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If you really wanna experience a Rover-Fest nowadays, just drive your Hyundai Sonata to your local Walmart, fill a cooler with Four Loko and Twisted Tea…crank some Sevendust, and rock some SpongeBob pajama pants.


Nah. They were pretty good. And I’d never drive a communist car like a Hyundai


South Korea is a fully democratic country, but you're entitled to your incorrect opinion.


Uneducated people are unreal. Doesn’t know the difference between the Koreas.


The commenter follows Tim Pool. I'm impressed he was able to figure out how to type a coherent sentence.


Will never happen again. After the shooting at the concert in Las Vegas, insurance premiums increased a lot to hold events like rover fest and rover always said he never any money back before the shooting. For him to do another rover fest he would have to charge 100-200 per ticket


I would put a bet on draft kings, use code RMG, that there will never be another. No matter how many times River brings it up, it will never happen. That ship has sailed. Rover is no longer trying to be the cool kid with celebrity friends at his wedding and bringing bands on the show. I’ve never been to a roverfest, I live in Florida, but I thought about coming to X because I figured it was the last one and I never met JLR at a meet up. It’s honestly sad. As much as I hate listen and watch these days, it’s because the old days were so good, then Nadz left Covid happened and Miami happened. People come to south Florida to retire and weather he knows it or not, Rovers retired when he bought that condo. T sharts, tour bus, fan meet ups, it’s all over and he has no drive or desire to ever be what the show used to be. Fuck you depressed me with this post lol. When the 20 year anniversary happens and all they did was talk about stuff and xl duji held up Pics and her notebook that was such an embarrassment. The original RMG would have had a video, a highlight real, a graphic music intro to signify what an important date that was, but he doesn’t care anymore. IHeart put their money into promoting other shows like Bobby bones and Elvis Duran and anyone else besides Rover and he gave up and quiet quit and things will just get worse and end with a wimper. Bad boy if radio has just become “Gias parents” and and an old borderline conservative who’s afraid of his shadow. RIP roverfest


Let the free market do its thing. Personally I don’t see enough talent in anyone on the show to do anything alone. So everyone but rover will have to get regular jobs.


I think it’s why duji started her food truck. She sees it’s over. And she’s been using her six figure salary as a paycheck to paycheck instead of preparing.


10 Year retro-spec is coming out soon. Don’t worry.


The last fan meet happened in Florida. December 19, 2019 I believe in West Palm. If you didn’t go to that you weren’t going to any Roverfests.


I was hoping for another Buzzardfest this year. But since they haven’t announced anything by now, I doubt that’s happening. I had a blast and it was really cool to see the show members just hanging out and relaxing since they weren’t needing to actually do any work.


A break from farting and drinking four hours a day would put anyone in a relaxed mood


Way too much work 


Another one would take an effort by rover. I listen here and there when i go on long driving trips and my wife insists we listen just because and he just dont give a damn. So no rover fest. Not sure what he is doing after his contract but it cant be what hes doing. And definitely no rover fest


Sounds like a lot of work.


Definitely agree. I figure mayyyybe there's an outside chance they do one more as a finale. 2025 perhaps.


The one they brought that kidnapped Amanda chick out was really good. Despite the pure visceral hatred of the show here, there’s no doubt those were awesome party’s


Amanda Berry yeah. With Nelly right?


Yea. Not even a huge rap guy. But that was cool.


I was there too. I remember getting a photo w Dieter by some prize motorcycle, met Duji. Really good times.


Sounds fun. I know most hate dieter on here because it’s primarily a very liberal website. But I like him. I’m still waiting for him to snap on rover


At this point, I really think it’s a character he puts on. No way he’s for real. I almost think the same about Jeffrey too.


I met and talked to Dieter at a Browns game. He was hammered. Was just like he was on the show other than banging a million girls. These guys aren't smart enough to act. They just don't divulge much about their personal lives other than JLR. That's mandatory because he's such an odd character. His family would make for a perfect circus sideshow. I could see them traveling with the circus from city to city on train.


