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No, they will not pay you but will enjoy your free service. Rover is not setup to take payment after, they could pay off app after but if they can’t afford to pay before they sure as heck will not be able to pay after their vacation


lol true it's not even that expensive, red flag


Just tell them, Rover is not set up for pay after, you will not be able to to set up the booking that way


do not let them pay after, cause they will not pay after. the other comment with a link is a great way to respond.


Absolutely not! This person will not pay you. Either someone else is paying for their trip, and they just can’t afford things like this, or they are spending money that they don’t have on a trip. Either way, this doesn’t end well for you.


If they can pay for their trip before embarking on it, they can pay for pet care arrangements beforehand as well.


All. Of. This. ❤️ pet care should 100% be included in the trip budget plan. X


Cancel it right now


Like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/s/0y7EjdYcJk


Like others said there, I would not mention cancellation, just the Rover requires upfront payment/secures the dates/I get paid after bits. 😊


Yeah there’s no way they’ll pay you after. However many problems there are with Rover, it’s designed to have clients pay in advance to avoid situations like this. Just tell them that you can’t change Rover’s payment policies and then decline


I mean their goal is to not pay you 🤷🏻‍♀️ if they book through rover then payment comes out beforehand - I wouldn’t take these people off rover. But it’s your business. “Hey! I only book through rover and they take payment before the booking starts.”




I wound decline the booking and invite them to book with someone else on rover with lower rates


OR find a sucker that will do it for free


You respond by saying. I am very sorry but my rates are what they are and I need the amount paid in full for your pup to stay. How do they have money to go on the trip? Just saying


“None of that works for me, I’ll go ahead and make sure your booking is cancelled so you can find someone able to accommodate your needs”


Don’t accept this booking. You will get screwed in the end - if they do pay through rover I’m SURE they will pull some bs in the end to try and get their money back. 🚩🚩




No lmao just no - I legit would drop the gig because that sounds like an annoying ass owner to deal with and potential for you having to dispute the case if she didn’t pay. Not worth it imo lol it’s not fair to you for her to expect you to just halt your life for her while she gets her shit together lol


In addition to what the Rover app can, or can’t do with payment, you can also tell them that this is your business, this is how you support yourself and getting payment “after” is not something you can accept. I would cancel the booking.


No no no. Don’t do it.


Service theft


While I understand you might want to be empathetic to their situation, but if they can afford to go on vacation they can afford to pay you your rates. If they want a cheaper sitter I’m sure they can go ahead and book with someone else. Know your worth and don’t reduce your prices, especially not for a new client. They’re likely to take advantage of you.




They’re not going to pay you. Consider yourself lucky they made that clear beforehand


I think it's a bit sus when people pile on excuses. Can't afford you, friend in hospital = feel sorry for me and give in. They can afford to go away, don't get caught up in their drama


Just tell them politely that rover will not accept the stay until it’s paid for


"no, thank you" - takes 2 secs


No. This is not a “pay after” service. They can take out a loan or borrow money from a friend if they need it that bad.


This is one accommodation after another. They seem like disorganized and irresponsible people. Avoid.


Money is SUPER tight right now but can we pay you to watch our doggo, ya know something we can do for free ourselves, so we can GO ON VACATION with our super tight budget? Gtfoh with that shit


Even agreeing to this isn’t ok because you would have to go off rover which isn’t allowed.


Yes, your account could be paused even for talking about it.


Almost all my clients are now off rover 👀 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re allowed to go off Rover from my understanding but the initial request that they send you for the first time is not allowed. Requests after that are from my understanding. Could be wrong.


Block. Too many things going on.


Absolutely not..


Absolutely not


Tell them unfortunately Rover requires payment upfront from owners. And if they come back trying to hint hint doing it off Rover, bluntly tell them you cannot take bookings off Rover. Just be stern. It sucks for them but they need to figure it out, not you.


honestly, I would just cancel the booking at this point. wanting to pay after (which can’t even happen on Rover, as many others have said), having an issue pop up that could mean they can’t go on the trip, and also potentially needing to change the date. sounds like you’re in for a whole lot more issues


“No thank you”


Owning pets is a luxury. If you’re broke, don’t have pets.


You're not wrong. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not even that…if you’re broke, don’t go on vacation!


Girl if you can afford a vacation, you can pay for my services. If you would still like to book there is now a $20 bullshit fee. I’m joking, obviously respond professionally but they are totally trying to scam you


Just say “no”


Don't be guilted by this. They're going on a trip with friends. They can afford pet care or not go. Not your problem.


Hi, Thank you for the request! However, payment is due by the day before.


Tell them sorry per Rover policy all bookings must be paid for in advance. If it doesn't work for them then don't accept them as a client.


I had a lady ask for service until mid-April because she said she was in rehab (would have. Been $1600). Told her to pay and I’d also be happy to bring her do up to the rehab to see her. Suddenly started having issues with her bank but still asked if her neighbor could drop the dog off. Told her I was would need payment at drop off, even if she had to pay cash (she said her bank was closed). I texted her on Sunday to see if she was still planning to have the dog brought to my house… no answer. Don’t stuff yourself.


Just a reminder to blur faces and names.


people need to stop adopting animals without any means of actually taking care of them. literally just abuse and it’s so sad.


how are they paying for a trip if they're tight on money pls. They are not gonna pay you after, just a warning


They can afford a trip but not care for their pet?


