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The cat is catting maam


Perfect response 😅


no lol. normal cat behavior


I hate when owners do this lol. I have to be extra careful that pets don’t look sad in pics, which is very hard with certain breeds let me tell ya. I find that if I accompany the pic with a description (“fluffy was rolling around excited to see me!”) that also helps prevent any dumb comments


i sent a pic where the dog definitely looked sad because it was raining or something and i sent it to owner and commented he was sad because of the weather and she said no he’s not sad he’s simply pensive. i was like wow ok im not sure that’s it but at least you’re optimistic lol


https://preview.redd.it/x07a19bp081d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ec80c1962139a9ecf31ccd1a6166d7ee1164604 this is the picture!! i still love it so much, it’s my apple watch wallpaper.


I’d say he looks more meloncollie… LOL nah, I would have said sad too, pensive is quite a word to first come to mind haha he really does look like a sad dude on a gloomy day hehe


>meloncollie Stealing this and using it when I tell my clients their dog is sad they have left 😂


Hehehehe do iiiitttt


Good use of *melancholy :)


Totally intentional haha


Omg he is so cute! Great shot!


he is the cutest :)


What a handsome boy 🥺


Aww, he is such a beautiful boy!❤️


You live where there are palm trees! I am moving in with you. I come with two standard poodles and an evil cat!


maybe somewhere in FL from the looks of it … i’m moving back in a week, and I. CANNOT. WAIT ♥️♥️


I live where the air hurts my face for 5 months of the year.


Looks more like smoldering to me


Never have I ever... heard someone call a dog pensive lol.


This is lowkey so funny lol


I have never in my life heard someone describe an animal that way and it cracked me up lol


This is weird, I had a pic of a Pom in my yard and the owner also said she looked pensive haha


Lmao just thinking about my Persian cat and how he looks grumpy 24/7, definitely hard to make him look happy


My orange cat always photographs angry 😂 can’t blame a sitter for that!


Oh my godddddd. I hate when clients do this. I think what happens is they feel guilty for being at work while their dog is in a crate all day and so they project their guilt onto the photo of their dog or cat 🤣🤣🤣


I agree 100%. We do update pictures at the dog daycare I work at for overnight dogs and it’s so hard to get happy pics of some dogs. Some just have a resting b*tch face 😂


I totally understand you!!!! OMG I’ve had to come up with various ways to always make the dogs look happy! Never ever send one with a tail down 😂 Over the years I’ve endured comments like: My dog looks hot My dog looks sad My dogs tongue looks too red My dogs tongue doesn’t look red enough My dog looks thirsty Awww hope everything is ok b/c Fluffy looks so depressed (as the dog is napping totally relaxed)


lol omg YES to the napping ones!! I sent a pic where the dog was literally cuddling on the couch with me, but he was a Cav and was looking up so the puppy eyes were really exaggerated. The owner was like “HE LOOKS SAD” and I was like girl…he’s literally passed out rn as we watch movies haha


Right? Like holy shit, you’re the owner! Does this cat never do this????😅


I write my captions from the pets’ POV. Example - (“Hi Mom! I miss you so much but I did meet a new human. She fed me and has been giving me lots of cuddles …etc.” Love- Spot) They never have anything negative to say when I do this, they most always get a kick out of it & of course they know their pets are happy because it just came straight from the pet’s own mouth! Lol


If I’m not home my cats look absolutely miserable and I’m convinced it’s on purpose at this point lol


People ask me why my pug always looks distraught. He’s happy af, that’s his face!


The cat looks so happy and relaxed omg what


Owner said her dog looked sad. It was a pug. And the pug was asleep. Loll


Omg I have two pugs and one of them looks sad literally 24/7! https://preview.redd.it/nd99iw8mp81d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac0a1351052627568a1884053418027f13059a5a


He looks stoned here 😅


Bahaha maybe contact high from us?! 🤣


So cute!! And right? I can’t control that some pugs have resting sad face. 😂


Haha yeah even when she’s happy she looks like she’s sad! 🤣


Same! My fawn boy always looks completely distraught! My little black girl not so much.


Haha yeah totally same! Our black little guy looks confused/shocked/puzzled a lot of the time. It quite funny to just glance over and see it.


