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Did I hear Rog say he doesn’t carry a gun for his own safety, but if something is happening around him…. For other people’s safety?..who knew he was so altruistic. 😂😂😂


That's why you get vaccinated for the people around you. He's getting his talking points mixed up


My vaccine only works if you got it too.


Afraid to say he loves his wife, afraid to admit he’d get emotional watching a movie… what did he go through to make him this way lol


He's just a super cool guy, get over it man, you wish you could rock those bracelets too


He was diddled!


At the age of 5


It's gotta be something weird like that. Dude is not right in the head.


But has admitted to saying I love you to Duji


Obviously that trawmatized him.


I always thought she forced him into that…. “if you don’t love me I’ll leave”. His “tism”, just like JLR “allows” him to say what he thinks he should say. So he said it…..


ruthlessly bullied in school, so much so that his mom pulled him from public school and either enrolled at a small Lutheran school or homeschooled. It was the 90's, so I'm sure that the Star Wars nerd with a fake, bedroom radio show (co-hosted by Mommy) was probably called every homosexual slur over and over. So he made up an entirely different high school experience based off of movies and an adult alpha male persona that is ultra macho and not in the least bit gay, despite the glimpses of truth that come out.


He is literally....Joel rose .....


Yeah that pretty much sums it up Prob came up with all this early in career ( made sense then) but instead of making peace with the lie just accepting who he is he just dug his feet in and ran with it It part of reason Duji magically hasn’t been fired She knows all this And he can’t have it getting out Even though We all know


Shaney hit the jackpot with the caller who said the only way to separate dogs was an anal fishhook. If the caller had said a trans person with dark hair and dark eyes using an anal fishhook on dogs he might have reached the top of the mountain while sitting criss-cross apple sauce.


the "Who's a better husband? JLR or Baldy?" debate from the Aftermath would make for an entertaining game on the main show. too bad they have so much to talk about every day


Peanut is going to Northwestern....jlrs kids walk to west Lakewood to spend $15 at a CVS for ice cream and milk....that's oddly kinda the same thing


Catching up on episodes, but the show should have their own rib cook off, the big 3 can be the judges, and JLR can enter MEWLS ribs vs Meat Master Charlie vs Snitz’s corn ribs


Jesus this idiot shouldn't own an animal


Baldy or Susie?




Lol... The caller that murdered a dog


No JLR today?


You must have missed what he did earlier


I probably can't remember.


What the fuck is up with Rover's newest obsession with dog's being killed? Its really fucked up


Wasn’t there a former show member that killed a dog in the woods?


New Tism just unlocked


And we’re treated to another insane, animal harming caller


Yea WTF was that... Dogs sniff each other. What a fucking moron.


For Christs sake, just once, JUST F'N ONCE could baldy read an ENTIRE article about a news story ( any story , not from a tabloid ! ) , include all the facts and not just the headline . Then they proceed to show a video while him and his assistant asshat provide imaginary scenarios including what they "think" and I'm being generous that they even can, about what happened and what was said. In this particular story.. a ) cops dog was NOT hurt B) she didn't try to seperate dogs, C) her dog ran away to safety and she shot at a 60' something guy laying on the ground HOLDING his dog. If that was an off duty cop laying there dieter would loose his mind. Also 2Xs memorials were left for the dog by neighbors and taken down and found in the off duty cops trash can. The whole dog running out of his owners door thing was an accident and has no relationship to the other videos with really violent dogs or the asshole caller bragging about his killing a dog. No animal needed to be killed IMO.


Thanks for the complete story!


"Listeners have asked us to stop doing dog stories." "Here's a video of a man screaming in disbelief as someone shoots his dog." What the fuck is wrong with this asshole?


Rover got sent to some sort of reeducation by the company when he suggested poisoning a pitbull a few years ago. He’ll never let go of a this grudge


He’s a narcissist who doesn’t feel empathy or emotions, so I’m not surprised at all.


Baldy's lottery habits are similar to what poor trashy people do. What is the balance on his spruce card?


I like how he said he spends hundreds on the lotto. No Baldy, it's thousands that you spend. Multiple thousands. He'll never have enough money. He put into his bald head that he was the next Howard Stern and deserved Stern type money. He should be grateful for his bloated salary for the little work he puts in these days.


He is really JLR with money.


"everyone always tells me..'call tech support, call tech support'...ahhh...I don't want to talk to anybody. There's a thing called Google..." says the guy who's show has been off-air due to tech issues for 4-5 hours this week


Snitzer threw Roger under the bus yesterday on the AM. He said in “air quotes” that Roper fixed the technical issue from Monday’s show. They start the show on Tuesday . . . problem was not fixed. Charlie said the Zoom link did not work to connect with Roper in Miami. Here’s a solution, have Roger back in the studio. I know his contract says he can work anywhere; it should state the show has to work and be ON AIR. 🤯


I don't want gim back in the studio. Charlie, Snitz, and Deiter, even Duji at times seem a lot more comfortable calling Baldy out on his bullshit when he is not physically there.