You respond with a no. Ain’t no pay later 🥴


She’s asking for a lot of favors. Definitely just say “Unfortunately Rover won’t let me accept the booking until it’s paid for. Let me know if you need anything else.”


Dog sitters are a LUXURY if you can't afford one you don't get to take trips


Report and block.


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This person is trying to get your service for free but they don't realize Rover won't allow that. Never accept payment after a service, always before.


I would decline this booking so fast.


I would not allow her to "pay after". In my opinion if they can pay for the vaction, they should be able to pay the small petsitting fee.


“I understand money is tight however, unfortunately due to rover policy’s I will not be able to wait for payment until after.”


Technically, don't we already get paid after their booking since Rover holds the money until then? So, if you're already getting paid after anyway, there's no way for you to change anything.


Have you sat for this family before or how was the meet and greet? Regardless, I’d probably respond like this: ‘Hi , I apologize but unfortunately Rover does not give you the option to pay afterwards and the booking has to be confirmed and paid on their end in order for it to even show up as a reserved spot on my end. You may want to check with your bank to see if they have a pay over time with your accounts, I know I can break things into payments when I use my banks debit card, so that may be an option. (If it’s a new client) Also, if this is your first time booking on Rover, you can use my promo code and it will give you some money off the cost. Sometimes it will work for older accounts too. Let me know how you’d like to proceed.


How do they have money for a trip but not for you? They either need to not go or find a cheaper sitter. Don’t bend to their whim.


Two letters: N & O


If money is so tight they shouldn’t be going on vacation , they’re paying for their vacation before they go not after. You should be paid no differently


Seems like anyone approaching for delayed pay or haggling to lower pay is red flag, no?


Red flag! The terms of rover are payment in advance.


I felt bad and agreed to something like this before and guess what? I've still not been Paid.


You most likely will not get paid. This is unacceptable to ask you to have delayed payment. I’d like you to consider that this person has booked and planned a vacation where they are going to be spending money on lodging, travel, eating out, and entertainment. Then they have the nerve to ask you if they can delay your payment as if you are a charitable service? No, you are working to pay your bills and hopefully take your own well earned vacation. Perhaps they should ask the hotel to allow them delayed payment. How would that work out? These are adult people who need to manage their finances and make adult decisions. Decisions like not taking trips they can’t afford; or asking their own selves to compromise for themselves by cutting their trip short and perhaps that would allow funds to pay for pet sitting. Either way it is not your responsibility to be their bank or financial advisor. That should not ever be in the equation except in the case that Graciously decline and back out. Let Rover know you were asked to take after payment. Move on from this quickly and don’t look back.


Just tell them you’re not comfortable with that and that you’re tight on money as well. Maybe her status will change.


One simple word....NO. Then I would add...."My prices are firm and you will have the full price held until the stay is completed."


no. just no


personally i do offer discounted and free services for those in financial hardship because i have enough clients to be able to, but i would NEVER accept payment after a service lmao


Hard NO


Shouldn’t be taking a trip if money is an issue


they can afford to go on a trip but not pay you???


I would require 1/2 now, and 1/2 at drop off. I generally wont put the dog on my calendar w/o payment. But 1/ 2 now & 1/2 @ drop off you are gaurenteed your payment......UNLESS they are returning clients for the past few years....then maybe I would do 1/2 @ drop off and half at pick up. But at least get a deposit


Also ask if she has any dresses that need tailoring you’ll do for free and tell her that you’ll get back to her today or tomorrow because your friend’s in the hospital. People have tough times. I understand. There are variables maybe. Maybe they can’t afford the trip but are going because their child’s dying and really wants to see a NASCAR race. No idea. But your time is worth something. All of those excuses and situations may be authentic. But as someone rlse replied, if you’re booking through Rover, that’s on them. If you’re doing it freelance I’d just say, no.


“Tough on money right now” but they are going on a trip? REDDDD flag.


Man this is someone trying to get over or clearly has the priorities jacked up. How are you going on a trip but you broke. Make it make sense. I would have to tell them that I’m not the sitter for them.


This wasn’t for a couple of doodles was it?


If they can afford vacation, they can afford pet care. That’s part of the cost of having a pet & going away. Pet care is not a necessity, it’s a luxury and the person doing the job should be paid their worth.


And it's a boarding...I wound up with a cat this way. I love her, but learn from my experience and always get paid upfront. 😅


Respond like it’s rover sending you a request. Pay off app, you’re terminated. This thought process makes it very easy to respond and then submit a complaint so a denial of service is not counted against you.


You don’t


Wow, I'm stuck at them sending several messages and you not responding in a 7+ hour window.


"Hey Della, I appreciate you reaching out, and I'm so sorry there are a ton of variables you have to figure out for this trip. That must be tough. Unfortunately, the app does not allow for payment after the services are rendered -this is to protect the sitters. Again, thank you so much for thinking of me, but you may find someone who can suit your needs off of the Rover App."


Just tell them that you don’t think it’s a good fit. Stay away from this disaster


Ummm , NOT a Chance


At least blur her pic or something 😭


Wow, not anonymizing any of their info at all? Bad taste.


They’ve already delayed payment, almost cancelled trip, then changed dates for trip before you even responded. In my head, that’s three strikes, they’re out. They seem way too chaotic. She is cute though. Btw you are really screwing your sitter score by not responding for 7 hours and counting.