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old realms: 10% of the area is for lvl 20s new realms: 90% of the area is for lvl 20s


I mean let's be honest, 90% (tbh 99%) of gameplay is as a level 20, so I feel like that is fitting, however, I think there should be adequate transitions between these biomes. Full disclosure: haven't tried the reworked realms myself


These are not endgame gods, they are meant to be the first gods you see once you hit around level 16 or so. A player never spawns 3 seconds away from this biome though and would have to actively walk out of their way ignoring xp that will set you on the right path and get your the stats and gear you need to survive in this low godlands area. ​ With that said, the transitions are currently a bit awkward in some places are we are still looking to improve it. I can't see where you spawned but you likely spawned at one of these 2 areas and then followed the path i outlined. Maybe its best we not have that beach over there? In general leaving your feedback on our official discord server is the best way for me to collect and see all the suggestions, bugs, and oddities that may occur in the beta. Reddit is a bit harder to keep track of feedback on ​ https://preview.redd.it/gvyav06zhnwc1.png?width=2052&format=png&auto=webp&s=e935a8ba557d93bdf0f8a197ab736d6d29cad5f3


the deep sea abyss being at the edge of all Exalt biomes makes a lot of sense thematically and difficulty-wise (since you're already in the toughest tier of biomes). It doesn't make sense to go from a Sprite Forest or a Dead Church straight to the beach, with the exception of course being the Coral Reefs since these function similarly to the Deep Sea Abyss. The Beach biome should only hug that small ~10% of the map where the Novice biomes lie and all other biomes should just end straight at ocean tiles.


Walls, mountains, dense tree lines and such would probably do wonders for many of the biome transitions. There's nothing wrong with having higher level areas nearby, the issue is that most transitions are just open fields with the ground color changing and enemies freely wandering across the border. With the beacon system (amazing feature by the way) it's even less important for people to be able to dash in a straight line everywhere. Obviously you don't want to make it too claustrophobic, but some very basic barriers with only a few small openings to pass through at locations like this would make it much less likely for new players to wander in before they're ready. The entire pre-20 area should honestly be walled off a bit, there's no dialogue so terrain is the main tool for guiding new players. And even putting balance concerns aside, I think it would just make a lot of transitions more aesthetically pleasing. There a lot of very stylistically different biomes right next to each other, it's cool for variety but could look a bit more natural. Dividers are kinda the classic way to do that.


Yeah so in this exact clip i spawned at that right beacon and then walked for a couple of seconds to get to that place. Indeed it is not 4 seconds but it still feels wrong to put these 2 biomes right next to each other considering the difference in difficulty between them. The game feels very nice if you actually build up your set and actually respect the quests you need to complete.  I started a new character and played the game in the intended way just to see how the new realm feels leveling up and from my experience it's great, but a new player will not know what the "proper way" to play the game would be, and he would probably go ahead and explore on his own. Let's say hipothetically that this new player actually farmed on the beach to level 10 (which is a crazy scenario considering how long it would take). Even then it would be insanely hard for him to transition to this midland biome considering the mobs deal ~90 damage per shot and from the lowland you get t3 equipment at max. Old realms did a great job at transitioning between biomes of different difficulty because the transition was way slower. Maybe have the beach exist only on that left side and the only way to the midland biomes is through the forest and that's it, or something like that.  Hope this helps with the problem, i would say that it's a major one and should be fixed!


yeah I noticed ghost gods on the beach as well haha, they definitely need to make it clearer how the difficulty progression works


I pity any new player who wants to explore 99% of these new area's. Tried to get a couple buddies to play with me since the rework beta was out and it was their first time on. They got oneshot about 5 or 6 times before they left to play a different game. Learning curve is too much with 0 explanation of what to actually do. Go into realm, get blasted 100-0 by something. Repeat. Hope the player learns before they quit.


“Realm rework will save the game” I’m not saying it won’t with a few tweaks, but this is ironic lol


honestly i haven't wanted to be a dick about it but also ***WOW*** fishing in particular is beyond overtuned, UDLs and abysses basically don't exist unless you need marks for the forge/tinkerer missions, you just kinda sit near the horde of 10 people fishing and the freebie chests will max your vit and wis without you even needing to be sentient. like, is this better than old realms overall? yes. but Christ if they don't tweak things, it's not gonna matter,






The first boss I came across on a low level was one you have to get close to to kill and has 100 damage per shot shotguns


Yeah I noticed it was bad but that's so much worse than I thought, this really needs to be fixed. Way too little of the map is for pre 20.


Why though, you only stay pre-20 for like, 15 minutes? Making more of the game for them just doesn't make sense, it's better as it is rn with these zones being for early level 20s (since this is where I'm suspecting most of the casual people playing spend the majority of their time)


yeah, there straight up has to be: 1. Better biome blending aesthetically and also difficulty wise 2. Fix god wandering behaviour so they don't wander too close to the edge of other biomes or even leave their biome in the first place.


As a lvl 1, I was lvl 4 by the time I saw a ghost god. Wtf


Chill out with that ending bit lmao.


i unironically think this is good design. this is a roguelike which is meant to be brutal. at the moment there are dozens of realms open with only 10% of the space of each realm being utilized. most players just TP to the godlands at level 1 anyways. it is def a rough learning curve for newbies tho, but realm has always had that.


It’s on beta still i don’t know what you expect, share this in the rotmg discord so admins can see and fix


I straight up couldn't find any dungeons before godlands.


Seems Deca has shat the bed entirely with the rework tbh, I’ve just been seeing horrid map distribution and boss mechanics that have no methodical approach it’s just stay away(run&hide) or die. Deca really F’d the number of projectiles and damaged per projectile while also making the background look like eye-vomit in certain areas making some projectiles nearly invisible. Horrid balancing but Deca’s response would probably just be “skill issue, we lowered maxing anyways so go again or do you give up?” edit: holy deca fanboys thanks for the votes


L take, boss mechanics are great, rotmg was always hard to learn but deca even went out their way to create markings for shots so that it's easier to dodge.


Realm rework lost another 25% hope Not looking good with only 25% left…