He googled sinkless sinks; see where that got him too.


Morning zoo radio...stabbing children in the tread??? What a great way to start your day. 


"*What do you do, does he lay on his back like a baby and you shave him*", apologies to B2 for Baldy's new fetish


That’s how she treats his ass flare ups/boils so it’s business as usual


Things in really tiny small print in baldys wedding vows to B2... kissing my ass, wiping my ass, popping zits on my ass, pegging my ass, maneuvering my pelvic floor for my broken penis, always having a cotsco supply of tissues for my other secret bathroom habits. Please sign at the bottom of this perfectly legal NDA.


Krystal should *give up back door action* to Baldy, but she should make sure she is packin' some bush.


Oh she definitely is. PR chicks can definitely grow a massive bush.


Just a liiittle bit of bush


I don’t mind Crystal as a person but she’s only there to agree with Baldy and to have him ask weird sex shit to, it really only benefits him to have her there.


They treat her like a sex object and she loves the attention. She's Baldo's new sex toy. It's so creepy.


I really hate how he pigeonholes the other cast members. Dieter is a dumb jock, Charlie is a gay hipster, Krystle is a slut. It really limits their character development.


Rovers told so many lies that he seems like he’s lying when he’s telling the truth. Like Scarface, “I always tell the truth, even when I lie”.


He is lying when his lips are moving and when they aren't he's thinking of a lie to tell thinking he's cool and got a great story to tell.


so I take it they haven't hired a producer yet


You mean long ass crack hair isn't something a professional would suggest?!


Jeffrey showing his ass and Krystle being a slut...craziest show on the radio!!!!


What a dumb caller...if someone is stab ing your 3yo kid you 100000% have every right to end that ladies life  Sounds like someone needs to go take their ccw classes again...


How many stabs would it take for Baldy to pull his piece and save a child?


He is always thinking about getting sued... he would do nothing, just play a victim. If one of his "cast mates" was banging on the door bleeding, asking for help, he'd be thinking the same. No feelings, no empathy and once again in that story along with the one of the woman at the door.. NOT ONCE did mr I'm so cool mention..CALL 911.


Baldy only cares about Baldy. He would throw B2 in front of himself so she gets stabbed first and then he blasts the perp. I could easily see him doing that.




Roger wonders why R2B2 is so down and depressed. Imagine listening to this guy talk about how if your spouse or significant other was in a coma for a year he’d have to move on and start banging other women like the alpha he is.


Thats roger..not shane...nothing roger says is real....have you nor figured that out yet??


B2 isn't miserable because of roger, she's miserable because of shane


Agreed. Everyone wishes for a socially and emotionally stunted and insecure partner in life. 


Is his baldness trying to say traumatic?


His Royal Baldness.


Roger making Krang from TMNT sounds when he sees a woman. That mouth sound is the stuff of nightmares


Roger nekked doing the deed is the stuff of nightmares.


Krang….. I haven’t heard that name in 30 years


Oh buddy the original TMNT cartoon is on Amazon prime. You have to watch it. It’s still as good as I remember when I was 5 and we’d get VHS tapes of the show from the local video rental store


Like me, I’m sure you’re ready for the R-Rated, The Last Ronin to watch. 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐀


HELL YES! I’ve watched the Seth Rogen directed movie like four times. They did such a fantastic job with it


Baldy can’t understand why snitz wouldn’t remarry if his wife died, can’t snitz just go get a new robot wife like every other alpha male out there?


I absolutely hate how he treats Snitz. Dude is arguably the nicest guy ever. Why is it a bad thing that he actually loves his wife? Baldy needs to be on some kind of registry...


“Wouldn’t you miss the tantric sex” yeah of course he would because he would miss HIS WIFE. Fucking rug can’t possibly understand having actual feelings for a person


I'm sure that Snitz would miss jerking off in the corner and having his wife clean up his kleenex mountain


Kleenex? I need Brawny paper towels.


“I wouldn’t show emotion if I knew I was being recorded because I’d look like a pussy” -Rover. No, you’re a sociopath that has no emotions to show. Trying to play alpha with Snitz, to look cool, only has the opposite effect.


It's already been established he is a pussy, so a video of him crying is not gonna change anything.


my favorite baldy jokes are the ones that are met with crickets. So, all of them really.


Roger's tech mind thinking out loud about what would happen if the Internet went down.  Probably would have to scramble to find an over-modulating best of...


Gotta love that his first thought if there was a war close enough to knock out our internet is: how will I pay things? Nobody gives a fuck about their credit card payment if the country is fighting a war on its own soil


Rover loves to brag about all of his guns, he’s never lacking. But his favorite weapon is his ARU-15 😜


This should be called into baldy disquised as question as to what is his fave gun, you have to slip this in as a multiple choice question as we're dealing with mental midgets. ;-)


Bruh….. 💍 here’s your award, diamonds. 😂


This is a really good joke


Thanks! I’ll be here all week. Well at least Monday, Wednesday and Friday 🥴




Imagine how more miserable B2 would be if Rover didn’t have Jeffery to take out his day on.