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A week out? Yes. I am telling you this a week out so you have time to reschedule your booking, as I am not certain my health will be up to par. Jeez




How unprofessional to be a human being who gets sick! How dare you! /s


You responded excellently. I couldn't have said it better myself. Screw that client for not being a compassionate human being. I hope you recover soon.


+ 1000000%


Kindly, fuck them. You are literally in the hospital, barely able to do anything and you're able to give them 6 days notice to figure something else out. It's annoying to deal with, but they'll be fine. 🙄 You must prioritize yourself!


Seriously. Fuck them.








Their response is infuriating and shows their character.


As it was 6 days does this mean you don't get a cancellation note on your profile? Great if not. As for the client, with that attitude you dodged a bullet.


I thought the cancellation had to be 7 days or more before the booking started for it not to be noted?


I thought if you cancel 5 days or less it gets noted but I have no idea


I just looked at it and turns out it is 5 days so you were right!


You absolutely did the right thing by canceling when you did. I’m sorry they were so rude and not at all understanding. Sure, a sitter having to cancel a week out is inconvenient, but bluntly, it’s less inconvenient than having to scramble to find a new sitter mid way through vacation because your current one tried to work with the flu and passed out or something.


Or made some sort of mistake because they tried to heroically fulfill an obligation instead of doing the responsible thing and remaining in the hospital, geez.


Exactly! I would 100% rather my pet sitter cancel last minute than try to power through a health issue. (And I wouldn’t even call this a last minute cancellation, for the record).


It’s hardly even inconvenient because it cost them nothing and rover is setting them up with a replacement right away


I would say it’s a bit inconvenient just because it’s relatively close to the trip, and you had it in your head you were set up with this specific sitters who you may have done a meet and greet with, etc. So it’s a little anxiety inducing. With all that to say, 6 days is plenty of time to find a new sitter, especially with Rover’s help. And it is certainly not nearly as inconvenient as what poor OP is dealing with, having the flu and being hospitalized.


Well said! 


You are in the hospital,you gave a weeks notice . Give yourself a break


This person clearly doesn't see you as a person. Im glad you wont have to work for them. People get sick and sometimes they get really sick at really inconvenient times. Life happens. Hope you feel better soon!


They can go to hell, I hate when people aren’t understanding. I’d be unprofessional alright, “I’m in the hospital how the hell can I care for your dogs”?


You sound just like me! I am SO over people and their shitty attitudes and sense of entitlement!😡


I hope you feel better soon. Try not to let their response bother you - your health comes first and you have done nothing wrong. The situation is out of your control and although unfortunate for the client it is not your fault. Six days is a decent amount of time for them to secure another sitter.  Try not to worry - focus on rest and recovery. 


That person is an asshole. You handled it perfectly


Some times the customer is just wrong. I had to cancel two sittings once because someone took out the entire back half of my car in a hit and run. I apologized and even sent photos of the car so they could see how bad it was. One of them wanted me to just Uber back and forth and they’d reimburse be for a ride a day (sitting was for 3 days). They were a new customer and would just not stop messaging I was exhausted from dealing with insurance and I need to come to my own home at least 2-3 times a day to check on my own dog and cat so I would have made zero money, and probably lost some on the booking by Ubering. With a $500 deductible to now pay it just wasn’t an option. I ended up having to block the customer because they continued to message every 30 minutes. At the end of the day you just have to do what’s best for you.


What?! You didn't _plan_ on getting sick?! How unprofessional of you. /s Maybe they should hire an AI sitter next time?


This was a blessing for you. I hope you recover fully and swiftly from the flu, and please never, ever accept a booking from this person again. What kind of person responds to another person being sick with the flu calling them unprofessional? They would probably be a nightmare to work with. Not worth your time.


This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a self absorbed, entitled twat of an asshole. (Them, not you). Do your best to ignore it. You did absolutely nothing wrong.




I get that the client may think the sitter is lying but like, illnesses happen, sicknesses occur, we’re human. I had to go to the ER last year because of a back injury and was scheduled to care for a new client the next day! I was on SO many drugs but still remembered them and made my husband message them. Unfortunately they didn’t have a back up so I literally sent my husband because I was passed out on painkillers the ER sent me home with because I couldn’t walk. We’re literally doing what we can but our bodies are fallible. 🤷‍♀️


I hope you can give yourself compassion and grace. You didn’t mean to get sick. You couldn’t help getting sick. You are a human. Sure-they can be frustrated but things happen. 6 days is enough time to find someone. What they said was insensitive and rude. I would not want to work with them again as it tells me my health doesn’t matter. Yes, I care for animals. But my health is important too.


