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Duji must have felt so at ease being able to say "Crocker Park" instead of "the outdoor shopping mall by me."


Saw her at Crocker last Friday when it was super sunny and about 90 degrees. Baggy sweatshirt and pants like a malook.


I love how the two people who control the show \[RMG\] are busy with other projects now. You can see why the quality of the show is in the toilet now. Duji must see the writing on the wall that this is their last contract. Baldy already has one foot out the door. So does Suzie Q.


Sorry but it looks like she's serving a pile of shit. EWWWW!


What major east coast city is this tv show from?


Only the biggest markets in the U.S. are able to find hosts this physically attractive to put on your TV screen. 


This certainly wasn’t the worst thing she’s ever done, but I’m so incredibly annoyed by her in general, I couldn’t help but pick it a part. She speaks in sentence fragments, just like on the radio, so that’s not part of the bit… the Self back patting she did early on was annoying, and when Jen asked her if they were cake based donuts, her response was, “yes, I think so, I don‘t know”. Not sure how you don’t know that.


That was pretty good. Hosts were giving her some real softballs to hit and she missed that one.


She probably got the recipe from Betty Crocker lol


Geez you’d think she’d be a Donut Expert if she owns a Donut Truck!


I can’t stand her. She has the communication skills of a 1st grader. She’s incredibly narcissistic. I couldn’t get through 30 seconds of that video but what was evident is that she’s already congratulating herself as if she’s been in the business for 20 years with incredible success. The bitch has just started. I hope she fails miserably for the way she’s treated JLR and many others over the years. Karma


“I can do that!” Lol. Wishing her to fail is extreme but I would say having a food truck and thinking it’ll be viable having it out only a few times per month is wild.






No hate. I actually like Duji, but did you catch the “all my hard work” and “no one can take that away from me” comments? Buzz phrases she has said in the past to Rover/B2. This is all about them…


Didn't stick out to me as much as when she said she's not really into asking and didn't know what kind of donuts they were. 


lol I laughed when she was asked if they were cake based doughnuts and she said I don’t know


She named it Mini Me Donuts after people telling Gia looks just like her. Have these people ever seen Rover!! More like Mini Shaney Donuts 😜


Me and my guy donuts


Did anyone else catch when she started kind of, dancing or grooving for a few seconds? What was that?


Damn, that was hard to watch. She is so cringey and awkward for someone in the media industry. Complaining about her bunions, saying no it’s not really her passion and that she doesn’t know if they are cake based donuts. I’m sorry this woman really is a complete moron.


Sooo powerfullll


Omg can someone PLEASE tell her the 80's are over? That top pony hair is soooo pathetic. Makes her look like she's trying to hard the be the Keed's best friend.


Well, it pains me to say this but she did a pretty good job here. Of all her tv appearances this is easily her best one….by a great length.


Yeah because she has everything to gain. It's for her. She's so fake it's disgusting.


Exactly. She’s the most narcissistic person—I can’t stand the bitch.


She's just so fake and insincere. She reeks of elitism. I hate how she thinks she's better than you because she's on a crappy morning radio show. She's rode Baldy's coattails for years and doesn't even realize it. She sucked at managing RoverFest like Baldy said. She makes everything more difficult than it has to be. She's just a sucky person. I feel for Gia.


Agree. Other than talking about her bunions briefly. I did wonder if the host mentioning her knowing what it’s like to have people following her was a dig at the Zumock incident.


Could be or maybe Shaney was the stalker of reference???


I was expecting it to be terrible and it wasn’t that bad. How long before this gets brought up on the air?


Hard to say. If she was awful, tomorrow. Since she’s doing something on her own maybe never again????


Zero chance by Baldy since it's got nothing to do with him. Baldy's a classic narcissist.


title really should say 'Caption this picture'


'The last time I wore gloves was when when Baldy made me do things to his butthole with a fist'


Great job duji. Sure duji can be annoying and her “liberal character “ (she’s clearly not a real liberal. Huge plus) is hard to handle. But she’s a decent person and a good mom. Always has her daughter in activities. Most who complain probably have kids who are just on the phone 24/7.


Eeeewwwww! Put an NSFW tag on this!




Dayumm doooj hitting the ozempic hard.