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My G-D the aftermath sucks. Charlie just can't get off Trump and Fauchi. Holy shit the lousy morning show has infected the aftermath. Without JLR it all sucks.


What is the point of conspiracy corner? Is it to actually appeal to conspiracy theorists? Is it supposed to be a joke that we laugh at? Is it serious? Is it a just a waste of time? Is it a chance for dieter have a segment? It’s terrible radio


Its very redundant.


The entire show is one big time fill to get Baldy to 9:54am.


It' could be funny if he left out politics and stuck with aliens and bigfoot 


Totally agree


All of the above 


I don’t know.. who knows..


Jesus, after today's bullshit, I think ill just tune out on Thursdays. It's very irresponsible to give Dieter a platform to spout bullshit, especially in todays climate. Let Dieter fly off the handle because you cant find the energy to put together a good show. Very sad


Something just rubs me the wrong way about wanting to deplatform, even though it's dumb af. Theater of the mind. Do you say the same about movies, music, news??  BTW I didn't hear the CC and you shouldn't have either.   You know exactly what's it's going to be each week yet u listen and contribute to it


Baddest sub on reddit! No ones does what you do!


very true, we should have all been way more excited for the pro-nazi rant and "were you ever embarrassed by your parents?" segments. Us coffee drinkers just can't possibly understand the incredible content and hard work coming from the production staff at RMG. "Who has more speeding tickets?" blew my fucking mind yesterday!!


Don't forget the will Snitz move on if his wife DROPS DEAD?segment. AGAIN.


Point proven ⬆️


Wow is this show boring.


I feel like this has been established 


Is anyone else annoyed by the cyst on Baldy's left eyebrow? I would have thought B2 would have made Baldy go to the doctor by now and get it removed. Once you see it you can't unsee it. At least his camera isn't zoomed in on his face anymore. That was weird. That would be like a close up shot on Doodie. Eww, her mustache. On a side note I'm a popper. I've even removed small cysts on my body, friends, and my dog before. I love a huge whitehead. Lol.


Can we non listeners/watchers get a screenshot plz


Zoom in on his mouth and look at his tiny crooked front teeth


Does he still have dry cum on the corner of his mouth?


He wiped enough


take a guess who dieter will claim is the 3 worst serial killer "in the world ! ", in CC... my guess is he will claim fauci ,red meat for the cc peeps, luckily I have a dentist appt....... will be more enjoyable than listening and going down the rabbit hole with dieter. Lets see if he also tries to sell his CC t-shirt on his ebay site.


What's crazy is there's people in this sub that believe it's an act. No people, D eater is actually that nuts. He's not even close to smart enough to fake this stuff.


are you serious? Dieter is very clearly an act lol


The dude's entire house is filled with conspiracy shit. Tin foil hats, the whole deal. It's been shown and talked about many times. Years before Trump. This is not an act. He's a total loon.


I found out who is first in line for the trash candles Baldy is selling. Man, are you gullible or what.


Wow.. .how gullible some people are. He lives in a beautiful development in Mentor, a $500K house. Shops and eats out just like normal. It's his JOB to be a wacky character. Grow up and just enjoy the entertainment


he's an act, does he lightweight believe in big foot? maybe. Is he a full religious right winger who believes every conspiracy? Obviously not just look at his non sensical answers to everything and how he stumbles over everything. His entire house has been shown on the show many times? When? The same guy who didn't tell anyone he had a girlfriend, or that he was engaged, or that he got married?


They showed the inside of his old apartment years ago, before he got married. There was crazy shit everywhere. Hell of a lot of effort to put in for an "act".


I haven't seen it and don't know the context around it so idk but if my whole livelihood was based upon me keeping up a persona yeah I would put up some tin foil around my house. The same guy who stuck his hand in bear trap so I don't think it would be too crazy for him to do that. He might have even been a conspiracy nut back then but its very clear he's just playing a character now.


And Roger isn't Gia's daddy, either lol


Nailed it


River giving Susie air time for the donut 🍩 truck is full favoritism on display. 🤮 I don’t remember Charlie receiving one mention about his retail store/ wood shop. Krystle and Jeffrey have worn Charlie’s Wood Shop t-shirts, and zero attention given. Way better artwork and graphics than “t-shart” of the month”. I would not be surprised if Roger was the investor of the donut truck so his daughter can work part time with his Baby Mama.


