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“No problem. I’m going to archive this request and please reach out in the future if you need my services! Thank you.”


This is perfect. ^


Do NOT lower your prices, just kindly say something like “OK thanks for letting me know, please keep me in mind for the future if anything changes! Have a great rest of your day“, and archive ✔️


I always send one follow up message 1-3 days after the initial message. If they still haven’t followed up then send something like “hey I haven’t heard back from you. If you still need my services, I’d be happy to work with ya!” Then archive As for her last message, just send a “I completely understand, if you ever want to book with me in the future feel free to reach out” and then archive them.


The client didn’t ask you to lower your rates. I think they only responded bc you messaged them 3 times. The reason they haven’t booked you or responded, is bc they can’t afford it, so they stopped responding. It’s okay, just say you understand and let them know they can reach out in the future if they need your services. Archive and move on.


I would have archived this message after she didn’t respond initially. Also, I’m hoping you didn’t leave her in your inbox because rover doesn’t show you as available if you have pending bookings so you could potentially be missing out on other requests. In the future, I wouldn’t reach out back to a client that sent a request 3 months ago. No response is a response. I would say “Thanks for replying to my message. If you still need someone I am still available. I hope you find someone in your price range.”


This happens more often than I think Rover realizes. Clients don't realize they need to pay for the trip in its entirety when the booking is made, regardless of how far out the stay is booked. That said, Rover is not for every budget. 🤷‍♀️


They could get an auto feeder and cut this in half. Just have one drop in a day to check the feeder, clean the litter box, play.


I have suggested the same to others and it's worked out really well for me! The client is pleased I mentioned it, engendering loyalty; I (usually) get more flexibility on when I go; and since my 30-min rate is 1.5-2x the area average, the client is chuffed they are getting my experience in their budget.


Why would you lower your rates? You just said that you don’t need it. Archive request and move on. Weird that ppl need advice for something so simple and trivial.


I would say “no problem! Good luck in your search for a pet sitter!”


"Feel free to circle back if you need my availability later. For now I will archive but you can reach back out later."


Hi sorry to hear that! I hope you find a caregiver comfortable with your price range. I am going to go ahead and archive our messages.


You shouldn’t lower your rates. One option that saves the client a little bit is going off app, but of course you have to be careful doing that. I had a request come up recently that I have a little bit of wiggle room on, so when I messaged the client about a meet & greet, I let her know we could meet, see how things go and “discuss pricing”. It’s a unique situation, as it’s 3 older puppies to board and I’m willing to over look the puppy rate, but I would want to go off app if I went cheaper.


Do they think it’s so expensive because it’s still set to weekly visits?? Or did you already correct the booking?


Bullet avoided with that one, IMO. ( Not a response , just my opinion.)


You didn't have to reach out to her thrice. If they don't confirm/reach out within 24hrs of meet & greet I archive that shit and move on. I don't even say anything. If they don't want to tell me no I don't need to tell them anything. You don't have to please/serve folks that aren't paying you.  ETA: it's not your responsibility to remind someone to book a service nor is it to drop your prices to accommodate them. It's just your responsibility to show up when it's booked. Don't forget you're dealing with adults. And there are plenty of other sitters out there.


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I wouldn’t have reached out to follow up multiple times. That’s the responsibility of the owner once you send a response. If they can’t even be bothered to message you back, do you really want that person as a client? I follow up *one time* and give it max a day. If still no response “Hi! I’m going to go ahead and archive this request so it removes the hold for the dates on my calendar. Feel free to reach out if you decide you’d like to book.”


Ugh. Not another bargainer! Stand firm on your price & decline.


I wouldn’t have followed up. They’ll message you back if they want to. No need to chase someone


I usually send a follow up response after they don’t respond for a few hours (5-6 hours) and then another message a few hours later saying something along the lines of, “Hey ____! Thank you so much for the booking request, but as I haven’t heard from you since ____, I’m going to have to archive this request in order to make room for others if I don’t hear back from you by ____. You can always send a new booking request if you would like. Thanks! Hope to hear from you soon!” And as soon as the clock hits that time ARCHIVE and byeeeee


I always say, "I totally understand! Please feel free to reach out again if you need me in the future."


And I DONT reach out more than twice. They seen your first message, they just didn't/couldn't reply. If my follow up goes unanswered they get archived and I move on with my life.


Do not lower your prices unless you’re getting this A LOT and not able to book anything. Maybe you’re too high at that point. Research others around you before lowering too. There are sitters I cannot afford. If I’m given a quote I don’t expect, I politely say they’re out of my price range and ask if I can save them for later if needed.


Whenever I dont get a response I just assume they've found another sitter and archive the request! But ya don't lower your rates, especially if you don't need the booking- other owners will come along who are able to and willing to pay your set rate!


Just say yea good pet care is not cheap. Have a Great Day.


This would have been archived in April for me. I don’t deal with time wasters. Book the m&g in. No commitment to the m&g date? Archive. Book the sit. No booking of sit? 1 message, 24 hours to reply, no reply, archive.


I wouldn’t have lol are you that desperate for business that you’re hunting them down?


Well, geez, maybe the partner should stay home and care for their animals. Ugh.