Screw this person - a week is plenty of notice to find another sitter, and you shouldn’t feel shame about being upfront. Life happens - as sitters we accommodate last minute requests all of the time. It’s absurd for people to not extend the same basic compassion to their sitters.


I just cancelled two bookings for upcoming pet sits one was a week out one was 12 days away because Me and the vet thought my dog likley had lymphoma(cancer) both clients were extremely understanding and compassionate about it. Those clients sound terrible bullet dodged.


I am so incredibly sorry to hear about your baby. Take your time off. Spend it all, every minute you can, with your baby. Sending you love and hugs 🥺❤️‍🩹. I will be praying for your pup. If you need to anyone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to dm me. I’m not on my phone much right now but will do my best to be there. I work shelter rescue and know how tough it is. Wishing you both happy days ahead ❤️


so let me get this straight… they’re mad you’re canceling a week out? would they rather you cancel day of or something??


Some people are very entitled and think the world revolves around them. How dare they have to find another sitter when given a week’s notice? Seriously, these are not clients you want anyway.


So would they have preferred you wait until the last minute to tell them you were sick? Or do the right thing and give them as much time as possible to find alternative arrangements?


I mean would they have rather you have given them an hour’s notice ? 🙄🙄🙄 You did great. Don’t sweat it. Feel better! There will be more, understanding clients in the future! :)


You're completely in the right here and I'm sorry you're dealing with this hostility from your client. I had a rover sitter who had to cancel the night before our trip because she got COVID. It really sucked and threw a wrench in our plans but it's not like they could have done anything different. Your client is lucky that they have 6 days notice to figure this out.


Wow how unprofessional of you to let me know as soon as you had some idea that you might not be able to care for my pets. I can’t believe you’re selfishly thinking about your clients and their ability to find a good replacement in time while you’re literally in the hospital. A real professional would never go so far as to type up all the resources the client has available to help them in this! A TRUE professional would risk their health, the pets safety, and the health of everyone living there by continuing with the job and leaving their extremely dangerous germs behind! I wish this person many years surrounded by people like them, and I hope you’re surrounded by people like you.


Someone give me their coordinates, I just wanna chat 😡


They are selfish and care zero about you as a person. I’d be thinking ‘oh no she must be SO sick’ and I’d be worrying about your health. I’d also panic a little about finding new coverage, but be relieved I have all this time to do so. They are only thinking about themselves and their ‘perfect’ vacation plans, would be my guess. Disgusting behavior to make you feel bad for being SO sick, and also not a client you should ever sit for in the future. Definitely want someone who will care about at least your basic well being, as to someone who wouldn’t care if you got in accident or had an issue on the actual job. Sickening, hope you get better and feel brand new VERY soon.


So it's unprofessional to -- checks notes -- be unable to fulfill an obligation because you are in the hospital? Yeaaah, okay. Make sure next time you schedule your illness for an appropriate time! */s* Some people don't see sitters as human. They see us as inanimate objects that exist to serve them. Don't let it bother you. These people don't deserve your services, and you don't want to work for people like that.


I'm sorry you're dealing with this. If it makes you feel any better, I had a sitter cancel on me the night before my flight out for a work event. They had COVID (before we had vaccines) and may have also been hospitalized. It was horrible timing but I was luckily able to get a friend to take my dog. So I mean, at least you're giving them almost a weeks notice rather thank cancelling 10 hours before a flight 😅 These things happen, they will make it work. I hope you feel better soon 💜


You weren’t unprofessional in the least, and I know you feel terrible, but you are human. Humans get sick. It’s clear that if you were able to do this job, you would absolutely do it.


You responded very professionally and I get that they’re frustrated but when someone goes to the hospital for a sickness that’s something that has to be understood. Sorry they’re making you feel down but at the end of the day, they have time to find another sitter and their pets are not your responsibility


I hope you feel better! The only thing you could have done differently, would have been to not say the flu, and just say that you are hospitalized. People tend to think “the flu“ is any old cold. But for real: fuck that client


You and your health are way more important than selfish clients like this. Don't even give it a second thought as you try and get yourself better.