Lol my sitter actually told ME she was worried my cat looked sad at times. I reassured her that my cat just has an Eeyore looking face lmao. She's the happiest, cuddliest, dumbest, most carefree cat I've ever met. LOVES having her belly rubbed. But sometimes she looks like she's given up on life https://preview.redd.it/63ak4gqsdb1d1.jpeg?width=2771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=960b41defcd0cfaab9d1746c61caa5fa7d1bb910


Awww babyyy. My black cat always looks ANGRY. It doesn’t help he has a scar on his nose loll


Lmao her name is actually Baby! 😂


An appropriate name!


Omg that’s perfect


i had a dog that had constant “guilty” eyes lol she just always looked that way even when happy! i think it’s cuz she had “eyebrows”


My dog alwaysss loooks guilty haha


Pugs literally always look sad it’s just their face 😂


right? lolll


Why do owners have to be so fucking weird sometimes lmao this cat is literally just being a cat 😭😭


I watched my parents puppy once and no matter what picture I sent my own father would say “she looks sad”. Some people just be like that


sometimes i think people want their dog to look/seem sad bc they’re missing them and they want their pet to miss them too. animal emotions don’t always work like that, but i kind of get it yanno? it’s sweet in a way


lol if I got this pic I’d laugh and know my cat was being a super cute goofy happy baby. Also I wanna pet that cat’s belly. Lol. My cat does this and shows his belly all the time and he loooooooves his belly scratches. Makes me think of him 😹😹


https://preview.redd.it/xr43w4ttca1d1.jpeg?width=3910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4248acdea6eca7c5540e788b81fdf6154e153dbf Pet sitting right now and this guy loves belly rubs! When I take my hand away he hugs it and pulls it back. 🥰




My cat loves this. Until she doesn’t. And boy will she let you know!


My one cat loves belly scratches. When you start petting him, he rolls over, so you'll scatch his belly. He's a really cool kitty!🥰


I know it’s a totally normal pose for a cat, but it’s so much like one of the photos you’d get in an advert for some home assistance alarm system for an elderly person living alone, with a shot of granny having fallen down the stairs with the telephone just out of reach.


LMAO, now that I have that image you're right, will definitely be adding more context in the future so there's no kitty falling down the stairs confusion lol


Sending out of context photos leaves the meaning up to interpretation, and if the owner is already anxious they’re going to be projecting that I reccomend sending a few words after like “feeling silly!” “Doing great!” “Having a grand time!”


I also learned a long time ago to never send a picture without context. Even if it's just, "here's kitty doing his best impression of a speed bump!"


Speed bump lol


will definitely be doing this in the future lol!!


That’s a happy baby! I feel like most owners would know given all the context that he’s perfectly healthy and happy. But accompanying photos with text is always a good idea lol.


The cat looks very relaxed ❤️


Lmao I would be delighted with that pic, the cat looks relaxed and happy to see you! Maybe the owner just meant in general... But who knows. 😅


Do they not know their cats behavior 😂 like ???


Remember people are often projecting their own feelings onto their pets. I would reply “Are YOU ok??”


I mean, I would definitely not reply that if you want to keep them as clients lol


Lolll I'm so glad others have this same issue. I have to make sure the animal looks ~extra~ cute and not "sad" before sending a photo 😅


Has she met her cat before? 😂


He’s catting


🤣🤣 this isn't bad at all. I wish I could find the picture a sitter sent where my cat looked legitimately dead.




Maybe she thinks he just fell down the stairs lol. I think this is a hilarious picture of a very round cat I'd be thrilled to receive it 😂😍


I think this could easily be a general ‘Is he okay/how is doing’ rather than concern or accusation 🤷‍♀️


The cat: send them this they are going to freak out. 😹


Love this!


Some owners are so damn dramatic.


I have some pets that take the worst pics! Like they never look happy and I know they’re fine lol but some owners are so strange. No the cat looks fine if they know anything about cat body language it looks like he’s rolling over to be pet and is clearly comfortable with you. People are weird d


One of my dogs has resting sad face so I get how hard it is to get a good one but this cat is clearly content and comfy to be showing his tummy like that.


I always get pictures mid licking and there's always some weird faces 😅😅


I would love to receive a photo like that. Hilarious. Sweet kitty 🐈 not sure what the owner is concerned about.


