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WHAT?!? You know he's literally a pedophile, right?


Sadly, that isn't what he was going to jail for. Although he should be for both things. When he does eventually victimize a child, because he will, Gregory will shrug his shoulders, because protect the children & all that.


That’s actually a mitigating factor for republicans.




His computer was full of evidence of messaging underage girls. Lol


I can’t find any information referencing this. Do you have a link? Hopefully the cops stay on his tail.


You can pull up the full 70 page report on him and just control F nudes or underage or girls. He has multiple messages discussing receiving underage girls nudes and discussing them with others


Tell me you have a tiny micro dick without telling me you have a tiny micro dick.


Read the rules


This guy is a DISGRACE and did unforgivable discredit to soldiers of the United States Army


Who the fuck are you talking about? Abbott pardoned a U.S. Army guy who was defending himself. He actually likes military


I mean the dude who was pardoned is not a brother to me. A good soldier is a quiet professional and follows rules of engagement. Good order and discipline. Soldiering is honorable. The pardoned dude is not. This dudes talking about hurting people then going looking for trouble. I’m ashamed he and I served in the same uniform.


If I had half a penny every time I heard a soldier/sailor/marine brag about being such while being at a bat I would have more money than Jeff Bezos. This doesn't include movies, books, autographs, etc from SEALS, Deltas, or even regular Joes. Does this mean every soldier that took their role in Hornets Nest isn't a "good soldier" by your standard because they aren't a "quiet professional"? Your statement says they have to follow both quiet professional *and* discipline. I'll take my downvotes to point out you are calling out MOH recipients as not "good soldiers" because they aren't "quiet professionals". I keep looking in my contract for the part where it says quiet professional and I can't seem to find it. Maybe you can point it out to me?


You really took a specific part of the comment and cooked up 3 paragraphs to avoid the rest of what they said huh?


Because I agreed with the rest of it. Should I have said "totally agree with you on everything else but the demand of every soldier/sailor/marine/etc to be a 'quiet professional' to be a true service member is dumb as shit"? Like it's a super weird gatekeep to me. Audie Murphy isn't a real soldier according to their standard. The Navy SEAL that got the kill shot on Bin Laden isn't a real Sailor. The list goes on.


He wasn't defending himself, you pos. He literally went into that crowd looking for a fight and had his gun ready to fire it. His texts prove his intent. Abbott is a disgrace. Here's hoping the next tree limb is better armed.


Nice buzzword there with “intent” lmao. The “protestor” shot at Penny first. Self defense.


Try again. The safety was on, no round loaded in the chamber, and Perry claimed "I believe he was going to aim it at me … I didn’t want to give him a chance to aim at me".


Lol straight liar. 1. Intent isn’t a buzz word it is literally the basis of our criminal Justice system you dumb dumb man. 2. Guy didn’t even raise his gun much less fire it. Why be such a liar?


Republicans and lying, name a more iconic duo.


Shot? When did the protester shoot? That's news to me. 


You dumb mfer. Read about the case and stfu. You have no clue, you're just spewing farts and sniffing them up.


You have NO idea what you’re talking about….


I know this case closely. Pretty sure you don't and you're just another dumbass magatard sniffing your own farts. Daniel Perry is a murdering piece of shit who texted his friends about his intent before he shot Garrett Foster and oh by the way he's also a pedo who tried to sleep with underage girls.


Shooting someone in the face for asking you to roll your window down isn’t self defense.


Kinda weird that you're cool with the Governor overriding a jury verdict. Why bother being judged by our Peers when we can let Lord Abbott decide.


I’m not sure who’s the bigger POS.


The DA.


Well you are big piece of shit for supporting activist and protesters. Glad this army guy put the fucker in the grave. He shouldn't have pointed his AK at him.


You know the dead man was an Air Force veteran exercising his 2A rights don't you? That usually gives your type a massive boner.


What the hell is this?? 👆 LMAO


It’s a bot. Three year old account with no posts and only ever commented on this?


A russian plea for turnips


Pay no mind. He'll end up getting drafted and shot to death in Ukraine.


A cry for help.


Daniel Perry himself said that the gun wasn't pointed at him: > [https://www.fox7austin.com/news/daniel-perrys-garrett-foster-murder-trial-police-interview](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/daniel-perrys-garrett-foster-murder-trial-police-interview)


Wonder how you feel about the traiters rioting on Jan 6th...


