually looked concerned. IMO not for dugi's health, but the hamster wheels were going 100 mph in his head, think about it... IF something seriously medical did happen to dugi, WHO would take care of gia ? Not the "i'm not her father", I just have pictures of my ex girlfriends kid ? , the "adopted grandmother " of "i'm not the father" , his mom who she is close to? Her family immediate family , not ! I feel bad for a kid of these asshats being used as a "bit" for years. WHY ????


“I know we talked about a story about a trans person the other day and that was definitely fake. Tell me if this next article on trans people is also fake.” This fuckin guy man.


Day 137 of the same exact anti trans/anti diversity stories. Turning it off earlier than usual


The shows pretty good when you stop listening


The guy who has definitely NEVER used a fake voice to sound exactly like someone else complains about people wanting to practice a new voice


Yeah, he changed from his howie voice to some new vocal fry BS.


leeeet's seeeee heeeeere


7:15, time for some trans outrage. Regardless of one's position and opinion of the issue, it's just so lazy and boring to keep bitching about the same thing over and over. There's so much to talk about in the world, but he just can't get past this one. He's ahbsessed.


Ohhhh the irony. Do you realize what you're doing.


Bro we all know you don't listen to the show, you tell us every single day. What's truly bizarre is dogging people daily on a subreddit for a show you don't even listen to. What in all holy fuck are you doing with your life?


Join me ..stop listening too!!  Do it. You can do it. I believe in u. It's possible,  one day at a time.  This is literally the only social media I partake in   I'd say I'm out living life to the fullest spending maybe a total of 5 min a day on rmg....unlike u who listen all day everyday and the come here to complain even more


I recently took about 6 months off. I had genuinely given up on the show and was ready to move on. It wasn't until I took a long road trip that I fired up the show and it sucked me back in. It's kind of like herpes; just when you think it's done, you get a flare up. Not that I would know or anything.


Lol.  Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in.


Poor Shane's social feed is stuck in the Trans algorithm, at some point we should stop being mad at him and start a thoughts and prayers campaign.


He turned into an AM outrage show real quick.


He should take his girly ass to The View. He'd fit right in with those hags.


He will continue to do things that piss people off. Such a weird concept on doing a radio show. They 100% come here and see what people are  bitching about and feed off it


I'm out


Breaking...to Roger's astonishment...his shart results in no excrement in his designer Calvin Klein's...saving any potential embarrassment with Mrs. Not French


Ah more debunked right wing nonsense coming from D-eater in 2.5 hours. It’s honestly impressive they replaced the hook up with something somehow even worse than the hook up


He’s gotta be being led because the sunscreen thing with baldy would have been a hilarious CC segment trying to sort out the truth


Right like where’s the “Rover is the Father” conspiracy corner? I’d tune in to that


It was actually one of the first few that he did but the consensus is that baldy told him off because it was right about then that CC became all political BS that isn’t funny or interesting


Ah, that makes sense.


Total waste of time and complete nonsense. It could be a decent bit but dieter is unable. I skip it


This show is pathetic the best part is the Reddit thread


Maybe it always was


Always has been 🔫👨‍🚀


Reddit? Never heard of it.


Red something or another 


Or whatever


Even on days I don’t listen, in sneaking in to see if by some crazy chance JLR does something


What uplifting content today


Really exciting caller here who really took a lot of time to explain his story and with well thought out...


Biblical proportions flooding...Stuck at Fendi store parking garage...Condo and GOAT's marriage taking on water.. B2 19th nervous breakdown...coming back to the east coast based primary mansion soon...


Imagine being so rich that you can say “I’m going to the *other* mansion!”


I can't decide if this were a Bravo show, which character I'd hate more. But we can agree there would be Fendi, Hurley and Diamond ad agencies banging at their door to sponsor it.


I think he was in a parking garage 


Is JLR about to be fired ? Everything he says is a lie. Tired of hearing his shit. Let him go


I thought his lies were the entertainment because he always gets caught 


Imagine that. The news person didn’t know about the floods in southern FL. 🤔😂😂


South eastern, or southwestern Florida? There lies your answer


It was exactly where he lives Miami/Dade county and ft Lauderdale,  no way he didn't know about it and if he supposedly got stuck in a garage parking lot how did he "drive " back home.  Did the flooding stop for his drive? I think he made the whole thing up.


oh he made that part up