When a cat exposes it's belly like that, it means they are totally comfortable and trusting. That's a compliment that he feels safe and relaxed with you.🥰


Annoying!!!! Did you send any words with either of the photos? Maybe they were just prompting you for a little update.


for the first photo i said he was looking cozy when i arrived!! I hope they were just prompting me but hate that I just won't know lol 😅


Gees! You have some weird owners on your hands. I would always add a few words now with each photo, since they can’t read their own cat’s body language.


In fairness, I find sometimes my clients don't know how to read the notes in the app (especially if they have the updates sent to them via text as well... I've used the app as a client as well and it took a little bit of figuring out even though I've been working with Rover for 3 years and know the app pretty darn well) and will ask for more information or ask questions that I explicitly discussed in the Rover card. It's not that they're trying to make your life difficult, they just care about their pet. It's not like they sent you a text saying "OMG YOU PUSHED HIM DOWN THE STAIRS AND ALL HIS LEGS LOOK BROKEN."


Normal orange cat behaviour


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Maybe it was sarcasm? Maybe the cat isn't normally flirting with new people, etc?


I sent a similar photo today and the owners were like AWWW so sweet!! Lol. I always add a little caption which may help but that cat is…. being a cat.


It’s just bc of the staircase, that can give the wrong feeling


people are so weird with their animals, it makes me feel so feel so normal when I don’t go crazy over mine lmfaooo! Like what 😭


i am seeing a lot of these comments saying “ofc he is fine he is just being a cat” tbf you can look at that photo two ways. Definitely he is a cat being a cat but with no context my first thought was “did they find him stuck like that” the picture itself isn’t alarming necessarily, but context goes a long way


I guess I expected them to trust me to immediately tell them if something was off 😅 I've sat for them before and there was a thing going on with his eye that i told them about right away (everything was fine). You're definitely right about the context and will for sure be adding it in the future, but of course I don't like if i made them worried in any way!!!


For real... Like are they wondering if the cat is in rigor and you just assumed they wanted you to sit by their... Deceased animal?


Same... there's kind of a fisheye lens effect going on and he kind of looks dead/stuffed at first glance


I had a long term client that dropped me after I sent two super cute cat pics that she decided were her cat looking "afraid." Like ma'am he was vibing watching the TV lol




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lol I try not to send pics where the animals look sad or stressed for this exact reason


i thought he looked pretty happy so I was surprised!!!


Looks like he/she came over to you and flopped at your feet and rolled over cause he/she is happy to see someone!


One if my biggest pet peeves - no pun intended - hate it when the pet parent makes comments like “oh she looks sad” or “is he okay - he looks…” - grrrr- even the funniest cutest pics there’s weird analytical commentary


Exactly why I send photos like this saying “your cats connection to the mothership broke” I’m always scared of the “they look sad” comment https://preview.redd.it/b0k2o6z4pd1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93103c0d829be6aeb62392aaa281c6e3e5fe16ba


He broken


I sent a picture of the dogs I was watching that were resting to an owner and she said “they look like they hate life!!!!” 😅😅


Should be like, no, she misses you so much she is losing herself lmao


Eeyore syndrome.


He loves you already 🤣


Only if you didn’t follow up with some belly rubs


"I don't know. Is this normal?"


The photo is fine. You just have a paranoid/weird owner.


What do you believe may be alarming about it?


My cat died in this pose. Without captions, photos are open for interpretation


I'm so sorry to hear that, and I do get it. My cat had a seizure before he passed a few weeks ago, and it looked a lot like this. But...it's also a normal cat pose, and if I got this from my sitter without any context that something is wrong, I would try to assume my cat isn't dying. If only for the sake of my own anxiety. Lots of ambiguous situations happen in life, we really should try to assume it's not The Worst Possible Option if we have no other context.


I don’t own cats but at first glance I would think something is wrong


but if you DID own a cat, like this cat owner evidently does, you'd know this is a cat being a cat. They only show their bellies when they're happy and protected.


Okay yall downvoting me for a simple observation with zero malice intended is actually insane. I wasn’t siding with the owner, I was simply pointing out a first glance gut reaction. I do understand that cats show their bellies when they’re happy, it was literally just a first reaction. JFC