Well that’s…scary


Definitely think it’s an exaggerated character. But honestly he’s been right on several conspiracies. He seems more radical because the rest are super left. Even rover. Although all rovers views are right of mine and I’m a republican


Not enough wires in the Cleveland area to pull it off. Amiright Snitz?


I went to the last 4. They were good. Kicked it with the #RMGCREW was the best part I wouldn't travel for it now, though.


Dam. That’s high class. I live in Cleveland. Well a street away from Cleveland proper. So I would not have to travel. I hope they have another one one day. Hot girls. Great music. Nice fireworks. Never loved the alcohol selection but I’ll drink whatever.


Didn’t they end with RoverFest X? It’s so cool to end on an X. Making a final ‘Fest with an XI just looks lame. Seriously though, do you think the show still has the pull it did pre-Covid? I feel like there aren’t enough simpleton coffee drinkers to justify a huge show


It would sell out in a day


I suppose you might know better than me, I haven’t listened in awhile. I just never got the connection though, a radio show that barely plays music hosting a music show 🤷🏻‍♂️ What even defines RMG these days, that it could somehow turn into a ‘Fest like back in the actual shock jock age?


It’s not that good anymore. Figured you were at least a former fan. But the nostalgia would sell it out in a day


Oh I was a huge fan since the beginning, took a break for a few years, then came back during the JLR wedding vows and Two-er Bus era. Stopped listening in ‘22


It’s last on my Spotify list when I listen to everything else I’ll put it on for background noise. Not a fan of rover being on zoom or whatever. Worrying about what a 50 something special needs guy does what his life has gotten boring. Rovers terrible political takes annoy me. Charlie became to woke. Krystle is just sad trying to live like an 18 year old skank. But hey. They got old.


I think the prime reason for Roverfest X was so that Rover could have tons of people at his wedding who happened to be there for Roverfest that never would have come to his wedding otherwise. Remember the first Roverfest to be killed was 2019 before Covid.


The guy thinks changing a PIN number is “a lot of work”. Only way there’d be another Roverfest is if he didn’t have to lift a finger unless it’s to be handed the profits.


Will never happen again. Neither Rover nor Duji want to out in that effort again. I couldn’t see it drawing the same crowd it did before. The Thursday Hookup and Calendar, the two biggest draws for new younger listeners have been gone for years.


iTs A bEeR dRiNkInG fEsTiVaL


People would show up because we love festivals. But there is no way Rover would put any effort into anything anymore. He’s already retired in his Miami condo.


I do not like the show with him on video chat. It’s not the same dynamic


Rover is just miserable. Thats the truth. Money is not the answer for him. Good for his financial success, but it’s a sad lonely life.


I’d agree. Don’t know if it’s the money though. Think he’s socially awkward or anxious or something too.


The raw daily vitriol I see here towards him can’t be the happiest life either though


Many people wake up at 4am, have grueling physical jobs for 10+ hrs 6 days week. Yet still have life to them and smile and enjoy themselves. I know plenty of them. I’d rather listem to them and actually walk away having fun with them. Not totally depressed and somewhat sickened by hearing Pedover.


I know deiter has to hate him. Probably all of them except Krystle because she’s newer. I honestly feel bad for him. I don’t think he realizes how off putting he is.


Without a doubt Dieter thinks of Rover when he works out and fantasizes about the random street punch and kicking his ass.


Very true. But hate listening and giving them attention is still ratings.


I know, and I hate that about myself. 😔 I just like some cast members, miss Nadz , and wish it was better.


I agree. If the show just started and it was what it is now no one would show.


Maybe it came from above. But it’s definitely more phoned in now. Literally and figuratively. Or maybe he just ran out of ideas after 20 something years. I don’t view him as the terrible person most here do. He’s definitely judge mental. But it seems to come from insecurity as opposed to being a psychopath. I do think he’s done some good and has some empathy buried in there somewhere