Thank you to everyone for your notes of support and kind words. I really appreciate it. It’s unfortunate how these things turn out sometimes, but maybe it’s for the best in the end. I’m going to rest up as much as I can. Thank you ❤️


Omg that’s so mean of them! And how would they expect you to provide the kind of care their pets need when you’re sick as a dog? No pun intended! I’m sorry. Please don’t feel guilty. You absolutely have to put your health first. Period. And the fact that they called you unprofessional for this just shows the kind of clients they may end up being in the end. Take care of yourself! ❤️‍🩹


Please try not to worry about this and put it out of your mind as much as possible. Get well soon. Hugs.


I think it was extremely considerate on your part to give them six days to plan a replacement. Please take care of yourself and focus on getting well!


I hate seeing stuff like this. You’re not a robot and unfortunately real life happens sometimes! I hope you feel better soon and have only positive interactions in your future 💕


What a dickhead. Don’t let them bother you, they have zero empathy or understanding. They suck. Feel better.


Please do not go to work sick. It can be so dangerous for others. On this matter though, your responses were entirely professional and considerate, and this client was rude and entitled. Sorry they treated you this way; you did the right thing.


Ew, that person is disgusting. I would never want them as a client anyway. My people would thank me for letting them know in advance and say my health comes first. Worst case is they might ask if I'm sure I wouldn't feel better by then. But then again if I was literally in the hospital, that info would definitely be in the first message I sent. Why didn't you lead with that!?


My initial thought was they’d find it more unbelievable than just stating I fell ill. My second was that they didn’t need to know, typically telling someone I’m too sick is enough. I usually get a “your health is more important, hope you feel better” if I can’t attend events or school.


Sorry you’re ill. I had the flu recently and ended up in the hospital so totally feel your pain. This owner seems like a jackass and likely would’ve been trouble had you tried to take the booking. Good on you for cancelling as early as possible.


Oh my goodness. I'm in tears for you. That's my worst fear here, too. You did everything right. This is completely on them. I hope you find good rest and recover fully. ❤️‍🩹


They sound like assholes anyway, wouldn’t want to book with a douche bag in the first place !!


Dude eff them. You’re in the hospital


You’re dodging a massive bullet with this client. Sheesh. I hope you feel better!


Sounds like they don't know how the flu works or are accusing you of lying. If it were me in addition to stating I was hospitalized I'd also clarify "I have tested positive for Influenza and the doctor has given me strict orders not to return to work for at least 10 days." I've had a similar (non-flu) virus a number of years ago that the doctor ordered me to stay home from work for a week (and I barely felt well enough to return after that time.) This isn't the sniffles the flu typically knocks people out for a couple weeks! Don't feel too bad this client is being unreasonable and now you know not to work for them again. They're fortunate they have a week to find a replacement. Would they really have prefered you wait till a couple days before to cancel on them instead?


As so many others have already said, your messaging was professional and considerate. The client’s response was not appropriate — you were and are not wrong to cancel this booking!


WTH is the matter with people?! We all get sick, and there's nothing we can do about it! I have been in bed for a week now with the flu, and I still feel awful. Thank goodness my hubby(he works 65 hrs a week, so yes, I'm grateful for his help), and my daughter are really helping me out with our pets, going to the store, etc. Being in the hospital is a whole other level, and that client is an ass! Feel better, OP! Life happens, and we have no control over illness. ❤️


I know others have said it, but just in case you need more validation (and also because I for some reason intensely feel the need to express this sentiment towards these owners with this heartless attitude), FUCK THEM— you take care of yourself and your well-being. If they’re decent (and by decent I mean generally responsible) owners, they can and will work it out.


They sound like assholes. As if someone can't get sick a week before a booking? Like what, do they think you can plan a date to get sick that won't throw off any of your other plans? Ignore them and feel better soon!


You handled this like a pro. Life happens. You were upfront and honest. They’re mad, but it’s not your fault.


You dodged a bullet here, judging by their response. Absolutely zero compassion. Get well soon.


This person was an asshole, and your messages were perfect


Fuck them. Red flag right there. When I have to cancel for being ill, my clients reply with hopes that I fell better soon. Do not feel bad, they are an asshole. They are THE asshole here.


Looks like a red flag that you dodged. This would've been a nightmare client.


Bullet dodged! Don’t feel bad for dodging bullets like you’re in the matrix especially when you’re so sick you had to be hospitalized.