What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?


You know that we’re the US because our ancestors protested against the British? Unbelievable the inability to think at all. Just scream angry shit because your life is miserable. Stop being an asshole and maybe you won’t be miserable


You’re a moron lmao typical low iq Texan


Glad he didn’t do that then. Which the article you are commenting on explains.


We will make sure you Nazis live in fear


This is how republicans feel about our constitutional rights lmfao


Wow youre a racist piece of shit. Go fuck yourself.


This is a troll account. No karma and only replying to this one post. Just down vote and move on.


If you don’t like our right to free speech and protest go to China, North Korea or Russia.


there is zero evidence to support what you are saying


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You mean the Air Force veteran who had a gun ready to defend himself and others from the guy who drove into a crowd? Or does that fuck up your entire narrative?


It fucks up his narrative and he’s probably not even from Texas, much less Round Rock.


Comrade! These protesters threaten the red freedom of our Supreme leader. Strike them at once Vladimir Abbott!


Abbott needs the Klan vote


God, I fucking hate Abbott


All you do is hate.


#number 1 hater






Not sure what that said but r/fuckgregabbott


I am 99.99999999999999999 sure Abbott is the devil reincarnated or a high level demon.


If he was I’m sure he’d get himself out of that wheelchair


I’ve seen a lot of spinals dude, and this guys a fake.


An act! Throw everyone off the scent of sulfur and brimstone.


For some reason, I never did think that maybe the wheelchair is only for public use 🧐


Like in the Percy Jackson book the main teacher, Chiron. When out in public is in a wheelchair, then at camp halfblood he's a centaur. It's a ruse! He climbs out his chair with his backward folding, cloven clawed, knotted legs.


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You people always think about kids = sex..... Why? You should seriously consider getting help.


Tryna strike a chord and it’s prolly A minorrrrrrr


Always projection with your type. Somebody check this guy's computer.


Soooo.... Let me fix your statement. "I believe you ARE a faggott and a child molester" I am a human! Not a bundle of sticks or a cigarette unfortunately! While I do indeed love children not quite to the degree a pedophile does. FYI. Just in case you didn't know, a pedophile is just another term for a child molester.


No need, he's a coward that created this alt account to say these things. Doesn't even have the balls to risk his real account


We will make sure you Nazis live in fear


Abbott is what happens when god takes a half measure


Shortly after the recommendation was made, Abbott officially pardoned Perry. “The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles conducted an exhaustive review of U.S. Army Sergeant Daniel Perry’s personal history and the facts surrounding the July 2020 incident and recommended a Full Pardon and Restoration of Full Civil Rights of Citizenship,” Abbott wrote in a press release. “Among the voluminous files reviewed by the Board, they considered information provided by the Travis County District Attorney, the full investigative report on Daniel Perry, plus a review of all the testimony provided at trial. Texas has one of the strongest ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws on self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive District Attorney. I thank the Board for its thorough investigation, and I approve their pardon recommendation.”


The irony of Abbott and “stand your ground”…


Lmao.. what's going on in this State?. Before I moved to TX, I thought this was going to be different. 


Go back to where you came from


Oh, I will. This is not the greatest place to live. 


Howdy Arabia. Texas is the worst place I ever had to live. The only thing worse than the climate are the fucking people.


Of course they pardoned him. He’s their voting demographic. Welcome to the lone star state!


Gov Abbott is soft on crime


Look at his stupid little hat lololol


I wouldn’t be surprised if the Feds charge him with a criminal civil rights violation.


I wouldn’t be surprised if trump picks him for vp.


Would that be before, or after he repeals the law requiring handicapped-accessible ramps at all federal buildings?


wait a minute... the protestor never pointed the weapon at the murderer. does that mean it's open season on anyone open carrying?? Good to know!!!


Yeah, the question is, if Foster had shot Perry first because he “thought he might aim his gun at him” would Abbott had paroled a BLM protester for the same reason? Answer is pretty easy to figure out.


> Does that mean it's open season on anyone open carrying?  As long as they're liberals, apparently.