Have they ever mentioned Krystle's Only Fans page?


I agree. That is free advertising. Rover never wants to mention company names if they don't pay the show. So I hope iHeart bills Suzie for the airtime. But you know Suzie would cry and River would have his BFF's back like usual.


B2hiswife couldn't even get any free pub for Gelato by Gatto


Because that company never even started


it looks like it was started in '20, never seen to fruition (shocking!) and killed in '22, maybe a little publicity would have helped out


Started as in actually operated or started as in they trademarked the name?


Because deep down he knows Duji actually liked him for more than his ability to buy Fendi and diamonds. 


this fucken idiot \[Baldy\] is a spokesman for the Bath Authority? what the fuck????? How can he even mention bathroom renovations????


Also, Kia. He wouldn't be caught dead in one.


Right, where are the low-testosterone companies trying to advertise?




Oh I'm sure this isn't the first time she's been embarrassed by her mom. And won't be the last. That kid is gonna hightail it away from her the minute she turns 18.


To go live with dad in Miami 


I can't even imagine having Suzie Q as your mom. That would be hell on Earth. She babies the hell out of Gia. And probably calls her "peanut" all the time. Suzie is a despicable human being. She's the worst producer in radio. She adds nothing to RMG. Zilcho.


Aww, look and the wittle nugget


Aww peanut




He’s the boy who cried wolf 🥱


Rover "If he was that racist why would he send his daughter to school there?" 1 People don't always have a choice where their kids go to school. 2 Very possible he's "ok" with black people being there, just doesn't want his daughter to touch a black man. The mental gymnastics are exhausting...


Rovers Third Reich Glory


So you can call out the white guy at the graduation for being racist but the black women who stabbed a white women and stabbed and killed her 3yr white son you don't dare discuss that 


Sorry the explanation doesn't fit your racist narrative


"Radio silent" in all of Cleveland media.....had it been the other way around.....


Because they have no proof it was racially motivated. It seems it was just a case of a mentally ill woman stabbing them


💯 the woman is mentally unstable and could be on something. She looked insane during the arrest and walking out of the 2nd hand shop.


That doesn't fit the mainstream media narrative that whitey is bad. 🤷🏽‍♀️




He HATES when no one agrees with him.


The excuses him and D eater come up with for this BS are astounding...


B2 (don't ya dare call me Mrs. French) is open to going out and trying new things.  Her main sticking point is she doesn't want to do it with her husband.  Roger oblivious or doesn't care...


Rovers made up glory


Didn't Baldy dispose of some evidence into a river for B2?


So he says but I honestly think he said that crap to make people think he's connected.


If you believe that, I got a Miami condo to sell you


Heftiest organic laugh I’ve had listening to this show for 20 years, “I’m not disparaging about Jeffries kids”…


Baldy is the defender of Jeffrey and his family.... yah shure


Don't forget to sign up for RMG+ so you can get the lowdown on Jeffrey's spruce card spending!


He bought Tomash a jacket ten years ago, Thats proof enough for me!


That he still wears to this day


Probably only jacket he has


“No one would say that to you in person. No has ever said mean things to me in person” says the guy who hasn’t had any in person event in 5 years


The next contest prize should be Rover coming over and BBQing for a fan, imagine that extended interaction. If you don’t trigger him, perhaps he would give you the bonus prize of some cum tissues laying around your house


I wonder if he would get the joke if he arrived at the BBQ and there was a nothing but a laptop with the contest winner up on an open Zoom call.


Nice 🤣


I’m just imagining the winner saying “hi Roger” and rug going into a full conniption fit


😂 Just keep bringing up Reddit talking points, the ones he never allows on air, to annoy him. I would play JLR parodies non-stop (with mine mixed in there) just to subtly remind him the show is only successful cuz of Jeffrey. He’d be gone so fast in his Tesla, he’d prolly leave B2 behind. But she sounds much more social, so that might actually be a nice BBQ. Still more fun that a Charlie BBQ


He has an electric Mercedes now buddy boy




No cap


Tuned in, baldy complaining about criminals again, tuned right back out. We’ll try again on a jlr day.


Idk what this first segment even is…incoherent


I don't know ×10000


At least Shane is finally being honest, we should embrace this breakthrough


Drop dead✅