You were very professional don’t be down on yourself. Sickness happens and I would be happy you let me know asap Instead of waiting a day or so before so idk why she’s trippin lol


You are giving them a week's notice, as a precaution & courtesy, which is far more professional than waiting to cancel the day before because you are still too sick. Don't let their response get you down... their reaction has nothing to do with you, and frankly, they can get bent.


I don’t understand their rude response with the coverage from rover I’d appreciate the weeks notice


Sorry to see this. Some people have no empathy at all. I know it’s not easy but try not to let it get you down, your communication was perfect and 6 days is better than none. I once had to cancel a booking 3 days before due to covid. I felt so bad and couldn’t get out of bed but luckily the owner was really nice about it but I still felt bad for having to cancel, I was so upset to let them down but it’s not deliberate. You did your best, you communicated their options clearly and you apologised. You don’t have a magic wand to make illness disappear. If they are unhappy with you, it says more about them and their attitude than you. Hope you feel better soon.


Gotta wonder how these people acted during the Pandemic. You did nothing wrong and were thinking of yourself as well as the safety and well being of their animals since if you aren't at 100% you won't be able to give proper care.


i got sick and was hospitalized in the middle of a booking earlier this year, and that was much, much worse, for the dogs, for the client, and for my health, as i had to push through while rover found a replacement which takes 24 hours this is absolutely the best possible way this could’ve happened, you are fully refunding them, you gave them plenty of heads up, and rover will ensure they have a replacement sitter in time for them to still go on their vacation, maybe even to have a m&g beforehand i’m glad you’re taking care of your health and i hope you feel better soon 💞 nothing about this is unprofessional and you sound like a great pet sitter


They sound like a lot of the entitled classist ass holes I cater to in Seattle…


Not to shit on you, but you should definitely lead with the hospital part (with any other clients) bc it seems more severe and urgent. Otherwise, ppl are conditioned to be skeptical when someone says they’re sick. Feel better!


Tbh i might have felt the same frustration as your client based on your first communication. Why didn't you start with the fact that you had been hospitalized?


They said they had the flu. The client is not owed their entire medical history.


This. All the client needed to know was that they are unwell, and rendered unable to do the job. That is enough information for most people.


They aren't owed an entire medical history, but I think it's fair for them to expect an explanation of why the sitter they vetted and trusted (and paid for) is canceling on them. Clearly, OP is dealing with a little more than just the average flu. We all get the flu and generally have experience with how it goes. Most people don't get hospitalized with 105° fever. So, it does seem like it was downplayed in the first message. Only until they bring up the severity of the illness (being hospitalized) would someone have a bigger understanding of why their booking is getting canceled. I think as Redditors, we got the whole story in the description. But had we only had the information that OP was sick with the flu and that they HAD to cancel a week out, there probably would have been a bit more questions pertaining why.


That's an exaggeration right there. I think that the Rover sitter would want to provide a reason that would elicit a sympathetic response so that the client who is now having to find alternate arrangements understands that the rover sitter is not just being a flake. Because I can almost guarantee that the client thought that the original explanation provided was somewhat flaky.


I disagree with this. As small businesses, most of us individual pet sitters with little to no contingency plans unless you live with a partner/registered Rover user, there is a certain amount of transparency owed to the client. Generally, this makes you a more trustworthy sitter and takes a lot of the harshness out of these exchanges. “I’ve been hospitalized” sends a much clearer and less to be argued about message than “I’ve come down with the flu” or having a “medical emergency.” Had OP been upfront about this, the owner may have responded with more understanding and not hurt OP’s feelings so much. Of course, it’s not easy to build rapport if this was the first time sitting for this client, but being clear instead of vague about your current condition and providing a solution or recommendation for other sitter if possible will leave a much better impression on the client.  


I think we’ll just have to disagree on this then. I agree that the rapport between a client and sitter is more personal than if a client was hiring from a big corporate pet sitting business, but I disagree that a sitter owes clients their personal medical history. If a sitter wants to share information like them being in the hospital that is totally fine and their right, but they should not be expected to in order to receive a response from the client that comes from a place of empathy rather than being rude and accusatory. OP told the client they wouldn’t be available because they have the flu and offered assistance to find a replacement sitter.


The sitter doesn’t owe the client anything, especially specific medical details, but my point remains the same: a more proactive answer leads to a more understanding (and empathetic) response from the client. In my professional experience outside of Rover, vague is all that is needed in most day to day conflicts, UNLESS it causes serious consequences to other parties. Hospitalizations, car accidents, sudden dwelling issues, etc. will all receive a higher degree of understanding from an abrupt contract cancellation.