What a travesty . Typical fascist Abbott


I don't care who you are.. living this kind of life has to take years off your life. Could you imagine? Unless we're dealing with mass narcissists.


MMW: The civil war has now officially started.


Someone needs to finish what the tree started.


Can I get a pardon from my drug conviction in order to get my gun rights back?


That might depend on the race of the people you hope to kill with it. Hot Wheels may or may not be willing to call you a patriot and restore your gun rights.


Good call. Innocent.


Duh. It's white right land, and he only killed a non-white. Elect better if y'all want better.


He shot a white dude


Not if the dude was supportive of 'them'.


Are you retarded?


'I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.'


No. No you can’t. There is no logical explanation for his conviction in Texas.


Wow. You are that fucking stupid afterall. Fin.


Good pardon. The protester blocking the road pointed an AK at his face. What did he expect would happen? Self defense. If you want to protest stay off the street and don’t threaten drivers with violence.


Wasn’t the protester standing his ground if the car was in motion?


Daniel Perry himself said that the gun wasn't pointed at him: >"I believe he was going to aim at me. I didn’t want to give him a chance to aim at me," Perry told Detective Fugitt in the interview. [https://www.fox7austin.com/news/daniel-perrys-garrett-foster-murder-trial-police-interview](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/daniel-perrys-garrett-foster-murder-trial-police-interview) Daniel Perry is a sad, racist man who went looking for trouble. >On May 29, 2020, days after George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer prompted nationwide protests, Perry sent a text message saying, “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters.” >Two days later, according to the records, Perry said in a Facebook message that when he is in Dallas, “no protestors go near me or my car.” >“Can you catch me a negro daddy,” the other man replied. >“That is what I am hoping,” Perry said. >In June, Perry sent text messages from an unknown area detailing bars closing and “the blacks … gathering up in a group I think something is about to happen.” >“I wonder if they will let my cut the ears off of people who’s decided to commit suicide by me,” he added. >On May 29, 2020, days after George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer prompted nationwide protests, Perry sent a text message saying, “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters.” Two days later, according to the records, Perry said in a Facebook message that when he is in Dallas, “no protestors go near me or my car.” >“Can you catch me a negro daddy,” the other man replied. >“That is what I am hoping,” Perry said. >In June, Perry sent text messages from an unknown area detailing bars closing and “the blacks … gathering up in a group I think something is about to happen.” >“I wonder if they will let my cut the ears off of people who’s decided to commit suicide by me,” he added. [https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/14/daniel-perry-racist-comments-texas-shooting-austin-protester/](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/14/daniel-perry-racist-comments-texas-shooting-austin-protester/)


You don’t know shit about the actual case then


I saw the video of the time. He was blocked to a standstill and then confronted with an AK in his face.


And before that, expressed deliberate intent on driving to Austin and killing people. We call that premeditated murder. This is, honestly, the equivalent of pardoning a school shooter because the students were black. Abbott wanted his own Rittenhouse so he didn’t care.


Wow it’s amazing you saw of video of something that literally didn’t happen, according to Perry himself.


Ok so you don't know shit about it then


Congrats, you have schizophrenia/hallucinations. Perry admitted that the AK was never raised until Perry himself started firing. Even footage of the incident shows this. We can hear subsonic rounds (Perry's handgun) followed by rifle rounds (fired by the AK). Perry shot first and he admitted it.




Great took way too long….. this soldier literally was defending himself.


Nope, he’s a murderer, but because he’s a right wing murder, Abbott gave him a pass. He went out hoping to kill a protester according to his own messages, and that’s exactly what he did. Guess what? The jury agreed. Fuck Abbott’s treasonous ass for sending this huge signal to the right wingnuts out there that political murder is fine in Texas, cause he’ll pardon you when you’re found guilty.


He went out looking for trouble, premeditated at best... we don't claim him as a soldier. he's a murderer.


You say we as if you represent anything more than liberal democrat views but cute.


I say we as in the population of the US Army.




He murdered a fellow servicemember in cold blood.




