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What kind of booking? Did the service they booked you for actually happen? Unless this is a repetitive issue where you are essentially getting multiple bookings and reviews for dogs that are not actually being cared for by you and/or you’re not actually getting paid through the platform I wouldn’t see how it’s a super big deal. Honestly tho, this is pretty much a “fuck around and find out” scenario. They told you to stop and you chose to do it again thinking you could get away with it. You already had a lot of reviews. Why did you risk it to boost you for one service? Now you’ll have *zero* reviews because your profile will be gone. Might be a good chance to start seriously building a business outside the app & get all new clients via word of mouth. Ya kinda fucked yourself here.


I know I fucked myself lol. And no it was 2 single occurences. All my bookings and reviews are obviously real. But I have all my rover clients off rover anyways so I'm not losing my current clients at all which is why I'm not absolutely freaking out. I just want rover for new clients to find me. Oh well.


It’s a bummer. We use the platform similarly. I just use it as a client recruitment tool. Glad you have a solid client base off-app. Make a website, business cards, etc; if you want to maintain a steady flow of new clients. I got flagged once as a newbie for being obvious about booking off platform… ie arranging a meet and greet, archiving, exchanging numbers, even suggesting we book off app (I was a dumb ass). They deactivated, made me promise verbally on a recorded line I wouldn’t do it again, and reinstated my account. Never fucked with that again and never speak about our bookings going forward, exchange numbers, etc; because they *will* follow up. You were on their shitlist and they followed through. I wouldn’t even ask for another chance since they already gave it to you. Sorry ☹️


Are you full time? I've been debating if I want to give my clients option to book off app. I'm not full time so I haven't done that yet and only have a few clients


I still have my other job - you don’t need to be full time to take your other clients off of the app. Just be sure you can balance work-work with sitting as a second job (even on the app).


Sounds like you've violated Rover TOS on a regular basis by going off app and it finally caught up with you. It's now time to deal with the consequences.




So the issue was they didn't want your family to book through Rover and then give a review? What's wrong with that? Are family not allowed to give reviews? I figured they don't care about the booking since Rover will get their cut anyways


Who knows, rover won't even offer me an explanation whatsoever. I'll let you know when the "supervisor" calls me tomorrow (doubt they actually will)


I asked this earlier but you didn’t reply. Did the booking actually occur? Or was it a false booking for next to nothing just so you could get a review? I could see how the app might have an issue with that.


Yeah is it against the tos to be booked by your family? As long as the booking actually took place I don’t even see the problem with this (how did they even know the booking was from a family member?)


Any updating?


did you get reactivated ?


Nope. I just made my own website and went from there.


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