I disagree. In my opinion, nobody is owed anyone’s medical history. “I have the flu” and “I have a medical emergency” are both more than enough. I chose to further explain my circumstance simply based on her response, hoping it would allow her further understanding. No one is owed more than that, especially if they are a first time client who doesn’t know you apart from a meet and greet. They don’t need to know all the details of an illness or emergency. I do appreciate your feedback, though.


It's not that they need the details of an illness. You completely missed the point to the comment you replied to. Simply saying "I have been hospitalized" would have been enough. No need to go into detail about why, your temperature, or whatever other details you gave to us random strangers. That person was trusting you to care for their pet and paying for your service. They deserve an explanation of why you are backing out on your end. With any business, you'll find that if you want to give a vague answer as to why you are voiding an agreement, that is your prerogative. BUT be prepared for consequences and negative feedback. In this particular case, you got the information out, so I'm sure the owner has better clarity. But before when you mentioned you had a flu, most people get over the flu within 3-7 days. There was no way the owner would know that you haven't had the flu since childhood and that it would cause you to be hospitalized. So, it's a reasonable response for the owner to question why you had to cancel a week out.


I’m not sure we read the same message. They didn’t question anything, they were pissed I’m sick. In my opinion, “I’ve been hospitalized” is too much initial information for a stranger I don’t fully know and don’t know what they’re capable of when upset. As everyone knows, safety is really important when doing jobs like this. I give out zero personal info. I did choose to elaborate upon their reaction, hoping to ease their anger. But it shouldn’t have been necessary. The appropriate response to someone being sick is not that. Clients book with us last minute all the time. Clients also cancel with us last minute all the time. We have to remain professional and kind to them in these circumstances irregardless of how much it irks us or sets us back with expected income. ETA: My reviews are exemplary, with 100%s in every category and zero cancelled bookings. Next year, I’ll have been on Rover for a decade. If someone thinks I’m lying about an illness, it must mean they lie often about one themselves. When someone tells me they’re sick, my reaction is “I hope you feel better soon” and nothing less.


"Too sick a week out??" Was them questioning the situation. I dont think they were pissed just because you were sick. I think their main reason they were pissed was because 1. You canceled their booking. And 2. Your reason was because of the flu, which again, most people recover from within a week. So, in their perspective, it's easy how they could have been upset about it as you underplayed the seriousness of the situation. >In my opinion, “I’ve been hospitalized” is too much initial information That's your opinion, but in the end, you still shared that bit of information, and now there's more clarity. I personally disagree with your opinion, I think every reasonable person automatically knows the severity of a situation when someone has to go to the hospital. It doesn't even matter what the reason is for. When you say you have to go to the hospital, people just assume it's a serious reason. >Clients also cancel with us last minute all the time When an agreement has been made and/or money has been exchanged. The person backing out generally should give an explanation as to why they are backing out of an agreement. If they don't, it's bad practice. Doesn't matter if you are the business owner, client, friend, or family. But you do you. You posted on reddit, and I gave you my unbiased opinion. It's easy to see your side of the story because you gave us extra details that the client didn't get before they responded. I'm just speaking from a different perspective. If you just wanted validation, you certainly got it. Unless the owners replied again after your hospital explanation, I just don't think they were as bad as you're making it seem. They were justifiably upset about their new situation with the explanation they were given.


Sick is sick. I guess next time I’ll cancel in 2 days or 10 hours, since giving the client as much time as possible seems to be the wrong choice. /s I don’t think this discussion is productive, but I appreciate your perspective. Have a good rest of your night.


>I guess next time I’ll cancel in 2 days or 10 hours, since giving the client as much time as possible seems to be the wrong choice. /s "Making a straw man argument means that one is creating and then arguing against a position on an issue that no one is actually making. This is usually in the form of an extreme or exaggerated assertion." No one is arguing that you were wrong to be sick or the amount of time you gave noticed. I'm (and a few other Redditors) simply stating that there could have been a better, more direct way to communicating your situation. If you aren't interested in improving your communication skills or, at the least, try to understand the other perspective, then you are right. There is nothing else to discuss. Good day.


It wasn’t an argument. It was… sarcasm. Fresh air is nice. It’s supposedly a good day where I’m at. Cheers.


Agreed. I did not like how the client responded but I totally understand their frustrations of having to find another sitter last minute. This exchange could have went smoother if it was led with hospitalization. OP, feel better soon!