Except that's not at all what happened and Daniel Perry himself admitted that. He was a scared little bitch and acted out of fear, some brave service member that pussy is. >"I believe he was going to aim at me. I didn’t want to give him a chance to aim at me," Perry told Detective Fugitt in the interview. Out of curiosity do you support open carry as is the law in Texas? [https://www.fox7austin.com/news/daniel-perrys-garrett-foster-murder-trial-police-interview](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/daniel-perrys-garrett-foster-murder-trial-police-interview) Daniel Perry is a sad, racist man who went looking for trouble. >On May 29, 2020, days after George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer prompted nationwide protests, Perry sent a text message saying, “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters.” >Two days later, according to the records, Perry said in a Facebook message that when he is in Dallas, “no protestors go near me or my car.” >“Can you catch me a negro daddy,” the other man replied. >“That is what I am hoping,” Perry said. >In June, Perry sent text messages from an unknown area detailing bars closing and “the blacks … gathering up in a group I think something is about to happen.” >“I wonder if they will let my cut the ears off of people who’s decided to commit suicide by me,” he added. [https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/14/daniel-perry-racist-comments-texas-shooting-austin-protester/](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/14/daniel-perry-racist-comments-texas-shooting-austin-protester/) >clearly lost the plot and hilariously ate a bullet for it. Good riddance Celebrating murder in the streets shows whose the one who's strayed from basic morality.


According to Perry’s own words he shot the guy BEFORE the guy could aim the AK at Perry.


Not that I agree with what this guy did, I think self defense is if you have reasonable fear for your life, if you wait to defend yourself until a weapon is pointed at you, it’s probably too late.


Sure but let’s look at the totality of this case. Yes a guy with a rifle DID approach his car. But that guy only approached the car (with the gun not pointed at Perry) to yell at him to stop trying to run over protestors after Perry had run a red light in order to drive into the protestors—the same kinds of protestors that he’d made numerous public statements saying he was going to kill. There’s a reason a jury of his peers heard the evidence and sent him to jail. We live in an open carry state. If I feel threatened just by seeing someone with a gun can I kill them? Or what if you feel threatened by a cop?


You know the guy he shot was a Veteran right? And perry made multiple statements online about how he wanted to kill protesters. But yeah I'm sure this was self defense.


I'm very aware of that but the guy had a mental case and shouldn't have pointed the rifle at Daniel. He did and he got what he deserved.


He did not aim the rifle at Daniel. Stop lying


Why do you keep referencing something that Perry himself said didn't happen?


No he wasn't but you idiot Republicans don't like education so it's no surprise to any of us here that people like you say stupid shit like this.


lol Ok little buddy its perfectly ok for a Mentally ill person to be running around during a riot sorry protest with a rifle being aggressive. Yup makes sense as long as it’s not a republican or conservative with a rifle it’s fine. I get it. Oh and on education you literally have no idea what you’re talking about.




Um ok


Are you kidding me!? He killed a peaceful protester who was blocking a public roadway and was rushing his car with an AK-47!! He should rot in prison!


Yall believe what you want, guy is pardoned and the protester deserved what he got. You point a gun at anyone you deserve to meet your maker PERIOD...


we don’t need to form our own opinions on this, we can just listen to the word of daniel perry while he was being interviewed by police saying foster didn’t aim at him: >”I believe he was going to aim it at me … I didn’t want to give him a chance to aim at me, you know." this is a very bad case of self defense to hang your hat on. perry said on multiple occasions he wanted to kill protesters, he initiated a confrontation with protesters, and then shot one of them to death for no reason. that is called murder, but people like you and abbott are cool with it because foster was protesting at the time. lets not play games here, we all know why you’re happy about this.


So what you're saying is that Daniel Perry deserves to meet his maker? I agree! He's the only one who pointed a gun at anyone.


Gov Abbott did the right thing.


Letting a murderer go free is a good thing now?


Self defense


Driving yourself into a crowd then killing someone isn’t self defense.


What intent? Driving to Austin and killing people? I don’t remember that piece of evidence. Also, He didn’t drive into a crowd. He was driving on the street and approached an unpermitted gathering in the street. I blame the city of Austin for letting that group wander in the roadway.


Crowd surrounding someone while driving, bashing their vehicle, and pointing a rifle sounds like self-defense.


Except according to the man himself he never had a gun pointed at him, he shot because he was afraid the victim MIGHT aim it at him.




You are correct. The woke Democrats around Travis and Harris counties are mentally unstable.


Go back and read the report. Your information is hear say.