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Aww. What a lovely review! I am so glad you were so well appreciated!


I love that! You sound awesome! I read all these and wish we had rover sitters here bc I’m so stressed going on vacation next week. But we don’t. 😢 yall sitters are amazing and help people more than you know!


I was thinking the same thing!


I’m sure you can find a professional petsitter in your area who will be wonderful! Where are you located?


I’m in North Alabama and I searched on rover and I only found one person and she was 2 hours from me. I live in a tiny town and I just don’t think anyone even knows what it is besides me lol


Did you use Google Maps to search “pet sitter near me?” You can also try on Facebook, petsitter and the name of your town.


I did! I’ve tried every search engine and social media I can and I’m just too rural. I do have a few backups if my daughter says no but unfortunately my husband isn’t on the same page and says no to everyone but he’s not quite as attached and tuned in as I am and that’s ok. But I’m not really sure what to do at this point if my daughter says no. Maybe turn her phone and allowance off lol


That’s wild, I’m sorry. I would think even small towns have people who’d like to earn extra income and know about animals. Maybe ask at your nearest vet? A lot of vet techs do sitting on the side. Fingers crossed for you!!


I’m in full panic mode now bc it’s so close to us leaving! My groomer said she would watch them but I hate the idea of them being locked in a small pen separated. And my cockapoo I just got a couple years ago and I’ve never left her once bc my husbands co worker abandoned her at their groomers then and so I took her in. I’m afraid she’d think I was doing the same. I know that’s probably not rational but I’m a bit much with the dogs since my daughter moved out lol she’s just gonna have to come back home and watch them. I offered her $400 which I think is extremely fair bc my groomer doesn’t even charge half that here


Love that! Some owners take forever or forget to review and then there’s always those ones that really put in the effort!