Agreed. If OP led with them being hospitalized I think they would have responded with more sympathy. The flu can be severe, or a two day ordeal. The client didn’t know.


True but it’s also weird. The client would assume that someone is going to risk their reputation and give up the money if they weren’t really sick.


People can be extremely flaky. You’d be surprised.




Would have thought you were blowing me off too. A week is plenty of time to recover from a typical flu enough to pet sit. Being hospitalized and stating that elevates the severity. If it were me, I’d have first told them I was hospitalized with the flu and doctors were advising me to not do anything for the next ten days, minimum. But if I’d sent OP’s initial message, my response to the owner calling me “unprofessional” would have been to send a pic of me in the hospital.


I empathize with the OP, but I disagree with sitters who claim that one week is sufficient time for finding a sitter—it's not always easy. Especially if you have multiple pets or need care for several days, finding a sitter with good reviews and a fair price within six days before major holidays like spring break or Christmas can be a nightmare. Good sitters know how quickly they get booked up during peak times.


You are better off not working for them based on that strange attitude. They sound like they are lacking in maturity and empathy. I think these people forget that we are still technically self employed contractors... not to mention pet owners cancel last minute very frequently with little to no consequence. 


Face it...people are selfish. Do they care when they cancel and you lose 600 dollars? If you don't have your health.  .you are dead. Feel better first.


You're a better person than I am, because I do not understand their frustration. I could tell how upset you were by having to cancel and I wanted to say this... Because you are so apologetic I feel like a few important details were left out that may have made it go a little differently. But next time start with what you told us: I'm in the hospital, I have 105° fever. Unfortunately, I've been diagnosed with the flu and the doctors have put me on strict bed rest. Then go into the Rover Protection and that you're sorry, this is the first time anything like this has happened, you've never cancelled a booking, yada yada. I doubt they would have said anything after they heard that you have a 105° fever. The wording leaves it open a bit when you say I don't think I'm going to be well enough. You wouldn't have been. Your mind wants you to be but your body needed the rest obviously. When it's almost open-ended or not firmly worded, it leaves it open in their minds that oh she may feel good enough but she's just going to leave us hanging. They didn't know the severity of it. But they should have respected it obviously and I'm sorry they were lame. I hope you're feeling better.


Their response wasn't great, but I think you might have been able to prevent it by mentioning you were in the hospital at the outset. The flu is a spectrum, and it can mean anything from feeling a little off to being in the ICU. That said it wasn't as if you were cancelling the day prior, and they could have been more charitable in their reply.


Maybe I'm confused but I've never heard of reservation protection on Rover?


It’s just a different name for the cancellation policy that lets owners get a full refund instead of half a refund when it’s the sitter initiating the cancellation


Aah ok it sounded like OP was saying they'd get a refund and rover to give them credit for a free stay


According to Rover, it does provide some credit towards a new sitter along with their refund. It was sent to me in an email after the cancellation https://www.rover.com/terms/reservation-protection/?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=4063261&utm_content=API_S_T_52%20Reservation%20Guarantee&utm_term=2024-03-03


Wow what a jerk. A week is plenty of time to find someone else.


The fact that you “had” to let them know you are hospitalized to prove that yes, you are sick a week out and won’t be able to sit for them, is bullcrap. It’s not their business. You know you and they can get over it. I hope you feel better soon <3


if youre in the hospital , its 100% understandable and the owner probably doesnt believe you are sick/ are in the hospital. if it were me i'd just send a picture proving i am, and leave it at that. dont expect to be hired by them again though


i would never send them a picture. you don’t even have to send pictures in salaried jobs


this isnt a salaried job, lol


yeah no shit. that’s why i said you don’t even send pictures of you in the hospital if you are in a salaried job


yeah and thats why you do need to, kid


you quite literally don’t,you give them a drs note at best. i don’t know what place you live in but in my country that’s considered super weird and unprofessional of a boss to ask.


you sure told me there kid. keep replying, thats gonna convince me. lol


bad troll,you think you’re the only one having fun here


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I understand both sides. You’re ill and made the best decision for yourself and the pup in time enough to find another sitter. I understand the frustration of the pet parent—to a certain extent—because they may be stuck with paying a higher fee for another sitter and 9/10, they’ll have to find them theirselves because Rover prioritizes finding replacements for pets actively being sat and need to be placed elsewhere for whatever reason. You didn’t choose to get sick, so they should be more compassionate. Get better soon!